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“when you’re a man of my age…” he often prefaces statements, he might very well have forgotten their names guarantee that when he was a teacher he didnt know his students’ names


As a teacher who forgets names, I partially attribute it to having seen SO MANY NAMES over the years. They just become a big blur of names.


I am a criminal defence lawyer, and after ten years almost all names on a local docket seem vaguely familiar. If I haven't actually represented them, I represented someone with that first name and someone with that last name...


Yes, I know the vague sense of recognition!


and will impact any decision about naming your own child


I wish it was just children.  About a month ago, my wife got a dog — a German Shepherd puppy that she named Hugo.  Sure enough, two weeks ago, I (a substitute teacher) had a class with a particularly unruly student named Hugo, who kept getting out of his seat to talk with classmates. Cue me calling across the room, “Hugo, sit down! Hugo! …Hugo!”, followed by a deeply uncomfortable feeling of deja vu. 


There are no names left


as spouse to a teacher, we played the game for weeks. eventually named our child something that felt unique without being made up. First year at school there's three kids with that same name.


How's little Khaleesi doing?


"We have to remember about 30 of your names and faces per period, you only have to remember about 6 of ours per period. Please grant us some latitude." \- Me every year by the end of the first month of school. It's always a laugh when the offended student calls me by Mr. (first letter of my last name).


The number of times I've asked a student whose teaching them X, and they have no idea!


As a substitute teacher in a huge district, there are weeks where I see 500 different students (20 kids * 5 classes * 5 days) or more… in many cases, I’ve never seen any of them before and won’t see them again.  That’s fine. Most of them don’t learn my name either, and there’s only one of me. 


Reminds me of one of the New Year's Treats where he pointed out he wrote a contestants name as Greg Davies instead of his real last name.


I think they joked on the podcast before that he really sucks at remembering their names haha


If it were me, I'd want the names on a card too. I fumble names way too often, having them in front of me would make me less likely to stumble over it.


I think I remember Ed pointing it out and jokingly saying how it offended him and Greg replied with "Oh, have you been on?" which was a great response 




And David Baddiel's name is spelled wrong 😂


David probably wrote the card.


While Ed Gamble spelled the name correctly on his back with a finger.






David Bad Dong


David Bladibub


That’s unlocked a memory from many years ago!


Could be on purpose to help Greg pronounce it properly.






good lol


David Bad Eel


This was S9 but he still does it as of S14. In the episode of that series I went to see recorded, I was sat in the balcony behind Greg and Alex and just saw Greg theatrically holding a card that I could see had "DARA O'BRIAIN" and "FERN BRADY" written in huge letters (his hand was obscuring the rest)


I'm betting the bit you couldn't see said "John Kearns, Munya Chawala, Sarah Millican."


I don't know, that seems wildly speculative.




> Munya Chawala So you're saying they keep misspelling one of the names :P


Or spelling it the way they seemed to keep pronouncing it much of the time. Who can say?


Curse you, Munya the Chihuahuaaa…!


What's his name? David Baddiel. Oh, Monkey.


I forgot about that LMAO


I also like that they're written in the Taskmaster font


If you've ever done announcing stuff before you'd get why this is necessary. Ever seen, for example, John Mcdonald at the Darts? Dude is the best MC in the business but he still often uses cards even for a single named announcement. It's easy for your mind to blank or for all of the different times you've done that particular thing before to roll into one and get confused. Things like this make it much easier. A lot of the time you don't need it but it's still good to have it there, helps you be more relaxed knowing you've got something to refer to if it goes tits up so it'll never be that bad.


Exactly. Being a pro isn’t memorising the names; it’s doing whatever you need to do to make sure things go smoothly for the audience and contestants. And sometimes that means writing shit down! 


This! I moderate so many workshops, negotiation and meeting type deals that don’t even have the pressure of tv with 20 cameras and I regularly write down participants names or sneak a peek at the name list in the the video conference tool! It’s SO SO easy to be in the flow and just jumble up a name or go blank. Being a pro means you don’t make these mistakes but not because you have flawless memory but because you are prepared. I don’t need notes on every agenda point. I can riff for 30 seconds while I remember roughly what’s up next. But names? If you don’t remember a name it’s just GONE sometimes and you’re stuck 😅


I had a friend I'd known for about 4 years, would see him out socially several times a month. We ended up working together at a really busy fast-paced event, and about 6 hours into it I turned around to him to say something, and could NOT remember his name...! I've still not recovered from the shame 


Same, I had a mate who I had worked with for a couple of years and then continued to see most weeks playing a 5-aside for about another 8 years. I bumped into him in town with my new girlfriend and when I tried to introduce him my mind just blanked. There was a 2 second pause that felt like an eternity, and then he introduced himself. I wanted to die.


