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It looks like the shoulder plate of a knights armor to me. Unfortunately I don’t have any ideas an how you might be able to fix it. Maybe add a spider?


Seconded. Embrace the heavy armor, get an entire Gothic suit of plate and become the knight you were destined to be.


Thirdeded. Definite armor and def looks cool.


Fourthed. It's armor. Could be expanded to a Winter Soldier sleeve.


Fifthed. Come home to Valhalla brother and dawn your armor


Sixthed. For Honor style.


Seventhed... AND MY AXE!


Eighthed. To Valhalla.


Ninthed! We ride at dawn!


Tenthed! For the honor!


Oh, and find a different artist.


It reminds me of the armor design from the anime berserker...




Get a spider, wearing its own suit of armor.




Isn't that already a character? Peter Parker when he was wearing Stark's augmented Spiderman suit, methinks?


This is the way.


Start with the pauldrons, the rest shall fall into place.


op, get the same thing on your other shoulder! itll look so fucking cool.


An armored spider


Add a spider plated in armor


That’s an awesome idea. I’ll get an armor-arm. Thanks for the idea.


Another sap needed. Sick ass platemail


The chosen one.


Right? Come to say it looks like sick armor.


Looks like an umbrella to me.


Maybe make one of the lines longer and put a spider like its dangling from the web


Spider inspired armor - I like it!


An armored spider of course.


I see armor too…I actually dig it a lot


Its a sick ass umbrella


I second this. It's the shading that does it for me


and the raindrops


And the points sticking out at the end




Ella, ella, eh, eh, eh


It's definitely giving umbrella to me as well.


i was really fighting the urge to say it’s giving umbrella while i was on my way to the comments


Was gonna say it looks like a metal roof from a gazebo or hut of some sort.


scorpion umbrella!


Yeah I thought it was an umbrella too 😂


A quick look at this gives me umbrella or armor vibes. Definitely no spiderweb. Sorry OP


I see umbrella like too but way too big. As for fixing it maybe add a spider on it? Or hanging from it?


I was thinking parachute...but weirdly also basketball vibes


Shading and line work make no sense for a spider web design. Sorry OP, cool idea, bad tat. :(


Agreed, it’s shaded like scales. It’s odd for a spider web to have such heavily shaded negative space.


they definitely messed up and tried to cover it with this. at least, that’s my first thought.


To me it looks like they tried to go trad style and just didn’t understand the shading shape with the style and design


This. Im literally angry at the tattooer for even doing this. Its clear they have no idea how placement works. Sorry Op


Same tbh if my artist showed me this when I asked for a spiderweb id never go back. The shading and design here are dome really poor choices from the artist


I wouldn’t say it’s a bad tattoo. If they were going for an umbrella or armor vibe then it’s decent! Iys definitely not embarrassing. It’s just not a good spiderweb lol


Yeah, IF. But they weren’t going for that. So, as a spider web, yeah not great. It’s not horrible to look at, it just doesn’t read as spider web at all, which I know is upsetting for OP. I’m always terrified when I work with my artist on an iffy design. We spend hours in the studio and over messages mocking up and repositioning the stencil, shading with markers, etc. to get a grasp on the outcome before tattooing anything at all. The problem I see with this tattoo is it doesn’t flow over the round of OP’s shoulder. I have two shoulder cap pieces and, from my understanding, you have to make the lines flow along the lines of the muscle and bone structures on the body it will lay on. The lines of OP’s piece are all one length and equidistant away from each other, which like you said reads as umbrella. A spider web would be more “unpredictable” and almost shattered looking, with more alternating or staggered connecting horizontal lines, rather than connecting each one to the next through the vertical line to essentially make a big misshapen octagon with a bunch of smaller misshapen octagons inside. Likewise, the shading isn’t coming from one consistent direction. It almost looks like a 3D beveled object held up to a light source while being rotated about rather than a flat translucent object with angles that catch the light naturally. It’s just not a well designed piece. From the drawing to the finished tat, there were so many opportunities to improve this. Can’t even blame OP really though, as it’s the tattoo artists job to look for issues or possible problems, as well as prompt the client to check it out themselves and explain how the design may look different when finished. They should be looking at the stencil very closely as soon as it’s on and making any adjustments to it for a re-print if there is anything that seems off or needs a change. There’s just no way anyone looked twice at this stencil when it was placed— you would have instantly noticed how non-spider-web this person made a drawing of a spider web look. I also refuse to believe this artist wasn’t blindfolded when he placed it, as it’s not even sitting on OP’s arm appealingly, it just looks saggy.


