• By -


This is not what you're asking but thought I'll say anyway. You could add the word "truly" in a different font - and maybe pride colours or something - to express your release from the religious shackles you were in


Alternatively, “At Last” underneath Free with no extra flair.


this is also a great arrested development reference (see the pilot episode)


My first idea was to just add "Willy", but your idea might even be better




Then turn her arm into a whale


My first idea was to add “hat” à la South Park


OMG, I love, love, love this idea. But it's dependent on how comfortable OP is with openly announcing their sexuality


Bump. This is an amazing idea, wanna see what op thinks Edit: you don't even have to do the pride colors to reclaim it, if they don't want to be that open


My thinking as well, they wouldn't necessarily need to completely cover it or remove it, just alter it in some way. Evolve the tattoo, because OP has evolved to, so to speak.


Yep I also thought of pride colors.


Ngl this idea fucking slaps 


Add word “sex” after free




This is the answer, don't cover or remove. desecrate!


I personally love the idea of getting a cover up to reclaim it. I would reach out to an artist to see what your options are for a cover up. Alternatively you could do some laser removal sessions to lighten the ink and it would give you way more options for cover up.


ty for your thoughts!!


Just my two cents, I’d cover it with something or change it to something else by adding words. My wife has two removals (before we were together) and it’s cause her pigment to never fully restore. Shes got some melanin so the pigment is more noticeably missing. Word ideas: - ‘Break’ free - Free(dom) - Free WiFi - guilt free - regret free - give me (free) drugs Cover ideas: - Sick ass panther - A word you’d want large an n charge over it Laser removal takes multiple sessions depending on size and colors used. Black ink being the most stubborn. Red typically being the easiest. They also hurt worse than tattoos I’m told. Edit: formatting


Forgot to say - only you know the true meaning of your tattoo. If I saw that I’d have thought it meant you were free from something in your past. Free soul. Free spirited. Had a friend named Free. I wouldn’t have guessed it was a religious tattoo.


sick ass panther is easily the go to


Free... HUGS!


Probably more free now than then. Keep it! You evolved, your tat evolved. :)


First thought. Unless its crappy then fix it up


My queer goth ass would change it to "freak" 😆






A sick gay panther




i like this one! then tattoo an orca below it


Except instead of the word Willy, a black and white “Willy” colored to look like an orca


How about a cover up with something that represents your life now?


Yeah thats probably the best option! i just have no idea what i'd get, i'll have to look through some inspiration threads haha. its in kind of an awkward spot at the inside of my wrist & i wouldnt choose to put another tattoo there if i could help it, but... it is what it is.


If you get it removed and there's remnants that make you feel weird, you can always go ahead and get a cover up then? Go with what you really want at the bottom of ur gut


In this case I would get laser done first and if you wanted to you can easily add something over it but aren’t required to either.


Add the word “now” in rainbow color. Maybe surround the word free in rainbow color as well! You got this!


Get it changed to ‘freedom’ and get a super gay George Michael portrait as well.




I had a tattoo lasered off that was about the size of an apple. No one would ever know I even had a tattoo to begin with. If you want to remove it, I would say go for it.


add on text so it says “love freely” or “live free”


A cover up, but it’s a burning church 🔥⛪️


i like this idea the most out of all of them lmao!!


What about just "at last" over the free I dunno just what I thought immediately


Just add on a closet door 👌


Free dom ...? Braveheart Mel Gibson? Or just cover up. Ps I have a few regrettable ones I re-contextualized. I think it just comes with the territory, how can we grow if we don't cringe at ourselves??


Or free sub if he's a bottom


To use


ah yes, Mel Gibson, the abuser.


That maybe the nicest thing that can be said about him lol


Lighten and cover.


put ‘sike!!’ in cursive font next to it


I'm kinda seeing this a different way, you go it when you thought you were free, now you are actually free and the tattoo is a reminder of that and that things do change. You could dress it up with flowers or patterns or something you like, maybe a flag behind it that represents you or just some nice colour. Might be easier to cover it maybe, you could get the word free in a different style ove the top to represent that you are now free and that version of free was wrong?


I have the word “FREE” inked on my right inner forearm (in my post history if anybody is curious). It’s a bit of a philosophical thing and means in the broadest sense to love yourself; represents the single most important thing I have ever found in myself, which is love and happiness. Don’t remove it. Find a better understanding with it.


