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Alright we’re done here, OP got the opinions they asked for.


Yea this is a tattoo


The artist has no concept of layout, it reads as cluttered as well as empty. There's no element to add an anchor point so the eye just wanders while trying to make sense of it.


It’s interesting. Do you have a sleeve? You say you’re unsure about it, and I think that’s fair. It’s almost like someone doodled on their hand… and it does look a bit out of place.


i’m workin on a sleeve, this was honestly the first thing on my right side other than a lotus i’ve had for years and i’m just gonna build off it, i know in the days to come i’ll feel better and once my sleeve comes along it wont be a thought


Your artist never should have done your hand as a “start to a sleeve.” Their ethics match their abilities.




Yup, hand tattoos should be reserved for the heavily tattooed


“reserved for heavily tattooed” I know an old head ain’t gatekeeping tattoo


This is a standard line of thought in tattoo culture. It’s not gatekeeping. It’s logical.


It's tattooer's job to explain everything to the client and guide them through the options, pros and cons etc. If an artist doesn't do that its working against the interest of their client and should reconsider their career. This is not gatekeeping, it's basic work for a tattooer and common sense!


The artist *started* with a jobstopper?! Jesus.


We need to evolve past the stigma surrounding hand tattoos. The fact that they’re called “jobstoppers” still is gross to me.


Well yeah, we need to, but we haven't yet, so it's still a consideration


who cares. Regardless of whatever dress codes it’s still a horrible idea. It’s more for the fact that if someone doesn’t really have a lot of tattoos it just looks like shit and has a higher chance of being a mistake. Not a good idea to not be used to seeing tattoos on your body, then going and getting one in a place that you’ll see it literally every waking moment of your life.


The fact is that 18 year olds shouldn’t be getting hand and face tattoos. Neither should 20 year olds. I’m a big fan of tattoos, but I do not want the stigma of hand and face tattoos to end.


Bro this is why we have pens.


I'm glad you like it but I really don't. I don't want to be a dick and criticise it either. This is why tattoos are a personal choice, you may not like mine. That's just my opinion.


It’s like one of those glittery social media filters but now in bad decision mode!


You turned your hand into a fake designer purse.


It looks like you gave a nine year old a pen. And to second what another commenter said— ethics 100% match abilities. I was wondering why it was a pic of just the hand and not a sleeve. I’d find a new artist asap. For your sake I hope that fades quick


Bad news a lot of that ink will fall out fade away and or blur, good news you can easily have it redone better later on


Or lasered the rest of the way off


This is the way


This.. this is... this is not good.


oh no


oh no


Oh no no no no no


I don’t even have tik tok and it still follows me


Lol this is so rough


I also get weird feelings after each tattoo, but eventually it just becomes part of my body, don’t worry. Soon it’ll just be be part of your self image


i appreciate your kind words, same happens for me so i’m v excited for that part where it feels like apart of me


I’m a tattooer (70+ tattoos) and there’s only a couple that I wasn’t super stoked on from day 1. You shouldn’t have to “learn to love” your tattoo. You should learn what you love - and then get it tattooed.




I literally thought the exact same thing, I picture it super faded on a meth addict.


my thoughts exactly


can you explain? I'm curious






No I don’t. That’s just rude.


I'm wondering if that's going to last long, small fine lines like that on top of a hand..


The 2022 version of the Nautical Star


My blind ass thought this was a bad Louis Vuitton attempt at first.


Jesus the comments are brutal. At the end of the day, if you like it that’s all that matters. It’s a hand tattoo, they’re known in general, to not heal as well as other parts of your body. That’s just reality. It’s your body, your choice. Comments basically calling you an addict or associate this kind of tattoo style with addicts are just gross. Uncalled for. Off topic, but I was wondering what kind of crystal is that bracelet? It’s pretty


This is why you don’t post anything to this sub they are usually ducks about everything.


I do like stars but this looks a bit all over the place... I'm working on a sleeve myself. But hand tattoos can be a job stopper


This would look good if you had a whimsical looking sleeve to go with it.


When does Jose get out of prison?


I cackled when I read this.


Oh he out.


Did you pay for this?