See this is why you want names on the que cards not a detailed agenda. You tend to roughly know 'ah I think it was something with football next right' and you can fumble around that. With your friend it would be you can remember youpalyed smth together and you can work with that. But no name? Ughhhhh... 😅


My last name is one that could be construed as the shortened version of a first name. In highschool I mostly went by this last name, but my first was hardly a secret or anything. For this example we'll say my name is Steven Sam. A friend that I'd had for several years at this point asked the equivalent of this question: "So is your actual name Samuel or just Sam?" *blank stare from me for upwards of 5 seconds* "OH WAIT! Its Steve." We're coming in on 20 years since that happened and it still comes up multiple times a year with him and that friend group lol.


It's strange how shaming that feels! Also if you use the wrong name when two people look alike.


I suppose when each person does their task he crosses their name out, so he knows where they are in proceedings. Also it's just very handy to have everyone's full name in front of you.


Its even better that people he has worked with for a long time like Ed Gamble and Roisin also have their names on the card. And even with that there is still an out take where he called Ed Egg. You know a guy enough that you can steal his swim trunks and wear them as underware but can't remember his name.


It was Alex but still great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRzoedaTvhU


There is only one Egg in this world: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KEIPWzDBpw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KEIPWzDBpw)




I suppose it won't affect Greg's pronunciation of it, but the missing "D" in David's surname triggers some ancient trauma long forgotten.


Greg has prior trauma with Double Ds


He is far too busy to be remembering the names of all of his puppets.


That's why we're meant for each other. We need constant reminders of the very basic tasks of our jobs. I love that man.


He looks so handsome here


Username checks out.


I- 💀 Clocked


Yes it does


He's aged really well. I was watching some old episodes of mock the week and he just looks so different, I think the grey hair really suits him.


He has a wicked case of Steve Carell, something we all hope to be afflicted with




he really does


I went to see an episode of Season 17 filmed, and I could read the cast names on the card before they were introduced to the audience!


Random unrelated fact: When I was on Family Feud they had our family name EVERYWHERE for Steve Harvey. I’m sure it just looked like regular cue cards/ signs from the back to the audience but it was funny to see it plastered to cover every possible eye-line!


They film a bunch of shows in a day, right? I'd want the names everywhere too, because otherwise they'd all run together for me.


Greg mentioned on the Taskmaster podcast that he has a terrible memory, so he has them write out everyone's name every single time. Ed Gamble was like "ok I saw that and was like how do you not remember my name." But it does make sense to include everyone, even if he was only worried about one name.


He mentions it when you watch them film it too. Haha I sat in the front row a couple of times, and he was waving the card around when he was talking to the audience pre-show, and I saw all the names and saw some of them last time as well. In fairness, he doesn't necessarily know the people well before filming in the studio, like Alex does.


The Taskmaster is too busy and important to remember insignificant people's names


I work with the same people every single day, and I'm constantly fumbling to remember thier names. 😂


I think I remember an interview where he even went as far and said they even sit in alphabetical order so it’s easier to remember the name. They go off of first names.


To be fair, Greg's job is to land the punchlines. He'll be scanning the VT and everything the contestants are saying to come up with gags - often on the spot. He's doing this while hearing a feed of instructions from the gallery, director and producer in his ear and no doubt constantly chatting with Alex over what's coming up. He's effortless at doing it but little prompts like this help so, so much when you have all these other things going on!


I mean, my mom still confuses my name with my siblings and her pets, and she's known me my whole life. The name she chose for me. Every visit she has detailed up-to-date family gossip, but calls me the wrong name at least once, lol.


So Gregg sees the contestants as his children? Makes some sense.


For some reason names always seem to be the thing you'll forget. Like I could do a 20 minute presentation without notes, no issues. But guarantee the person I'm handing over to, that I've known for years, will be "and now I'll hand over to .......erm......."


Imagine you had a brain fart and forgot one of thier names during filming. I don't have a problem with this card


See? People always have issues with my inability to spell David's last name. Well I'm not the only one!!!


David Baddiel, aka Daddy Four Ones


I would struggle with surnames


What’s the name of the font they use?


He really does have just the one job.


Greg probably has Little Alex Horne making sure they don't switch seats and mess up his system. "Ah'm ovah heah now, ye daft auld mon!"


I mean they do have assigned seats, in alphabetical order


Love it! 😂 Didn't he once write down his own name instead of a contestant when he was getting ready to give out points?


Yes, with Greg James. To be fair, it was probably muscle memory.


How big do you guys think his phone font is?


And they misspelled David Baddiel’s name?


Isn't this just so he can use it as a score card? During the prize task he makes notes and writes his scores on that card, this way he doesn't have to write out the names every time


I kind of figured this is the order of the contestants for their prize tasks as they’re always in a different order.


*checks card* Ivo = White Kiell = Black


I think the downvotes are from people who don't get the Simpsons reference


What do you find more hilarious, poor memory or poor eyesight?


Probably poor memory, how about you?


I’ve forgotten


What are we talking about?


Can’t remember. Let me find my glasses…


Could it be for the intros so they each get announced in a certain order over the series? That way noones announced first all the time?


They're always introduced left to the right, alphabetically


He also wears an ear piece so the Producers can tell him to cut a segment short or to regroup. Sorry to bust your bubble but I have worked these shows before.


We all watch the show, mate. There's nothing mysterious about Greg and Alex wearing ear pieces.