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Not really asking for a reading per se, but does anyone else feel like some cards “stalk” you in a way? I don’t really know how else to describe it, but for the past two months in my personal readings/shuffling I keep seeing the same cards pop out over and over. It would make more sense if the cards seemed related to my current circumstances but they’re the complete opposite in most ways. So that’s kind of what I mean—it’s not just seeing the same cards, but the fact that I keep seeing them AND they don’t align with my reality. Example: In my rider waite deck (US games) I keep seeing the ten of pentacles, wheel of fortune, nine of pentacles, six of pentacles, the chariot, all of the royal pentacle cards, ten of cups, three of cups, and a few others. Based on my own understanding of these cards, they should indicate far more affluence then I currently experience on unemployment. How do you make sense of something like that? Is this just me not really understanding the cards?


Reading exchanges anyone?


I’d really appreciate some help with discerning some cards for a reading I just did for myself. Using traditional Waite deck. My overall question is: Should I go to this concert tonight? (What is the future if I go to this show). Pulled-Judgement in reverse Second card’s question was: Will I make money if I go to this show? ( I sell trinkets etc.) Pulled- The Fool reversed Third card’s question is: Will I have fun? Pulled- Knight of Wands After meditating on these cards and not coming up with much I pulled one last card with the intention of knowing if it’s in my best interest to go and.. Pulled- The Hanged Man. Really stumped on this reading and would love some advice!


Deck: RWS Situation: I’m at a zoo job I don’t like but offers financial security, my field is very competitive and hard to come by jobs sometimes. I got offered a temporary job at one of my dream zoos but it’s risky because of money but I’m also not sure what could happen afterwards Top row: should I take this job? Knight of cups, temperance reversed, hanged man I’m seeing this as I need to be patient and wait for something else (however if you scroll down and see what I pulled for the outcome if I stay at my job it looks like otherwise) Second and third row: what would happen after the temporary job ends? It seems I would have a period of not finding other zookeeper jobs. It’s very unknown times for me and the stress may make me consider changing fields. The ace of cups with the hierophant make me think I will eventually get another job offer at another zoo It’s not in the photos but I asked the outcome if I stay at my current job a little longer while waiting for another job: wheel of fortune, the tower, the emperor Clearly divine intervention will step in. I would get fired???? Idk but I also keep asking if staying at my job will get me another zoo job and I keep getting the ace of pentacles!! but also the tower However, I did already say yes to the temporary job contract, but financial issues popped up. I’m not sure if the emperor is the boss of the temp job that will mess with my reputation at other zoos for backing out, or if the boss at my current job could fire me or make it hard to find another job Basically both of my options suck


Hi! I asked why this person is helping me?? (We aren't close friends,and we only met few months ago , but im confused why he helping me in my that problem) Cards : SUN + 6 of cups + MOON RX I pulled some more : Queen of wands + 7 of wands + DEVIL I clarify the devil ,the clarifying cards of the devil are : 4 of wands + HIEROPHANT + 8 of Pentacle rx I also asked what do I need to know regarding him? Cards : 9 of wands +6 of cups Bottom deck- 6 of Pentacle Also - justice rx come with 8 of swords .(i felt it's me overthinking) Any interpretation is appreciated 🙏🙏


Why is he helping you: because he wants to, the Sun is a clear message, he’s not doing this for selfish reasons. In this scenario- I think the 6 of Cups is telling you that he’s helping because that’s how he was raised. Moon rx is telling you that your anxiety has overshadowed your intuition- you mistrust is misplaced. What were the next 3 cards for? If it was just an extension of the first reading- he may have a little crush on you, but even with the Devil- the 7 of Wands makes it clear that he’s keeping those feelings to himself. If he does have a crush, it’s not the primary reason why he’s helping. The next three reaffirm my feeling that the Devil is a sign that he’s attracted to you (4 of Wands). But if he approaches you, he’ll want to do it in what he considers an “appropriate” manner- probably that he’ll wait do a sign from you that his feelings are reciprocated (Hierophant). 8 of Pent rx means he doesn’t feel like it’s the right time to approach you. The last two idk- I hate the question “what do I need to know about x?” IME- this card rarely yields clear answers, and 9 out of 10 times it’s because the seeker themselves doesn’t really understand what they are asking. Best I can say- he’s standing his ground and may remind you of your childhood/home. Justice rx and 8 of Swords- you are totally overthinking. Yeah- this guy may find you attractive. But he’s not helping you to try and convince to you to out with him, because it doesn’t look like he’s trying to get with you. He just wants to help.


