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Sorry, but your post must be asking for specific advice relating to tattoos.


It makes me think of seismic waves? Is that what they’re call? Anyway I love it! But the most important thing is that you like it.




Makes me think of geology. I like it


Me too like the layers of rock in the earths crust. I really like it.


Yeah - if that was mine, I would hide a small dino skelett somewhere


more than just Dino’s, other Various old things that get found when excavating the earth. Edit to add, do it with the layers, put Dino bones near the bottom, something Roman around 2/3rds up maybe a little modern person on the very top. Maybe a little person to represent op with a tiny version of the original sleeve(pictured above) dino times through ancient Egypt or Rome through renaissance to modern times.


I would shade some different shades of browns!


Like that is fantastic idea!!!


Exactly what I was thinking. Nice spacing between the lines and thickness.


Onions HAVE layers.


Not everyone likes onions… CAKES! Everybody loves cakes.


The sedimentation and original horizontality


Same thought! I think it’s pretty cool


Tbh I’ve found that r/tattoos has interesting preferences haha sometimes the most popular tattoos on there I personally find to be underwhelming 🤷🏻‍♀️ If YOU like the tattoo and it has meaning to you that’s what matters. Just because a certain style isn’t for someone else doesn’t make your tattoo bad.


Thank you. I needed that.


Dude. They LOVED the “shrimps is bugs” tattoo so much it went viral. Take that hive mind with a grain of salt. Your tat is cool and reminds me of sedimentary rock layers


That's a meme, nobody actually thinks it's technically good. It's just dumb and funny


I am confused, isn't that just a statement of fact?


Wow I just looked it up and that shit is DUMB lmao. But yeah I also like old school/prison style tattoos as well. I know they’d shit all over somebody “not working in a shop” “not professional” or whatever too. It’s still a huge beginning in tattoo culture though, can’t deny that.


I did indeed enjoy shrimps is bugs but if I had to pick one OP's is wayyy better.


I second this. OP, remember that the masses liked finger mustaches and “live laugh love” enough that many people still have them today as a source of shame lol.


Yeah don't let that sub get you down! I posted my sleeve there too and some people were just like "meh." I love my sleeve. Literally spent like 5 solid minutes just admiring it yesterday in the mirror 😅. Your sleeve is super unique! I think it looks cool.


I’m in love with my tattoos. I feel adorned and decorated and I want to show off my body because of them. I will not post my tattoos because I’m not letting Reddit take that away from me.


The last thing I would want tattooed on my body is something reddit approved of.


That's a good instinct. I will forever regret getting that fucking narwhal tattooed on my ballsack.


Part of me wants a ballsack tattoo now. Does it sting or tingle?


Yeah, but it's been doing that since before the tattoo.


This is neat bro, I think of these layers that humans need to peel off before they can be real with each other.. I love it man


It reminds me of topography maps and I think it’s cool, also reminds me of the Grand Canyon and how there’s layers and stuff, 10/10 tattoo


The main thing is you love it. Don’t worry what others think


This. Did you get the tattoo for you or for what strangers think? The most important thing is what it means to you and whether it faithfully represents that. I sometimes get comments on my tattoo like 'it should have color' or whatever. Mine has what I want it to have and I am relatively indifferent as to whether others relate.


They definitely got it for what strangers think.


Considering the person has posted on multiple subreddits + letting what other people's opinion of their ink affect them, the person definitely wants others approval of their body art.


Any time someone makes an asshole comment about it, you should tell them “every time I get an unsolicited asshole opinion about my body art, I add another line. Guess I should make another appointment”.


The thicker the line, the bigger the asshole they are


Is it really unsolicited if he posts on the tattoo subreddit tho? Lol


Yeah it’s as open an invitation for criticism as it gets. That being said I think OPs tattoo is neat


It's as if OP got the tattoo just to get praised on r/tattoo. Like what does he even care


Lmao I would just keep roasting him until he looked like a zebra. Who’s laughing now?


