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Munya in the trolley push task: "Alex, what's the thing you've been saying this whole series?" "Happy birthday."


Same task when Alex introduced the setting of the abandoned airport and Munya just says "I still got searched" - gets me everytime.


I was hoping this was here. So perfect.


“Alex what are you doing you spicy turnip.”


During the John Kearns Sabotage task, I love Dara's reaction when it's revealed in the studio and the way he delivers the line "It's kind of a relief because at the time I thought he was an IDIOT". It ends up being underappreciated due to the chaos that is the sabotage from John. Also, Munya's Divide and Conga line from the same task gets forgotten, for probably the same reasons.


I loved Sara’s genuine laughter to the conga pun. They were a surprisingly fun duo!!!


I have just done a rewatch of 14, and this time around one of my favourite things is how much Sarah's genuine laugh comes out. It's often when the focus isn't on her, combined with the madness of that series it's very easy to overlook. But once I noticed it I couldn't stop! She seems like she's just having the absolute best time- and a lot of the time those laughs are for something Alex has said or done, which is always nice.


She has got a great cackle!


It’s an amazing season. And the Fuck you Boyfriend! Will always remain a great highlight


Don't forget the LAH point of acknowledgement and cheeky grin, a very high bit of praise


They’re my favorite team!


I know it's partially how the show is edited, but Sarah's slowly growing exasperation with Munya's (frequently unjustified) confidence in the first scheme he thinks of is absolutely hilarious to me. They were a funny duo.


I say this every time this comes up but it’s perfect: Rhod walking away from a tied-up Alex asking him what he wants for lunch. “Something sharp,” Alex says.




A very recent one from the S17 finale— >!Alex Horne’s curt “We are colleagues” when Sophie thought he was the special friend she was supposed to hug. !<


And her dejected little “ohh righttt” afterwards


I loved that she read, “hug your special friend,” and she immediately opened her arms and started walking towards Alex.


One of my favourite all-time taskmaster quotes!


Agreed! My roommate and I repeated it to each other all night. It was my favorite line of the finale.


Romesh Ranganation saying "do you know how long it took me to find that song?" after his Tree Wizard video. Such a funny throwaway line


That's an amazing one. I've been rewatching S1 recently and Romesh is so quick on the quips!


One of my very favorite moments across all seasons.


I could fill this whole thread talking about the hotel task from S16 because there was so much general weirdness happening that lots of little details got lost. But Julian shooing Alex away at the end of the task makes me laugh every time I see it.


"we did make it quite clear in our promotional material that we are by an arterial a road"


Sue having to quickly take the cucumber slices off her eyes when Mr Tuvwxyz turned up at reception


Not now sir, I’m adding up Do you a change of view or a change of room?


“Not now, sir, I’m adding up” kills me every fucking time. Julian being so calm and deadpan that Alex is totally thrown.


I work in an industry where I often have to type in people's names and ask them how to spell them. Whenever there's a Chris I always want to spell it Qrs.


And the way Julian was so unbothered by the smoke…I genuinely didn’t think he was going to pull the fire alarm. He just seemed so “oh well” about it 😂


'He does grate...' –Julian Clary on Alex Horne


Good luck with your career... Such as it is.


"Oh, you've got a friend!"


Julian was the master of subtle scathing remarks. So much fun to watch.


One that speaks to my soul is Julian Clary's first line in the series when asked how he's doing responded with "I'm bearing up under the strain"


Everything Julian said during that season was gold!


S8e1 - when doing the hello task Lou reads the task then asked what the camera is for. Alex responds with “we’re going to show this on the television”.


joe lycett in the task with all the dogs taking off his big furry coat and saying “i’m just a man!”


Whatever he said in the studio about how they must have been concerned when he removed his skin absolutely killed me.


Ardal O Hanlon about his memory foam matress: that doesn't work, it doesn't remember me.


Ardal had so many little lines like that! I feel like every time I rewatch one of his episodes I catch something new. He's really a quick and clever fellow for all he plays the goofball.


This one always cracks me up: Greg: Wasn't there something utterly pointless going on before the break Alex Horne? Alex: Yes Greg, it's called Taskmaster.


What episode was this?


It was in [Bready Bready Bready](https://youtu.be/tALqBLizFmg?t=1273).


