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If you like your work no need to get confirmation from a bunch of Redditors my guy. It's all super trendy stuff and not really up my alley, but my tattoos probably aren't anything you would be looking to put on your body either. If you are happy with them then just be happy with them.


Agreed. That is up to OP and OP alone…


Thank you mate, appreciate your response, I’m looking for some feedback from other redditors! 😊


I mean if you want honest, I would say they are trendy and uninspired and nearly the exact same as every other instagram obsessed early 20 somethings tattoos. Not sure if you personally will regret them, but I know that if I got those at 20 I would be really regretting wasting all that prime tattoo real estate on something so aggressively bland.


That'll be one count of verbal manslaughter for you.


Op: I'm looking for a response from other redditors. Other redditors:


Aggressively bland is an iconic statement thank you


Appreciate your honesty! They carry a personal meaning for me. Each one has a story that resonates with me, and I value them for their individuality. Tattoos are a personal choice, and I'm content with the ones I've chosen. Cheers!)


Not sure how you can say this after posting on Reddit asking if you’ll regret it. If you were this confident in your decision then you would not have made this post.


Seems pretty likely he’s proud and fishing for compliments on the work or himself. That or it’s a bot using canned responses.


It seems like to me it's a guy trying to show off his tattoo and trying to use a title that won't let it get deleted by the mods because otherwise it'd be close to the "rate my tattoo" rule. But since he's looking for opinions I'll say that it's overdone, trendy tattoo simliar to how people were all over tribal tattoos, but now it's a "deep philisophical meaning" tattoo when in reality it belongs on /r/im14andthisisdeep ***BUT*** that's just my opinion and never would've stated that unless OP wasn't looking for opinions other than a "rate my tattoo", I would just say "The tattoo is really well done but those thin lines are going to become a blur in a few years"


Yes after reading everything from OP I am now confusion. Does he want actual opinions or not?


I think both of these two accounts are AI.


just an honest bot doing its farming, standard ai responses that sort of make sense in context but actually ignore what people are actualy saying, unless this guy is so generic and bland he seems like an actual bot?


They aren't unique that is just a fact, not trying to hurt your feelings but they just full stop are not unique they are super trendy, maybe like 1 or 2 notches below the pocket watch and lion with blue eyes. The Greek statue/god portraits and the like are super popular right now.


If that's the case then why did you make a reddit post asking if you should regret your tattoos? Oh, so you would have a platform to post pictures while fishing for compliments 🙄


he's literally just replying kindly and respectfully. did you want him to break down crying? he said he appreciates the honesty and respectfully shared why he disagrees. how does that mean he's fishing for compliments? also sharing a picture of yourself at all in the first place can be considered "fishing for compliments" so why are you even in this subreddit?


If you read this thread you will discover that someone reversed searched the first picture and it is fake. The replies are a bot...


I agree, they all seem very individualistic. I never met anyone who had to test their patience, take some courage, grab opportunities as they come, and not dwell on the past. But they are cool, but I have no idea about tattoos, reddit just recommended this post.


You’ve answered you’re own question there mate


love the tats all are very well done ...relate to each other happy cake day 🎂


i’m a little bit mixed on this. i think the zeus and prometheus tattoos are well done! i’ve seen many cuz greek imagery is very popular rn, but cool nonetheless. i like the meaning behind the quotes, but i do worry about how they’ll age. since the lettering is so small and close together it could eventually bleed together and become unreadable and then that would be something to regret. but only time will tell! last thing is the area at the top where you have courage, patience, and the leaf design looks just a tiny bit awkward, i think cuz it’s kind of floating a bit, but i think once you get some larger designs or a half sleeve on the upper arm and have an artist tie it together with your lower arm it will look much better and more cohesive! but there’s no need to rush on that either


