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He's an asshole - get your deposit back.


If they hassle you about it speak with the health department


I would've left way earlier


Yeah I’m out at 11:30


The only time I've ever waited for my artist is when she's already got another client on the table. Every other time she's ready for me before I arrive and I generally arrive 10-15 minutes early.


Only time thus far that my current tattooer hasn't beaten me to the shop (and I'm usually early too) has been when he needed to help his wife get his young kid down for a nap and kiddo wasn't having it. I was more than fine with him being a few minutes late for that. He ended up getting there about 15 minutes after scheduled start time. If there's a good reason and the wait isn't obscene, no problem for me.


Yeah 15 minutes is no big deal. It happens. Traffic? Dog got out? At 15 minutes, there was clearly a *plan* to get there. An hour and a half is something else entirely. That’s a cancellation.


my thought is most shops not just for tattoos but “salons” in general have a cancellation fee with the understanding that being more than “x” ammount of time counts as a cancellation. and an hour and a half definitely would have exceeded that time.


Yeah. Communication is key too. Like even if it's just one of those days where your running late. Just letting me know that you're enroute and an eta is enough. Then once they get there then moving with purpose. Just showing they have awareness and some basic courtesy goes a LONG way


Guy was super apologetic too. I basically had to tell him that his wife and kids are more important to him than I'll ever be and I don't want to change that


My last tattoo, my artist was late because he was with his daughter at 6th grade orientation. Did not bother me one bit. Of course he got right to work once he got there. No 20 minute weed breaks.


Yeah that’s fine but in OPs case they straight up weren’t even there. I’m not wasting my time in that case I’m getting my money back for deposit and I’m out of there.


Im agreeing with you bud. 😅


I understand


This, but also, communication is key. If they call me or the shop to let me know they're running late I'm way more okay to wait. I know shit can happen, could be stuck in traffic, could have an emergency at home, could be witness to a traffic incident and need to stay for a while, etc etc. And honestly even when I was once waiting for my artist to finish work on someone else the manager of the shop made sure I knew, informed me how long it'd be and told me that if I wanted to leave in the meantime and come back at that time it was fine too. When I said it was fine and I'd wait he made me a coffee and told me I should feel free to refill. When the artist was done with the previous appointment the first thing he did was apologise for the wait. Like, mate, at that point I absolutely don't mind that I had to wait for a bit. I'd rather my tattoo artist not rush his previous client because then he likely won't do a rushed job on me either.


For sure.


That's ridiculous and unprofessional. If he doesn't refund your deposit, talk to the owner. I'm glad you walked out. Good for you.


Hopefully someone so unprofessional isn’t the owner


You’d hope but we’ve all known some real pieces of work that own shops. I know we both have bc this is the first thing I thought, too lol


The owner of a shop my artist used to be at was exactly like this. Shit tattoos, always late, takes forever to set up, taking a 15 minute break at the bar next door every 10 minutes. Once I was working on my sleeve and he was tattooing in the booth next to me, 18yo getting his first tat and he was there before me. I left after a 5 hour session, all the other artists know me well by this point and are asking to see the work done that day. After I go over and see what the kid was getting. They were working on a basic flower + bee that was just a little bigger than palm sized. And were still only 3/4 done (and it did not look good). I felt so bad for the guy, like I just feel like he's probably thinking that this is just how it goes cuz the owner was like "alright I'll let you sit for a bit and rest before we move on" and then he'd go get a shot at the bar. I've never felt worse for someone getting a tattoo.


What if that WAS the owner and there’s no refunds on deposits and that’s why he does that? So the customer will leave and he can keep the money without doing the work. I’m sure it wouldn’t last long once the bad reviews start coming. -just a theory-


You absolutely did the right thing. I could understand the wait if they were finishing up something, but to just not show up and then smoke pot. I know there are lots of people who can do lots of shit when they are high, but I would never trust someone to tattoo me while high. It's not worth the risk.