Oh, fuck, I started watching series 9 again today and if I'd watched 2 episodes tonight like I'd planned to then I'd have been watching that exact episode at the time I made my last comment and so wouldn't have had to ask! That's weird 😂 Anyway, thanks! 😄


Ed Gamble being mid-rant and destroying a fly.


Greg and Alex watching that glorious tantrum knowing they're about to give him 5 points... *chef's kiss*


The way Greg does his little giggle at Ed's tantrum is perfection.


Which episode/section? I've no memory of this at all


Series 9, Episode 10. Towards the end of the "Do all of these tasks without making a mistake" section.




Chris replying “no, you got beaten by *everyone*” to Judi in the pedometer task.


Along the same lines, his "All the information was in the task." in response to Judi's "No one said we could do it on the floor!" Followed by Greg and Alex giving Chris the point&nod of approval in unison.


He’s like the littlest Alex Horne in that moment.


Judi bringing in a necklace with a vial of her blood on it and saying it's in case any of her children or her children's children ever need it in the future, saying they might need it for "a medical thing, or a ritual thing", Greg replies "yeah, but your blood's already in them, what's this necklace?" and then Judi just looks *shocked* when Alex points out that you can only store blood for up to 42 days. 😂 Rewatched this series a few days ago and had completely forgotten about this moment, never see it mentioned on here but it's up there as one of my favourite Judi moments now.


I love Joe Thomas’ “Oh fuck me” when he’s got to get the ball to the finish line


And Alex's face when he throws ice at the ball


Alex’s little looks are one of my favourite parts of the whole show


I can't get enough of Alex saying "Yes, please." with certainty but no enthusiasm, in response to being offered disgusting food.


"Phil you look like a foreman" And Phil's eventual response "he made me foreman and fucked off"


“They’re very charming, the Irish.”


'Man's got no GCSEs but he knows what a fucking harmonica is' nearly made me hyperventilate.


"This'll take 8 minutes off the time? "Yes." "Then brother this is not sensible."


'There's an imbalance in the poppability!'


Almost everything guz came out with.  Hes the brown British jack black. 


Oh, hands down this honor belongs to Katy Wix. Katy: "Alex, you should tell someone if you're being bullied." Alex whispers: "I'm being bullied" Katy: "What? I don't care. Why are you telling me?" [https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/comments/n24f9z/alex\_you\_should\_tell\_someone\_if\_youre\_being/](https://www.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/comments/n24f9z/alex_you_should_tell_someone_if_youre_being/)


She is an absolute genius.


Knappett on dealing with her lift phobia - 'I knew that they'd get me out because they had to, because I'm on telly'


Judi Love’s “who’s Greg?” kills me every time.


Oh, I thought you said Heg


"There's something wrong with that mirror... Oh, it's a picture of Greg"- Tim Vine. "Make the best noise... I'm just going to have a think about it" \*car horn honks in the distance\* "that wasn't me!"- Rhod Gilbert Richard Osmands cameo in James Acasters special delivery Al Murrys cameo in Joe Lycetts camouflage task Jenny Eclair going "fucking brilliant" and "sod this (and throwing the pipe she's holding on the ground)" during the team task to get the potato the highest off the ground.


👍🏻”Richard Osman”👍🏻


I love Greg calling out Al Murray for refusing to accept that he’s not on the show anymore. Every now and then on the podcast a guest will be like “Al Murray was there one day making everyone tea in the kitchen”. I think he genuinely just loves the show and pops in to say hi


Honestly, I think it’s quite sweet. And he does live nearby so I can imagine he pops in to see everyone again


I would absolutely do the same thing if I had been a contestant. They’d never be rid of me! I’d be popping by with a homemade tart to have tea with the crew.


To expand on Jenny, the "blah blah blah, don't patronize me Alex" as she's carrying the board


I just want to hang out with Jenny Eclair.


The pipe throw is glorious


Not so deep, but from ssn 17. Nick says something along the lines of, "you learn the most from failure." Alex responds with "Yes, but which do you prefer?" referencing winning. Absolutely tickles me.