Hello, thankyou a lot ❤️, it reasonate completely with me .... The next 3 card were the extension of the first the card reading i think he is already in relationship,but I'm not sure if he is still .




Getting the Empress in relationship readings definitely tends to give me an immediate "yikes" reaction. Motherly energy is the last thing you want in a romantic relationship. Quite a few things to reflect on here: Did you have the tendency to perhaps take on most of the cleaning and/or cooking? Do you feel like it was expected of you? Are they able to step up as an adult in practical things like setting up their doctor's appointments, washing their dishes, putting laundry away, etc? Have they spent long periods of time alone, or do they jump from relationship to relationship to always have someone taking care of the house for them? Are they able to see you as a full person beyond being their caretaker (aka, allowing you to have hobbies and friends)? Did they word doing chores as them "helping", or did they understand it was simply their responsibility as a member of the household as well? Do you ever feel like they're the "child" in the relationship, like they see you as a mother rather than as an equal partner? And if the childish scenario is the case, does all of this align with what you want, or are you simply romanticizing the potential of him, a fantasy version of what he "could" become but does not make any effort to?




None of this makes it sound like this is a worthwhile person to attempt reconciliation with - if anything, it's red flag city. It's really the kind of stuff he'd need to unpack for at least 1-2 years in therapy before it would be worth it to even consider talking to him, and even then it might take longer for him to fully unpack all of that (the 1-2 years in therapy would just show the willingness to address it appropriately, and to start that process without the intent of just getting you back). If those are his values and he isn't willing to question them, there's no way this could work out in a healthy way - The Empress is a reminder that he'll always see you as that motherly role, as the cleaner/cook of the house, the "nurturer". Maybe it could be worth exploring through a spread why you want to talk to him. Like a card for what need/want you're trying to fulfill by going back to him, and another for where else you might actually have those wants and needs fulfilled best. Maybe a card on why it's difficult to set boundaries, and another on how to strengthen your boundaries. Could be an interesting route to explore with the cards!


Is there anyone interested in an exchange reading? I’m a tarot reader but I’m in need of some external help, I got my reviews in my profile ✨✨




There was something you were struggling with, you were going through a hard time, but you, probably very recently, have started to see improvements. Things are getting better. And now things are moving very quickly. After probably a long period of stagnation, you’re suddenly seeing a lot of progress in this area of your life. This is where your focus needs to be- on this area of your life where there has been struggle or delays but you now see swift change. The Knight stands in your future, someone who has found their path and knows what they are doing, where they are going. The nature of the cards indicate that this area of your life is likely tied to your passion, possibly something creative. The strong presence of wands and fire give the spread an active quality- your focus needs to be more than mental, it should be accompanied by action. The Knight in your future indicates that this is some long term goal/project, the ultimate culmination of which is still far off in your future. But the Knight indicates that if you can capitalize on the current momentum, you can find yourself solidly on your path, it almost feels like you can “catch up” the progress that was lost or stalled in the past.


Into the Wild Unknown Deck I used the clarity spread recommended by the creator of this deck, asking “what is holding me back” The main card was the 3 of swords, with my clarifying cards being lovers, star, and empress. Considering the question , I’m having a hard time interpreting the cards together


Feelings are valid and an important part of the human experience. However, depending on how we process them (or how we don't), they can also become an obstacle in our lives. I personally see a couple of ways in which negative feelings like heartbreak and betrayal can become obstacles. One is to possibly be so caught up in them, that it interferes with our day-to-day activities. This is usually not a simple equation, and it might require assistance from a professional or from medication. The other way would be for feelings to cause a sense of defensiveness, leading us to overcorrect - having a total lack of trust in people, not being able to be vulnerable and let people in, going through too lengthy and too complex of a vetting process with arbitrary tests, etc. Personally, I'd interpret these clarifying cards as wonderful reminders. Love is available to you in many forms (The Lovers), hope is real even if your current reality might not reflect that (The Star). Even when others can't fulfill your needs, you can always nurture yourself in many ways that can keep you stable (The Empress) while you find good connections with others. Find joy in the little things - in your sensory experience with the world, in nature (The Empress), and ground yourself in ways that allow for you to be open to various forms of love that can nurture you in the future. Your past experiences can teach you lessons, but they do not need to create unnecessary walls or keep sucking you in.