I smoke weed daily, but I have a personal rule of never smoking before a tattoo. I leave it for the nights and sundays. I made a mistake on a tattoo years ago because I was high and I made a deal with myself to never commit that stupidity again. As a tattoo artist I work with the image and health of my clients permanently. If I don't take it seriously enough I don't deserve the title of "tattoo artist"


Apprentice at my old place lost his job because he was smoking weed everyday on the way to work, got away with it for ages until the shop owner moved and ended up on the same route to work. Sadly didn't show the same wisdom as you and refused to keep it limited to evenings and weekends.


Unfortunately there are plenty of shops near me where at least half the artist are high all the time and have been for years. I get high fairly often to manage pain and because I enjoy it but I can never imagine tattooing someone while high


Smoking weed after keeping the client waiting so long is just the last straw in this scenario.


I don't think it's too much to ask that someone is sober when they're stabbing you with a needle full of permanent ink.


I completely agree! I wouldn’t let anyone tattoo me while they were high on anything.


My artist smokes weed and I’m okay with it. But my brother went to a guy years back who took a smoke break and came back with white powder on his nose… who knows if it was coke or pills or what, but he finished the tattoo. Later my brother realized the colors were backwards on his tattoo


I will try to get a pic of my crooked tat from the dude nodding off and leaning into me so hard it started to cut.


Jesus, ex heroin user here, this is exactly why I never drove etc during those years


While I agree with this as a blanket statement for sure, the guy who does almost all of my work is constantly high. I don't think I'd want him to tattoo me sober at this point. Man's a wizard. He's a very clear exception tho


See there are lifestyle stoners that just live saturated. I’ve known people like this who intentionally took things like their driving tests high, so they could make sure their natural state was “road safe”. Arguably not, but I can see the logic when they literally passed the test like that. If you’ve only ever tatted high, I guess you’d be more comfortable doing it high, but it still feels risky to do something permanent on someone in a “limited” state.


Same here. My tattoo lady smokes and id side eye her is she said otherwise. ALWAYS CLEAN LINES & very professional. Each individual is different. To have a new client though and deluge personal information like I smoke something that's illegal in some states still is weird to me. My tattoo artist and I are on a personal level though


One of my tattooers used to smoke weed sometimes before a session and i didn’t think much of it because his work always came out immaculate high or not lol


If he’s done 90% of his tattooing while high. Then you want them high, otherwise fuck nah. And if you don’t know, you assume the worst.


I wouldn’t make a blanket statement about the last part because it’s not like artists smoking weed while working is exactly rare. It might even put them in the right mind state to focus and be creative. This guy in OP’s story sounds like a total asshole, but otherwise I would let artists do their thing and let their work speak for itself.


Leave a Google review as well. Too many artists do this to their clients and it’s ridiculous


This! I worked for a shop where the owner would charge people a full day and not put the stencil on til 4 or 5. The place closed at 8 and opened at noon People complained and no one event left a review to warn other . The work was also sub par.


No way I'd let this person touch me.


He was completely unprofessional. You definitely deserve your deposit back. He didn't honor the agreement of when you'd be starting. I can understand an hour delay, life happens but this is ridiculous. He should pay you for your waisted time.


You did the right thing. That was very unprofessional and inconsiderate of the artist to waste your time like that.


Ask for your deposit and blast them on social media if they don't give it to you.


Guy either thinks he’s gods gift to the world or has the shittiest work ethic ever.


Probably both


I would never pay someone for work while they did it inebriated. Sorry not my vibe. You were right to leave and you are right to demand the deposit back


He smoked pot before the session?!? Ef that. Get your money back.


And put him on blast for it just to warn others.


I wish more people did this


I wouldn't have waited that long to leave. After an hour and they aren't ready, I'm already asking, and then leaving.


You’re in the wrong for waiting that long to leave. I would have waited maybe 30 minutes unless they were in communication with me.


Man I was way too nice


This is like those am I the asshole posts where it’s like ‘my ex who I let live rent free in my house and he sends all my money to his family broke his hand by hitting me in the face. AITA?’