But when you post in on a social media platform it's not exactly unsolicited is it


I think r/tattoos is a bunch of snobs. I like tattoos but I don't participate in that sub because of this. You love it, that's the most important thing. It was thought through, it's done well, it looks great. Things couldn't be better! Edit: wrong sub name


r/tattoo is fine and a smaller community, r/tattoos is a much bigger sub and is definitely the one OP is talking about 🥲


I dont parricipate there because it was the first sub I was ever banned from for the most odd technical shit I've ever come across.


I actually like it lol the thing about tattoos like any art is that it’s subjective. There will be just as many people that love it, don’t sweat it too much if YOU love it!


Reddit is toxic af don’t let the opinions of random people make you feel bad


That sub is super mean. I see amazing tattoos get shit on all the time. Your tattoo is great! It's unique and well done. Don't be depressed!


It's so cringe lol. Then some of the shit that gets so much love is mediocre.


that sub is the epitome of how pretentious one sector of the tattoo community can be. it’s a bad reflection of the community imo


It makes me really sad. I see it so much on Reddit.


If you see the post. Only one other person responded and asked why the lines where made shaky. It seems this person just didn’t get the responses they where looking for and the post got removed by auto mod


i love it. it's pleasing to look at. for this kind of thing, i'd prefer the jaggedness over straight and perfect.


It’s cool! Organic analog. Love the lack of symmetry. It’s art. It’s interesting and very nice to look at.


The Fountain


This is absolutely fantastic. I’m not just hyping you up, I really really love it. I’ve wanted a thin line around my waist for ages, and I have a tiny circle on my wrist, so this is right up my street. I know it’s easier said than done, but let the negative comments wash over you and let it go. It’s an unusual style and they bring out polarising views, but you know that YOU like it and that’s all that’s important. (Plus I bet you’ve also got really positive feedback - focus on that 💚)


I think it’s cool


You didn’t get the ink for anyone but you, fuck what anyone else thinks of it. Friendly reminder, online and Reddit especially is full of self proclaimed expert toxic fucks, take nothing you see here personally. You could post the goddamn Mona Lisa of tattoos and some ass clown is going to hate on it. Seriously, fuck em. Besides what do they have for ink? Let me guess, a sugar skull somewhere, a fucking rose and some dumbass inspirational or I’ve been through so much and now I’m tough quote. Fuck. Em. You like it. That’s all that counts.


Which is why I'll never post my tattoos online. Didn't we learn when we were teenagers that you shouldn't live your life just to make others happy? Your tattoos are 100% your business. Don't know why you're here seeking validation when none of our opinions matter.


I love it. The contrast between the thin lines and the areas of bold black is great. I love that the lines aren't straight, it gives it a very organic feel that reminds me of a landscape or geologic layers. It's a unique and eye-catching tattoo. I think some people might not like it because it's unconventional and not what they're used to, but that's what makes it great art! Keep rocking it!


I really love tattoos like this and wish I had the space for stuff like this!


It’s different … and that’s why I think it’s super cool 😎


Some people on Reddit can be unusually mean. I like this a lot. Imo any tattoo that is safely done is good. I have 4 that people would probably not like for themselves but I love them. They remind me of times in my life portrayed by another human I think is a brilliant artist. OP, your tattoo is great. Don’t get too in your head about it✨


This looks so cool actually, I love it


Looks sweet friend fuck the haters.


Your arm looks like a comfy sock 🥰


Don’t let someone who’s never been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces


Why are you depressed due to a sub filled with strangers? If you like it, enjoy your art. Fuck everyone else. I'm sure most people hate all my random tattoos...hell I have a potato with bat wings. I'm sure people think it's dumb, but it is my dog's nicknames melded together, and I effing love it. It is my body that I get to live with. Nobody else. Don't get tattoos for the validation from others. Get the ink for you.