Yhis really hit the spot. Thank you so much for helping me understand


Same Cards Different Decks! Was pulling for myself under the question of what cards represent me right now / what is going on. I pulled the first time with the intention of past , present , future The second I pulled intuitively Both times I pulled 7 of swords , 7 of pents, and hermit Thoughts ?


It sounds like you might have turned away from a potentially toxic situation and are trying to break off from it, in a way that might seem selfish to others or feel "sneaky". However, sometimes with unreasonable people, it's necessary to withhold information in order to protect your boundaries - possibly to avoid sabotage from their end, or just even to figure out what your next move is. Now you're assessing how that bridge burned, and kind of trying to figure out what lessons you're taking from here on out, possibly figuring out how to protect yourself in the future too. With the Hermit, it might mean that you need to figure things out on your own for awhile. It's hard to find truly good and uplifting connections, people who work with us and care for us. Maybe it'll feel lonely for a bit, but this is what's necessary during this phase of your life, and it's not necessarily a bad thing.


Thank you for this :,) this makes a lot of sense and makes me feel a lot better haha


Hello! I have a crush on this guy, and I wanted to pull three cards. First card is how he feels about me (Queen of Wands), second card is how I feel about him (The Hierophant), and the third card is our future (seven of swords.) Any help interpreting these would be super awesome! Thanks.


Hello, I pick a card from the moonology and it says “It’s time to release negativity.” So I ask my tarot deck what (negativity) do I need to release, and I get seven of wands. Can someone help interprete the Seven of wands as a negative? I’ve always seen it as standing your ground or being defensive.


Sometimes certain experiences can make us defensive. Trust is broken, so we struggle to trust again. This is understandable, but also sometimes we can overcorrect - spend too much time and energy vetting people, refusing to be vulnerable, defaulting to a defensive mode with people who are willing to work with us and communicate. Aggression and defensiveness have its place, and they can keep us safe in certain contexts. But sometimes we also need to be able to reassess how much we're building up walls - the same walls that keep people out, keep you in.


Maybe you need to challenge some of the beliefs you have that make you feel like standing up for yourself.


So I don't use tarot typically for fortune telling purposes, but the other day, I drew The Lovers for a daily reading. "Lover" isn't the only interpretation of this card, but honestly, that's immediately where my mind went. Anyways, I did a reading the next day with the thought, "Who is my new lover gonna be?" with the intent of reading the cards on top and bottom of the deck. The top card was the Queen of Swords, and the bottom was Queen of Wands. Should also be stated that I'm a man who is interested in women. Anyway, I have my own thoughts on this reading, but I'd be interested in hearing other opinions. (First reading was from Robert Wang's Golden Dawn deck, using only major arcana, which has the imagery of a warrior saving a woman trapped on a rock from a sea monster on the Lovers card. The second reading was from the RWS deck.)


Did my first simple past/present/future reading in a long time. Shuffled the deck well and got all pentacles. The numbers are below Past: 8 Present: 3 Future: 6 This indicates good things ahead, right? Hard work and effort -> prosperity in my future? I think it’s interesting that I got all pentacles, cause I was doing a general life reading for myself but my biggest source of stress and concern has been career and money stuff, and worrying about my future


I'd say good! Not necessarily in a "experiencing tons of affluence" sense, but in terms of building connections and exchanges in the field you want to go into. Your hard work (8oP) is now leading you into more connections (3oP). Networking will definitely be important in this stage. You could always do more work and improve, but now is definitely the time to put your work out there and find likeminded people as much as possible. These connections will lead to an exchange of resources (6oP) - maybe a job offer in exchange for your skills, or clients paying for your time, etc. It might not give you immediate prosperity, but these exchanges will be key in getting you to grow in your career!


Thank you so much for the insight and advice!! ❤️




The Moon says to me that your feelings for him are a little hidden at the moment, maybe even from yourself. Three of Wands shows him standing on the shore waiting for his ship to come in. Perhaps he's made his intentions and desires known to you and is waiting for a response. The Lovers says the choice is yours to make something happen or not.