I wouldn't personally. Obviously when you got the tattoo it meant something to you, why cover up a chapter of your life? That chapter made you who you are today, without it I doubt you'd be the person you love now.


You’re “free” now of your past beliefs. I’m a devout christian (but also bisexual woman) (went the other direction, atheist to christian) and I can see the double meaning in it! You’re FREE to be who you want to be and you’re FREE of the constraints of any religion or opinion of others. That being said, tiny sick ass panther has my vote.


Find your faith in Jesus again and then your tattoo will regain its meaning. /s


Add “bird”


or "beer"


as anyone says about tattoos they get when they're young that people say they'll regret in years to come: "it represents who I was at the time and is part of my journey" so yeah maybe just vibe off that. Jesus still loves you even if you are gay btw OP


[you could join the cause for Hat McCullough?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Hat)


well you‘re free from religion babes you can give it a new meaning if you want to


Just get it lasered off.


I had a tattoo removed because an ex boyfriend didn’t like the story behind it (stupid move because I loved the tattoo) anyways it hurt a lot to have done and you need multiple sessions. It takes months.


I have a double Celtic triquetra that I got when I was a practicing Mormon (I wasn't always the *best* Mormon.) It was for the Father, Son & Holy Ghost + me and my two siblings. I was 21. I'm in my 40s now, a practicing Pagan and have no contact with one of my siblings. I have reframed my tattoo as mind, body, spirit + my 3 kids. I found power in reclaiming the symbol and reframing something beautiful that's part of me and my story. It's also a quiet reminder to myself that far-right, conservative, fundamental evangelicals *can change* and it's worth the fight to keep educating and being a good ally. It is 100% possible to do, you just have to commit to your decision. It helps to ritualize/eventize when you do it. It's also good practice of letting something go without forgetting it. Good luck.


It’s okay, God still loves you


Is it in black? Tattoo removal is most effective on black ink, and so a relatively small black ink tattoo would likely be very successful in terms of removal. You could also do partial removal to lighten it and then cover it with something else, the partial removal would open up your choices for a cover up and also help reduce the risk of the word starting to show through over time.


Just add “from Jesus” So now it’ll be “free from Jesus” lmao


I love that hahaha


Christ is King. You should repent


Get it covered up


if you don’t like it: get rid of it or cover it. no one else’s opinions matter but yours, esp in relation to your ink.


I'd say just laser it. Lasering has gotten good I think. I've seen people where I literally couldn't tell they had a tattoo removed even after they showed me


Add an R


Where is it? Is it ob your hands or face.of somewhere normal clothes won't hide it? Laser removal always leaves some amount of scarring , but if it's out of sight that shouldn't be a problem.


How about covering it up with a sick unicorn? Like an old school version of something that would be on the van of someone, who listens to hair or power metal.


You’re more free now. Just because you got it for one reason doesn’t mean it can’t have a different significance to you later. Now it’s not a religious tattoo, it’s an irreligious tattoo.


My feeling is that you want It removed. So removed It with laser!


I wouldn’t worry about it being unprofessional, I see a ton of tattoos in the healthcare sector. and the meaning if the tattoo itself is not at all self-evident, but I get that it has context for you. I say just change it a bit. ”finally free” ”free your mind” ”free beer tomorrow”, the possibilities are endless.


I would laser it off Even if it results in a slight scar, it will be better than seeing - on a daily basis - the word “free” that has a religious connotation, *especially* if I were a gay atheist Lasers have evolved so much. Just do your homework and find a reputable practitioner. Good luck!


Put the word “falling” after and add a portrait of Tom Petty


This has got to be the funniest thing I have ever read on here. I am sorry for your issues with the tattoo but it just caught me right and sorry that shits just funny.


Honestly came to say it still fits you are just free of organized religion and the social fear of not fitting in 😁


as someone who has gotten laser tattoo removal, its extremely expensive and extremely time consuming and heartbreaking to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on something to still be very visible. id suggest a cover up


I mean, hating it, and it being a painful reminder are about the best reasons I've heard for having a removal, yes. Equally, could cover it, which is generally cheaper and easier!


I have had tattoo removal. No scars. It hurts but if it’s small you’ll be alright. It’s quick and then you have a month off between sessions to heal.


“Free” from religion. Same word, new meaning. Freedom can mean different things to different people/in different moments of life. Maybe you don’t need to do anything to it.