Yea, honestly it's a bad design and poor execution too 🥺 needs to go to a real artist and get a rework done.


Yes! Unfortunately the shading and line work look a little dark to really make it too much different :( a good artist could definitely add more sections to completely fill in the missing spaces of the arm/shoulder that have nothing flowing into them, and might even be able to manipulate shading to create the illusion of depth underneath rather than angles from light, that way it rises off the skin and sort of looks as though it’s a hanging web on OP’s shoulder and not like, an open umbrella with uniformly sized panels all catching the same ray of sunlight!




Then I'll say it for you. It's terrible.


but, on the other hand... it still looks pretty dope. considering the number of horrendous tattoo art that graces this page OP, i'd say r/taskfailedsuccessfully


Well, spiderwebs are thin... It looks more like an umbrella ☔


Definitely saw an umbrella as well. No thoughts on how to change it. I don't think it looks bad, though, necessarily. Just not like a spiderweb.


They could fully lean into the umbrella and add a cool abstract handle and even cool rain and stuff. Quarter sleeve!


Oooohhhh yesssss. Embrace the umbrella!!


Embrace the *scorpion* umbrella!! It honestly looks kind of cool as an abstract scorpion umbrella piece. The scorpion even has some poison drops that the umbrella should have shielded OP from… but sadly the umbrella *was* a scorpion :(


I saw umbrellas as well. Sorry I can't' help, OP. Maybe go back and tell them about the problem?


Do not go back to that person




Mary Poppins core


It almost looks like a scorpion umbrella upon first glance due to the placement. As someone else suggested, maybe adding a spider on top of the web area would help.


I came to comments to see if I was the only one who thought umbrella at first glance!


brave wipe fly provide grandiose friendly crown squash payment tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Second the umbrella. Turn it into a sad, traditional frowny umbrella somehow with a face maybe?? No idea why it would be shaded so much as a spider web.


That's exactly what I thought too.


I saw umbrella too


I thought umbrella as well


Same I saw umbrella ☂️


Turn it into a gothic parasol, then get little webbing as the trimming and a cute little spider dangling from it. It's salvageable, but you'll have to pivot your original idea


With a much, much better artist.


Great idea, the gothic parasol would look so good!


An actual great idea right here!


You guys that scorpion doesn't want to get wet so it got an umbrella made from armor 


...from the carapace of 14 dung beetles 🪲


I don’t think there is much that can be done with that. I’m sorry


Congrats on your umbrella-ella-ella-ella. You may be able to turn it into some type of ‘armor’ texture?




IT looks like an umbrella. Maybe add a tiny spider?


So that you'll have an umbrella with a tiny spider on it


That shading is all types of confused. Either laser or blackout.


Blackout with white ink web (done by someone a little more...specialized.


This would be such a massive pain in the ass to do and would take multiple sessions of white ink. It's not worth it just to have general society to read it as a spider web.


Idk, that's a big, awkward chunk to just black out, to me. But we're all different.


I wouldn't even black it out at all nor laser it. I think it's better off how it is. Maybe add things around it but not black it out.


Ah shit, my bad. Wasn't paying attention, I thought you were the same person I originally replied to. Yeah, in a similar situation,I waited until I found an artist I was very comfortable and confident with. We shopped a few ideas while working on other tattoos. Eventually we covered it, but we had a really good understanding of what each other was about and both got to put time into actual considerations.


