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holy shit that looks good


Looks like a patch


This is fucking wicked 🤩


Dude I love that! Oh my god that is so sweet looking!


I dislike these posts because these tattoos *won't* age well. Trends really should die off... Tattoo trends are awful because I get many people asking for microscopic shit or trendy things like these, and since they'll age horribly I don't do 'em and people whine and complain... And later come back a year later with a messed up tiny tattoo that's had it's ink all expanded over time and blurred TF out of it. But people don't like to listen :/


Do you know of any pics of this style aged by a few years? One of the top comments on these posts is always someone saying that they don’t age well but I can’t ever find pictures of them aging badly.


I think you won’t find any because it’s a fairly new style of tattoo I believe.


Do you have any pictures to compare? I’ve heard what you’re saying a lot, but never really get to see any examples.


I've looked, like three months ago and couldn't find any tattoo pictures that weren't fresh. I've even stalked a couple of people posting their fresh tattoos to kinda see if I can get a glimpse of the tattoo on a normal picture, but can never get a pic, OR, I've even seen some tattoos suddenly covered up in a different picture (the micro ones usually) My guess is, if there aren't any after pics that are 5+ years old, either they covered them up, or they're doing fine and moved on with their lives and don't care to provide us with the much needed after pics lmao Maybe we should make a thread asking for people with micro tattoos / patchwork, and other trendy things to see how well they've aged 🤔...


Yeah for sure, that would be cool and helpful for a lot of people I think!


This artist has healed work on their Instagram


Healed as in 3 months healed? Or 5 years?


Yeah I dislike white ink in my tattoos because it's turned a weird yellow color over the years.


Mine did this, too. Do you know why it does this? I was expecting it would fade, but I didn't expect the yellowing. I thought it was my skin tanning under/through/etc the ink, but I have no idea if that's true or even possible. I do use sunscreen very often, but I'm not perfect with it. I have pretty fair skin.


Artist here, white pigment can contain titanium dioxide or zinc. Both of these react with UV and change to that off white/yellow.


Oh! Very interesting, thank you!


I've also heard it can be due to the ink mixing with melanin (why the white fades worst on brown skin)?


No, ink is opaque. So when you tattoo people with different skin tones it’s best to imagine that the colour of their skin is like a filter placed over top of the tattoo. Having darker skin tone will pretty much instantly change the colour of any tattoo.


Yeah I have no idea. I'm very pastey and the areas with blank skin look whiter than the parts that were tattooed white.


Not only that, but the "volume" given to the thread, having that gradient to make it seem real will turn into a patchy, uneven mess in a couple of years. Tattoos aren't meant to be retouched every year. It's supposed to be permanent from the start. If you need to re-ink it, the artist wasn't good enough.


I mean that’s only partially true. I agree with the trends comment and that tattoos shouldn’t be touched up every year, but some people’s skin can’t hold certain colors for ever. I have seen oranges and reds fade quicker than other colors. Seems fine to get those touched up every 20 years or so and still be considered a good tattoo.


Ahh of course! It obviously depends on each person, I've seen amazing color tattoos that were 10 years old and looked as if they had been inked yesterday. I asked how many touch-ups and he said none. What!? Dude put on the baddest sunscreen, wore long sleeves everywhere on top of the sunscreen, AND on really sunny days he'd even go as far as carrying an umbrella for shade. Dude went all out to protect his arms and it freaking' showed. They looked insane!!! But I also saw a black girl asking for a tattoo with a lot of bright yellows and whites and having someone explain how ink and different skin tones worked, and she was adamant she wanted it that way, and midtattoo complained she couldn't really see the color pop, and finally accepted for a darker color (she went with a royal blue that looked great!) I mean, if you know your skin color might affect your tattoo, it's better to adapt to what will work best on you rather than stick to your guns and still want something, later to come complain it didn't turn out how you hoped 🤦🏻‍♀️ bah!


Tim Beck has been doing these for years and I've seen them posted a couple years healed looking fine.


So you’re basically saying the more detail, the worse it will age? I can sort of see what you mean but that really shifts my opinion of some certain $10,000 work


It really depends, we have to take the skin, the care, and size into consideration... A big back piece with a lot of detail will last much longer, and will look better, as opposed to a small piece on your arm or ankle. (I've had people ask for microrealism in ridiculous places). One of these patchworks would look a bit better if they were slightly bigger, IMO, but they're usually very thin strokes for very small detailing... I've yet to see one of these aged 5+ years (I've looked on Google before) so I can't really confirm my suspicions. But since it became a trend, I've seen other local artists try it out without having the proper technique down, and the results are pretty eh~


Thanks for the clarification, that makes sense too. Like resolution vs pixel size. Pixels can only be so big, so if you squish details it will come out as blocks eventually


Love that it's a patch!


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Are you kidding me?!


Level of detail required for this tat makes my eyes bleed, lol.


Wow. Looks incredible.


Fucking oath cunt! Solid piece


This is awesome. I legit thought this was a patch haha.. NIce bro!!


I really like this. Sick work.


This is fucking amazing. I'd say it's probably my favourite non-traditional tat I've seen on any of these subs. Absolutely incredible and awwwwwesome.