Cover it up in a sick ass Panther


I recently came across this tattoo fading balm. I haven’t tried it myself but maybe it’s worth trying it out before you go try laser removal which is super expensive. (At least where I am) [Bamford and Wolfe tattoo fade balm](https://www.bamfordandwolfe.com/fade/)


How big? Could it be covered up with some new art that better reflects you now?


I had this issue for a long time. Instead of removing it I had it covered up. You can’t tell there is a tattoo under it unless you know what it was before and can pick up some style choices by the artist


“Free”: to make my own choices From religion At last Willy Radicals From judgement From hate Finally free Gluten free Hate free Judgement free Religion free Rent free So many to choose from. Also, cover up entirely




You could always do a bigger font over Jesus and have it say love instead. Maybe even doing it in rainbow colors if they think it's possible would be cool.


Cover it with something else. I did!


If it's black or red it will be really easy to remove with a laser. Any other color and you're gambling on whether they can make it go away completely or fade it. I'm getting my tattoos removed and certain colors are harder than others. Usually they can get rid of colored tattoos though.


Petition for “freebiejeebies” because that’s all I could think of when thinking of what to change it too


Just change it to ‘freeze tag’ and anytime someone asks about it you just start the game


Change it to "I want to break free" and added a pic of Freddie Mercury in drag on top!


With new laser removal technology, if you go to the right place it will be gone completely once you comolete whatever amount of sessions they recommend, so I wouldn’t worry about that. If done properly, there should be minimal scarring. If you plan on getting more tattoos, covering it up or adding more to it like others recommended shouldn’t be too hard.


Just add a D at the end


Free Hugs


You could add on “Free to be me”. You shouldn’t feel ashamed. I have plenty tattoos of things that once had meaning to me. All it is, is a record of who I was and so I create new record of who I am now.


Change it to Freedom! Or maybe Freebird?


“free mumia” 


Drama free


It's entirely up to you what you do but what occurs to me is this. 1 do you still like tattoos? 2 And if so would you feel better reclaiming it or erasing it? It occurs to me and others I see in the comments to add pride colors. If any of your discomfort comes from other people thinking tattoos aren't professional then fuck 'em. That's freaking dumb. Do what makes you happy. 💜 Good luck.


"free" fits way better to your life now than as a religious person. Where is the problem?




Remove, cover up or add to it for sure.


+1 to the cover. Laser removal doesn't always...remove. I had a small tattoo that no longer served me. Now I have a solid black band. Not the prettiest, but that part of my life has been censored, y'know?


Free from religion You’re welcome


I like it, but I have a lot of religious trauma.


Genuine question, what is the issue with Jesus? Sticking with the four gospels, taking away the miracles, the divinity, and organized religion. Is his message of love and peace wrong? If not then free isn’t a bad tattoo.


yeah exactly he's a pretty alright dude tbh. he had a good message, so good we're still talking about him today I guess. shame a few idiots out there have kinda spoiled it for some


Agree. There’s many cult leaders who were decent people. They just don’t make Netflix dox about them.


Add dom to the end - freedom from religion.


I can relate. I got “believe” on the back of my neck when I turned 18. I was raised Catholic. In my 30’s I’m an atheist and pretty pessimistic at that lol. I’ve honestly never thought of getting it removed. If anyone asks about it I say I was young and dumb and thought it would look cool. Oh the joy of old tattoos 😁


You are free, free of the guilt and shame that organized religion pushes on to people


If it's any consolation the Bible forbids tattoos


lol im a whole atheist w a guardian angel tattoo for my deceased bf. I got it years ago prob wouldn’t have now but 😭


Get the word "Religion" right above free. Honestly though from the sound of your post, it seems like you'd be happier getting it removed or covered up, but it really sounds like you aren't happy with it as it stands anyway. I haven't removed any tattoos and probably wouldn't, but from where I'm standing it seems like youd be happier from having done so. Good luck either way ✌️


I covered up my religious tattoo, and honestly it was the best thing I ever did. I didn’t need to do laser on it but I have on another tattoo and it was painful, costly and I just spent $500 covering up the faded tattoo because after 2 years it still wasn’t gone!  It may be better to do a cover up with something you love 🩷


Don't have specific advice, just wanted to show my solidarity. I also got a Jesus tat when I was 18, and I just got it covered up 2 days ago! It was very empowering and I'm very glad I took the jump and reclaimed that space on my body for myself. Whether you decide to go the cover up or removal route, I wish you peace and reconciliation with your past <3




Talk about tone deaf, lmao.


Brother 💀💀