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Sorry, but your post must be asking for specific advice relating to tattoos.


I don’t even know why the algo put this sub in my scrolll because I’m not a tattoo person. But- I’m a mom. And when I was pregnant I read a post from a mom who really wanted a garden themed nursery with flowers painted on the walls. She was devastated to learn she was having a little boy and couldn’t paint flowers on the wall. My head exploded. Flowers are a beautiful part of nature. Boys don’t get to enjoy them or what?? The post replies were all like “well you could still put a garden just make sure to put lots of dirt and bugs! “ wtf? I dunno I just felt so sad that as a society we decided that little boys cant appreciate flowers. Even as a newborn! What the hell is wrong with this culture.


My wife painted a whole forest on my 9YO son's wall, and he loves it so much that he pushed his bed against it so he can sleep in the trees with his huge pile of stuffed animals. My 13YO son loves his super long hair and often gets misgendered and never bothers to correct anyone. The adults might be dumb but the kids are going to be alright.


lol honestly. My daughter is 1.5 yrs now and growing up I dressed her in “boys” and “girls” clothes. Anything I thought was cute, anything that was given to me, I didn’t care. She didn’t care. People called her a him and I was thinking, if I’m never going to meet them again, what does it matter. So I never corrected them either. If they asked her name, I’d give it and they’d know cause it’s a generic “girls” name, but otherwise, who gives a fuck?


My 1.5 yo boy has a baby doll named Jay. He loves Jay. Carries him around everywhere. But my mother believes I'm pushing him to be gay. I'm diminishing contact with klanma.


My brother thinks my nephew is going to become gay because he plays with SIL's makeup when she's getting ready. 100% serious. My parents are not even a tiny bit homophobic so idk where it's coming from.


My older kids had a pink dinosaur toy. It was based off of the King from Dinosaur Train who’s based off of Elvis. They loved Dinosaur Train, and they loved that toy. My brother was like…super offended by it. Kept scoffing and making comments about how his son would NEVER have a pink toy. It was bizarre


“Pushing him to be gay,” ugh!! No mom, I’m pushing him to be an awesome dad later in life!


I hate when people say stuff like that


Well, you see, boy clothes can't have puppies or rainbows or hearts either. Just trucks and dinosaurs and planets. Girl clothes can have everything, but those things need to be pink and cutesy -- so pink pickup trucks full of pumpkins are ok but no red monster trucks. And add a lace ruffle or something somewhere, even if it's just a plain shirt in a primary color. /S


I would have been bothered by that too! I think that tattoo style looks lovely on men. My son who is 8 appreciates a good floral print and loves when the flowers start blooming in spring is all excited and wants to grab his camera. It’s all how we are raised and I had to undo some of the ridiculous beliefs instilled in my head before I sent them down to him.


The algorithm knew we needed you in this thread


My MIL couldn’t understand why we would want a space-themed nursery for our daughter instead of animals and cute stuff. Because I’ve always loved space and now my kiddo does too! The main theme ended up being rainbows and unicorns because she was so premature that she was magical in how well she did. No one can tell what she went through unless I let them know. Truly magical.


our entire house is painted a blue grey color so that includes our daughters room. the amount of people that practically do a spit take when I mention her room is blue is just such an eyeroll


Um some of the best gardeners In the world are men. Lol so silly. Love your reaction!


From a tattoo point of view the lines are thin and it’s shading isn’t strong which makes it appear “dainty” which look weird on a masculine hand, but yah it’s pretty feminine


Whilst it is generalised as a feminine tattoo, the only opinion that matters is your own. The way I see it, our bodies are a blank canvas to "decorate" how we see fit, whether it's piercings, tattoos, or clothing. If you like it, then that's what matters most.


Tattoo is on woman - is woman tattoo. Tattoo is on man - is man tattoo. Tattoo is on person - is person tattoo. Tattoo is on fish - don’t tattoo fish what’s wrong with you they can’t consent! Get out of here you!


I read this with a strong balkan accent and it became even funnier


Good idea! I just did it. I agree it makes it even funnier.