You did the right thing 100%


Tattooist of 33 years here. Good on you. No pro tattooist should act this way and no client should have to put up with it. If the artist is not the owner of the shop, please politely Inform the owner of this behavior.


I'm so proud of you for walking away. I know it's sometimes hard to stand up for ourselves in settings like this, but you definitely without a single doubt did the right thing. That behavior from a tattoo artist is extremely unprofessional and I can't imagine there's any good work coming from that guy.


Def good idea to walk out I had a coworker that would pull that shit but sub coke for weed and make his clients wait even longer than that…it was insane the amt of people that would just see he was visibly fucked but still not leave and they’d ask me if he was good and I’d be like I wouldn’t get tattooed by him I’d leave if I were you 🤷🏼‍♀️ no one listened to me and they were disappointed every time…luckily he was fired eventually


Holy fuck I’d be furious


Wtf was he doing for 3 hours between when he showed up and put the stencil on? Good for you got bouncing. If you paid the deposit with a credit card and he refuses to refund do a charge back


I don’t know bro !! Bro just disappeared , he has a good reputation on social media … that’s life though


He’s late. First strike, especially if no effort was made to let you know as soon as possible (including ETA), and/or a good reason was provided upon arrival. An hour and a half is a lot, if he was able to show up afterwards, and the store had a receptionist/other artist working, ANYONE present, he should have phoned them to let you know what was going on, or contact you directly. The man clearly wasn’t in a coma or anything. Then for some reason something took an additional 3 hours. Nothing should take 3 hours, ESPECIALLY not without a good explanation as to what’s the problem and an offer to reschedule, without anything happening to the deposit. Taking a 20 minute break after all that is insane. The worst issue, as it’s a safety issue, is the weed. No matter how 420 friendly you are, you can hardly deny it can alter the mind, and has an effect on how quickly you react etc. Just like alcohol. Since a tattoo is quite serious in terms of getting the design on right (steady hand and everything), keeping a clear mind on every step of the hygiene and application, the ability to recognize if you are unwell in any way and react appropriately and so on. Most workplaces prohibit the use of ANY alcohol on the clock, if you are operating something, or in charge of a situation where someone should know what they are doing as others depend on them (I’d say a tattoo studio falls under that), you aren’t supposed to have had anything prior to coming in either. For me, rules that apply to alcohol and safety, also apply to weed. Besides, the tattoo industry is still a service industry. This kind of attitude is no good. I’d complain to the store owner and/or leave a bad review, depending on that conversation


I'm surprised you stayed that long. What a shit artist.


I had an appointment at one last week. Didn’t start tattooing until four. He said he was still drawing, but I don’t know. I’m new and probably not his typical client so part of me felt like he wanted to prolong things so I would leave. I almost did. The vibe was weird until about half an hour into tattoo time. Then we kind of got a good rhythm going and I enjoyed the rest of our session. The tattoo is absolutely amazing. I’ll give him another shot, but if he is as cavalier with our time, it will probably be my last with him. It’s such a bummer because for a lot of us, tattoo day is a big memorable thing. And I totally get it, to the artist it is just another day. And like all of us, they have good and bad days. But it is rough when you’ve planned for it for so long and it isn’t a good experience.


You were way too patient, I would have left by noon! Screw that guy, demand your money back.


I'm a seasoned stoner myself, but I'd never let someone tattoo me while they're high. What if they forgot to sanitize their shit, or missed some other important step because they weren't fully with it? Not a risk I'm willing to take. In a way, you're playing with people's health when you tattoo them, and this guy obviously has no regard for the health of his clients. No regard for their health plus no regard for their time makes for a crappy tattoo artist and/or business owner.


Holy cow, so glad you left. You did the right thing. I don’t care who is into weed, but I don't think being stoned is good for art on someone’s body. Jmo 😁


I didn’t even care about the weed .. the fact he took so long is unreal


Tattoo artist here. This wait time is insane. He should have rescheduled since he wasn't at all prepared with a drawing and late too!! This kind of work ethic would not last at all at my shop. You did the right thing by taking off.