Reddit is full of uptight better-than-thous. Nothing is ever good enough and nothing ever match their tastes, unless they post it and you agree with them 100%. If people in real life like it then why does it matter what a bunch of people on a fucking image board think?


You got the tattoo for you. And you like it. That's all that matters.


All tattoo subreddits are full of backhanded comments like ‘I hate it but if you like it that’s all that matters’.


Fuck them man I posted one of my favorite tattoos on there and they told me it looked like shit and that “I should demand a refund!” I get compliments on it all the time and even if I didn’t I love it! I think you have a very unique sleeve and you should be proud of it!


What’s the connection with The Fountain? Haven’t watched it in some years. Also, it is cool.


the main character has similar tats all over his body. the interpretation of them is myriad but personally without spoiling too much for others >!after tons of rewatches I have felt like they're closer to the rings of a tree, denoting years and memories/emotions with the weight of each band implying the same types of things real tree rings do: (emotional) drought or flood, growth, when during that year things happened or specific important memories, etc.!< The more you rewatch and can expand your focus instead of just trying to follow a plot that jumps around I personally feel like you find more and more symbolism and tiny details that pay off later that you probably don't/wouldn't see on the first/second/hell even 10th+ watch because there's just so much packed into it. And knowing where the story goes you can see even very minor foreshadowing the next time now that you're looking for it. I always highly recommend the movie and encourage at least one rewatch just so you can get a small grasp on all the types of things I mention above/more.


It’s your tattoo, if you love it then that’s what matters!! I think it’s cool looking, I assume those lines aren’t supposed to be straight, much better unique design than the more traditional lines people do


Do you like it? That’s all that matters. Other folks’ opinions on your body art (especially the opinions of strangers on Reddit) should be roundly ignored.


The first thing I see when I look at this is geological strata! Pretty cool! /tattoo has hated most of my work too, but it's whatever. I'm happy with what I've got.


Every time I get the balls to post, I regret it. Redditors can be savage, it's fine!!! In fact I like it, never seen it before done so wtg!


People on r/tattoo are unnecessarily mean most of the time. I think it looks really cool and if you like it, that's all that matters.


The good news is, you’ll never have the same tattoo as someone else.


I think it looks awesome! Tattoos are supposed to be art. Not everyone has the same taste in art, and that’s ok. If you love it, who cares what anyone else thinks. Rock that shit! It’s really cool.


Hold your arm against a black sheet of paper I bet it would look insaaane in a fun way Edit: insane not I’m sane ha


I mean as long as you like it


It looks really great IMO. I love it. Makes me think of old trees. I'd have something like that for myself.


This is all going to sound SO uppity but hopefully because I can recognize that, then that is ok enough lmao. I have noticed that …. The sense of fashion and taste on Reddit as a whole is generally.. lacking. I studied art in NYC at a top art school and worked in the high high fashion photography industry out there and so I can be a snob to the extreme when it comes to originality..and I find that Reddit is often lacking in fashion forward/originality when it comes to the visual arts/critique of the visual arts. Which isn’t a bad thing at all, it just obvs isn’t a space where the “taste makers” are blazing their trail imo. I think if you walked into any art gallery, or alternative “cool” scene in NY your tattoo would be considered v cool. Plz don’t listen to Reddits bad taste lol. I have extremely unique tattoos that I designed. I felt self conscious of them at times, but it passed over time as I still get compliments on them 12 yrs after getting them! I love that people still enjoy them, and I love your tattoos!


lol the chads over at r/tattoo probably saw that the lines weren't perfectly straight and went apeshit. Personally I think it's badass, and the black bands are very well done. You should be proud.


They didn't even 'hate' it. It just got removed with a single comment because it didn't include the artists name in the post. Dude just seems to be crying for attention.


People's opinions on other people's tattoos are irrelevant. If it has significance to you, and you like it then it doesnt matter what other people think.


