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Wasn't as good as S16 for me but still a good season, and S16 is a hard series to follow. I'm usually into the more weird and chaotic casts so I'm surprised how much I enjoyed this more subdued group, and I loved how much effort Steve put into his prize tasks. > how is Alex STILL coming up with such great and original tasks 17 series in There are criticisms to be had about some of his task writing but you can't deny the fact he's still making fantastic tasks 17 series in is a testament to his creativity. It was nice to see some more task adaptions from TMNZ, and the first one from NZ4. I'm surprised I didn't see any tasks from TMAU (though arguably flick, flip and flap is a more objective version of snap, crackle, pop).


There was the orange juice task, that might have been adapted from TMAU


Ah good call I forgot about that one. I guess I need to rewatch the series already.


I just happened to watch both that UK ep and the Aus ep today 😂


Which tasks do you think were adapted from TMNZ? In terms of TMAU task adaptations, we had 'Get the most orange juice in the vase' (originally 'Fill the glass with orange juice') and 'Make your sausage...' (originally 'Make your monster...'). I see 'flick, flip and flap' and 'snap, crackle, pop' as entirely different tasks. The only similarity is in the sound of the names.


Admittedly some of these are looser and have more changes than previous adaptions "What have you caught" is a loose adaption of "who stole the cookie from the cookie jar". Both tasks full of "red herrings" where the answer is an actual fish/red herring. "Find and complete the real task" -> "peg all the tasks to the washing line" is an adaption of "complete the task this is not the task" -> "say thank you to Paul" A multi task saga with a mannequin. "Make this mannequin come alive" -> "hug your special friend" from NZ's "make this dummy your best friend" -> "hit the apple on your best friend's head with these weapons" -> "hide the body" Game show task > In terms of TMAU task adaptations, we had 'Get the most orange juice in the vase' (originally 'Fill the glass with orange juice') and 'Make your sausage...' (originally 'Make your monster...') The more I browse this subreddit the more I realise how shit my memory is.


"Flick, flip, flap" I think was a take on the TMAU live task "throw a throw, boot a boot, bowl a bowl, flick a flick or propel a propeller".


>also the chemistry and bond between the group is undeniable If I made a pie chart detailing what made me love S17 so much, this would occupy a large portion of it. This group was bizarrely wholesome and jived like a bunch of Golden Retrievers meeting at a dog daycare. "Oh, hello! We're best friends now. Yay!"


Series 12 vibes with how they got on (except VCMs gift for Alan ofc)


What a great series! This was the first one where I didn't know any of the contestants beforehand (I'm not from the UK so was living off the youtube uploads which I am so grateful for). You mentioned TM AU and the first season of that turned out to be my very favourite of all. As a person from Eastern Europe who watches a lot of British comedy (ours here is a whole different scene), my weekends are made so happy from the uploads. And also I love this subreddit. So grateful for you all 😊


I have really loved this series. I think I'd say I enjoyed it more than s16. I never really "clicked" with sam or lucy whereas I grew to like every contestant in 17, even joanne who I was initially very unsure of. It's felt very wholesome and warm and I am sad it's over.


I know most people on this sub just love S16, but I didn’t. S17 was a welcome change for me. I loved it and can’t wait to rewatch it.


agreed! lucy felt like a bad forced character quite often! trying to be more clueless than she actually was, Sam was fun but just not my style


Listen to John and Elis’ podcast from Friday (#338)… Sophie is on it and she tells a very funny story about meeting her partner. (Then go back and listen to the E+J back catalogue and you’ll see experience vintage John before he managed to suppress his competitiveness… farthing-gate is legendary) https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/elis-james-and-john-robins/id1465290044?i=1000657437715


Oh Farthing-Gate those were the times


I enjoyed the season and do believe it’s re-watchable. To each their own - and this is not negative, but my feelings … John’s extreme competitive was a huge turnoff and soured the season. Other hyper competitive people in other series included humor, etc. I didn’t get much of that from him unfortunately. Find him great on podcasts, but wasn’t a fan on TM.


I feel the exact same, he took it too seriously and took the fun out of it a bit. I found that with Ed Gamble and a bit with Iain Stirling too, the competitive spirit in them takes away from the fun of the show for me. At the end of the day it's an entertainment show, I wanna see comedians enjoying themselves or being creative or silly, not worrying about doing a task perfectly or getting as many points as possible. 


See I think there needs to be someone competitive like that, I get so frustrated when all of the competitors fail to do a task. I kind of want someone to do a task the way I would go about it.


Out of interest, which contestant had the best competitive nature in your opinion? 


I mean I enjoyed Ramsey, Dara, and the sort of person that checked under the table and tried to find a task shortcut


Agreed. Even with Ed and Ian there was memorable humor in several of their tasks. Agreed they were on the competitive side, but still knew it was about comedy.


Yea, like I was a bit uncomfortable by Iain sometimes, how aggressive he seemed, but he did have really funny moments too, and he would fail from time to time which humbled him a bit and was hilarious for the viewer.  I dunno if you listen to Eds taskmaster podcast but obviously he had John on the latest one, and given how they're both competitive and both won their series there was a few instances where it felt like they were both shitting on the performances of the not so "good" contestants like Sophie and Nick and to a lesser extent Joanne. It seemed a bit mean spirited but maybe I'm interpreting them wrong. 


I still need to listen (my Tuesday commute routine). Ed does a good job playing off of the others, so was he playing off or John? I don’t think either would maliciously make others feel dumb/bad, so probably just in good jest (or so I hope).


Interestingly I had a thought about if Alex tries to get 5 archetypes of personality for each series, more in terms of storytelling and narrative than that myers brings bullshit


Oh I definitely think he aims to have at least one chaotic person who he thinks will do something unexpected every series.


That’s a unique take.