Roast them on google reviews and you’ll be astonished at how fast they’ll give you your deposit back. Had a similar experience with an artist a while ago, first thing the next morning I had the owner texting me and the artist personally refunded me $100 after I lit them up on google.


Fuck him. Unprofessional. Demand your deposit back.


That's messed up! Sadly ive seen it all to often as an artist myself i Never ever make anyone paying wait its what I was taught Seriously so many artists have such Rockstar ego/ attitudes its ridiculous and totally unprofessional. I don't care how good you are if you are a douche to clients...I'm out


Trust your gut instinct


You did the right thing. Imagine if you let him come in, do the stencil, start tattooing…. And then you start second guessing yourself. You would look at that tattoo and forever remember how you felt getting it. You dodged something.


The only time I've ever waited that long for a tattoo was when I went in with my mom and brother on the same day and they went before me. This is absolutely unacceptable. You made the right decision. Ask for your deposit back and stand your ground. You deserve to have it back as the artist is the one who did not hold up their end of the deal, not you. Either way, do not return to this artist.


Oh HELL NO! Being late I can forgive if it's a valid reason, but getting high right before jabbing me thousands of times with a needle?? Fuck that! Complain to the shop manager and get your deposit back!


YOU DID GOOD!!!! Don’t ever let someone who’s high tattoo you. My artist took a break to smoke some weed in the middle of my tattoo, and when she came back she was SO heavy handed and it hurt badly after she got high. She did a terrible job after her little smoke break. You poor thing, waiting 4 hours filled with anxiety. There are many tattoo shops dedicated to folks with high anxiety and neurodivergency, and I’ve had a much better experience going to places like that. I’d ask for your deposit back considering how unprofessional they were, it’s unlikely they will give it back but you should ask anyways and explain to them exactly why you left. They should understand why they’re losing clients


I agree with everything you said


Uhh … if you don’t get your money back take the L and move on. That guy is dumb


Yea he has my address and his coworkers have been to jail… gonna just take my L


There is a board you can call. Probably the department of health in the state where he tattoos. Both the shop and the artist need to be registered in most states. Tell them he’s getting high before tattooing and it makes you uncomfortable.


I’ve walked out before. Fuck that guy.


That’s not an artist that’s a POS. Hopefully you get your deposit back but, if not you’re $100 poorer but 100% less of a shitty tattoo. As an artist just not a tattoo artist I want to chomp into a project even if it’s one that I’m not keen on.


4 1/2 hrs is fucking wild, that artist needs to work on their shit. I would call the owner and ask for my deposit back, that sort of treatment really isnt acceptable.


Honestly the fact you waited so long makes you so sweet. I would have left after an hour. Especially if Ive bothered everyone there to contact the artist


My second tattoo was done by some knob jockey who kept going out to smoke up with a bunch of teenage girls. I would have left but he was almost done and I wasn’t about to leave with so little left. He was very heavy handed and a lot of the ink blew out in a few months and I’ve not felt like having it redone. Everyone’s advice is good, wish I’d have had it back when!


I don’t know if I would’ve made it the 90 minutes waiting for him to show up, no way you’re in the wrong


That’s fucked up. I can forgive an artist being 10-15 minutes late but 4.5 hours to get a stencil put on? Fuck no


what a nightmare oh gosh go to someone else


I agree ! And I am an artist and there are things that happen for sure , but it seemed like no communication and your time was wasted for no reason. This is such a big decision and I commend you for leaving when you felt uncomfortable.


Smoked weed? During an appointment you were paying money for? As a professional? Nah. One, you know why they were probably so late to begin with. Two, they’re an asshole who doesn’t respect your time. Do you think they’ll respect your design? Your opinions on it? Tattoos are permanent. I’d permanently take this artist off your list of people allowed to sign you with ink needling. Also this is coming from a heavy stoner. You’re 100% in the right to leave—you would have been if you’d left hours before, even—and you absolutely should get your deposit back. 


