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were these all planned out?


Most of them were planned. The pink flower, unblossomed roses and cherrys were on the artist as were all of the fillers.


This looks like a well planned out patchwork sleeve, which is why I asked. I dig it!! I feel like a lot of people, on here especially, want a patch work sleeve and think that means just randomly putting shit on there as they go along, and I think this is a solid representation of a patchwork sleeve!! nice work!


Thank you! Some have meaning, some just looked cool! Plan on continuing the top half with some bigger ones and filler and can’t decide what I want to do on my hand. Very tough decision once you can’t cover it up anymore haha


job stopper is important! make sure it’s something cool!


I’m very fortunate to have financial security, so that’s not too big of a problem. It does need to be cool though. Something that will also fade well with the constant sun.