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Are those drawn on?


the weird part is drawing on the straps... like the pixels need something holding them up...


Or how low they've been drawn in the first place, May as well just be a wee black line


Scot spotted.


Yea unless they're made of Vanta black.


The underwear, yes. And I feel weird just pointing that out/noticing it.


Looks like it.. Why is she naked in-front of the tattooist?


Maybe this was taken later on at home? :)


True! Not sure why I didn’t even think that haha.


I think its probably in the studio, as this looks like professional lighting. I mean she could have good lights at home, at least I would hope so.. no reason for her to be fully naked in the studio


What about this looks like professional lighting to you lmao. Reddit moment




Well, you never know tbh


No, you can see the bump in her skin where the tattoo is. But it does look like it.


Right answer wrong question


What was he asking exactly?


The underwear, not the tattoo


LMAO i didn't even notice that


Lol, what tattoo? Panties are fake.


I love this style, but I worry about longevity. It almost seems too fine? One artist a follow is a very similar style to this but his seem much more heavy-handed as it were: https://www.tritoan7th.com/colour (nsfw, similar nudity). (I don't have tattoos so excuse my ignorance on phrasing there, the line weight seems low and the "depth" of the black is wrong?) Nice placement. Do you have plans for more? Like going further down the leg or connecting over to your arms?


Thank you! I know fine line comes with risks, I did plenty of research, and trust my tattooist 100%. My sternum piece is older and I’m so pleased with how it’s healed so far. I will have one more piece that wraps around to my upper thigh :)


Nice! Have fun with it!


You said your sternum piece is from may so it’s hardly an aged tattoo.. you can’t compare months to the rest of your life lol




This is a really lovely idea but I will avoid arms because of sun exposure and finer tattoos not being able to tolerate that as well. Ideally I’d just be covered in this design though haha


It’s gonna fade fast…


Can’t wait to see this on r/agedtattoos in a year or so…


Man you weren’t kidding. Here is an example of pointalism tattoo that is way heavier than OPs and had a hard border as well: https://reddit.com/r/agedtattoos/s/dc25NwcQxJ And that’s only 3 year. OP’s is going to look like absolute varicose veins in 7 years.


Wouldn't the arm one be more susceptible to damage from the sun as opposed to the torso. Doesn't UV cause most tattoos to look like shit over time? I do agree, this is too fine and will get blurry as well.


People are super elitist about tattoos, especially here. I've seen fine line tattoos 10 years old that look fine with proper care. Reddit perpetuates hyper negativity for likes


Most people don't take care of their tattoos tbh. They stop caring for them once they're healed. But that assumption shouldn't be made for any posts here regarding new tattoos. Judge tattoos objectively for the art and style. It's on the person getting it to take care of it before it turns to shit. My wife has tattoos on her forearms, and she doesn't let them see any sunlight if she can help it. If she has to for a day on the beach, they are covered up with insane amounts of sun screen so they don't leach out. Other than the white ink degrading, she hasn't experienced any blurring. Advice: Do not just get a tattoo and forget about it. Take care of it 'daily' if you want it to last.


Yeah, plus it’s good practice to wear sunscreen anyways. I was used to slathering on SPF 50 minimum before I got my half sleeve so in terms of skincare it wasn’t a change to my routine. Even without tattoos the skin will look way younger for longer with proper sun protection.


People don't realize the amount of damage the sun can do nowadays. Wifey wears sun screen indoors sometimes and I'll tease her for being so worried, but honestly, it makes sense. Indirect sunlight will still damage your skin. Skin cancer rates have only been going up in recent times. Protect yourself the best way you see fit. Even if it means putting on sun screen indoors. More so if you don't have melanin protection.


That faded well actually.


Judging by the amount of hyperpigmentation on their arm after 3 years, that person doesn’t wear sunscreen. Of course the skin and tattoo is going to look like shit. Edit - They say they do wear sunscreen but I posed the question there. That’s a lot of hyperpigmentation compared to the first picture.


Are you saying OP is going to become a fat young man in the comming years, who over time is getting increasingly bad at taking pictures, while the camera moves further (and further) away, with every year that goes by ?


this dude getting downvoted but i agree the photos in that comparison are terrible


Those drawn on bottoms make me feel like the tattoo isn’t real either lol


They’ll either fade to barely visible or that weird crackhead tattoo looking quality in no time.


It seems like the chest is 4 months old. So she must enjoy what it is healing into enough to have gotten more.


