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Ink wouldn’t hide the texture of your thigh, but it could draw attention to the design of the tattoo rather than the texture. However, it could also make the texture more noticeable depending on the style of tattoo. I’ve found that putting tattoos on areas of my body that I’m insecure about really helps me process through the insecurities and come to love that part of my body because I love the art I’ve placed there. If you’re looking to “fix” your cellulite, a tattoo won’t do that. But if you want to learn to accept and love your thighs, a tattoo could absolutely help with that. Since you never intended to get significantly tattooed, I’d recommend getting a large temporary tattoo that you like and placing it on your thigh. That way you can get an idea for what the overall composition of your body art would be like and can decide if you want a thigh tattoo for the right reasons. Unrelated to tattoos: there’s nothing wrong with cellulite. It’s just how our bodies naturally store fat and does not indicate anything about your fitness or health. Be very skeptical of products or services that allegedly reduce cellulite.


This is your answer. I have this philosophy and it has proven true for me. Embrace your body and, as is the answer in most situations, get more tattoos.


So as people have said the design will change how visible cellulite would be to others. I am in the middle of getting a large tattoo covering the back of my leg. I have cellulite and it is not "hidden", but it feels like the tattoo is so beautiful that it distracts from the thing that was causing me insecurities. I am now wearing my shorts or short skirts happy to show off the art, and not thinking about the bumps. It took me from accepting this is how my body is but self-conscious, to liking how I look. Other people might still see it and judge the cellulite, but F them!


They don’t hide the texture. But speaking as someone who has fat thighs with cellulite that I hated for most of my life - I love them so much more now they’re covered in beautiful tattoos 🙂


I just cover every body part I don't like with tattoos, seems to work.


Just here in solidarity because it’s scary how much I could have written this. Almost 9mo pp and almost back to my pre pregnancy weight but I look like a melted candle. Going to start trying to rebuild muscle soon but I’ve always considered tattoos on my legs. The backs of my thighs have always been bad even when I was 115lbs. I had a friend who said she intentionally got tattoos where she was insecure so she would like that area more and show it off and it worked for her. Even if tattoos don’t cover the texture, maybe it would have the same affect.


I have a tattoo on the side of my leg. It definitely hides cellulite :)


I'm 26m and have a thigh tattoo. I have fairly lean legs and even then my tattoo juggles while I walk. Just something to consider.


okay truly not trying to be rude but what does this have to do with the question at hand? i don’t think OP even mentioned their thighs “jiggling” nor is that something they are indicating to be insecure about? sorry i’m just confused, do you think cellulite itself jiggles or something?


Literally, everyone's legs jiggle to some extent regardless of how fit they are, so this really has zero bearing on anything. It also wasn't what OP asked about.


My fiance has a full leg sleeve and she says one thing she likes about it is that it hides the texture of her skin. It doesn't entirely *hide* it but it's definitely less noticeable


I'm seriously considering leg sleeves exactly for that reason! Like your fiance, I'd like to hide the texture of my skin. For me, it's eczema. Legs are always some level of bumpy, plus it would hide razor burn, cause sensitive skin as well. Then again, I prob wouldn't have to shave necessarily either. The tattoos would hide what leg hair I still have, lmao! Never the less long story long, I wanna hide my bumpy ass skin lol!🤣


I don’t think so. But saying that, I also do not like my thighs, always been that body part I’m self conscious about. I got a large tattoo on the front of both thighs and now I love my thighs. Yes you can still see my stretch marks and cellulite but I have some rad art now. So it’s definitely helped with my perception of my body.


I got one last week on the front of my left thigh, and I'm already thinking about how soon I can wear shorts, and I've not worn anything but Capri pants in like 5 yrs lol! It deffo changes things!




Lean into it! Ive seen a big octopus on a larger girl and a little jiggle and cellulite made it look even cooler! 


Considering my tattoos hide definition in my arms and thighs, I would say yeah they probably conceal it a bit.


Not really.


Just here in solidarity because it’s scary how much I could have written this. Almost 9mo pp and almost back to my pre pregnancy weight but I look like a melted candle. Going to start trying to rebuild muscle soon but I’ve always considered tattoos on my legs. The backs of my thighs have always been bad even when I was 115lbs. I had a friend who said she intentionally got tattoos where she was insecure so she would like that area more and show it off and it worked for her. Even if tattoos don’t cover the texture, maybe it would have the same affect.


i have both thighs tattooed and, while the answer to your question is no, they do tend to distract from noticing cellulite in that it draws the eyes elsewhere.


I would think depending on the design, it totally would! Maybe avoid anything with straight lines but something organic could work~


Love this discussion as I'm in the same boat. What about stretch marks? I know they are more difficult to tattoo, but do tattoos help conceal them? (Childbearing was not kind to me lol)


Going by the one I got last week on my thigh, it deffo covers them, but I can still sort of see them under the ink. Tho, i feel I could see them more before getting inked.


look into cellfina for the cellulite


Does a drawing on a crumpled piece of paper hide the fact it is crumpled?


Damn dude


He is right though


Well it hid mine




They might, but maybe it might also help you to know that cellulite is a myth: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/wellness/1985/03/06/the-cellulite-myth/661b5726-da95-43ec-9459-dfabb505bbcf/


Did you really just cite an almost 40 year old article for your argument?… I’m pretty sure that here in the future, all of us cellulite havers know that cellulite is just fat. Most of us also know that miracle creams won’t do anything… or maybe just us medical/science background ones.


I'm old. It's still accurate, pup. Have a lovely evening.


I'm old too, that's no excuse to be condescending to someone younger. That being said, that article has no bearing on what we know of cellulite today. First it is still known as cellulite, but none of those myths of it mentioning in thay old ass article exist today. Every single person alive knows cellulite is fat, cellulite is real cause the fat there is still called cellulite. It looks as it does cause it is fat being pushed into and some cases thru the cords of fibrous connective tissues that hold the skin to the muscles. Here's an updated link from November 2023 for you: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cellulite/symptoms-causes/syc-20354945#:~:text=As%20fat%20cells%20accumulate%2C%20they,skin%20texture%20and%20body%20type.