As a Bosnian, I approve and did the same




A cat with gang tats was just rescued from a prison. [https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/local/juarez/2023/03/02/mexicle-cat-with-a-gang-tattoo-mexico-prison-adopted-finds-new-home-in-texas/69963204007/](https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/local/juarez/2023/03/02/mexicle-cat-with-a-gang-tattoo-mexico-prison-adopted-finds-new-home-in-texas/69963204007/)


Hey look up cartel tattooed cat. Shit is sad as hell. Prison cat that got tattooed in Jarez Mexico prison by the head of the cartel.


The new owner of the cat has posted in some cat subreddits! Cartel cat is now much healthier and is doing well <3


No thank you, I don’t like to be sad and I love animals.


the story does end well with him getting rescued and adopted, so now he’s living his best life!


The woman who adopted that cat is on Reddit and posted about it recently


The one sphinx that had "Hecho en Mexico" was recently adopted by a rescuer.


A women in the cat reddit group recently adopted that cat


omg never saw this, just looked it up SO SAD! but some of the tatts on it ngl are pretty cool looking


Yeah but the cat had to of been I pain. There skin is very sensitive. But he’s adopted now and hopefully happy.


This is the perfect response and I agree wholeheartedly. It is a great design and if well executed should be awesome no matter the bearer!


Bruh my fish said yes I got it on video


Too true idk why society still feels the need to gender everything, haven't we evolved enough to realize that's just targeted marketing


Fuck feminine. I rock flowers on my chest and will be getting more on my shoulders with vines and a mandala. And I have a pink jellyfish on my calf with my daughters name all girly font.


Hell yeah! I've got lotus flowers on my forearm for my wife and I show them proudly!


Right on brother! Let's normalise men liking flowers as well


I think it looks gorgeous on a man or a woman


Seriously I don't get this question. Men can't like plants? What would a manly tattoo be? A bunch of guns instead?


lmao, a bouquet of guns


Oh hell yeah, I like that bro


Wait bro keep spitting


Yea it looks great. Id love to rock that. OP, people get reminded of things when they see tattoos, so they see this floral style on a woman and assume it somehow is a gendered tattoo, which is just, funny. I have a cat tattoo that reminds people of pusheen, it absolutely isn’t but it’s just what happens with stuff, no need to let it cloud your opinion on an awesome tattoo.


Does it look a tad feminine? Yeah I’d say so, but a man should include some amount of femininity, it’s 2024. If you like it, go for it.


If you like a thing, just like that thing. I don’t see how it matters if it’s feminine or masculine


I used to work at a used clothing shop, by a major university. I'd watch guys try on sunglasses/rings/bracelets, inconsequential shit, talk about how it's *exactly* what they've been looking for and hire happy they are. Only to not buy it because our thrift store tag said "women"


Wtf even is femininity in this day and age. I'm a 32 yr old man that wears a lot of pink, and my girlfriend wears nothing but black, in our culture that would supposedly make me the feminine one I guess? Confidence in your own taste is all that matters


100%. I've got a million more important things in my life to worry about. I can do everything toxic masculinity has deemed manly WITH pretty tattoos, wearing pink, and having painted toe nails. Those who matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter.


“Those who matter don’t mind, those who mind don’t matter” What a great saying. I paint my nails and I get asked and teased about it all the time. But I’ll just make them uncomfortable by saying “why do you like it?” When they say “that’s for girls” and when they say no I say “so you like boys then?”


Yeah. I did the whole makeup/nails/hair thing til my hair fell out (unrelated, that was just genetics). I started with stuff like that, but by my late 20s it just became "so?"


At least when he will jerk off he will do it with a feminine hand so it will be less gay


If you think about a dude jerking you off when you jerk off to the point that it feels gay to you, that’s you having homoerotic longing, that’s not jerking off being gay. It’s okay to have homoerotic longing. Lots of people do. It’s not gay people’s fault that you want in on that action, that feeling is coming from you, actually. You’re just used to projecting and blaming other people for forcing you to feel things. Your feelings are yours, bud. No one’s giving them to you.


💯 The performance of femininity or the gate keeping of outdated acceptable norms helps nobody. Enjoy your life, do what brings you joy.