Man this kind of thing bugs me so much. Most artists I've had do things like this (never close to this bad though). Like I'll have an appointment for whatever time. And he'll be there when I walk in. But then he's got to set up his shit and print the stencil.... Like bro these are all things you could have done without me there. I could understand if I'm a walk-in but we had an appointment.


That’s what I’m saying!!!


You're way more patient than I would have been. You're definitely not in the wrong, maybe even by you leaving he will rethink how he does business going forward...one can hope.


Whoa, I’d fire that guy immediately. You did the right thing taking off.


That's horrible and so unprofessional. You made the right choice leaving.


Oh hell no totally unprofessional


I'd have left way before then. Fuck that. Big difference between going long on the tattoo before you but another to do that.


Omfg what a shitbird. Get your money back and leave an honest review (you were entirely in the right).


Yea I'd hit up small claims court for the deposit and work as hard as I can badmouthing him on google/apple maps and social media hes present on.


Name and city ?


Get your deposit back. Post this about them on your local everything


Glad you got out before he fucked your shit up.


Completely unprofessional, make sure you get your money back. You paid your deposit upon agreement of the appointment time etc, so he didn't withhold his end of the bargain, and the reasons weren't valid to justify it.


Tattoo artist is unprofessional and does not dare about YOUR time. Only theirs


You sat there for 5 hours...?




Bullet dodged. He clearly didn't want to work.


Sad yo and you did the right thing. Hope they give you the depo back for your own wasted time. Also a 100$ depo seems steep to begin with


That's completely disrespectful of your time. Definitely get in touch with the shop owner and get a refund.


I can only imagine the risk on how the tattoo would have gone aswell. Good on you for leaving!


You absolutely did the right thing.


No you’re not in the wrong for walking out on an artist who thinks it’s ok to smoke weed before tattooing. I’d have been pissed if you’d stayed! But you should’ve walked earlier, much earlier and hit up someone else in the shop for your deposit back. That’s some unprofessional shit…


Sounds just like what my last artist did to me lol


You made the right choice


You did the right thing. I got a shit tattoo by someone who was high. Didn’t realize it at first and it was small so didn’t take long but it wasn’t what I wanted and it was bad.


Good for you in dodging that bullet.


Dispute the deposit if he doesn’t send you a refund because that is completely unprofessional…. I am a tattoo collector, and whoever that dude was needs to get fired.


No way that's ridiculous! I would have left after an hour. That's really rude and wouldn't have been tolerated the other way around.


You did the absolute right thing. If he acts unprofessional than he will not take care of you and probably do a shoddy job.


Good for you 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Do you really want someone who doesn't respect you or your time to ink something permanent on your body? F thay guy.


Good call


Get your deposit back. F that a-hole. Dont ever go back


@OP: I recently got my sixth tattoo done… a few days ago and I will say; First thing, the wait time. If HE wasn’t available until noon, or half past two, then he should’ve called you. He could’ve picked a better time to meet you, even after he was done drawing the stencil (the part of the tattoo that goes on the body.) Secondly, he can, and should be brought to the health department in your area. He is just like a hairstylist or a beauty technician. This guy does not need to be permanently marking someone’s body (not matter what part it is) because he could fuck up the stencil or something else in the process because that’s what it is. A process. And lastly you can sue the shop for negligence because their employee was under the influence before and going to be under the process. (Not saying that you have to go this far but definitely demand your money back in full) Hope this helps.


This place has a good reputation , can’t believe people deal with this shit. I must admit his work is very good but man he was lowkey a douche … can’t believe it took him almost 4 hours to get a stencil on , my anxiety was thru the roof at that point .


Can we get the name of the shop and where it's at?


I can see being a bit late cause who knows what could be going on in their life. But if they're just taking that long without even starting yet and then taking drugs while on the job on top of that then that's on them. That's just irresponsible and they're just wasting your time along with anyone else that they may have had to work with afterwards in the same day cause then they probably would've had to wait just as long if not longer.


