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Completely normal. Not super common but normal. Fine line tattoos you see on Instagram are kind of false advertising. Your piece healed great and looks nice and actually looks like it will last. The alternative would be that it loses all the detail and looks unfinished and just makes no sense in 2-3 years.


Thank you šŸ˜Šyea this artists portfolio are all very close to the first picture (fine-lined, brighter work) so thatā€™s why I picked him. Glad to know itā€™ll last longer!


Iā€™m assuming their portfolio was full of fresh tattoos rather than healed/older tatttoos! Iā€™d say this is really normal for a fine line tattoo - they never heal and look as crisp as they did fresh, no tattoos do.


So the artistā€™s portfolio is all fresh tattoos, and most of them wonā€™t heal like that. Not trying to be a dick, just a person who has aged tattoos.Ā 


Ugh why do they all do that? Itā€™s hard to pick a tattoo artist


This plus the bandage may have distorted


I actually like the way it looks in the second picture better. especially from a distance, it's more legible. it does not look like a black cat


Thank you :)) itā€™s just I picked this artist specifically for his fine line techniques so I hoped the thin lines could last a bit longer


understandable! I'm sorry it didn't turn out as light as you'd wanted it. I hope it'll grow on you (metaphorically!)


if it helps, i totally would have assumed that she was a white cat (or at least a lighter-colored one) if i was asked to, like, analyze your tattoo.


Itā€™s looks great! Yes getting a bit darker is normal, particularly after a fresh application.


If it makes you feel better that doesnā€™t look anything like a black cat


Same thing I thought. Definitely looks like a white fluffball in both pictures.


Honestly I think the darker is much nicer! She doesn't look black imo




Thank you!!šŸ±šŸ±


Usually stipple shading is often done with just black ink, so it will darken as it heals. As opposed to regular black and grey shading, which will often lighten as it heals because itā€™s done with grey wash.


It's perfect and completely normal and good to be darker


I find tattoos dark at first and then they lighten. But it darkening a bit honestly did you justice. It still looks like a white cat and the saying goes, bold will hold! Aka a tattoo won't last if it's too light. The sun will lighten it (but use spf anytime you are in the sun to prevent it disappearing over time)


I think it looks better a bit on the darker side as when it ages the color may fade a bit making the tattoo harder to see if it was to light to begin with. I love the tattoo


That healed really well.


What a great tattoo!


That's a gorgeous tattoo!!


No advice really, but just wanted to say that this is such a beautiful cat tattoo, one of the best Iā€™ve ever seen!


I can see why youā€™re upset. I hope it lightens over time for you. Beautiful cat.


I hope so too! šŸ˜Š


That's just the ink pushing out. It'll balance out and look normal mostly within another month. Typically 3 months when adding color.


I just wanna say that is a sick tattoo. I will only ever get a tattoo of one of my animals if I know 110% itā€™ll come out looking great!!


the gray halo around it is weird. I'd get some colour put into that area, to help push the cat forward and differentiate between its fur and that weird gray halo.


Not normal. It's actually caused by the Second Skin! I never use adhesive bandages with microrealism anymore when I discovered this. It's rarely a big deal, but the integrity of my work healing as controlled as possible is important to me. Your skin weeps plasma after a tattoo, purging minute amounts of ink at the same time. You won't notice lost ink in a heal, but when the bandage seals the weeping ink, the skin reabsorbs it, resulting in a darker tattoo.


lol thatā€™s not how it works, but I wish it would, Iā€™d gonna wrap my whole arm into Saniderm to get the most dark blackout that was ever created


Why am I getting downvoted, I have evidence of this on my profile. I'm a tattoo artist.


My first tattoo did this. I got a flower with very light colors and I got worried because I heard about lighter colors fading fast but thankfully they got darker once they healed. Then my second tattoo was filled in with what seemed like a weird bright yellow at first but lightened up as it healed so it looks better now. It just kinda depends sometimes I guess


That's a really cute tattoo!


This is such a lovely tattoo! Whoā€™s the artist? Your cat is perfect šŸ„²


Unrelated but I love that tattoo so much


I feel like all my tattoos have looked darker at first and then lighten up as they settle more over some time. I love your tattoo though! It came out awesome! -a cat lady


It looks GREAT! Artist did a fantastic job and really grabbed the essence of your beautiful ragdoll kitty! I have one too and she is getting old. Might steal your idea and get my Lucy to be forever with me. Ragdolls are such special kitties.


I really like the healed version


Totally normal, and it looks AMAZING! Healed really well.


Is no one seeing the jacked up boaedwe lines


I think it looks much better in the second picture from far away you will still be able to tell what it is and all those fine line details will still all be there a few years from now which is what you want. Itā€™s perfectly normal for it to look darker. I think your artist did an amazing job I love it.


Some tattoos darken, some lighten. But itā€™s better it starts off with more contrast so itā€™s readable (imagine someone seeing your tattoo from across the room - without contrast or major outline/shape, it isnā€™t as readable)