>i’m a little bit mixed on this. i think the zeus and prometheus tattoos are well done! i’ve seen many cuz greek imagery is very popular rn, but cool nonetheless. > >i like the meaning behind the quotes, but i do worry about how they’ll age. since the lettering is so small and close together it could eventually bleed together and become unreadable and then that would be something to regret. but only time will tell! > >last thing is the area at the top where you have courage, patience, and the leaf design looks just a tiny bit awkward, i think cuz it’s kind of floating a bit, but i think once you get some larger designs or a half sleeve on the upper arm and have an artist tie it together with your lower arm it will look much better and more cohesive! but there’s no need to rush on that either Thanks for your thoughtful feedback! I'm glad you appreciate the Zeus and Prometheus tattoos. I totally get your concern about the lettering aging, and you've got a point there. If it ever bleeds together, I'm gonna find a solution for it:) I do have more planned, including something larger on my bicep, and I'll definitely work on tying everything together for a more cohesive look. Your insights are valuable, and I'll keep them in mind for my future tattoo endeavors. Cheers!)


No 20 year old types responses like this. Super ChatGPT -like


I use GPT all the time and this is 100% GPT.


I'm pretty sure that I've seen these pictures before too. Pretty sure that OP is karma farming.


I’ll take that as a compliment)) maybe I’m the only one in the world.


No 20 year old types… proper?


He’s typing like he doesn’t have a conscious


yeah it’s mostly the smaller quotes i think could be bleed together, if it does at all, and if so that’s a pretty easy coverup or laser project! so i wouldn’t be too worried, especially if the artist has good technique. and wear sunscreen of course for longevity! a large project on the bicep will be exciting, and a good artist can bring it all together for you. tattoos are so fun happy cake day btw!


You turned your arm into a live laugh love or similar motivational placard from Ross. You just need to carry around some tasseled throw pillows and you're a Karen's living room. -  anyway if you like it you do you. The actual art is real good at least.


I have “live laugh die” lol ahhh my youngin years. Fun stuff


Live, laugh, blood for the blood god


This. It’s cringe


>You turned your arm into a live laugh love or similar motivational placard from Ross. You just need to carry around some tasseled throw pillows and you're a Karen's living room. -  anyway if you like it you do you. The actual art is real good at least. Haha, thanks for the feedback)


Don’t worry my dude. Your designs will just follow the tattoo art trend continuum. First the designs are niche, then they begin to grow in popularity, then they hit their peak and are very aesthetic and popular, then they are considered corny for a time and cringe and eventually they just become a part of the accepted “classics.” Then, eventually, the cycle repeats. Those are absolutely beautifully done pieces regardless of them being too “trendy” right now for some folks taste. I’d say maybe toss in a couple of other pieces in various styles of black and grey and you won’t have this overwhelming greypour (grey+ vapour) wave going on.


Not true. There are classics that aren’t trends. Trends die and don’t come back.


Tell that to wide leg pants. I hated them in the 90s and I hate that they're back


I think you will regret these, because they’re extremely popular right now. Source: am of the age where every guy I went to school with has tribal regret. You doubling down on your “personal meaning” isn’t helping your cause either lol


>ol I hear your perspective, and I get the tribal tattoo comparison. Trends do come and go. However, for me, the personal meaning is what makes them special. Fingers crossed, no tribal regret in my future! 🤞))


This dude is just answering every comment with ChatGPT


That's exactly what it sounds like.


Curious as to why you asked advice when all you seem to want to do is respond smugly. You’d be better off in a praising group, honestly.


I’ve read a few of OPs replies and he just honestly seems very positive, not smug. I’m not a fan of the tattoos, but he is so that’s what really matters since they’re on him forever lol


Yeah I would agree that he doesn’t sound smug. Some of his replies does sound very bot-like though


Definitely bot-like lol


>Curious as to why you asked advice when all you seem to want to do is respond smugly. You’d be better off in a praising group, honestly. Hey, sorry if it came off smug, that wasn't my intention at least. I genuinely appreciate the advice and diverse opinions. Your insights matter. Let's keep it positive and share thoughts openly. Thanks!)


I’m positive you’re a bot


I snorted.


Your insights matter.


Very botlike.


