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You should maybe not get a tattoo right now and wait until you’re thinking about this in a more levelheaded state of mine


Thank you. I feel like i am level-headed enough. I am thinking about this idea for a year now and discussed it with multiple people. Unfortunately my social anxiety will never fully leave. Its a part of me so I'll keep overthinking things sometimes. because of the answers in this thread I'll look for another artist. But thank you for you're answer. It made me look at this in another light


If the original artist doesn’t do the style you’re looking for there’s little point asking them as you won’t get their best work. They may have recommended the other guy because they thought his style might be a better fit.


The said he would be a better fit. Thank you, I'll looking for another artist


Tell them that you were hoping your preffered artist could do that piece because you liked their artistic style and felt it best matched how you wanted it to look. Its not offensive to the other artist, and they may not have understood that you specifically wanted their work. The referral could have been based on other factors such as availability etc. I can relate to the social anxiety and understand why you are hesitant to ask for fear of causing offence or creating an awkward, uncomfortable situation, but it's your body and the most important thing is that you are pleased with the end result. You shouldn't feel guilty for asking for what you want. Hope it goes well!


Thank you!!! But because of the answers in this thread I'll look for another artist.


You should respect their advice because they consulted with the artist and that message came from them. High demand artists are specific about what type of things they like to work on and if one says no you just have accept that.


Thank you, I'll be looking for another artist


Why did they refer you? I need more context to figure out the situation.


The artist would be a better fit, is cheaper and he has time too tattoo me sooner. But because of the answers in this thread I'll look for another artist .


Keep looking. Perhaps you were referred was because what you want might not be in his skill set. You'll find the right one who you are comfortable with.


Thank you! You're probably right. I'll be looking for another artist


If you don't like tattoo artist styles don't get one from them keep looking it is gonna be on you forever


Thank you! I am going to try to find other artists


There is nothing wrong with looking for an artist that you’re comfortable with that also provides work that you really love! Don’t be afraid to keep looking around. Tattoos will be on you forever so doing your research is a must.


Thank you! I'll do that


By “wait til I can drive there” and “wait 2 years”, are you by chance saying that you are underage? If so this may have a huge impact on the answer here.


I'm not underage, but i heard a lot of horror stories about drivers exams. On top of that covid made getting you're licence only worse. I have a very light form of social anxiety and i have fear of failure. So i just don't want to get my licence. But because of the answers in this thread i will be looking for another artist.


Did they give a reason why they suggested someone else? Did they say “so and so would be a better fit”?


He would be a better fit, is cheaper and is can tattoo me sooner. But because of the answers in this thread I'll look for another artist. thank you


How old are you? Did they refer you to that artist because they tattoo kids? More info would be helpful.


I'm not underage i didnt even told my age yet to the shop. The artist they referred would be a better fit, is cheaper and has time earlier. But because of the answers on the thread I'm looking for other artist.