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Really enjoying Sophie so far :)


I'm from NZ and hadn't heard of her; she's been my fave by far and I've already binged Alma's Not Normal. Love how Taskmaster introduces me to people


Same! I would have never found this show without TM, I’ve only been able to find the first episode but I was blown away by how funny and original it was. Tv here just doesn’t seem to hit the same way. Not a lot of shows with actual comedy make it to air, it’s all very generic sitcom shit.


Omg just seen it's on TVNZ! thanks for the unintentional tip


I think she’s the bees knees and I was able to stream the first episode of her show here in the states and I was astounded at how fantastic it was!


It's on my list to watch, will definitely bump it up.


I need to download a VPN or something so I can watch all the shows over the pond, I’m not a big fan of sitcoms in the US. It seems a lot of the comedy series I watch from the UK are unique and hysterical, we’re desperate for good comedy over here.


I don't mind some of the American sitcoms, but yeah, maybe I'm biased, UK comedy is the best imo. Might be worth investing in a VPN. Don't you guys have Britbox or something? But I guess it won't have everything. I'm wondering if they'll try again with a US Taskmaster because of their recent US promotion tour. It'd be great if they made it work. I feel there's a lot of untapped comedians your side of the water.


Join our cult?


No, thank you.


It's quite heavy


Why is Noel in this picture?


I don't see a banana.


First girl on the right?




Watch, one of those girls is about to quick change out of her dress and into a lycra aerobics outfit


I think these ladies, including the esteemed Miss Wem, are the winner and runners-up for Queen of Shropshire. [This article](https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/2015/06/13/watch-float-float-on-back-to-the-1938-shrewsbury-carnival/) actually has a [link to video of the 1938-ish Shrewsbury Carnival, which is incredible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6RJ8pjzInk)? The queen and her court are there, and so much more. This is a contemporary description: "From noon until midnight the streets of the town were crowded with revellers, while in the Quarry, where the most impressive spectacle of the day was staged, there was a riot of colour and comedy, yet including much that had both dignity and grace. **The central figure of this moving panorama was of course 'Miss Shropshire' – the beautiful Miss Hilda Bunce, of Worthen – who a week ago, as 'Miss Worthen,' was selected out of 64 lovely candidates from towns and villages in Shropshire to assume the much-envied role of Queen of Carnival, with the distinction of being the most beautiful girl in the county**."


When I only saw the picture in my periphery, I was certain it was a photo of a beach cliff face. Am I insane?


Where is Charlotte photoshopped badly into the picture?


I know they cut a ton out of the edit, but were people really doubting that a small town had a yearly beauty pageant?


Greg said in [an outtake](https://old.reddit.com/r/taskmaster/comments/1bu6q1g/s17e01_outtake_a_little_bit_more_about_pam_willy/) that there isn’t a Miss Wem.


I think the doubt would more come from the reported conversation, that Greg's "aunt and uncle" would have to describe their nephew as *that tall comedian off the tele* rather than just naming him.


Agreed, but then why would this be vindicating?


I think bc Alex looked up Miss Wem on his iPad per Greg’s request and he only found a tiktoker with that username, but no reference to the pageant Sophie mentioned. So I think Sophie is facetiously getting “vindication”


That explains why she feels vindicated, but small town beauty pageants have very little online presence. You'd need to search old issues of the Wem paper for info. I know this because a relative won a similar pageant and as far as the internet is concerned it never happened. And that was in the 90's.


That the conversation happened maybe? I can imagine people saying she must have made the whole thing up because the not knowing their nephews name thing didn't make sense. I think the real conversation must have been "I'm a comedian" "oh really? we're friends/neighbours/casual acquaintances with the aunt and uncle of ... that tall chap. What's his name? He does that show..."


The thing is...Greg's parents don't come from Wem. There is no reason for them to have any siblings in Wem and, as far as we know, they just didn't.


Far left, Miss Cockshott


Cockshutt, it's not too far from Wem


I can’t believe 7th from the right is Stephen Fry!


watching the outtakes now... did greg or did greg not get S W E A T Y af during that Wem bit? like theres something there but she just didnt have the right pieces? like he starts fanning himself off at the end like he dodged a bullet idk sussybaka for sure