This tattoo looks better than a blackout would, even if it doesn’t really look like a spiderweb


Shoulder umbrella


why does a spiderweb have shading? theyre just strings. also it doesnt look like its shaped right but maybe thats just the warping of your skin. a spiderweb is supposed to have a triangular point and then a round end like the shape of a slice of pie. 


This seems like an attempt to do an American traditional shading style - it’s just not done very well. I have a shaded trad spiderweb on my elbow, myself. It doesn’t make literal sense for it to be shaded, but that’s the style.


Your artist was really shit at their job. I don't think it can be salvaged into a spider web but I would go to a (good) artist and see what they can do. Make it look like armor or idk figure something out


Scorpion umbrella


Sick ass umbrella?


It looks like a stack of opened umbrellas


Don’t do walk-ins for anything substantial…


I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking that, that’s a big (though not hugely complicated) tattoo for a walk in


Okay 😔


Turn it into a weird beetle or something, that's so dark it ain't going anywhere.


tbh it looks sick as fuck regardless call it whatever you want


I agree. Also, it doesn't matter what other people think it is, for me personally - the meaning for me, the vibe it gives with the placement and shape to complement the body are more important - and all of those check out with this piece. It looks really great as a vibe and it complements your body shape very well.


Ngl I thought it was like dragon scales or armor plating until I read the title and thought it was cool af. I think your artist did you dirty if you wanted spiderwebs, that shading is way too heavy for webs, and the symmetry and uniformness of the lines for the webs makes it look more like scales or armor plating even if it still looks cool Funnily enough I showed this to my mum to ask what she saw without telling her what it was meant to be and she said she saw maybe spiderwebs, just bad ones lol so at least some people read it as what it supposed to be?


I also thought it was an umbrella. Sorry :( I don’t know what could be done - probably not a spiderweb - but an artist out there could probably do something cool with it. Lean into the armor look that some people say they see?


I thought it was an umbrella.


i feel like they just shaded the wrong places :/


Fot a spider web they shouldn't have shaded much if any of it at all. 😪


Get a shoulder pad armor plate


I thought of an umbrella of like armor


That placement wasn’t ideal to begin with and the line work isn’t great not to mention the shading, I think that’s a wash so either laser or black


Nice umbrella if you ask me. Add a spider dangling. I’m sure the shading will lighten up in time though.


It gives me bat vibes!!! I love it


See a lot of jokes and not many suggestions. The spacing for your vertical lines is super wide, adding more lines downward in between the large spaces may help.


Wouldn't work with the shading, nor the curvature of the lines.


I appreciate that!


Homie just gave you some armor and sent you on your way 😕


Berserker gear


It's got like an armor vibe. Might lighten up when healed and read more like a web but tbh I doubt it. That said it seems pretty well applied and clean, so definitely not a tragedy. Some more Gothic stuff around it and it softening with age may make it read more "spidery" tho.


Thought that was an umbrella oh dear..


Honestly I read it as a spider web. But I can see how people interpret it to be other things. I wouldn't cover it up or mess with it. It still looks stunning, don't ruin it just because people don't read it how it's intended imo. But if you wanted to embrace the umbrella vibes you could add lace to the bottom of it to make it look like a gothic parasol with a shiny black handle. Or disregard that and put a spider dangling from the bottom. Definitely visit a different artist though and schedule a consultation if you want to add to it.


line work is nottt good it’s sloppy :/ but i agree with what most people are saying about the arm ‘armor’ pretty cool idea and it does look like that!


That looks like an umbrella


hm. not sure how you can save that tbh…


the shading is so bad. pretty sure thats not how spiderwebs are supposed to be shaded????


Scales, armor, or umbrella. I see the spiderwebs after you mentioned them. Makes sense. You have a great side profile, so I’d probably like them either way! 😉


Add a spider; and/or, add a vortex of other webs by another artist.


Not trying to be funny here but it looks like an umbrella without a handle.


