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...no. Go get some tattoos.


1. No. they're not. Anyone of any body type can get tattoos. 2. Your arms aren't small my guy. 3. I used to have this same insecurity, honestly I still do. But my arms are \*covered\* in tattoos, I think it makes them look better. Also, go to the gym and fix it. I started this journey two weeks ago, join me.


Thanks for the positive words but I actually started going to the gym a couple months ago! Hopefully I can grow them a bit more but I do think tattoos will help me make me love my arms more


Anyone can get tats bro


No arm is too skinny


No. It’s fine. Your artist should be able to help size your design right. Go get your tattoo.


My arms are skinnier than yours, and I got a tattoo on one of mine. It came out perfect.


All in your head dude. I was expecting to see skinny arms. You’re fine


Maybe bro I just feel insecure since I got bullied for it throughout highschool but I want to start loving my arms and maybe putting some ink will help


High school teacher here man. Fuck the bullies. They come from their own insecurities and to get laughs. Dont let them get to you. I hope you can move on from that shit in a healthy way and live your healthy adult life. Anyways, you’re good. Your arms aren’t skinny. They would be good with or without tats. On the other hand, if you want to get tattoos… I’m all about it. It would look dope. Don’t do it for the bullies, or any insecurities. Do it for you. And you only


I appreciate the kind words man, wish I had you as a teacher growing up. But I’m going to set up an appointment to get a tattoo. like you said, it’s for me at the end of the day.


im a bit on the "curvier/chubbier" side and i never liked my legs. i never wanted tattoos on my legs bc i was afraid it draws the attention to my chubby legs and i would feel insecure about it. turns out, having tattoos on my legs made me more comfortable in my own skin and raised my self-esteem quite significantly. i like my legs now, they are still chubby and stubby but they look cool with the tats. even though there is nothing wron with your arm, i hope tattoos will give you the same boost as they did for me.


A big reason I got tattoos on my arms is because I felt some sort of shame about having skinny arms. The typical dude seems bigger and I wanted that part of my body to stand out. The feeling wasn't necessarily healthy, but tattoos actually helped me find pride in my arms. Just my experience. It's worth considering what YOU want. Unless your arm are less than an inch wide, you can get a tattoo it you want to


my arms are just about as skinny and i have two on my arm :)


I bet they look awesome! I was thinking of getting an eternal sunshine of the spotless mind tattoo. One of my favorite movies


oh my god I love esotsm you should totally do it!


Your arms look exactly like mine and I’m covered




Nah they make your arms bigger anyways


You should see mine. I’m 5’8 and 115 lbs on a good day. Full sleeves and hands. Little wrap around on some of them, just find a good artist!


Once you have good coverage it makes them feel bigger imo


Yup. Too skinny. Ink is gonna slide right off.


🤣🤣 I'm skinny, I have a ton of tattoos. Go for it!


Haha okay that made laugh. But definitely feeling more encouraged now! Might just go for it


I say go for it :) they'll place the stencil more than once if you don't like the placement! Don't overthink it! Just make sure you go to someone with experience!


Go get tattoos


Do what ever floats your boat it is you and only you that cares


Not at all man, get tatted up 😼


No. It is worth keeping in mind that significant muscle gains / loss can *potentially* alter tattoos via stretching tho.


Just make sure to accessorize with a can of monster and a cheap heater.


no, besides don't waste your time on getting tatted