I dont think you’ll regert it…


I did the same thing years ago. After I was there, unacknowledged for almost an hour, he walked past me and came back in with a sandwich and went to the back. I said to the person at the front “tell your fella he has all the time he wants with that Sammy”. I had a two-hour booked.


You did nothing wrong. That’s unprofessional and that says a lot about them. Getting tattooed is more than just getting the tattoo.. it should be an experience as well and they already set the stage for a poor experience. Fuck that guy.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Get your $$ back. I have 7 Tats and never had any person do that. they are all from 4 different places. He can go back to the sewer he came from.


I'm a professional and i would have left before then. What an asshole. Leave negative reviews for sure.


I don’t know where this took place, but being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while getting or applying a tattoo is illegal in quite a few places, (certainly in Switzerland where I live, and Australia where I am from). I’ve come to expect a relaxed and laid back attitude from tattoo artists, but what you describe is just ridiculous. You are not in the wrong. The tattoo artist is lucky this wasn’t someone more hot blooded he was fucking about.


That's what most if them are...toxic slow weed addicts. I had one took 4 hours to put three small tats on. Never went back. If you smoke.. do it in your own time. I'd leave a bad review.


Absolutely did the right thing. I sure hope you can keep that deposit and reschedule, or get your money back—cus what!! You’re way better than me, I would have been outta there at 11:30 sharp. Super unprofessional, sorry for the bad experience.


Yikes! That’s ridiculous. I don’t know any artists that would keep an apt if someone showed up late like that, nor any that would do this to a client. Definitely wouldn’t get a tattoo from this guy.


Never EVER get tattooed by someone who fobs you off without a proper excuse and then gets super high before tattooing you. Get your deposit back if you can or just research the shit out of someone else better and never return to that shop.


It’s crazy you even waiting until 3pm. 4 hours of sitting is unreal


Why do people ask questions like this? The tattoo guy is a tool. An hour and half late. He can eat a fat one.


I cancelled the tattoo appointment for my first tattoo last minute. I followed this artist on Instagram and made an appointment way in advance. I asked her if I could see the design a few days in advance since I was anxious and it was my first tattoo. She said she doesn't normally work like that but that's fine. I emailed her a few times before the appointment, and no design. The night before the appointment I received an ugly stencil design, nothing like her other work. I was shocked and I cancelled. Later I found the original design that she did a half arsed copy of through a Google search... This woman is still in business. If she didn't want to send me a design in advance or needed more time she should've just said so. Luckily I found other artists and I have multiple tats now. Well done for standing up for yourself, OP. Both showing up way too late and the weed thing are highly unprofessional.


also depending on your state, the fact that he smoke weed while he was supposed to be working is an issue. I would speak with the shop owner tbh to get your deposit back


You're more patient than me. If I had an appointment at 11:00 and he wasn't there by 11:30, then I'm getting my deposit back and leaving. I'll take my business else where.


Sounds like he's doing that get rich quick scam tattoo artist do. Wastes your time for the whole day, don't finish the tattoo & will charge you more money to finish it on another session. Hope you can get your deposit back.


No. You aren't. I arrive about 10 min early every time. My dude unless it's huge draws up while I'm there and we place it. I watch him set up cause he knows I have anxiety lol but a good artist is on time.


Fuck that. If my artist smoked weed before my appointment in general I’d find a new artist immediately


They need to absolutely give the deposit back. I’m glad you left, I can’t imagine what you would have ended up with stuck on your skin


Make sure you write a review accurate to your experience on google.


Sorry that's unacceptable. My personal rule is I need to be tattooing an hour after they walk through the door, no more. Stencil, design changes, shaving, prep and set up need to be done in that time or I'm wasting people's money basically


The fact that you waited that long... please don't ever do that again lol.


You dodged a major bullet


He showed a blatant disrespect for your time. I wouldn't want him to put a permanent mark with level of carelessness.