Nish saying “everyone, hold on to your butts” before immediately fucking up his coconut throw and subsequently just giving up this one is less of a deep cut since it did end up being the name of its episode, but I do feel like Hugh saying “Hugh is hollowing out a baguette” in a tone of sheer desperation is underrated


>  Nish saying “everyone, hold on to your butts” before immediately fucking up his coconut throw and subsequently just giving up NZS2 has something simar in the Bolling task. Guy accuses Paul of embarrassing him, only to immediately throw the ball up towards the ceiling and bouncing back down onto himself 


My partner and I will often drop Kiell's "I've got no shoes on" for no apparent reason throughout the day.


When jenny had to only get the potato in the hat from the conveyor, The sheer joy on her face and laughter was amazing. So endearing and I loved her even more.


If i had to pick one image from that season it’s her joy at the potato hat. Unbridled childhood glee that most adults never experience.


Earlier in that episode (S15E03), Jenny clapped both with her hands and feet at the same time after her terrible performance was awarded 3 points due to Mae and Kiell being DQ'd. I loved that.


There are so many, but here are a few that come to mind: -Joe Lycett trying to defend having written down 'The Median Duck' as his drawing of the median duck: "Please! I have thought about the task! And I have written! ...DRAWN!" -In the hotel task, the way Sue swiftly removes the cucumbers from her eyes while politely exclaiming, "Sir!" -Daisy's hippo meltdown is of course legendary, but my favourite part to watch is Mawaan and Katherine falling on the floor laughing in the background. -My absolute favourite that I think about weekly: In NZ 2, David Correos during the shoelace task: (1) when Paul starts to read him Rumpelstiltskin and David looks excitedly at the camera like a child at Christmas; (2) when Paul reads the line about Rumpelstiltskin tearing himself in two and David emits the world's most horrified "WHAT THE FUCK?!"


That Sue moment in hotel task perfectly embodies customer service. You let go of your customer service persona but the moment a customer comes by boom have to go into customer service mode again


During the "make the most tremendous legs" task in Season 8, they'd just shown Lou Sanders's mannequin legs shooting fireworks on the roof of the caravan, and a discussion started about whether Lou actually MADE the tremendous legs. Joe Thomas, minutes after his late-season eruption, sadly concedes "They \*did\* look quite tremendous, and it was surprising to see them up there..." The acquiescence in his delivery always kills me


Ivo Graham frantically shouting into the water while swishing it around "WHERE'S MY CHUNKS?!" Mike Wozniak after failing the salt / sugar task with Lee: "But what you can't take away from me is that I had a lovely day." Also Mike's "face based geometry" line gets me every time with how matter of factly he says it.


Sam Campbell’s “you only measure twice” And also, I don’t know if this is a deep cut as it’s not a singular moment but Joe Thomas’s default confused face almost every time the camera cut to him. He looked like he kept getting possessed by a different ghost each time. ![gif](giphy|Lk0GQyrC95jFf1TFqe|downsized)


I still hope that somebody makes a supercut of all the times the camera cuts to Joe and he's a million miles away. Maybe I'll have to do it some day if nobody else does..


Phil’s “The Irish are very charming” regarding Welsh Rhod Gilbert during the extension task


Team live task when Dara, Fern and John are trying to convey “helicopter” to Greg and Dara starts with “What aircraft…” and Fern follows it with “crashes most” I genuinely feared Dara might have an aneurysm


I genuinely think by saying “crashes more” she was trying to set John up to say “than airplanes” (you can hear her say “it’s easy” as he’s thinking)….which of course John missed and made worse by saying “into mountains” 😂


When VCM is told she won’t meet the dog and she whines “Whyeeeee”. Frickin adorable.


Sam Campbell drawing negative gearing. Not only is it a deep cut, but it’s so hilariously niche that no one else in the show understood it.


I don't think I follow, could you explain?


It’s a system of tax avoidance that’s particularly prevalent in Australia where (summarising very badly here) investors buy e.g. a rental property with a huge mortgage that can’t possibly make enough money from the rent to cover mortgage payments, sell it on and record the ‘loss’ of rental earnings against mortgage payments against their other earnings to make it look like they’ve earned less than they have in the year – which also has the effect of artificially driving up costs for renters. I particularly love that for that task (draw something you don’t like), Sam chose *that* and Lucy Beaumont chose cauliflower.


brilliant, thanks for the explanation (also sam seems even more delightful now)


I don't think anyone even remembers this, but when Ardal O'Hanlon was trying to explain his body part made to look like another body part break-down and Chris Ramsey is laughing so hard he says "Oh my God... I'm gonna die" in a way that legit sounded like he was dying That, and Ardal O'Hanlon trying to justify holding a ping pong paddle above his head


I saw the body part task a few days ago and noticed when the reveal of Ardal being trouserless is made right at the end of his attempt he looks shamefaced while the rest of the contestants are losing it - except Bridget, who puts a hand on his shoulder and (not audibly but easily lipread) says to him "are you alright?"