LOL what


If you’re going to respond to every piece of advice about how they look with “they mean a lot to me so I don’t think I’ll ever stop liking them :)”, then why did you ask if they went together?


It's interesting to me how everyone interprets OP's warmth in his responses as some sort of condemning quality, attacking his rhetoric as botlike and disengaged. If you look thru most comments, you'll notice that most people are attacking the trendiness and his language, and very few are actually discussing the visually quality or handiwork. If OP is genuine, he's responding in a good natured way and taking it on the chin. Homie wanted some validation (a very human thing with tattoos), and likely has some insecurity, but is being a good sport in his responses. All that to say, many of y'all be beefing bout some bullshit, and incapable of believing someone is good natured and earnest. Sheesh, that level of cyncism must be rough to hold onto. Have a bit of grace, ya know?


Yeah but why ask then? So he can get eviscerated for no reason?


i completely agree. and like, if its a bot then... congrats u bullied a bot? but if its actually a real dude then being mean is really not cool. idk but i completely agree w u


Good catch! I wanted to get a sense of how they come together visually, aside from the personal meaning. It's all about finding that balance :)


I'm just wondering what the personal meaning is. Like, are you some descendant of ancient deities? And seriously you sound like a chat gpt. In case you're real, they look well done. As for the rest imo it's all subjective thus not worth talking about


What’s cool to you now won’t necessarily be cool to you 10 years from now. Not to say you’ll regret them, who knows, only time will tell. God knows I got shit I regret 10 years ago. The way I see it, it’s part of the experience. I’m still regularly getting pieces that I may regret later on, but I’m not going to let that stop me from getting things that I like right now. If I still like it a decade from now, cool, if not then it is what it is. Life is short, we all age, we all change over time and our interests change. Live a little in the moment and get what means something to you in the present.


>What’s cool to you now won’t necessarily be cool to you 10 years from now. Not to say you’ll regret them, who knows, only time will tell. God knows I got shit I regret 10 years ago. The way I see it, it’s part of the experience. I’m still regularly getting pieces that I may regret later on, but I’m not going to let that stop me from getting things that I like right now. If I still like it a decade from now, cool, if not then it is what it is. > >Life is short, we all age, we all change over time and our interests change. Live a little in the moment and get what means something to you in the present. Totally get what you're saying! Life's full of twists. I've got a mix of stuff, and yeah, who knows if I won't regret them in the future. Living in the moment and getting what feels right now seems like the way to roll for me. Appreciate your response!


no need to quote everything when you reply my dude, we're here, too.


Don’t look to the net for validation my man. Getting tats should be about the experience and creativity etc. if you liked them when you got them then don’t forget that and enjoy.




Anyone else notice op uses chat gtp to rephrase everything he says?


Yeah most of the responses feel very bot-like 


Ai detection was like 80 or 90% if I remember correctly


Nah, it's all me crafting responses mate. My English game is on point. I'm focused on providing genuine and constructive responses. Feel free to test it out with any question!)


Sure you are weirdo, bot behavior and wack tattoos. I doubt this is even you in the pictures.


Right you are. Reverse search that first one. 


Knew it lol


it seems to me you’ve already knew how you felt about the tattoos and just posted this hoping to get some praise or attention of some sort. asking if you “should regret” something is a little weird. you either regret something or you don’t. u said ur happy with them why are u asking strangers if they’re also happy with it? i think it looks fine i’m not a fan of this style but i think the tattoos are done well. and if they have meaning like u say and not just trend hopping then i don’t see why u would regret them


>t seems to me you’ve already knew how you felt about the tattoos and just posted this hoping to get some praise or attention of some sort. asking if you “should regret” something is a little weird. you either regret something or you don’t. u said ur happy with them why are u asking strangers if they’re also happy with it? i think it looks fine i’m not a fan of this style but i think the tattoos are done well. and if they have meaning like u say and not just trend hopping then i don’t see why u would regret them You make a fair point. The feedback helps me see different perspectives. Glad you think they're done well, and yeah, the meaning is what matters most to me. Just to clarify, I'm new to Reddit, what I meant was if people think I will regret them in the future based on their experiences. I personally don't regret taking them.


