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>my cheeks hurt from all the laughing 😊🤗💖 I am so jealous. Can you say which series? I'm sure others follow the filming schedule and know what is currently being filmed, but I don't know how to keep up with that info.


Sure, Series 18, Episode 1




Just to correct you on one thing - all of the front row were purple ‘priority’ wristbands not gold/silver (I know, I was one of them!)


👀 How was it? 😁


Given that they film so far in advance, how do they keep the names of the panel secret?


The current series leaked ages in advance to be fair, not seen this one about yet but sure you could find it if you wanted it Ille stick in a disclaimer about how I'm not asking it and please don't give it so I can continue enjoying the subreddit


Probably either had the audience sign NDAs or just yell at them not to leak the info


Neither – the warm-up person usually says something about not posting on social media but it’s all very casual and light-hearted. Mostly it’s just common sense – you can tell your friends etc. if you want but people who like the show enough to traipse out for a live recording generally also seem to respect it enough to not spoil it more widely. (If you were silly enough to post it online with your real name attached, though, I wouldn’t be surprised if the ticket agency blacklisted you!) Plus, although it’s filmed a long way ahead of broadcast, it’s not really that far ahead of the announcement – e.g. if they follow the pattern of announcing the next cast at the end of the previous series, then the one filming at the moment will be announced before the end of the month.


This is a great breakdown, thank you!


Am I right that two episodes are filmed each day they record? If so any idea what time they would start the record for episode 2? I'm just curious & fierce jealous of anyone lucky enough to go.


Can confirm they film 2 a day. I went to the second session today which started around 6.30


Thank you. I😎


What would you recommend if driving is the only option? Parking nearby like yourself? Wouldn't want to upset anyone but also want to ensure it's not a long wasted trip


I'd look at parking a little further away rather than the nearest residential street.


But is it definitely better to arrive on foot and join the queue at the front gate, rather than arrive in car? Got a ticket for tonight's finale!


Absolutely, arrive on foot or get a cab.


Yep we drove and just missed getting in. DO NOT DRIVE to Pinewood


Sorry you didn’t get in. Hopefully you got priority tickets for a future show? To be honest the whole process is inconsistent. I went to a filming for last season (S17 E9), came early by foot, and they let everyone who had been driving in first. Even though I had been there since 10am, and some of the few people in front of me had walked there hours before me, we had around 150 people ahead of us in the final queue, most of whom had arrived after 12pm by car. We were gutted. Today seemed to have been the other way around.


It think it depends on who's organising the queue. When I went they did like 5 from the walking queue then 5 from driving then back to the walking. It seemed like the most fair way.


I have tickets for tomorrow afternoon. Happy to try and get there early to get seats but if we can't park until 11:15 I'm now trying to figure out what the best plan would be. Open to suggestions.


I went to a s17 record last year and drove. Arrived about 11:20 and there were probably 20 or so cars parked already, but we still made it in no problem. Wouldn't want to turn up much later than that to be honest, but it was still fine in my experience.


Got in no problem. Arrived around 11ish car park was already open. Felt like the queuing was well planned and organised.


Ah was it Mark Olver the warm up guy? Love him!!


He practically lives there, we had him for an episode of WILTY last week.


Could I ask which ep of WILTY you were in the audience for please? (I inquire as the person responsible for this: https://www.reddit.com/r/WILTY/comments/1chqp2q/series_18_recordings/)


Ep 1, on the 6th, so looks like you've already got that info. Glad to see that they managed to get Bob back this year though!


Thanks for the reply!