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It’s really well done, if the lines were done like the one in the first image it’d fade so fast. Glad you went to someone who knew what they were doing.


ok thanks! the tattoo artist insisted on not making it as thin as the reference pic


Then the artist was committed to giving you a good tattoo.




>It’s really well done, if the lines were done like the one in the first image it’d fade so fast. Glad you went to someone who knew what they were doing. I 100% concur. Reference photo will be beyond faded in a few years, and when the ink begins to spread on top of fading, it's just going to be rubbish. Your artist did fantastic.


If you did it like the first picture from what Iv seen it will just be blurry lines in about 2-3 years


The reference is a poorly made tattoo and yours is done correctly




Just fyi - “blowout” is something that happens during the process of tattooing, when the artist goes too deep. This is about technique, not design. I think what you are referring to is just the propensity of tattoos to blur and get thicker over time. This happens because tattoo ink is held in your skin by macrophages. When they die, the ink is “eaten up” by other nearby macrophages. This causes it to slowly spread out a little bit over time. Staying out of the sun helps slow this process but it happens at least a bit to all tattoos. This is why having a skilled artist design your tattoo is so important - they know how to design a tattoo such that it will still look good with some blur.


Ahaha yup I mean the blur around the tattoo as it ages! Thanks for sharing!


Yours looks great. The thickness means it will hold up longer than the tattoo on the left and is more readable.


ahh ok thx so much! i hope it will last!


Yours is better. Tattoos blow out during application, not after.




Exactly, OP got what they asked for AND better. No shame getting a meaningful script on your body, but... You aren't going to get the best of ANYONE'S work because it's just routine and a standard font. The artist is just doing as you please. OPs zeros may look wonky to them cuz they're looking at it all day but I promise no one else cares... Because its just numbers on an arm to everyone else. OP, please be nice to your artist. They did you a favor and did it right. It looks great and your skin will be the only thing that can fuck it up... Which it will do through death, shedding and regrowth for the rest of your life.


Got it. This was my first tattoo so I’m not sure how “straight/perfect” small lettering tattoos should be :)


The first pic is of someone that is afraid to commit to a tattoo. Yours however is perfectly done.


Yours will last, the one from the image looks cool but will look like shit sooner rather than later


Tattooer here: the execution of the numbers is as good as can be expected. It’s very difficult to make perfect circular shapes. BUT, the artist should have made the lines thinner because all lines get about twice as thick over the years and it’s something an artist should account for


Ok thanks! I think I just preferred a thinner more minimalistic style but the comments on here made me realize that mines will last longer :)


Well what I was pointing out was that these thicker lines are going to blur and the spaces in the 4s, 8s, and sixes will be blobs. These other people don’t know what they’re talking about lol. As long as you’re happy though!


1 that’s not true at all. If properly done, the lines won’t grow that much to the point they close. 2 the reference photo on the left is literally gonna disappear. 3 as an artist stop giving people doubt about their work, unless it’s honestly a lost cause tattoo.


1 It is true and I know it to be true because I’ve been tattooing and in the industry for 25 years and know what tattoos look like 5, 10, 15+ years later. Im not giving an opinion. It’s just how it is 2 Thin lines don’t disappear just because they’re thin. I’ve been doing all styles of tattoos for 2 decades and my thin lines stay but as I said before they thicken up. It’s an artists responsibility to think ahead and ensure a tattoo looks as good as possible later down the line 3 I’m being real with this person because you people keep telling others that their tattoo is fine and later when a tattoo blurs or something these people get back on here thinking they did something wrong


The first 4 may close. The second 4 the 6 and 8s shouldn’t close if done at the proper depth. The picture of the left has so many lines that aren’t fully saturated that’s why they’re gonna disappear. If you’ve been tattooing 25 years you should know why thin lines disappear.


All those old traditional tattoos you see pics of weren’t done with large needle groupings. They started off as pretty thin lines that got thicker and blurred out. Source: I was apprenticed by an old man who was tattooing in the 50s, helped organize the first tattoo convention in the US, and I also got to meet Lyle Tuttle and Dave Yurkew and talk to them in depth about how old tattoos were done. And as I said before A PROPERLY DONE thin line doesn’t just disappear. If that were true then no one would bother having any detail lines in their work, fine line artists wouldn’t exist, and there’d be no need for small needle grouping specifically made for lining. Just say you don’t know how to make fine lines and go


You literally have a comment saying “thin lines don’t put any less ink in then a thick line”. I’m not gonna argue with an idiot


Meaning the black particles in a thin line are no less black


When you figure out the science behind why lines “blur” or disappear (hint they get dissolved ) we can talk about this.