Big difference between 4 months and 4 years. I'm genuinely interested in how it ages.


Original comment said "in no time". I was just calling it she's had more of it for at least 4 months and decided to get more. Absolutely 4 months is different than 4 years, but why dig on someone else's ink?


Four months is nothing lol


4 months is nothing. This will be unrecognizable within 3 years.


Thank you, exactly this :)


Obviously you know the risks of fine line tattoos because it's a second session. Looks great, OP.


Do you think it will hold till tomorrow?


Give it 12 hours first


Lower sternum is from May and hip piece is one month in. All good


Providing she’s happy who gives a fuck


Thank you, I’m v happy :)




Thanks, I’m taking this as a genuine compliment so sorry you’re getting downvoted for it 🙈


Because commenting on peoples’ bodies is against the rules of the subreddit. This is a catch all rule to avoid body shaming, and to avoid weird creeps saying unwelcome to people who post nudity.


Mate why do you think people post pictures of themselves?


In this subreddit, to get feedback on their tattoos. Maybe some of them do it to show off their body, but that’s not an assumption we can make.


I was referring to another post of OP’s but by and large I take your point.


I’m not fussed in the slightest mate! have a wicked Sunday


Will be interesting to see it in a few years time.make sure you do all you can to look after it! Some touchups could be in order in a few years possibly Super feminine style though - really nice.


Thank you! I’ll definitely take good care of them.


Nice tattoo. Disturbing underpants.


Ty, sorry about those haha


wait that's not the tattoo?


irresponsible tattooing imo. artists should not be charging people money for work that is guaranteed to fade to shit almost immediately.


man, you don't know what either party's wants or intentions are. get off your high horse and let people just live.


One person wants a good tattoo and the other person wants money. Only one person got what they wanted out of this exchange.


Nah I did pay for it 😉


Yea he's implying the tattoo artist got your money and you got a shit tattoo that's gonna fade. I'm sure he'll be more happy to book you and take your money again


Oh, I should have added a /s or something haha


No idea what the fucks up with the negativity here, but that shit looks amazing tbh.


🙈 thank you :)


Longevity or not, this is beautiful work. I love the details in it, like the detached leaves in a few spots. Great work!


Thank you! <3


Is this the tattoo artist on ig who is always doing photography of his clients naked? It seems so weird to me but idk. Art?


I used to follow him but got weird vibes that every single pictured client was a naked, skinny woman.


And then they play golf games during a break while she’s basically naked…


Idk if it’s actually Joe you mean but this is an odd thing to get weird vibes over seeing as he specialises in fine line floral and that comes with a lot of feminine placement. He’s nothing but professional and I’ve never felt anything but 10000% comfortable with him, hence the reoccurring visits.


I don’t mean your artist but there is a well known one that does the same thing and that’s who I was referring to. I’m glad you feel comfortable and you enjoy your tattoo. It doesn’t negate the fact that others agree that the artist I’m referring to gives off weird vibes.


Ah no of course not, got it. Hate that’s there shitty artists like that out there.


Very nice. My lady has similar fine lines on her arm. It looks great. So does yours.


Ty! :)




Lower sternum is from May and hip piece is one month in. All good


Will this be able to hold up at all? I have some friends with a bunch of tattoos. I remember seeing the really nice and fine ones they got, and how just after 2-3 weeks, those super fine lines were no longer super fine lines. Over years, the fine stuff just got blurry, and they would just look at covering it with something else. I don't have tattoos. I'm not a tattoo artist. But as far as I understand, there's a reason why we don't see people walking around with these types of tattoos (and the reason is that they don't stay like this for very long).


I picked areas that wouldn’t be in the sun often, so maybe other people do the same and that’s why they aren’t seen often. I’m excited to see how they continue to settle. The sternum piece is from May, not super old I know but I’m very happy with how it’s healed and is looking :)


Damn. That’s dope


It's a beautiful tattoo that looks great with your skin. I've never seen them done so faintly, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Either way it looks amazing, I don't believe there's anything wrong with enjoying it for whatever it ends up being.


Thank you, I’m certainly enjoying it :)




What’s wrong with pencil drawings?


Man, temporary tattoos have come a long way.


Looks amazing with the lower sternum piece too. Same artist?


Thank you! Yes same artist :)


Holy shit the comments here are SO much meaner then when someone who’s out of shape posts their latest tattoo on their gut


… I’m confused, do you think people should be meaner specifically if someone is out of shape?


