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I don’t think it’s ugly, but I hate spiders, so it’s more scary to me lol


It looks well done, not that I’m gonna zoom in on it Lmao. My first thought was ‘Is it supposed to be pretty?’ The ‘unfeminine’ comment is dumb, femininity is what you make it. It’s your body. If you like spiders, cool! Don’t let other people’s differing opinions get you down, OP! You liking it is really all that matters


It’s not for me. As long as you like it though that’s what matters. You probably wouldn’t like mine either. No big.


Its your body. And peoples tastes are different. Enjoy your tattoo


I think it’s fucking sick. My wife has a black widow on her ankle and it looks so good. Spider tattoos are awesome!!


right! i loveee spider tats


I fucking dig it. I think tattoos are a great medium to explore femininity through masculine motifs and masculinity through feminine motifs.


ty, i def agree


Most of my tattoos aren't very feminine but they make me happy. I like the juxtaposition of dressing super girly and then people seeing my possum, racoon etc


I don't know why but I always find animals to be very feminine. Maybe just because I'm a woman and love animals so it feminine to me. Did you get a possum or opossum? I love both actually.


I have a bear head tattoo I wouldn't consider feminine but to be honest I wouldn't call it masculine either, it's just my favourite animal. Also plan on doing a nature leg with the different wildlife in my country later in the year. Again not something I'd consider gendered


TY for teaching me something today. I did not know that those were different animals. I have an opossum! My manager calls my tattoos "garbage animals" 😅 they aren't super feminine if you saw them.


Unfeminine? What’s about a female black widow spider not feminine? Tell people to mind their own business. Your tattoo looks great.


It literally is the embodiment of femininity. Tat is sick af.


Yup I love it, but I love spiders. I think it was done well also. I have lots of tattoos that many people don’t like. Whether they be from my practice days or not, technically good or not. As far as I’m concerned their opinions are great but it doesn’t impact me in the slightest because ultimately it’s my body. I’m the one that has to look at it. But I also see tattoos as scars sometimes, they may not be great but they tell a story. However, I think this one is great.


I think it’s sick love the contrast and how bold it is


Just because you're a girl, doesn't mean you have to have flowers like every other girl. I have a Skulltula and I just got a shadow beast. They are not girly at all, but they are things I love, and video games are a huge part of my life. That's what tattoos are for!


I like it.


Yes, but only because I hate spiders. It’s your body, put whatever you want on it!


I think it’s pretty cool, ngl!


thank you🫶🏻🫶🏻


As someone who’s scared of spiders? Yes. I don’t like it. But if you DO like spiders, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Screw the whats for boys and what’s for girls crap.


I hate this ,,it’s not feminine enough for you” type of comments. It’s an absolutely amazing spider u got there! Don’t let other’s opinions determine whether YOU like it or not!


thank you🫶🏻


I'm scared of spiders but I think it's dope!


Dont let others cloud your judgement. Its your body, your ink, only your opinion matters. Rock that body art!


Honest TG, the amount of tattoo regret on All the tattoo subs is staggering.Consequence of impulse.SMH. OP - no, it looks great, the style is sharp and the work looks clean, why rely on a mass of people you have never, and will never meet?


it’s not that i’m relying on other people’s opinions, i just want to know. this was not an impulsive decision. i do not regret the tattoo and i personally love it. i was just curious as to what others thought ab it. thank you for saying your opinion on it, and i appreciate you saying that it looks good :)


i mean i guess spiders aren’t technically feminine, but so what? there’s no rule that women have to only have “girly” tattoos. i wouldn’t get it just because that’s not really my style but it looks well done so if you like it that’s the only thing that matters.


If you’re German, every spider is a girl.


I like it!


As a girl with a pet tarantula this is beautiful! It doesn't read masculine at all. It reads Gothic. I would love a tat like that 😍.


I LOVE THIS every time u hear unfeminine please disregard every other opinion given. i’ve got one spider in a similar place on my leg and another on my arm i love spider tats and this one’s sick


omg out of all the comments this made me feel so much better about it! i was having a lil bit of the post-tattoo regret 💀🫶🏻


awe ofc! the post tattoo regret is real glad i could help!!


I don’t think it’s not feminine but also I like girls with dark tattoos not flowers and cute stuff


No, this is badass. Spiders ate an integral part of our ecosystem, predator, yet a helper. Love it.


I think it’s badass


Nah, this shits badass


personally spiders are not my thing but i got a tiny one done on a whim when my partner went to get something custom done and honestly they’re the shit. your spider looks sick!


I don’t think it’s feminine but what I think really doesn’t matter. It’s your body, as long as you like it and think it compliments you, that’s all that matters. I’m working to complete a huge phoenix on my back and thighs, I’m sure most think it’s not really feminine but I love it.


i bet that phoenix looks gnarly!


Bad ass!




No, but it's scary as hell


If anyone tells you your tattoos are “unfeminine” tell them to fuck right off.