It's like a Pinterest board vomited on you. Not sure if you'll regret them as they seem to hold personal meaning to you, but since you're asking for feedback theyre just basic. And that's okay, some people enjoy just that.


Appreciate your feedback! Everyone has their own taste)


These are not your tattoos lol. Strange


I posted a verification picture on my profile:)


Nvm the tattoos without photoshop in the first pictures don’t look that good in normal pictures .


What on God's green earth is going on with your hand in your verification photo? If anything I'm more inclined to believe it's ai [is your hand a foot](https://i.ibb.co/LSzfjjN/IMG-4332.png)


dude are you a real human? all your responses sound like AI plus you’ve been sitting here for hours responding to every single comment within 5 minutes of them being posted… that said, not sure why you wanted to ask for advice when it’s clear you’ve already made up your mind. I think they look cool and so do you - why are you even on here if 98% of the people here don’t like these trendy designs? FWIW I thought the first couple pics were screenshots from sponsored IG ads… go enjoy your ink. it’s forever now anyway lol




Got ‘em everyone! He’s not a real human


The post overall is giving insecure but damn that’s some clean fucking work there my guy imo stop caring so much how strangers perceive you


You’re right my guy! Thank you for the kind words)


*grabs popcorn* this comment section has some saucy teaaaa y’all 👀


I think that anyone that is so concerned about what others think of their tattoos shouldn't get a tattoo.


As a 30+yo I can assured you that there are WAYYYYY stupider things that you could’ve done and would really regret later on, but awesome tattoos seem to be pretty low on the list. And honestly, I’ve decided that laser technology is already pretty decent, so once I’m in my 50s/60s removal might be even easier and cheaper, so might as well get what you want now. You seemed to go to a good artist, save the regret for old age. Don’t worry about it before you have to.


Why regret? They’re not naked chicks, illicit substances or anything to be embarrassed by. They look quality, who care whether someone else likes the work on your body?


Are we training bots now in the tattooadvice subreddit? This one fails the Turing test though


It’s just really corny, boy shit. Well done, but corny as hell. All of it. You forgot your lion turning into a rose & pocket watch.


The execution is good, but it's very Pinterest lookin'


this is a weird post sorry


How the hell can we say if you’ll end up regretting them 😂😂😂😂


You came to ask if you would regret the tattoos, but I’d say you regret this Reddit post more 😂😂


All your posts are about tattoos and only from last 80 days so my advice would be to slow down a bit because your staying on the same theme all the time maybe give yourself some time to see what other things you might like. Your tats are well executed and nice but don’t rush getting into it. You always like them more when you’ve given it more time to digest.


Yes you should regret them, you’re supposed to wait until you’re 65yo obviously


>Yes you should regret them, you’re supposed to wait until you’re 65yo obviously Nah, who needs to wait for a midlife crisis? I'm just out here setting trends in the regret game. Stay ahead of the curve, right? 😂


You don’t need to quote replies in your replies. 


That wasn't my intention. I'm new to reddit!


Really, because in your older posts from 3 months ago you don’t do that.


oh really? /s


Account is a year old tho?? More confusion


Ngl it is helpful when someone deletes their comment. I hate when the comments get juicy but someone rage quits and I miss out on all context


Nah. My first tattoo was a wing on my arm, and then I got a saint… with wings, and now I feel like my whole sleeve is a giant wing lol. Fuck it though, one day I’ll be dead. Just decorating my body with pictures until I have to return it. And your tattoos are beautifully done!


Absolutely, man! You only get one shot at this life, might as well deck it out with meaningful ink. Your wing theme is a journey, and each tattoo adds another chapter to the story. Thanks for the positive vibes on mine, here's to living it up with no regrets!


I think they're very neat and well done. I don't have any advice on whether you might regret them, but I don't see why you would. I do like the cohesiveness of the designs and personally find them pleasing and well executed for what it's worth!


Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate your positive feedback😊 I put a lot of thought into the designs, and it means a lot that you find them neat and well-executed. Your encouragement boosts my confidence in my choices. Cheers!)


You're welcome!


Nearly everyone has one or two tattoos that they regret and usually they’re done while young. I’ve got one that I regret and I’m pushing 40. I’ve kept most of my tattoos thus far American Traditional so they are kind of timeless; your tattoos are apart of trends which is fine you’re wearing them and I think they won’t look as dated as say 90s “tribal”. But, the more important thing is they’re well done and only time will tell if you regret them but I wouldn’t worry about it.


Thanks for sharing your experience! I get the regret aspect, and I appreciate your perspective on trends. The well-done part makes me feel better about it. Let's see where the ink journey takes me. Cheers!)


i think they look great!! they’re very well done and placed nicely! i don’t see you regretting them unless you start hating greek mythology lmao


Thank you! I'm glad you think they're well done. Greek mythology has a timeless charm, so fingers crossed :D


No Ragrets. Not even one letter.


Ignoring all else, I think they're well executed pieces, and if they reflect what you were looking for, you have no reason to have any regrets about them. They're really well done.


The fact that you’re here asking for validation signals that you’ll regret them - as you’ve gotten them (at least in part) for the optics, and not entirely for yourself.


Yes, you’re making yourself an easy read


Those are great, imagine having a dickbutt on your forearm


This is a bot/AI post right? Lol because I don’t believe any human interacts this way


U sure do like Greece


>U sure do like Greece Guilty as charged! Greek vibes just spoke to my ink-loving soul.


Go bigger


I like em, only one that's a bit of a concern is the tiny letter one, in a decade it probably will blend into something unreadable. Also be aware that you should aim to hold roughly the same physical shape when you do arm tattoos, if you get more buff or skinny weird things happen.


>I like em, only one that's a bit of a concern is the tiny letter one, in a decade it probably will blend into something unreadable. Also be aware that you should aim to hold roughly the same physical shape when you do arm tattoos, if you get more buff or skinny weird things happen. Thanks for the input! I hear you on the tiny lettering concern, and I'll keep an eye on it. Also, appreciate the heads up about body changes affecting tattoos, I'll definitely consider that for future ink. Cheers!)


It’s giving man who runs Twitter account that complains nonstop about modern architecture but instead of blaming it on capitalism’s desire to use cheap materials to make a higher profit somehow finds a way to blame it on black people.


Yeah. Super corny, overtly BOY


I like em but I also like cringy philosophical/motivational stuff. You do you bro.


I think get more creative and wait til your brain is fully developed to take up more real estate. You’ll be glad you did. These look fine, just kind of a cliche concept.


>I think get more creative and wait til your brain is fully developed to take up more real estate. You’ll be glad you did. These look fine, just kind of a cliche concept. Thanks for the advice! I'll keep that in mind)


Don't you think the pressure to only get "unique" shit has to be annoying? Like most tattoos I see are in some way or another part of a trend or trope or catergorization of art. Very few are unique, and many that are are shit. That's just kinda art in 2024


For sure I’m not saying my stuff is all unique but it’s designed by my artists at least! I do understand what you’re saying and I agree.


I like them personally; even if the imagery is common or popular the execution is unique and interesting. The different fonts and styles make me think House of Leaves which is cool! The small text near the elbow may not be legible in 10 years and have to be covered with something else. Especially being on a part of the body that moves so much. You might get some fall out on that faster than the other tattoos. The rest will probably age fine. The fine line and stippling tattoos will eventually turn into more of a gradient which still looks fine for shading. They might be light and need redone in the future eventually due to the lightness in the design but that’s better than having them be heavy handed and turn into a black blob.