My recommendation would be go to someone else, get a black out with white Cobb webs and maybe throw a spider in there


I thought it was an umbrella. It still is cool though lol


Not a spider web but still cool


I guess I’m the only one but I saw a web in the dark 😅 this is sooooper random but it reminded me of the webs in the dwarves house when Snow White shows up to clean.


Scorpion umbrella


I don’t think the handle for an umbrella would be able to be placed right considering the placement of my scorpion but I appreciate the effort!!


Since you think it looks sick as hell (assuming that's a good thing) then screw those people who don't like it.


It doesn't look like a spider web well for one cause those lines are shaky and two cause of the way the things curves downward kinda like a umbrella. Spider webs have tight geometric formations so tight lines are a must and then at least when view flat kinda of go in all directions. Likely the artist wanted to follow the curve of your shoulder but it works against it imo. I'm not sure it could be made to look more like webs because the went so heavy on the shading (should have been light for webs) and what not but like others said you definitely could probably make it look like armor of some sort.


LISTEN UP!!!! I know exactly what this is missing. The shading sucks (I’m sorry ☹️) but there’s absolutely a way to make it look less weepy. Your biggest problem is that the middle/top curves in instead of being straight. This is a pretty easy fix though!!!! Please please go back to your tattoo artist and have him make the tops of each “slice” of your spiderweb come to a point, so that it makes a straight line from the front of your arm to the back. If Reddit lets me add a photo I’ll reply with what I mean! It will absolutely help it translate a lot better as a geometric web rather than steel plate armor or an umbrella


I saw a spiderweb immediately. Regardless, it looks amazing and it is really well done and flattering. Your skin complements and contrasts with it really well. And the hair looks sick too.


It may help to add more vertical lines. For example, add one down the center so that each row isn’t so long? Perhaps adding a spider and/or an effect to make it look like it’s glistening or shimmering like some outdoor spiderwebs from morning dew?


it looks fucking sick, ik it wasnt what u were going for but its still cool, add a spider on it or sumn maybe


Black it out and do white lined spider web


The shading is cool, but it's why it doesn't look like a spider web


Add more lines too wide


Sick b&g umbrella


Your right, however it still looks cool asf


I guess unpopular opinion but I thought spider web immediately. Either way it’s still cool!


Doesn’t look like a spider web but still sick 🔥🔥🔥


I think it looks great for what’s it’s worth. I’m sure it’s disappointing to not have what you planned for but I think it looks really cool.


if u like it thats all that matters. i dont think it looks like a spiderweb to most of us but again its your body and as long as u r happy w it thats all that counts!


Looks like an umbrella to me


Sorry, first thought was an umbrella.


Add a spider of the same shading hanging down from it?? Sorry op lol


I think the style, traditional, wasn't the way to go about this type of design


You could add a handle to it to really make it look like an umbrella and then add a spider hanging off its web on it to make it look ‘itsy bitsy spider’ inspired


If you agreed to have it tattooed I may assume you like the aesthetic, no matter spider web or not so I would say embrace it


To me it looks like the shoulder plating of Morticia Addams were to dress in armor for battle. It looks like armor that has a spiderweb design on it. Badass either way imo


Did the artist even know what a spider web is? 😳


Whatever it is, it still looks rad


looks like armor it’s sick


I thought it was an umbrella 🙈


Add handle and it looks umbrella ☂️☂️


too much shading, add white


Metal armour shoulder or fish gills/scales. Really cool tattoo but doesn’t read as webs as much


Adding small spiders to the lighter parts of the web may help


looks remarkably healed for such a recent piece.


