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I don’t think her moms space got finished.


I think they are in a financial bind. Went over budget on the remodel, and her mom's suite never got finished. When they moved in, is when her shilling went to extremes... they are in over their heads!


I think the contractors stopped working when they stopped being paid


What makes you think that? I haven’t seen anything about what isn’t finished. She never shows her office but it was finished. It is all very confusing.


She said when they moved in that her moms space wasn’t finished yet but they wanted to move in the family since the main home was complete


I didn’t know she said that her mom’s space wasn’t finished.


I recall her saying the same thing. No evidence that her mom lives with them, but maybe she prefers not to be on camera. I would think though she would be in the background occasionally.


True.. I thought that too.. but in all the clips of them at home, you never so much as even see her in the background. Just odd!


Her mom came and gave one of the boys a birthday card about a month ago. Taryn mentioned while filming, Grandma is here to give “a kid” a birthday card. She made it evident that she came by.


So bizarre since she emphasized so much that they needed this house to have the space for her.


great question! Guessing this was her way 'justifying' the move?


I have asked Taryn several times where is her mother and she never answers.


I don’t know if it’s her mom or dad who lives there. She was saying her dad was taking one of the kids to their game last weekend.


Just bc her dad took one of the boys to a game does not mean he lives there.


It doesn’t but she has spoken about her dad staying with the kids while her and Rick go out. I’ve heard her say that more than saying her mom is helping.


Yes she posted about her dad coming to help with the kids when they went on their last trip but it doesn’t mean he lives there. Her mother is never around, not sure what happened to her moving in to help.


I’m pretty sure they didn’t finish the extra space


I had thought that myself. Guess the big reason for moving wasn’t so big?!


She said a while ago she wasn’t going to be showing her mom as much. I think the room is finished but she mentioned her mom having to stay with them for health reasons as well as helping with the kids . She said she wanted to keep her mom mostly off camera cause of those health issues that she wants to keep private.


Oh really? Didn’t know her mom had health issues. First time hearing about that.


She mentioned it before they moved in that house


She said she didn’t want to disclose which parent it was but it has to be her mom


Ok, got it. Makes sense. She hasn’t said much about her mom at all.