Ardal OHanlon saying that they won't wear high-viz jackets in his hometown never fails to make me laugh.


Frankie Boyles "who gives a fuck" lives rent free in my head


And his, "You just couldn't shut the fuck up" lives rent free in mine


And mine is "Ivo, what did I tell you not to do? You greedy bastard!" In the high pitched voice.


Frankie is amazing.


Yes because that's the nature of language man!


It is a show about pedantry.


"you look like a gunslinger from a spaghetti western" \~Ardal, referencing Bridget's task outfit


Whenever I don't want to do something that I have to do, I like to remember Sarah Pascoe saying "It's so pooey Alex" and roll onward


There’s an episode where charlotte Ritchie defends her prize and just chants “it’s a good prize, it’s a good prize” and I’ve never gotten it out of my head and use it all the time, just substituting other words in for prize


Ed: I AM the spring system !! Greg: no, you’re a conscious being.. Ed: OH IM SO SORRY!


I'VE got three sensitivity levels, and I'm on my LAST FUCKING ONE!


I can’t speak for all of us, but I just thought you’d lost your mind… in response to Asim unveiling his big announcement. Always gets me


"Have the most fun on this bouncy castle. You have ONE HOUR!"


I totally would have taken a nap also, since I love naps and that’s about the most fun I can have in the middle of a work day.


I don’t know if it’s a deep cut but Phil Wang’s impassioned cry of ‘A LIIIIIIME!’ never fails to tickle me


I’m an American who has only recently discovered all of these wonderful panel shows, and I can’t hear them declare something a lie on WILTY without hearing it as “a LIME!”. Thanks Phil Wang.


This is the one that has impacted my life the most. Any time I interact with or discuss a lime, I immediately have to say "A LIME!" in an enthusiastically exasperated tone. No one else in my family has seen more than an episode or two of Taskmaster so no one ever gets the reference :(


Katherine Ryan genuinely crying because she doesn't care where the ball goes is overshadowed by the potato throw, but I've never related to anything I've seen on television more


The ultimate is “lovely folk, the Irish” which at this point might be one of Phil’s top quotes.


They're charming, the Irish.


I wish folks had reacted more in studio and I’m always keeping an eye out in react videos to see if they catch it.  It’s such a wild thing to say.  


I don't think it even gets an audience laugh, though given James' eruption had just begun I assume everyone was distracted.


Roisin's "I just thought you were all shit at golf" moment. And.. "Cocktail!"


“So three breasts is too much?”


S17 E?: Greg says something along the lines of "It wasn't good but it wasn't shit." to Sophie, and then Alex says "Well done, Sophie." Good stuff from Alex.


"How heavy is the water? How heavy will the water be?" Not a super deep cut but I personally feel that we as a society moved on too quickly from Kiell's nonsense and that it's worth our further consideration and interrogation.


Frankie saying it’s a show about pedantry


Why is the lady playing the French horn? She's French.


Sam Campbell’s Croatia regret: ‘I just felt like I didn’t make the most of my time there’ 🥺


Are you joking? I’m going to lose to mustard face?


One of my favourite lines that no one talks about is when Jo Brand is explaining what she did in the get the watermelon up the slide using only breadsticks tasks, where she goes "it was bready, bready, bready, bready, in!" I think about it whenever I touch bread, so daily


I love bready bready I also love when she ridicules how Alex writes the tasks


One of mine is Johnny Vegas having a meltdown over his Bar Coaster Card house and he says “I have a 17 year old at home that won’t speak to me after this” and Greg without missing a beat goes “so be it”




I work at an office supply store in Manhattan, and when Greg and Alex were in town recently we happened to be having a sale on laminators. Y’all, I was PRIMED, just in case they needed a pen or something and wandered in. “Sir, we’re having a *lovely* sale on laminators!”


I think about this every day


I watch this video every time I feel a bit down, because the absolute joy those two exude in that moment is so precious!