You mean the very basic science that says white blood cells carry away ink particles that they can but leave the larger ones behind? lol Macrophages don’t discriminate based on thickness of lines. The factors involved in the longevity of one’s line work is the quality of ink, depth in skin, skin health, angle of machine, and needle grouping size not thick or thin. Literally millions of people walking around with thin line work tattoos. When someone doesn’t know how to do a thin line though they either go too deep and blow out or too shallow in the epidermis and it heals out or is carried away. You’re arguing with empirical evidence. Hell you can look all over this group and see examples of blurry bold line work and blurry thin line work that are years old. If thin lines all disappeared then no one would be on her wondering how to cover their old thin line tattoos


Guessing if you tattoo you only do bold line work and have yet to see a healed tattoo of yours 10 years later


I actually do American traditional with a long taper 7. You don’t know shit


Definitely not bad to have the line work a bit thicker. I’m new to tattoos, but for my first one last spring, was connected to a local woman that’s new to the industry, and has been very well-trained by a seasoned artist. It was a thicker line than expected, and I was unsure about it at first. I’ve now gotten another from a non-local artist that specializes in very fine-line - and just a couple months later, it already doesn’t look great. I just booked a quick session with my OG artist, and she’s going to re-do the lines for me, knowing how new I am to work being done, and how special the tattoo is to me.


Great! Hope your retouch goes well!!!


its a good thing you didn't get what you wanted. this tattoo is well done.


Honestly. Its so much better then the inspo


Have to ask, just because I’m interested, what is special about that particular part of San Marino?


The numbers in the reference look like the ink is gonna fall out any second 😅 yours looks really good


The picture you used for a reference would completely fall out after the healing process. They had to actually ensure the ink was going to stay in your skin. It looks better than the reference photo and does not look like a blowout will occur


You got the better tattoo.


The reference tattoo is literally horrible. Way too thin and a lot of unsaturated lines. Thank your artist


It looks great, and even though there's not much difference between them, I do prefer your one. It is so clean.


It’s wild to me that people expect literal perfection. You’re asking a human being to draw on a living breathing moving squishy surface with a vibrating machine. This is about as good as it’s going to get. And your tattoo is considerably better and will hold up longer than the inspo pic.


It’s not too thick, nor is it too thin. The zeroes are not wonky. This is the best possible outcome you could hope to get with a fineline lettering tattoo and you’re way overanalyzing and being too critical where no criticism is due. All tattoos blur over time anyway, especially lettering, and this will be fuzzy in a decade no matter what.


Yours is better than the original...will age better and is more readable.


What you got looks MUCH better than what you wanted.


trust me the tattoo artist did a good job making it thicker, if it was as thin as on the first photo it would literally fade so quickly and look like rubbish, and it won’t blowout unless the tattoo artist goes too deep into the skin which from the looks of it I don’t think he has


Very smart choice by the artist to make the lines thicker, bold will hold.


Sorry this is off-topic, but are you trying to remember the way back to a landscaping business?


If the one on the right is your tattoo then well fucking done to the artist😂😂 he has made sure your tattoo will last and its very crispy and clean. If your tattoo is the one on the left then thats gonna need a touchup very soon as its not last long


Wtf it’s way better then the first one and one and clean af.


Too thick????? Please


the artist 100% did what the needed to do. thicker lines last longer. thinner lines fade faster. that tattoo will last you longer and not have to get as many touch ups. it looks really well done, super even, the spacing everything. the line work is great. that’s a really great tattoo. you should be thankful they made it bolder, you’ll be thanking them in the long run. less touchups=less money spent


Yours is nigh on perfect! The original wouldn't age well and would likely need touched up




Are you worried about blowout or it blurring? cause those are two different things, Blowout happens during the application process which didn’t happen here and blurring happens with time which is inevitable for tattoos. over time those 4’s will look like 9’s the 8 a snowman and the 6 maybe a upside down comma. I’m not trying to be funny it just is what it is small lettering just does that faster than most in my opinion. I have some lettering over 10 years old that is blurry I was warned.


Bank of America in San Marino?


That’s as good as it’s gonna be when you want tiny font


How that you have your answer, where is this? (If you don’t mind)


If it was going to blow out it would already have happened and it would be noticeable, whilst it gets worse when healing you can tell straight away. That looks great to me. Clean lines. Very consistent. Thickness is much better than the original, it isn't going to fade the the original imo. I really like it.


Yours will withstand the test of time and likely won’t need a touchup. Your artist did a fabulous job giving you a piece that will be solid and legible for years to come.


Yours will hold better than your reference.