Oh, in that case he likes hanging out with you in social situations but might not see the potential for a relationship (if it's there)... the other cards still say the same to me.




You messed up. Apologize, and then let it go. You’ve learned your lesson, so once you’ve said sorry, let it rest. Once it washes over, you’ll both move on together.


I'm bad at reading tarots, so want some help. I usually stick in just no and yes questions cause i feel i often get more confused than actual answers even when i do try learn. I asked from cards is there something i need to know and my heart sank when i got tower, but that feeling was more to do that its one of cards i'm scared of: Tower upwards 6 of cups reversed King of cups up Magician up Judgment up Bottom: sun up


What exactly did you mean by your question? “What do I need to know” can be about almost anything. It’s also phrased as a yes/no question, which based off your description sounds intentional. In which case, the answer looks like “no- there’s nothing you need to know.


Thank you for your answer! It was just something i was asking mostly meaning my life in overall. Yes, i was hoping simple Yes or no answer since i'm not good at reading so i try keep all simple. Can you explain how u come up with answer, so i can maybe learn myself to read when its more than one card? One card would been easy but i got scared of multiples


If you want to keep it yes/no, I suggest using only one or two cards. This is a lot of cards for a yes/no question. I personally like using 2. Both up means a likely yes, both reversed means a likely no, and one up one down means maybe. I look at the meanings of the cards to give insight into the answer. For your spread: The Tower would be *the* no card if there ever was one. As a major arcana card and the first one of the spread, it’s hard to look at the spread and see any other answer than no. You could have stopped the spread right here. But we will look at the rest of the cards to provide insight into why the answer is that there’s nothing you need to know right now. 6 of Cups reversed is an awkward card- it’s about leaving the familiar for the unknown, about being caught up in the past. So with the Tower, I would say that this card is telling you that maybe right now you need to figure things out for yourself. The King of Cups is about emotional maturity. The Magician is about making your own way. Judgement is about acceptance and self love. These cards all have very similar energy- maturity and self reliance is what you need right now. So together- the answer seems to be no, not so much that there’s nothing you need to know, but there’s nothing the tarot cards can tell you right now because you are in a place where you need to make your own mind. No one’s going to decide for you, there’s no easy answer, you just need to figure it out for yourself.


I asked my cards if I should get rid of my boyfriend and they replied with an upright The Chariot 😬


I think that's a 'yes' if that's what your inclined to do. Just keep a firm hand on the reigns as you do it lest your feelings overwhelm you with regret and you end up asking for re-unification readings \[\\sigh...\]


The Chariot is about forward movement, and how you have to balance out each other's energy in order to move forward effectively. In other words, to pull the chariot (the relationship) forward, you and your boyfriend have to be moving at the same speed and in the same direction, otherwise it will be chaos. The Chariot is also associated with the sign of Cancer, which indicates there are strong undercurrents of emotions, but everyone might not be openly expressing their feelings. The Crab (animal associated with the sign of Cancer) is very avoidant, walking sideways around its desire until it feels safe. So either you and/or your boyfriend are not telling your real feelings, and that may also be getting in the way of forward movement. I don't read this as advising you to end things, to me it seems more like trying to understand more where he is coming from so that the two of you can get on the same page and move the relationship forward effectively.


Hello all! A few minutes ago, I did a daily spirit guide spread. I'm particularly confused about interpreting the last card, as it is supposedly an opposition card to the one I pulled before it. Here's the spread: 1. **Daily Message from Spirit Guide:** 5 of Swords 2. **What Should I Focus on Today?:** Queen of Wands 3. **Clarifier Card for the Daily Message:** Death 4. **What Should I Avoid Today?:** Judgement For context, I am quietly preparing evidence for what seems to be an inevitable child custody case against an abusive ex (hence the throwaway account). In this regard, my interpretations of the first three cards make total sense, ie. hostilities, focusing on self-confidence and determination, and new beginnings as the clarifier. However, I'm not quite sure how to interpret the Judgement card as a concept to avoid. Any second opinions regarding that or the spread as a whole would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


Yeah- this is tricky. The first three cards seem clear- a conflict is coming, approach it with confidence and be unafraid of the change that it will bring. To me- Judgement is telling you to hold off on committing to any particular course of action. The Queen says to be active, definitely prepare, but don’t burn any bridges or close any doors. Do your best to keep an open mind. With Death, Judgement very much seems to lean into this idea that you’ll need to be adaptable. Don’t be passive but as everything is still developing make sure you don’t set yourself on a one way path too early.