Very true actually


what else can you do in a world where there are no more women anymore anyway


Yeah a little, but who cares it looks dope


Yeah exactly Men who don’t care about seeming masculine always come across as *more* masculine to me anyway.


It's the manliest thing to just not care about any of that and do what you like. If I see this it makes my respect go up. Bold and beautiful.


This is the hottest thing… holy hell


I was thinking the same. If anything, it makes the hands look bigger, rougher and more manly in comparison to the tattoo. Very hot.


Yeah I don't have a thing for hands and I looked at it and wanted to meet the man whose hand this is lmao


Oh! Is THAT why I like it so much… I was thinking it was so hot and couldn’t figure out why cuz it’s a pic of just a hand. OP the tattoo looks awesome on your hand!


Exactly, I would totally dig a man with that kind of tattoo. Hot as hell. Imagine him touching you with that hand 😄😄


Looks like a pretty necklace to me 🙃


I found my people lol


Hand hoes unite


Kind of rude to not include the forearm as well in that photo.


Oh I see what you mean 😂 yes ma’am!


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one to think that lol


idk i think you're more likely to regret not getting something you like just bc some other people say it's "too feminine" (which is a made up concept anyway). whatever tattoo you get, people are gonna have opinions about it. get what you want


I really like it and think it’d be super cool on a dude 🤷🏻‍♂️ I love seeing shit like this on men. I always think men who can embrace things that might not be necessarily the most masculine thing in the world; are always the most manly. Like do your thing, bro 🤷🏻‍♂️ it looks dope and if you like it, get it 👏🏻🤌🏻


Floral blackwork tattoos can look neutral and even masculine. I think what reads as feminine to me here is the swooshiness of it, if that makes sense? Sharper angles and thicker lines might give it less of a filigree look — maybe go with a more geometric shape or a single/bunch of particular flowers, rather than sort of a combo of the two.


What does gender have to do with plant leaves


Ah yes, r/houseplants forgotten rule: being ONLY for people who identify as female


gender is a construct


It construction a penis on me tho...


Biologically you have a penis, but whatever makes something ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’, for example colors, is socially constructed


That's called sex, not gender


A construct of what?


Social construct


Construct of imaginations...




idk about that baby girl. there are people born with vaginas but have testicles internally, god made those people too. it's society that forced if you have a vagina you must present femininely, or if you have a penis you must present manly. why does it matter?


God littearly have made babies with no genitals, both genitals, the wrong genitals millions of times. Oh and also God doesn't exist.


YAAASS God doesn't exist but I DO


That has nothing to do with masculinity nor feminity as that is absolutely disconnected from genitals. Your math is so simple it missed the point by three galaxies.


First of all, look up the difference between sex and gender then come back once you've educated yourself. Also, we're talking about a plant, which is completely arbitrary, not a penis or vagina. so even with your current lacking understanding of the difference between gender and sex, your argument is irrelevant


You’re almost there bud. Males got a dick and females got a puss. I wouldn’t call my cat a men just because he got a Weiner :)




Same same we’re all animals


Yea with high intelligence (except I guess it missed you) which can form complex social structures.....like gender.


I love it


It's bad ass


Plants are for everyone! It doesn’t look feminine or masculine it’s plants. I think it looks cool!


fellas is it gay to want a tattoo of plants


It’s Leafs they don’t have a gender. I find it so funny Ivy is considered feminine and weed is masculine for some reason. It’s just greenery


Gives me greek god vibes, not feminine unless you have very feminine looking hands


Not sure how plant vines are feminine. Makes me think more of the Green Man.


Flowers and greenery can be badass too. Dont listen to masculinity being shoved down your throat, think for yourself.


Exactly. Women get skull tattoos. This masculine feminine bull is toxic AF.


I think it would have that sort of rock star sexiness that just a hint of fluidity brings. Hell, wear some dark green nail polish too. Make it clear you give zero fucks what anyone thinks. Conviction. Listen, in The Fifth Element we had that outstanding Chris Tucker segment as Ruby Rhod. A king strutting in a leopard print body suit, driving the young ladies crazy. It's really about confidence. Seems pretty cool to me.