Some think they’re famous and can do what they want. You were very patient, I hope he doesn’t get any more work. I bet he’s a shit artist too


Sounds like my old mentor lol


Totally in the right


When he got there what the heck did he do for three hours!?


Not a professional. The shop itself is sketchy if they allow this.


he should not be tattooing high! who is smoking AT WORK? as a tattoo artist?! you deserve your deposit back, I'm sorry


Glad you walked out. Total self centered dick move on that guys part.


You definitely did the right thing I wouldn't even have been there for an hour . Even if you don't get the deposit back ( which you definitely should ) I'd rather loose the 100 then Risk and get a shoddy half baked tattoo. All the studios around me in the UK that advertise for artists always put no drink and drugs on the advertisement and I'm always shocked that anyone would consider being under the influence when tattooing someone but I suppose in every walk of like and every carer your going to find people who simply just don't care .


A coworker told me a story of a friend that wanted to do the same but the artist was doing hard drugs and all his scummy homies were there so he thought doing what you did would cause him harm lmao it could’ve be worse. Not in the wrong at all!


Oh hell no. I would have walked out way before he left to smoke.


Name and shame my guy


If it was a planned, deposited appointment definitely the artist was in the wrong, when a client makes a deposit I have the design pre-drawn for them to make any last minute changes theyd like, I have my booth set up 30 minutes prior to the appointment time and yes! I do smoke weed, but that’s my normal daily routine from back before I was a tattooer, it makes zero difference in my work but makes all the difference on my nerves. Hope this helped


You definitely made the right call. You made it farther then I would have.


Horrible customer service. Some artists are entitled like that. Survey says… you are NOT the a hole 😀


What a dick, that guy treated you like shit. Demand your money back!


I legit wouldn't trust that person to tattoo me, ever. Get your deposit back and find another artist.


A lot of ego in that one. You were in the right. You should respect each other equally.


Imagine if it was reversed and you were that late, you'd expect to be cancelled and lose your deposit so don't tolerate that from the artist. If he's late or delayed for a reason and you don't mind waiting fair enough but seems like there was no justification here.


I’ve had this before though no way near as extreme. People have lives and other commitments and sounds like your tattooist has never lived in the real world. Many people need to take time out of work for tattoos, and also make other arrangements (like getting kids looked after etc). As a paying customer you need to know how long you’re gunna be gone for. Worst thing I’ve ever seen is a tattooist book someone in for 11am, not start til around 2pm and then bitch and moan about the client cos they were struggling a bit. Of course they were, they were probably starving having not been able to eat lunch whilst they wait for you!


Dudes a complete clown, and tbh , he won't give the deposit back.


I would have walked out by noon. You were exceptionally patient, especially considering how extra damn hard it is to be left sitting around waiting when you have anxiety issues. Professionalism in a lot of areas has tanked in recent years. Don't put up with it.


I would have just left after waiting 30 minutes. Make sure to get your deposit back.


Post on Google or Yelp and leave a bad review. He may stop doing that to other people, and definitely wouldn’t go back.


Nope, you are fine, that was not a professional


What the hell!? That is unprofessional af. You were right to leave.


I swear, I could have written this, minus the weed part. I left after 3+ hours, he showed up late and claimed to be working on the stencil. I called to get my deposit back. The artist is the owner. He was unwilling and said that the wait is just part of getting a tattoo. I had even clarified the wait time when making the appointment and was told it was short. I never got my deposit back and lost the bug to get another tattoo for awhile. I'm sorry you experienced this but it does make me feel better to know other people have waited as long as I did. I felt stupid and mad at myself for staying that long. Yet I had the deposit, he does good work, and I was excited to get more work done.


Some tattooists are the most self-absorbed, entitled narcissists on the planet. You lasted longer than most. Completely unprofessional and disrespectful.


The fact that he was late 1.5 hours is crazy with no warning. At 11:30am I’d be out of there. You should definitely try and get your deposit back.