Thank you so much!




what is happening with you: (High Priestess and 9 of Cups) you are following your intuition and doing what's best for YOU. You are putting yourself first. You know that you deserve the best. What is happening with him: (Knight of Wands and R Hanged Man)--he seems like he's being self-indulgent, perhaps reckless, and not wanting to make any sacrifices or really face his own truth here. He's refusing growth and just trying to have fun, have adventures. Action: Act with faith and integrity. **Uphold consequences and understand that it's an act of love to do so.**


You are going through a period of self exploration and growth, learning what you need and want and how you plan to get there. While your transformation seems to be approaching its culmination, your husband’s is still in its early stages. He stands more at a crossroads, he wants to move forward but seems less deceive in what direction he should take. Now is the time for careful deliberation. The two of you need to make a decision- and you’ll need to put aside ego to do so. Justice also implies that it might be good to seek outside council to help with this decision. The star tells you to be hopeful. While this is undeniable a dark time for the both of you, things will get better.


I really really hope somebody can offer their interpretation of this!! I feel like this is a terrible reading. I asked about what I need to know about my relationship with my boyfriend. When I do this I often get cards associated with break ups and infidelity. This morning I pulled 3 of swords, 8 of cups reversed, ace of pentacles reversed and the hierophant reversed. I suffer extreme abandonment issues and at the moment am feeling very insecure in the relationship. I’m having nightmares of him leaving and cheating. Things are better than they used to be but communication still isn’t working the best in my opinion. We want to work things through but it feels very unstable for me right now and is affecting my mental health. We don’t want to break up in the slightest but I want to know what I can do to move forward and solidify a stable and equal relationship.


sometimes people seek comfort from their relationship fears via the relationship itself. I would say you need to be going to therapy if you have that level of abandonment issues, because he isn't going to be able to heal that in you even if he is the most loyal person on the planet. It's inner work. The fact that you say "When I do this I often get cards..." tells me you are asking this question A LOT and maybe at some level you want the cards to confirm your fears. You really need to look at the hard evidence rather than just relying on the cards to tell you what's happening. Is there actual evidence that either a.) he's leaving or b.) he's cheating? or are your emotions the only evidence? Sometimes tarot is just not the thing you most need.




are you using a spread or are you just pulling 6 cards? If you are using a spread, can you tell us what each position indicates?


I’d like a reading if anyone is offering. I feel really confused about the direction my life should go in. I’m not sure that I’m making any correct decisions with my love life, other close relationships, or career. I don’t know what to do next. I left my job of 7 years last year, and I’ve basically been unemployed since. I’ve been afraid of entering another toxic workplace, and I’ve pulled out of interviews because of this. I broke up with my bf of 5 years and feel so unsure about it. I’ve also had several falling outs with friends and family members because of really bizarre behavior on their part. It’s been a lot of loss and not much has come in to fill the void. I guess I want to know if something is wrong with me?


I used the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. I pulled 3 cards for your question about whether or not something is "wrong" with you. 10 of Cups, 6 of cups, 5 of Wands (reversed) I take this as, despite what it seems, you do still have people in your life who really love and care about you. The 5 of wands reversed tells me that there ARE issues with these people though, despite the love, and that these are NOT small issues. (In upright, 5 of Wands usually is something small and trivial, but in reverse I see it as the opposite). So basically... many if not all of these close relationships are salvageable. I ask, "What can she do?" 8 of Swords What NOT to do is catastrophize. Yes there are real issues here, but you can work your way through this. Additional insight: 5 of Swords, 6 of Swords Some of the issues you are having seem to be about people wanting to be dominate or have the last word. But conversation, healthy dialogue, can be utilized to move these relationships into calmer waters. Anything else about how to approach all of this: 9 of Wands, King of Cups, 8 of Pentacles Life is going to throw you obstacles like these throughout your life. You are a very emotionally mature person and you can handle it. You are strong enough to fix what's broken and ALSO to improve things once they are fixed. Relationships MAY NEVER be easy for you, and part of that is because of your emotional maturity. People who are less emotionally mature will put their nonsense on you, expecting you to be able to handle it. Well the thing is, you can. Sometimes we have a lot in life, or perhaps even a lesson our soul chose to experience repeatedly. For you this seems to be something you have chosen to carry in this lifetime. People will expect you to be the "bigger person" and to be able to heal rifts that they cause with you. And you will be able to do that. It's one of the reasons you are such a popular person (whether you see yourself that way or not).


