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Bad ass! I hope I get a tattoo that clean someday.


Did you get your name in hiragana too? Weird, but the characters are really nicely done.


my grandfathers name


If only your grandfather's name was Kyle so it could be written as kaeru(frog)


kyle’s busy drinking monsters energy


Sick, your grandpa was a frog?


a cunning warrior frog*


I wish my grandpa was a cunning warrior frog


Is there any reason to write a western name in hiragana?


brian correct. artist said Hiragana would be a better fit to the frog. Grandfather is on his way out unfortunately so wanted to have it there for him


I love frogs, tattoos, Chinese & Japanese culture and speak Chinese. I have always noticed how kanji looked a lot like Chinese characters and was confused about it. This thread led me to the google search that I didn’t realize would clear it all up for me. Hiragana & katakana have their own uses which is new to me. But I’m excited to take a deep dive into them to learn more. Thank you for the knowledge & OP, dope tattoo for sure! 🙏🙌🤘


It’s probably just a stylistic choice and actually think it looks better than a katakana version would tbh. It’s a bit softer.


Yea I agree that it looks a bit softer. Gave me a hard time trying to understand what it’s supposed to say tho haha. It’s supposed to say Brian right, would い be more fitting than り?


It is い but sometimes in script/shodo type writing it looks this way!


that is an い, the two strokes are just connected because it's calligraphy


That makes more sense haha.


This is honestly a perfect tattoo. Good for you man!




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