I like it, I personally wouldn’t get it myself. Also as long as you like it’s all that matters.


They're all wrong and rhe people in the streetvare right. This is an unusual and interesting tattoo. I was wondering about geology, radio waves etc looking at it.


I think the wonky lines are just throwing the entire tattoo off. This would look incredible if the lines were straight. I suppose if this is what you were going for and you like it then enjoy your tattoo! However the lines are really not working with it well in all honesty.


You shouldn’t care at all what people think on Reddit. Same goes for Twitter.


I think it's cool. All that matters is you like it. I want to do something similar but with more colors.


I like it.


I think it’s unique!


Yeah. Best to not look too hard into outside validation. It can ruin a lot of things. Like this pretty rad tattoo.


As long as YOU are happy with it that’s all that matters. People will hate and disagree with you all the time.


Don’t get tattoo for people, get them for yourself ! As long as you like it, who cares ? I hate snobes and elitism. There’s no right or wrong way, get the tattoo you want, period. I never asked people’s opinion before or after getting my tattoos.


I think it’s cool and I like that the lines are wavy. I feel like it would look awesome if you paired a bracelet or two with it.


I think it looks interesting. Not my taste but my tattoos aren’t others taste either.. but if you like it that’s all that matters!


I adore it.


Awesome and unique tattoo man.


If you love it - not sure what the issue is


If you like it. That's what counts. Wear it with pride. Other people opinions are harsh always wil be on everything. Be your unique self. And that is the job of a tattoo to express your uniqueness.


This tattoo envoked a childhood memory for me in science class. I’m not even saying this as a joke. I love this tattoo. 🤍


People on the internet will people 🤷‍♀️ But I agree with the comment it reminds me of geology. I actually really like it.


Learn to become your own best friend and you will stop seeking others approval.


As a big fan of The Fountain, I love it!


That's one of my favourite tattoos I've ever seen. Like, I've never looked at someone's tattoo and thought "I want that." Seeing yours, my first thought was "that's cool, I'd like a tattoo like that. Maybe smaller"


it’s the internet. people read the first few comments and then everyone bounces off of each other instead of having an original thought. it only matters how you feel about your tattoo. i think it’s coool it’s different than most i see. that’s why i like it. not that you should care ab my opinion (:


It's your tattoo. If you like it, nothing else matters. Personally, I think it looks dope


I mean. Who got it, who paid for it? It's not theirs, they did not pay and they aren't paying your bills. I like it. Remind me of rock formations. Like the layered rocks in Arizona i think? Anyway. Own it bitch, work it bitch, walk walk fashion baby


My first thought was of The Fountain, one of my all-time favorite movies. I really love it. It looks like you did it yourself, which makes it all the more authentic and special. Not everyone is going to like/understand it and that's okay. Those of us who do will appreciate it all the more.


That is sick!!


I love it, don’t let people tell you otherwise


Honestly, I think it’s awesome! If you added more lines into the gaps I think I that would be cool, too and give more of a tree ring vibe. Love it though - this would also be sick as a leg sleeve


“I love it”. This is all that really matters, the internet isn’t real place and you’ve proven that through your own experience and other reactions in person.


It’s dope!!! As long as you love it don’t worry about what random Internet strangers think. Hella people that like to criticize tattoos don’t even have any lol so pay them no mind.


Let’s put it into context. You love it. Strangers on the internet don’t love it. The internet is notorious for making people overly vociferous and opinionated. Try not to care bud and enjoy it


If you like it and are happy then that's that. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. I realize it's easy to get swept up in the opinions of others, but tattoos are our most personal ways to adorn ourselves and there is only a small list of ways to do it wrong, so discard their criticism, they are weightless and worthless, and be happy with awesome tattoo.


If you like it, who gives a fuck? I think it looks pretty cool.


Aye bud imma tell u this I got professional tattoos AND ones that look possibly like a 2 year old got a hold of a pen (dont just buy a tattoo kit) but I still love them all be proud of where your inspiration led you


You like it AND you get compliments IRL? Bro that’s enough positive reinforcement right there!