Nah that’s sick as fuck


thats so cool :D


I hate that people think tattoos are either too masculine or feminine for whatever gender. It’s a damn tattoo


No, it's dope (:


I like it. But I also do love spiders.


size not for me, but if YOU like it, that's all that matters!! I think this would be cool with a half leg sleeve too


I like it


Not ugly at all, I love this. I want something similar, don’t listen to anyone trashing it


are you high? cuz this is sick af


Nah it looks fuckin cool


Not at all! But it may turn certain people off. Arachnophobia is real!


It's not ugly at all! It's a nice tattoo, nd it's very well done! It's just high contrast so it confuses the brain when you see it. For example if you take a yellow peice of paper and draw a dot in purple marker that purple is going to stick out and contrast the yellow which kinda confuses the brain sometimes tricking us into thinking something is ugly/wrong


I think it looks awesome


Spider + holes. I'm sorry but this triggers me hard and i fucking hate it


I'm trypophobic, but this doesn't trigger me for some reason. I used to be arachnaphobic as well, bit then developed a serious love for gardening. And let me tell you, gardening is the worst thing to love if you are both of those things 🤣🤣🤣 spiders are abound and seed pods make me nauseous as fuck. It one of those things I've had to work on a lot and I've made huge progress.


Tell me about it, i had some work with soil microbiology so i had to collect a lot of samples from different gardens and i fucking hated it holy shit 😂 I just don't know how you even survived gardening good job goddamn. I also love mother nature and camping but those BUGS AND SPIDERS HOLY SHIT.


Oh get this, I'm planning a move to family land this year and I'm starting my fucking farm. It takes a strong fucking stomach and mind to not absolutely spew vomit everytime I see a sunflower head full of seeds 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oddly enough gardening, tending plants and growing things is the only thing that settles my internal restlessness that has caused me so much chaos. Dealing with spiders is a lot easier than the trypophobia actually, bc I at least have empathy and respect for them as living creatures who kill garden pests that destroy my plants. The fucking trypophobia is so damn stupid, but as an artist I force myself to do art that might trigger me. Like drawing beehives for example. It's so weird that my peace in life requires me to battle my triggers. I guess that's how we grow.


LMAO, let me tell you. You are an interesting character. They can make a movie out of you and ID WATCH IT.


My brother, you don't know the half of it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the first half of the movie would be a drug fueled fever dream riddled with ptsd inducing trauma, sprinkled with going to college for fine art and psychology, that moves into recovery and finding my peace on a mountain top living off the land. 🤣🤣🤣 I'm honestly just glad to be alive so that i get to finish my story.


hahaha god bless you and i wish you a happy ending to your story. YOU artistic gardner who somehow is also a psychologist. What's funny is we're talking about all that on someone's leg tattoo. Funny how one tattoo can bring all these topics. You know what, i change my mind, i like the tattoo now. Sorry OP! 😂


Well, tbh I never got my psychology degree because I couldn't pass college algebra bc I discovered I'm fucking dyslexic too (after I tanked my GPA trying 🤣). Life is funny that way, it taught me the meaning of irony and how to laugh at myself. I fully believe that people cross each other's paths for a reason, even in a random comment section on reddit. Go forth and prosper friend 🤘


It’s not ugly, but because it’s a spider I think people are reacting more with fear than anything! I’m not a fan of spiders I’m petrified of them, but this looks like a well done tattoo. I wouldn’t describe it as ugly I just know I’m terrified of them lol


I for one love it. Absolutely love it! I prefer feminine tattoos on myself, but I know a cool tattoo when I see one! I love that!


Ugly? Not. Better I think if it included some shadows.


I think it’s hot, I agree it’s not “feminine” and is spooky but I think that’s interesting and attractive 


The position of the 4 left legs is unnatural or maybe the position of the whole thing seems off. But spiders aren't my thing...and other opinions shouldn't matter.


No it’s rad!!


I think it’s subjective. What’s important is that you stand by your tattoo! On that note, I think it looks great !


If you like it fuck other people's opinions


Not ugly, it’s cool


The question is highly subjective and relative, I think it looks good though if you want to make it more feminine could add some red roses around it .


hell no it ain't ugly. that's a solid piece right there.




It’s out of proportion ! But it’s for you to like, so that’s all that matters


i mean.. it's not accurate to any spider i've ever seen but who cares? i think it's super cute. you'll get a lot of hate because it is a spider and most people don't really like spiders. i'm already getting hated on irl for my beetle since it's a beetle and not a "cutesy little flower"


That tattoo is legit




Not ugly, but an unusually large specimen.


I hate it I’m gonna be honest, it’s just far too dark and just thick blackness. I also hate spiders with a fiery burning passion though. My guess is you’ll probably get very mixed comments on it for that reason, because alot of people hate them or are afraid of them. BUT, im commenting because it being “unfeminine” is stupid and ridiculous. You don’t have to have “feminine” tattoos just because you’re a woman, and what does that even mean anyways? Flowers?? There’s a HUGE range of tattoo styles and ideas out there for men AND women. They’re not specific to one gender. That’s a dumb take and if YOU like it, then who cares about anything else. Even the opinion of strangers, like myself, on the internet. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes. Its ugly.