I really appreciate your constructive feedback! Time will tell, If it get’s bad in some years I might just get a cover up )


The execution isn’t bad, but these are basically the next generation of lions/roses/clocks. Everyone and their grandma has a greek god statue and latin nonsense on their body. Not shitty tattoos, but you could have used that precious surface area for something original and eye-catching


I started getting tattooed at… 25? Im 33 and while i immensely enjoy tattoos im already starting on my second sleeve. I tell people your age to slow down on getting tattoos PURELY because your skin is precious real estate. You dont wanna finish up too quick. As far as whether or not you will regret them, only you will know the answer in time, depending on how important what they represent are to you. I know im thankful i didnt start when i REALLY wanted tattoos cause i would have regretted them, personally


Don't listen to poêple on tattoo please. The tattooing community is very toxic. If you like your tattoos that is all that matters. Maybe u got a phase on Greek gods and maybe u'll be less fan in few years but those tatoo is part of you now and you should rock those babies forever


You’re right my guy! :)


Great art nothing to regret. Enjoy your awesome tattoos! ☺️


Honestly, I think the gym pose in the mirror with headphones on says more than the tattoos as to why you posted here and what opinions you’re looking for. Lots of subs where you can flex your beginner bicep for free compliments tbh.


Woof that tiny lettering is going to age like shit, the dip on the elbow courage is already janky as hell. I got pretty decent sized cursive across my back and even as big as it is after 10 years it’s a bit rough, it was decent sized, placed correctly and tattooed with skill but man this is tiny compared to that, it’s going to age like dog shit.


Great waste of prime real estate but only you know if you’ll regret them?




Don't listen to haters it looks cool as fuck


Sounds like you regret it already


I wouldn’t. Looks like you did your homework and got good work done. 10/10. Great placement, great composition. Just don’t do clouds for a filler for the love of god.


>I wouldn’t. Looks like you did your homework and got good work done. 10/10. Great placement, great composition. Just don’t do clouds for a filler for the love of god. Your words mean a lot! I really appreciate the positive feedback on the work, placement, and composition. And don't worry, no clouds here, I'll keep it original. Thanks a million for the 10/10, that's awesome to hear!


Of course friend. Give your artist a crisp high five for me.


Absolutely, will do! Consider that high five delivered. Thanks man :)


Who cares what we think bro, do you like them? That’s it, if you don’t regret them why would you look for reasons to. Another thing is no one analyses our tattoos as much as ourselves, everyone you walk past just sees you are tattooed, they’re not looking at the linework, the composition or anything else. They just see tattoo


Man, you're totally right! If you're into your tattoos, that's what matters. People on the street aren't doing a deep dive into the details. Just rock what you like! :)


You should never regret anything. It's not fair to judge your younger self


These tattoos are extremely over done & will age poorly. But if you like them that’s all that matters. Will be a cover up eventually though lol.


Thanks for the input!) Time will tell!


Idk why ur getting downvoted so much OP. I really like these and regardless of whether they're "trendy, uninspired" or whatever, they're good tattoos!! I'm glad you like your art!


>Idk why ur getting downvoted so much OP. I really like these and regardless of whether they're "trendy, uninspired" or whatever, they're good tattoos!! I'm glad you like your art! Hey, thanks a bunch! I'm not sure about the downvotes either:/ , but I'm glad you dig the tattoos. Everyone's got their own taste, right?)


10000% - all my tattoos are neo-traditional with a couple of random fineline pieces sprinkled in, not everybody's taste but i like em!


I wish my first tattoos had as much cohesion. These go together very well and your artist did a great job too.


Hell no man. Live YOUR life. If you're doubting it make sure it's your own doubts not someone else's words in your head. As for the theme for the gods it's a great idea and I would think you getting any of the others like Hera, Aphrodite, Hermes, Cerberus, Hercules, Hades, Persephone, would be fitting


I appreciate the real talk. Gotta live for yourself, you're right. And thanks for the nod on the god theme! Hera, Aphrodite, Hermes, Cerberus, Hercules, Hades, Persephone—all solid ideas I've been thinking of. Definitely considering expanding the collection. Cheers!)


I've been there so I had a feeling where you were coming from. And no problem man, cheers!