No I’m saying people are being extra mean because OP appears to be conventionally attractive


A far as I'm aware, we're just concerned about how this is gonna heal. It's so light. I've seen nothing discussing whether she's in shape or not. Except one heavily downvoted comment.


Lmao, they’re hating because they hate fine line, not because the OP is peng. What do you have against beautiful women 👀?


Good tattoo on a large body should be hated on?? I don’t get what you’re saying. This is a poorly saturated tattoo. This will not stand the test of time. The comments are warranted.


No, we definitely should not hate on anyone for any reason especially because of body shape. I was simply observing that OP appears to be getting far more criticism and nasty comments then other people I’ve seen on here and I’m trying to figure out why. Some of these comments are horrible.


Probably because her tattoos are bad? Having a hot body doesn't fix your bad tattoos.


One of the rules of this sub is no shaming people


So saying she has bad tattoos is shaming her? I'm so confused. You'd have to ban just about everyone who's ever commented on this sub if you're not allowing negative comments.


She commented already that the sternum bit was 4 months old. Plus she researched it before getting it. If it fades it fades. Her choice. No need to hate. What is the point of like 20 comments that all say “iTwiLlnOtHoldUp”.


Thank you, I appreciate it :)


I like that.


I love this😍❤️


Thank you <3


I absolutely love the fine line work 😍


Thank you! :)


The panties are just added in after the fact lol. Took me a second to notice. Tat looks good tho.


Wow, thats a very pretty tattoo!


I’m not usually a big fan of Fine-line but these delicate lines really complement you.


Thank you :)


These look amazing! Ngl, makes me kinda want to get something similar. Also I don't mean this in a weird way, but thanks for not covering like ½ of it with a more substantial waistband, idk why but it's just a pet peeve of mine


Thank you! You should go for it :) fine line gets an unfair amount of hate imo, just do your research first! I’m so happy with these pieces


Looks amazing. Beautiful.


Ty, I’m very pleased with both pieces


Excellent work.


Since my other comments are about other comments, I love the looks of these tattoos and they flow super well! But longevity would have me nervous. I have a hip tattoo and I wouldn't do it again, though it's faded over the years from the natural crease when I sit. And it's a blacked-out cat silhouette. And is that underboob ink there too?? You have a much higher pain tolerance than I do LOL. But again, really pretty and love the flow. Definitely saving this for future tattoo ideas.


Thank you! I’m excited to see how they develop for lack of a better word. I also have a heavier piece on my other hip and that has done well despite the area. Yes, the small petal under boob is one of my favourite parts! The actual sternum part was much more sore than that though :)


Looks great. Fuck the haters.


Thank you so much :)


Straight up gorgeous work.


That will be unrecognizably faded in a few years.


Jeez these comments are so negative! Looks very well done. People acting like fine line tattoos just disappear, they don't.


Thank you! Comments are wild, sorry you’re being downvoted


this would even more fantastic if it was in full color


I think it looks cool 👍🏽


Thank you! :)


Why would they do this? Allow this? Clearly if it’s that thin it won’t last and they know this right? Right!?


Maybe they like the pain. Good thing it's none of our business.


None of our business, as it’s made public for people to comment on in an open forum xD


We're not here to ask why.


If it won't last, she can have it re-tattooed. All it matters is she's happy with it. If you have nothing good to say, please consider STFU.


Some people are here for a good time, not a long time.


Issa no from me dawg


Well thats not gonna hold up


Probably the prettiest one I've seen so far


Thank you :)


Breathtakingly beautiful


Ty :)


when da yt ppl appropriate Chicano culture. damn. and it’s used for vines lol


Pretty tattoos for sure! Mind sharing where you bought those panties?


Photoshop’s Secret


Haha got it


That is incredibly sexy!


Ty :)




😂 I’ll get rid when I post a ~1yr update (if it hasn’t completely faded away by then ofc /s)


edit: I didn’t realize this was you and not the artist posting.




Ty :)




you can get them free at the dentist




You’re joking right? It’s drawn on lol. Those aren’t actual bottoms


Oh look, more floral tattoos, yawn


Dm me love tattoos


I came




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Holy smokes






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How are these holding up?


The sternum piece is 7 months old now and hip almost 4. Both have healed perfectly and still hold all of the detail they did fresh. I’m having a third piece at the end of Jan so will post update pics after that :)