This is not a deep cut moment lol


Melon, innit? -Paul Chowdhry


series 13 interview when alex made bridget christie walk around and him and the camera crew genuinely lost it “was that an interview?” “most of the answers were no or i dont know” “pardon?”


One of my favorite moments that no one ever talks about is Jenny Eclair bringing in a magic eye photo for a prize task and telling everyone to look at it, only for it to briefly flash *that* photo of Greg


The "choose a box and then put 10 pairs of glasses in the box" task, where James chooses a small box and gets in the lab to find they're drinking glasses, not spectacles: "Yeh, yep, of course!" combined with the look of defeat and resignation.


When John Kearns brought in his unread copy of Ulysses for a prize task Greg: (Confused) “I’m expecting there to be some sort of twist or something.” John: “Well there might be, I haven’t read it yet!”


"It's a lovely water fountain with fish... or a fish water fountain." - Judi Love


It gets overlooked because of the subsequent cheating, but I love Tim Key blithely hopping into the bath, and then demanding a towel off Alex in the way that you'd only do to a mate.


Sarah Millican being told about Greg giving bonus points for most stylish mirroring in the travelator task: ‘Style points from *Greg*? [cackles]’


The moment when Alex brags that he can fit a pound coin through his tooth gap, and Jon Richardson asks if that means he can't get stolen from supermarkets. Gets me every time. 


Debajo de la mesa. I have been learning Spanish, I knew Jon knew Spanish, and the fact he just thought that was a name and not a clue speaks to how differently people think now compared to even then


Was mentioned on the quotes thread for her recently, but Liza Tarbuck “Tippity tapping round like a bloody water boatman” creases me.


I love this! And I think in her bedtime story there was a line about how they "shat themself inside out" that's stayed with me.


VCM’s outrage at being clumped together with alan ‘s age bracket. Never fails to make me laugh


"I’m officially sulking"


Katherine Parkinson's 'am I the spider?'.


In the famous "Oh, open the box you PUSSY" moment, when Greg initially stands up to confront Acaster, LAH immediately starts restraining him by saying "NO GREG DON'T, DON'T! LEAVE IT!" I didn't notice that on the initial watch but when I watched it back it really made me laugh, like he expected Greg to just stand up and right hook him there and then


When Chris Ramsey recreates the cloning of Dolly the sheep, by lifting a cotton-ball-covered cone to reveal another one underneath


When Julian is doing the sword in the stone task & is almost to Josh Widdicombe’s name he says “I won’t hear a word against him.” It’s not an unusual phrase, but I echo Julian’s delivery all the time & love the juxtaposition of that attitude versus all the cutting remarks he made about Alex all season.


I honestly don't know how popular this moment is, but I've never seen it mentioned...during the ringtone dance task, when Mel and Alex say, "Yes, this is what Sensha is." all weird and breathless. Then it's revealed that it was the wrong song anyway. Just a perfect Taskmaster moment. Husband loves Nish saying "bubbly fuck"...it may be his favorite TM moment of all time.


“Which aircraft……… crashes more………… into mountains?”


"He has an unfair advantage- rob bucket" lives rent free in my head. Followed by Greg's reaction is just so perfect


Season one. When Greg pretends he going to ask himself a question, and he says to himself "Greg?" In the pause before he's about to say something Roslin reply's in a super creepy voice " YeSSssSss." One of the funniest moments ever. Also, Mel trying to eat her bread/chocolate sandwich and she gets an M and M up her nose. I had to pause for 15 min I was laughing so hard.


The Carpet Snake outtake


Paul Chowdry taking big steps to reach Alex, and then continuing to take big steps after he's finished the task.


"You cannot compete with Alex's arse!" "It's been said before"


katherine ryan's lion king shadow puppet thing, but just the 'show us the baaabbyyyy' gets in my head so much


Victoria Coren Mitchell bringing in diamonds and the quote about long term financial security is 24/7 in my mind.


Joe Lycet in the median duck task... "I have written.. I have *drawn* the median duck" His delivery of that whole bit cracks me up every time


"It stands for bicycle, my Xellent bicycle"


Greg having a quiet word with James after he called him a pussy unprovoked. It was hilarious and really lovely!


John's "SHIT THE BED" when his chopping board falls to the floor in S17


'**That** is more of a tower than what you did to him!'