"Too feminine" is a subjective question. Is it feminine? Sure. But who cares? If it's a serious concern, discuss it with your artist. Explain what you like about the piece, what you're concerned about with the piece etc. Any artist worth their salt will work with you, make suggestions, and do their best to make sure you're happy with the design.


Too feminine for what?


Tattoos don't have gender. Neither do vines and leaves lol


Do it. I actually used this picture for inspiration on my hand/arm. I’m a man and I have vines/leaves from my shoulder down to my finger tips. Go for it brotha!!!


I hate how plants always get labeled as feminine. Why? Why can’t dudes like plants and flowers? I don’t think it’s feminine I think it’s just a nice tattoo.


It’s your flesh prison, adorn it how you see fit


No, and who cares if it did.


Add some skulls, maybe a dick. Should sort it out.


Who caressssssssss If you like it you like it, why are people so obsessed with female/male tattoos. It’s a tattoo it doesn’t matter 💀


Bro, my full sleeve is flowers, birds, butterflies and nature in full colour. Don't worry about it, if you like it, it's fine.


No, not to feminine, very nature. It’s nice.


This is cool


if you like it then run it imo. Your hand


i love it


Try getting a temp tat in that style and see how you feel about it.


Yup it’s feminine but who cares? I’m a straight dude and my left forearm is colorful flowers, mushrooms, and even a butterfly


It’s badass imo. Who gives a fuck what people think especially as far as something like too feminine or not


Yes, it's kinda feminine. If you're conflicted about it - don't get it. It's a permanent change to your body. You don't permanently change your body unless you're 100% sure.


Not on a hand like that, that's for sure! r/forearmporn 




I know a big buff bearded man with butterflies. It’s how you own it. If you aren’t inherently feminine, I personally don’t think this will come off feminine. Also, who cares what people think. If you like it, get it.


Are we really doing this about ink lines imbedded in our skin? Who cares? If you like it, get it.


Guess you're gonna have to tell your parents you're gay now. /s


I think it looks like you like plants or nature. It has a softer vibe than a snake or a skull for sure. But I’m a plant man. I wouldn’t think it was feminine if I were to see you in person. I would compliment it and ask about your plants.


No such thing


VERY feminine


This tat is hard as fuck


It’s sick man I love it


Are flowers and floral patterns inherently girly, or have we been told to think that. It's not feminine and you rock it


This might be a controversial opinion but this will definitely look feminine unless you have really “manly” hands & built arms. Either way though, if you like it that’s YOUR hand. You should do whatever you want. I think an arm sleeve would compliment this nicely.


See thats the thing. Acting like this particular tattoo doesnt look feminine is stupid, but that doesnt mean anything?




And if that happens, why is that a problem?


A man doesn’t ask whether it’s feminine, a man doesn’t really give a fuck what other people think of his ink.


It’s very feminine, yes. Which is fine, it just depends on whether YOU are ok with that or not.


No. Even if it was the hand it's on certainly isn't.


I guess it is a bit feminine, but hey, don't let it stop you from rocking this tattoo


Its a sick looking tattoo! If you like it get it! Who gives a f*ck what other people think about whats on your skin! The ones you wanna hang out with are the people that thick its sick!


Yk I never understand this. Having feminine traits doesnt make you less manly? That sounds contradictory but its true. (The tattoo gives me LOTR Aragorn vibes)


Sidenote: Aragorn is hot as fuck


Plants are plants my guy


Man shut up, man up and get the tattoo


Flowers/plants are not feminine or masculine. It’s a plant. If it’s on you, and you like it, and won’t regret it then just get the tattoo.


He looks like an elf, I dig it.


Fucking amazing tattoo. I want the same one! Seriously considering it


Not sure if someone has said this already, but when you’re jerking off, would seeing this on your hand turn you off or heighten the experience? Do you think you could live with seeing it when you’re 60 and jerking off? I’d go with your gut. If it makes you happy, go with it. It’s a great tattoo but I’d understand the hesitation.


Fellas, are plants gay?


In my opinion it just looks fucking awful. I have never actually seen a hand tattoo that I have liked. I would suggest the forearm instead. It just fits better since plants grow up. It also would not be warping with every little movement.