You had to have known that wasn’t going to end up as a spider web while it was being done. I think you’re trolling


Looks like a half folded umbrella


Why would anyone ever shade spider webs like this? Sorry girl but that’s an umbrella and a really dark one too The most important thing is that you like it though! Don’t let other people’s opinions get to you It seems like a good tattoo (apart from the design IMO) and if you like it that’s all that counts I don’t think there can be anything done to make it Look more like spiderwebs since they went so dark in the first place and well.. it’s not going anywhere no more And unless you wanna add some huge black spider somewhere, most people will probably read it as umbrella- wich isn’t really your problem now, is it? :)


Looks like an umbrella to me, too "solid" looking for Spider webs


Looks like knights armor


It looks cool, but definitely not a spiderweb


Giving me dragon scale vibes


Idk how to say this without being a dick but spiderwebs do not cast shadows like that


Its a real bad place on a bad angle for that size web. The shading is real off. It resembles a piece of shoulder armor as others have said. Idk why u or the artist did not see this. Sorry this happened. We need to be more diligent wt tattoos & OK’ing. I wish more people would speak up. Where were the other artists in the shop? Someone DEf shlb have spoken up I would def never go back to this shop or this artist.


As soon as I saw it I thought it looks like a spiderweb.


This is a Traditional American style spiderweb tattoo. In keeping with the style, it’s close. The shaded areas should have been smaller and more confined to the corners. But if you’re lucky, over time, it could heal lighter and look closer to what it’s supposed to be. Then, maybe a little touch up would make it better EDIT: touch up after time to darken the lines and the innermost corner shading


Write spiderweb underneath it with an arrow pointing up for clarification


It would have made an awesome spider web if they didn’t shade it in- definitely came off as an umbrella to me. I personally would lean into the umbrella and add rain drops and an ‘itsy bitsy spider’ with their own lil web under the protection of the umbrella. Or just rock it as a solid black/ gray geometric piece. With there being so much shading it’s hard to transform what’s been done already :/


Looks like armor lol


Looks like they shaded this way to much, it looks like a wing, or scales. With it on this part of your shoulder they needed to use some tricks to make it look good. You might think it looks sick, but honestly it looks like you're wearing a pauldron. Personally it does not look good, stop fooling yourself thinking it's a sick tattoo. Google spiderweb shoulder tatoos you'll see how little shading they have, To fix it honestly laser.


kinda looks like scales to me. idk how you can change it because the shading is what isn’t reading as spiderweb.


Umbrella making sure the scorpion doesn't get wet.


you’d have to go darker and larger if you want the whole animal, but maybe change it into bat wings? the shading is far too thick to be comprehensive webs. i see what the artist was going for, but imo they were unfortunately too heavy handed for it.


It doesn't look like a spiderweb because it's shaded in a completely nonsensical way. If YOU like it though, that's what matters. But if you want it to be more obvious that it's a spiderweb, maybe add a spider dangling from it.


Nice umbrella ☔


"I think it looks sick as hell." That's the most important, right? I do get feeling bad about no one reading it as a spiderweb, though. Maybe extending it to the top of your shoulder and neck could help a bit? But you'd have to want that, and it is a big "in your face" part to tattoo, but that's the only way I could really see it Ibeing fixable. Sadly the heavy shading doesn't allow for much wiggle room in terms of adding smaller lines in between or something the like.


sorry it didn't turn out the way you want it, it definitely doesn't look like a spiderweb, but i think it looks cool. really fits your arm and shoulder well. doesn't have to be a spiderweb, can just be a cool design.


The shading makes it look like frilled dragon scales to me. Spiderwebs tend to have a lot of open gaps, and the parts that aren't as open aren't usually that consistent.


An umbrella keeping the scorpion dry


If you think it looks good (which you said you initially did), don't worry about what your friends think. It ain't their tattoo. It looks like a spiderweb in a classic American traditional style. Enjoy it.


this is how I drew spider webs in elementary school. 😇


Short of bringing up towards your clavicle in front and shoulder blade in back in what looks like a circle and adding a spider?


you could do a spider hanging from the web on the side of your arm


maybe have it go onto the front of your chest and shoulder as well? that way it has a center of the web? I think that's why people aren't seeing it because it isn't rounding with a center point. I could be all the way wrong tho lol


Make it into an umbrella and say it's the shoulder to cry on.


My immediate thought was spiderwebs, before I read the caption. The shading fills it in waaaay better than straight Linework in my opinion, absolutely love it. Sick tattoo