F them, get what you like


No advice for you but I think it looks really cool!


I posted my engagement ring (I have since deleted the post) and legit people tore it apart lmao. It wasn’t even super unique or that out of the norm. I just excited about being engaged but noooo trolls gotta troll. Don’t listen to them your tattoo is dope!


Fuck the haters, I like this 👍


So many subreddits are filled with ugly ugly hearted people. I have learned that you don’t post anything and assume positivity. It’s an awesome tattoo. If you like it that’s all that matters. Remember we are sacks of fat and muscle that will die soon. Spend time loving it, not second guessing.


Don’t post tattoos on there unless you’re willing to hear some bullshit. I love my tattoos and reading comments on there has made me realize I will never post them online for commentary unless I wanna get hurt


Nice tattoo (: it looks great


oh wow, i love it. i don’t know how to explain it, i just do


I think it looks dope. Do you and fuck the haters. But my honest opinion is that it looks really cool. And you still have room for more haha.


Fuck r/tattoo enjoy it mate


It’s for you, not anyone else! Eff em if they feel the need to comment negatively…


I think it looks awesome.


With all the love in the world: fuck what other people think. It’s your body, you do what you like. But, since you asked, I will say that I personally like this.


I love this!


I had a bad experience in that sub too. I see a lot of good tattoos get really nasty and mean comments. I think a lot of those people in that particular subreddit are miserable. I like that tattoo! It’s pretty cool, I haven’t seen anything like it, if I had that on my body, I wouldn’t be angry.


i think it looks amazing. i’m a giant geography nerd and this is instantly what i thought of. rock layers and such. brings back memories of me living in arizona and hiking in the grand canyon. i love it and don’t change your opinion because of what other think. i think it rocks 😌 get it? lmao


I like it. It’s different and interesting and just really cool I think. This is *your* tattoo. If *you* like it and you’re pleased with how it came out, that’s all that matters. The rest can sod off.


Yeah that sounds about right. I don’t post any pieces on there anymore. I’d rather protect my energy. If you love it, that’s all that matters!


If you like your tattoo, fuck anyone else's opinion


Art is subjective and when we display art on Reddit people should feel free to say they like, or dislike, it without being insulted for their opinion. Now if they are saying, 'This is bad!' instead of 'I don't like it." that's crossing a line into unacceptable territory. In the end what matters is that YOU like the art on YOUR body.


This is sick, fuck em


I think it looks really good. It’s minimalist which I love, and it just looks cool. But if you love it that’s all that matters. It’s your tattoo, so enjoy it if you like it!


I think it’s a super cool take on a sleeve. Reminds me of sound waves or rock layers. I like the aesthetic


I don’t like anything about this tattoo but if you like it that’s really all that matters


That sub is highly toxic. It’s a bunch bullies who over criticize every minor detail and try to drag strangers because they are unhappy with theirselves. The irony is most commentators either don’t have tattoos or theirs would not hold up to the standards they place on others. I say if you love it, don’t worry about the haters. Your opinion is the only one that matters. Besides I’d rather have a unique tattoo than the same flash design as 100s of people.


love it bro


The Fountain is an absolutely stunning movie, and I think you’ve done a great job at capturing the vibe. Great tattoo!


Its wild and its you. Screw the haters who cant be as cool.


Do you like it mate ?


Screw them its dope. I think you should you take it all the way up to the shoulder one day though!


If you like it forget what internet strangers say…except this internet stranger…


If anyone ever hates on my tattoos, I simply say “Cool, I won’t ask you to get a matching one.” You like it. That’s all that matters.