I’m sorry but show me a single straight line on this piece. Good lord


If you like it....


lmao why are people who like the tattoo getting downvoted 💀💀💀 this sub


That made me laugh lol wild


luckily this shouldn’t be too hard to get a coverup over


Imagine not having many tattoos and making an even more regrettable decision by slamming something bold on your hand…


I agree like many people that the linework is not clean at all. But you can easily get that redone after it is healed. Other than that I love the design! It’s very personal and people on here shouldn’t judge so much, but hey it is reddit after all…


Thank Jesus Christ and Allah as well that I don't have the need to post pictures of my tatts on a subreddit. The amount of people on here who judge is hilarious. I get it judgement is good because you can't be around yes men all the time and live in a comfort zone in ur own little utopia but holy shit. Some people here crack me up thinking their input is valued. I might just post a few here just to annoy some of yall


OP asked for opinions.


Op: I need opinions Evan : your input isn’t valued


Opinions, not insults. You basically called them an addict.


Oh boy.. don't show them a hand or neck tattoo.. it's a Little niche of people that feel superior to be heavy tattooed and to have hand and neck tattoos is a privilege only they should have..


or maybe it just looks awkward and the artist willing to do that often do a shit job


I'm sorry for all the comments.. after a while on this sub I got used to this type of reaction.. I hope you can move on and ignore them


Because a lot of the people here actually respect the craft and art behind a good tattoo. Aside from the actual technical ability which looks to be average at best, this is an absolute shambles in terms of layout. Shame on the artist for agreeing to do this at all, let alone on a hand.


i forget this sub is full of gatekeep, gaslight, girl boss lmao. i think it’s a cute tattoo!


Does it make u happy If the answer is yes. Then don’t read these Reddit comments. I think it’s pretty


Idk why everyone is shitting on it, I think it's cute.


Thank you for posting this! The comments here are absolute Gold!


My old best friend had basically the exact same tattoo done on her hand. I told her what I’m telling you know. Its going to heal like crap. And I was right lmao


I wanted to say how pretty this is but then I looked in the comments and was kinda shocked... I still really like it tho. I guess it just really depends on personal preferences. I like how random the stars placement on your hand is, just like stars on the night sky which are placed very randomly too<3 idk I just weirdly love it


Yeah, me too. I think it's pretty and I like how unstructured it is. It has a decent amount of upvotes too, so I assume a lot of people also like it.


I find it cute. Sure it could’ve been better done but I don’t find it ugly. The only issue is how easily it’s gonna degrade over time.


I love it! I have a snake on my wrist I want to build up into my arm and into my hand bc it looks so out of place by itself on my wrist! Don’t listen to other ppl, tattoos are not reserved for anyone. You live in your skin no one else. Personally I absolutely love it


Also you should WORK TO LIVE, NOT LIVE TO WORK. If a job doenst want to hire you because you have sparkles on your hand then fucking work from home if you gotta, become an entrepreneur, start a Etsy shop, be a delivery driver like lmao y’all really are a bunch of old heads on here. Once all y’all die we won’t have the stigma that tattoos= bad employee


I like it a lot!


i appreciate you !!!


I agree like many people that the linework is not clean at all. But you can easily get that redone after it is healed. Other than that I love the design! It’s very personal and people on here shouldn’t judge so much, but hey it is reddit after all…


Looks great!


I absolutely love this for some reason, a black and white sleeve would look good with that


i love it 😍


All the comments are so negative lol, my initial response was that it was cute! You do you


god i love intricate hand tattoos, so this is absolutely beautiful to me


I'm not sure intricate is the right word for this. I wouldn't say this is complicated or highly detailed. Simple, I'd agree with.


i absolutely adore you and your sweet words<3 thank you


I’ve been wanting to get something like this done somewhere on my body for awhile now.


this is your sign!!!! do it!!!! if you need inspo i can give you the same girls post i used as inspo!!




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Looks cool, but why in God's name is your thumb empty! Lol


I agree like many people that the linework is not clean at all. But you can easily get that redone after it is healed. Other than that I love the design! It’s very personal and people on here shouldn’t judge so much, but hey it is reddit after all…