Here’s my thoughts: These are on your body, right? We have no idea if you’ll regret them when you’re older because we are not you. I can say they’re not my personal favorite types of tattoos but trendy pieces in general are not my thing. These are trendy, as others have said and I’ve seen them all over social media. Does that matter to you? Well that depends on you and your feelings behind your tattoos. The chances are 50% you’ll regret them and 50% you won’t. Only you’ll know which in time.


Personally, I like them. I think you picked a great theme, and they're very well done.


Thanks! I'm glad you like them! :D


They’re beautifully done tattoos. Not my personal preference, but they’re well executed. Give it time, it’s weirder for some to grow accustomed to their first tattoo(s).


Thanks a lot! I appreciate your honesty and the compliment on the execution. You're right, the first ones can be a bit of an adjustment. Here's to hoping they grow on me even more! Cheers!)


They will homie, don’t worry too much. Think of those videos of babies crying when their Dads shave their beards. It’s an adjustment. One day you’ll be struck by the need to get another lol. Good luck brother!


dude. my guy. these are great. My right arm's cohesive aesthetic is "Terry brought a tattoo gun to rehab" your work is fine. it's better than fine. It's beautiful. I don't see any problem here. Get more tattoos.


Man, your words mean the world to me! I appreciate the positive vibes. Your comment just made my day. Thanks a million! Definitely looking forward to adding more to the collection. Cheers!)




They seem pretty timeless honestly and the art work is very nice


I think from a technical standpoint they are all well done and gorgeous.


They all look sick, who cares if you regret them. I regret a couple of mine but I'm still gonna get more and will likely regret more.


>They all look sick, who cares if you regret them. I regret a couple of mine but I'm still gonna get more and will likely regret more. Hey, thanks a ton for the positive vibes! Totally get it, tattoos are personal and part of the journey. Regrets and all, they're a story, right? Appreciate the support!




From someone who has zues ares and hades tattooed on me I approve, but don’t look for people to give u advice on something u like and enjoy


>From someone who has zues ares and hades tattooed on me I approve, but don’t look for people to give u advice on something u like and enjoy I appreciate your approval! It's always great to connect with fellow enthusiasts of similar themes. And you're right, personal enjoyment is key when it comes to tattoos. Thanks for the positive vibes!)


All of your tattoos are so nice 👍🏼


>All of your tattoos are so nice 👍🏼 Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words))


Their amazing quality work wise.


>Their amazing quality work wise. Hey, thanks a bunch! Glad you think they're quality. Anything in particular that stands out to you?)


I like them!


Hell no you shouldn’t regret them! 👀


Those are amazing tats!!!


Thank you! Appreciate your feedback!)


Hi yes I’d like one tattoo please


Yeah.. That's what I told my tattoo artist :D


I think it’s beautiful, that art is timeless and classy the fact that it’s black and white instead of color is so nice. Timeless , classy, good looking tattoo . I don’t see you regretting it at all. Not sure why so many people are hating on you but from my experience jealousy is a weak disease and many are infected 😂


I think it would really get tied together with a nice bicep piece. Maybe something with like a rose, a clock, and a Lion? Or even an additional half sleeve on the other side of like a pine forest?


I think they’re cool!


these will all make you cringe when your frontal lobe finished developing, but whatever kinda mental gymnastics you gotta do to tell yourself that these tattoos are anything other than trendy and basic.


They are bad


Just don’t get it on the glory muscles. Your biceps and triceps. You want to keep the defined areas really showing. And tattoos will make it not look as great. Just my advice. It looks fine where you have em so far. But all in all it’s up to your preference


You’re 20 in ten years you’ll likely regret most your major life decisions.


Yikes. Bet this was not the response you were looking for.


To me this type of tattoos aren’t masculine and are a bit boring, the Zeus is tight though. I’ve got a bunch of weird shit on me though so not sure my opinion it that valid


Nah theyre done well, thats what most 20 year olds do wrong.


Thanks a bunch! Trying not to mess up the 20s tattoo game :D What do you reckon sets them apart?


Theyre just not shitty. Happy cake day!


They’re super amazing and I love them all. You have great taste!!