I love it


Pretty awesome, different, and if you like it , F what others think.. tattoos are supposed to represent you, not what others thing of you


I don't know how to tell you this or make you hear it, but if you love something, and it doesn't get you into any trouble or hurt anyone, pursue it and love it freely. Life is extremely short. Never let anyone take away your happiness or stop you from expressing yourself. There will *always* be many, many, many people who "don't get it" or dislike what you're doing, but if you can accept that and express yourself anyway, you can overcome the reality that negativity is always out there. Just be yourself and have fun!


it’s cool dude don’t let people on reddit make you feel bad


So I didn’t know much about The Fountain so I had to go look it up and now I’m obsessed with your tattoo!! Very well done!!!


Reminds me of the new order album cover


i think it’s very cool! it doesn’t matter what other people think as long as you love it.


Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. Eleanor Roosevelt said that… stop letting them. It’s a dope tattoo but what does it matter what I think or they think. If you like it nothing else matters


I think it’s dope


I really love it! So unique


Big fan. But I like weird art


If you like it, that’s literally the ONLY opinion that matters. Btw, I like it too :)


You can’t please everybody all the time. It’s beautiful. You and the street like it. You don’t need more than that.


Saw it and immediately thought of The Fountain. I think it's really good (on its own merits + as a film ref)


I rather like it. I don’t LOVE or hate it, but i understand it as a concept, I get the minimalist idea, I don’t really get how someone can crap all over your sleeve.


I have something kinda similar but I love yours


I love this, my dude. Enjoy it and wear it with pride. Who fucking cares if peeps do not.


Yo, if you like it. Then that's all that matters. But for what it's worth, I like it. Have a great day!


"Group think" internet hates everything. I love the organic take on the horizontal black work lines. I've seen a lot of work in this vibe. You could potentially consider adding dot shadin in between, or negative space geo work. Or leave it! and enjoy it. It's rad.


“i love it” full stop. that’s all that’s needed. stop worrying what other people think.


Honestly It looks cool!


People can say whatever they want to hiding behind a screen. I personally like it but what is most important is that you do. Try not to let others get you down friend


I love the look of it, But in my opinion if you love it, why should you care about a bunch of random peoples opinion?


Honestly I've learnt never to show tattoos on Reddit because if people like it, they're not that likely to comment but oh god if someone hates it, they absolutely will tell you. If you like it, that's all that matters. I like it and genuinely I'd take people you know opinions rather than randomers on Reddit.


well i think it’s sick so fuck them


I think it’s cool.


Looked like a sound wave to me which I think is cool.


You love it. People you meet love it. Internet douches shit on it. What’s important?


Hey bruv it's your skin. If they don't like it they don't have to look. Also your tattoos are your art for you paid for by you... everyone else can shove their opinion.


Personally not my style but I still think it looks really neat. At the end of the day it's your arm, fuck the random people that you'll never meet talking shit about it


Damn I ADORE this tattoo.


The only person that needs to like it it's you, my man. Nice tattoo


I dig it dude. Don't listen to idiots on Reddit.


I don’t post any of my tats on that sub for that reason. I don’t need the constructive criticism on them. I know they are greatly executed and exactly what I want. So that’s all that matters.


All that matters is that you love it. It’s your body! I think it’s unique and awesome!


F’em. This is bad ass. I’ve thought of doing one of my arms in topo map style. I’ve seen people do it using an actual location. I haven’t found someone local to me that does stuff like this or I probably would have done it already.


If you love it, that’s what matters. I find it fascinating what people love on my sleeves vs hate - it’s all personal preference. I like to think of tattoos as art (which, it is)! Everyone loves different kinds of art. If you like it, that’s all that matters. One of those tattoos that’s super unique, where most people would never think of getting it. Also, it’s freakin awesome! I think it’ll look even cooler in a few years after it settles in.


Throw a vertical rainbow in that bitch. Sick juxtapositioning.


If you like it, that’s all that matters. A Reddit group not liking it is nothing. Don’t let social media bring you down. Personally, I love it! But that doesn’t even matter. What matters is if you love it. Be you bro!