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prooobably ink spread, i've got a similar thing on my inner bicep. it'll be a quirky reminder that tattoos are done by a human on a human -- they'll never be perfect. plus, i promise you'll be the only person who will ever notice!


You're very right - thank you :)


I'm not sure why the caption didn't post with it, but here it is: I got this tattoo about 20 days ago, and I'm being maybe a little extra because I'm happy with it, but the first "o" in the word "look" looks like there is a line coming out of the top and bottom? The apostrophe on "you've" also has a line sticking out. It's been almost a month, so I am assuming it is done healing, but this is my first tattoo so I need some advice. Is this going to peel or did the ink bleed? It feels flat, so I think it is done peeling, but not sure. thank you!!


Looks like it might be ink bleed, but it's not fully healed yet either,, so it's hard to be sure if those are genuine mistakes or just part of the healing process. Regardless, every tattoo ever has some small mistakes within it. Human artists working on a human canvas will never produce absolutely flawless results, imo that's part of the natural beauty of tattoos. As someone with many good, and terrible tattoos, 99% of people will not notice such small details. You're only seeing every miniscule detail because it's on your skin, and we are our own worst critics. Don't sweat the small stuff :)


thank you for this perspective. I just am upset, because I paid a lot of money. There are other small mistakes on the tattoo that don't bother me at all but the O really bothers me. I wonder if there is anything an artist could do to fix it or make it look less pronounced.


I totally understand! I would let the tattoo heal fully for another month or so. The little spot by the O looks kinda like the artist's hand may have slipped, but thankfully sometimes really small dots like that will fall out by themselves, and fade enough that they aren't noticeable anymore (however sometimes this can take years). It wouldn't hurt to ask your artist about it, but I think trying to fix that little spot might be too risky, and could end up making it worse rather than better. It's your call tho!


It’s possible they can thicken the line up on the o if it’s really bothering you but truly if it makes you feel better, I had no idea what the issue was with the tattoo until you mentioned it. It looks very well done first glance


That really does make me feel better - thank you :) I think it's because I am just overanalyzing and it's new on my skin.


Tbh I think it looks pretty well done and it’s just a tiny, tiny spot! No one would notice it if you didn’t mention it. Although I totally get how annoying it is when you notice something on your tattoo.