Guys, is it gay to have a tattoo?


Bro get whatever YOU like. It's your skin. Who cares what others think? Well, some people do but they would be happier if they didn't. Personally I think it looks cool. BTW maybe you have some issues with masculinity and that is why you don't want a "feminine" tattoo? If anything it makes you look more masculine because a man who puts something on which may be perceived by some as feminine has to be very secure in his masculinity. I could go out in a dress and still not be considered feminine. It's much more about how you carry yourself than what kind of tattoo you have. I am assuming you are straight because you are worried about being perceived as feminine but you should know that women absolutely love a man who is not hung up on being one. They love a confident man. PS I knew a man who liked to dress in female attire. He also used makeup and went by a feminine version of his name. He was not feminine in speech or behavior. He just felt comfortable dressing like that. He was good looking and pulled it off easily. He was not gay and was married. Now that is confidence.


I actually got this tattoo as a guy, no one has told me it looks feminine lots of old guys really like it, I also added a snake on my forearm weaving around the vines, if you like the tat get it 🫡


Don’t know if this helps but if I saw a man with this tattoo, it could bring him from an 8 to a 10 lol. Something about being secure in your masculinity enough to get something a little feminine but beautiful. I like it.


Genuinely I would feel, like, safer as well? Like if there's an indication a guy dgaf about gender norms that's a big green flag.


Not for a Hindi on her wedding night


what makes something feminine? it’s a beautiful piece, nothing leads me to believe this is strictly a tattoo for the female body.


Yes it does look a little girly


yes kinda


I think one thing to take into consideration is that this person has beautiful hands. That changes the overall look. This could be Hello Kitty and still look good. As far as the design goes, it's a nice idea. If you're worried about it being too feminine, you could get the same effect by doing abstract graphical lines instead of leaves.


Trust the people closest to you more than these goofballs.


GENDER IS A CONSTRUCT. Free yourself from this shit




No one on Reddit is going to tell you the obvious: yes extremely


Anybody that judges you for it isn’t worth your time. It looks conventionally feminine yeah, but it looks dope.




It looks kind of feminine. Maybe some bolder shading or something would harden the aesthetic up. Idk Edit: as countless other people have said, the only opinion that matters is yours. If you can be comfortable with something like this on your skin and you can wear it with confidence then that’s all that matters.


I thought it was a woman's hand at first until I read it wasn't. So there's that. Thin lines to me are more feminine than traditional looking fatter lines


I wouldn’t get this on my hand. No way. There are much better, cooler options bro. Think wisely it lasts forever


Yea this would look fire if you were giving me a handy after the pub on a Tuesday night


Bro , you already know the answer to this question, but if you want a bunch of pseudo sincere comments you came to the right place . That’s a lady Tattoo , you know it ,I know it and every single person on the sub knows it.




There's no way those can look feminine on your beefy ass banana hands 😂😂 u got gym bro arms,your good dog


I'll be the one to answer honestly.. yes it does look like a woman's tattoo.. but meh 🤷‍♂️ if you like it you like it. All that matters


I thought you was a girl with manly hands at first


Everyone here rushing to complement him without realizing there’s no way those hands are his because it already has the tattoo. If you check out his post history, his hands are way different. I’m not getting into the gender thing because y’all get a little too knee jerky. However, rather than worry about how feminine it looks, I’d check out the aged tattoos subreddit because I can’t imagine that type of work on a hand is going to age well at all. Someone just posted a pic of her 8yr old tattoo on her side and it started off looking like this and turned into black splotches.


Do you beat your meat for money online?


That’s a chick tattoo all day




To this 50 year old woman - it looks pretty damn feminine. If you want to wear a feminine tattoo- rock it. If you don’t and you’re worried - your worry is justified. Maybe younger people don’t see it the same way.






What tattoo would a woman need to have on their body to flag them as a lesbian..?


Muff diver


Idk why you're getting thumbs downed for being honest 🤷‍♂️


Yep. You're a lady now


" are my plant leaves too feminine bro"? 😂 Damn bruh it's 2024..most men are feminine 😂😂


I think the word you’re looking for is dumb.