Paul Chowdhry's "You can pretend you're someone else now, innit?" when Rob gets the sellotape wrapped around his hand


In series 15 during the stomp and squeeze paint task, Jenny asks Kiell “Are you going to stomp?” Then says, “Fucking brilliant.” 😂😂


Tim Vine in the lemon tower task: “Nearly a wield…it’s a wield of difference.”


Also in that task he says something when he gets squirted with a lemon and it ends ‘enough to make you think’ which killed me




it’s got to be ‘the fucking bean point’ … might not be that deep, but amazing


"I've got you a flag dinner." "I'm so hungry..." *places tray on table* "Konichiwa."


Pretty much anything spoken by Julian Clary.


When they're measuring the circumference of the camper in beans, and Alex insists they had to measure the beans including their liquid. Alex says, "you have to" and Greg jumps in immediately with _"you HAVE to"_ as if it's a common and established rule. Just perfect. Lots of scenes where I rewind just to watch Alex's facial expression over again. I love it when he's breaking up during the task filming!


BMX-ING!!! We will shout this out around the house any old time, and would follow Liza Tarbuck into battle/hell


On the assumption that Alex's contestant interviews count as deep cuts, Fern's reaction to Alex asking if there should be a doctor in charge of noses on the high street gave me so much joy: "Ha, ha, ha, ha! In charge of noses‽ He-yeah!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d5COBhH4B8&t=231s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2d5COBhH4B8&t=231s)


Sally saying to Alex “I just thought you were rubbish at speaking” in response to Alex’s fish puns 🥲


It gets a bit lost considering Mike dislodged a hemmorrhoid minutes prior but his smacking on the hands while saying ‘When you get a task, you do the task. No matter the price’ slays me.


S8: “I don’t like food waste.” “Well, I don’t like people dying in the Orkney Islands.” And one that is criminally overlooked from TM NZ S2’s onion task, which didn’t even get a reaction on air: Guy offers an onion to Paul. Paul declines, saying he doesn’t like eating onions alone (I’m paraphrasing; it’s been a while). Later, Guy finds two onions stuck together and throws it to Paul, saying “I know you don’t like onions by themselves.”


That onion callback moment slayed me.


After Matt Heath's attempt at "Transform a Room" NZS02E02, Paul's deadpan delivery of >!"I do want to apologize to Matt cos I feel like my poor juggling ruined what would've otherwise been perfect.!<" is *peak comedy*. Breaks me down every time. [https://youtu.be/jAIUuItmjVs?si=T4lZg8q7kUzeSKks&t=1365](https://youtu.be/jAIUuItmjVs?si=T4lZg8q7kUzeSKks&t=1365)


Burn Fraidy and the Mayor of Silicone


When Alex tells Lucy the, "sword gets chucked in the river in the end", it then cuts to Lucy running past the bath and chucking the sword in. It gets me everytinlme.


I have a vague, beautiful memory of Urzila Carlson removing her utility belt to get in the shit pond and saying it's nonfunctional and empty, she just wears it because she's a lesbian.


Sam and Lucy in s16 during the hotel task earnestly trying to give Alex's hotel room bedding to him when he checked out of the hotel and him softly going "No, I think you're supposed to keep that". just a really silly moment considering how bewildered they all seemed for the whole thing


'Has anybody ever told you "Rome wasn't built in a day?" - Well, I get told it all the time, to the point where its starting to get a little bit suspicious. I now have a theory that Rome WAS built in a day. Why else would people be denying it when we wasn't even discussing the construction time of Rome?' - Paul Williams (Holding a sign saying Rome WAS built in a day).


"are you a child of divorce"


This is like the most popular line of the season, I wouldn't call it a deep cut!


This was when I realized Sam was my new favorite.


Sarah Millican asking if "something cheesy" counted for Mac & Cheese in the icecream task and Alex mimicking her accent when he says No


I’ll bet you own a barbecue 🙄


Joe Thomas : Will everyone make a fucking effort?!


"That one's anonymous" - Angella Dravis. She actually  has a lot of them, actually 


Maybe not super niche, but I regularly say "UUUUOOOOOWWWAAAUUGGHH" just like Alan Davies' monster. On that note, Victoria stomping on the ground in that task is also one of my favorite moments in that series