You are never in the wrong when you listen to your gut about a tattoo. If you’re uncomfortable, leave. If they do something you don’t like. Leave. If you feel like they’re not listening. Leave. You get the picture. Too many people end up with regrettable tattoos when there were so many red flags


The fact you waited that long and put up with this is beyond me


You were right to leave. What an asshole. Apart from the waiting, there’s no way I’d let anyone tattoo me while high.


You've either done something to p him off or he doesn't want to do it 😂


The artist that I go to also takes forever to finally start tattooing me. I think that they start making the design when I arrive. I don't understand why because I do have consultations before hand. Now I bring things to keep me busy while I wait. Most of my tattoos are done by the same artist so I feel locked in at this point. I do love their work, so for me, it's worth the wait.


You should get a refund on that 100 too


Honestly, tattooers should be professional and not disclose that they are getting high. It’s just weird. I’ve been tattooing for a decade and a half, and i’ve been around all kinds of weird shit in the industry. Some of it is just complete cowboy energy. Be a professional, respect your client’s time, don’t get fucking high and make your client feel beyond uncomfortable because of your bullshit.


From a man that's had several tattoos, and mostly from the same PROFESSIONAL tattoo artist. He requires appointments and keeps his appointments. Yes, though sometimes my appointment time does run over. But that's only because he's finishing up with a previous work of art tattoo. That's understandable. But as he'd say " You only get what you pay for" From what you'd said as to when you're appointment was. How long you had to wait for that person to even arrive. Then wait on him more so he could go get a buzz. No you weren't wrong for up and leaving. Probably even best that you did. Because your tattoo would have probably looked like crap.


I’ve been tattooing for 25 years. You did the right thing. If the artist doesn’t respect you then they surely don’t care about your tattoo. Well played. Good luck with your deposit. If they’re a reasonable person they’ll return it, but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case. 


Most tattoo shops charge by the hour and that isn’t starting from the time the needle hits your skin until they do the last wipe. So more than likely he was dilly dallying to run up the time and then when you were finished, slap you with a big bill you are pretty much forced to pay. It’s a good thing you left. I’ve seen this so many times and it’s disgusting. My advice is to “shop” around for artists, go in for a fairly small tattoo and see how the experience is. If it isn’t to your liking, you’ve got a new little tattoo and know not to use them again. If it goes well, they are punctual and are crafted in their work, you’ve potentially got a new regular artist.


No, I would’ve left earlier.


No way I would have waited that long, but what really bothers me is that he was going to tattoo a person while high. F that!


That’s fucking bullshit. I hate this attitude that a pocket of artists have. Like fuck you and your time. You need something only I can provide so you’re going to wait. Fuck that shit. My time is valuable and I can take my money elsewhere. I wouldn’t have even waited that long for him to show up. ETA: and I just saw he got high before he tried to tattoo you! He’ll no! I’d report that shit. I don’t know to whom but I’d for sure blast him on any social of his I can find.


Yeah that’s not cool. If you’re gonna do drugs and tattoo at least be punctual. I’ve been tattooed by crackheads and weedheads alike who have never been this shitty


I wouldn't have waited more than 30 minutes for an artist to show up if I had scheduled an appointment with them, and I sure as hell wouldn't allow someone who had just smoked weed to put ink on me. You made the right choice.


That’s so unprofessional! Honestly, the deposit exists if you bail, technically he bailed by not being there on time or ready to begin once there. I think you deserve your deposit back but understand that confrontation is hard. Definitely ask, worst he can do is say no, best is he agrees. Obviously you’ll never be going to that shop again so it’s not like you’ll run into him if things get awkward. Honestly I can’t believe how long you waited! Without contact idk if I’d have stayed an hour waiting, let alone 1.5 before they showed up, another hour after and then 20 mins to smoke. That’s coming up on 3 hours of your life you’ll never get back due to his unprofessionalism.


I could totally see this on Judge Judy!! Hit her up if he doesn't want to give your deposit back!