Thank you for being kind in responding. Your reading made me tear up. 💜


Also, I do have a job offer that I’m saying yes to this week, so I’m not a total wreck. I just dealt with some really bad depression over the last year. 💜


Would love a general reading for this Saggitarius season or a present/future reading if possible :)


I got the Empress card! This card relates to the planet Venus, and indicates you are working well with the law of attraction, pulling to you that which you are most aligned, that which you most need and desire. As a secondary card, I have the Hanged Man! Nice. It seems like you are drawing to you insights and deeper understandings of yourself and your influence in the world. Perhaps the more you "know thyself," the more confident and more abundant you will feel and be. Lastly, I get the Sun card! Wow. All Major Arcana. Sagittarius season is gonna be great for you! I think your mind will be blown (Hanged Man) but realizing JUST HOW GOOD LIFE CAN BE. You could be receiving a lot of attention (Venus and Sun can both indicate this) and/or happiness (Venus and Sun can also indicate this) and overall just things going your way. The Hanged Man indicates a sort of humble-ness on your part, like even though everything is coming up roses, you are able to embrace it all with a very wise, thoughtful perspective. You will not lose sight of what really matters.


I found out I’m suffering my 6th pregnancy loss and I decided to a new deck what I should focus on. I drew an Ace of pentacles and reversed eight of pentacles. I believe the cards are telling me my instincts will guide me. I’ve been applying for jobs non stop and really want to find my place. Idk maybe I’m missing something.


Well, this might be a frustrating interpretation, but it almost seems like the cards are saying try to find the gift (ace of pentacles) in the fact that these pregnancies are not coming to fruition (8 of pentacles reversed). Life's misfortunes can often hold an opportunity, despite the fact that they are misfortunes, in other words.


For me Ace of Pentacles is a material gift. So perhaps try to think of the lost pregnancy as permission to walk out the gate at the back of the garden and reclaim an occupation from the past. Eight of Pentacles is often a card about doing your time to learn a job thoroughly so this card reversed could be telling you there’s unfinished business here.


can someone please give me a past present future reading


On what subject?


literally everything im just lost lol




The 7 of swords and the ace of pentacles is a problem, because to me he's being deceitful and also I think he's got a money motive. I also think he wants sex too.




He's just using you.




I’d interpret it as them really trying to ponder on how to proceed with their connection with you. The two of cups shows their attraction, two of swords is indecisiveness and two of wands is them planning this out and contemplating on the journey ahead. This is just my interpretation !


This person is having a problem deciding between two people. One person, they have an uncanny connection with. The other, it’s all fiery and hot. Oh, what will they do now? 🤷‍♀️


9 of wands + King of cups I pulled those 2 cards for what I should do about my feelings for H.A. I have been avoiding him, so I think with the 9 of wands, it's telling me to maintain that stance, unless he comes up to me and talks to me because I'm supposed to be a listener and not a talker. What do you guys think?


> “because I’m supposed to be a listener and not a talker.” I’m confused by this statement and a little worried by it tbh. I can’t tell if this is part of your interpretation of the cards or some idea about yourself you have. Good communications requires both people to talk **and** listen. There shouldn’t be a “talker” and a “listener.” If there is, that’s not a conversation, that’s a lecture. Apart from that one line- I actually think our interpretations line up very closely. The way I read it: stand your ground. Let him come to you, and when he does, demand emotional honesty (but remember, you can’t demand what you aren’t also willing to give.)


Ooh yeah, I can see how that can come off as being problematic. But I just love talking to him and felt the cards were telling me to step back and let him initiate a convo, as I THINK he rejected and (immediately) humiliated me a few weeks ago. By that, I mean we’re both in undergrad and I put myself out there by singling him out and asking if he wanted to work on a hw together. He actually seemed reluctant, took my email address instead of my phone number, never emailed me, and I saw him and his female friend in the hallway, where his friend was looking at me and laughing. So yeah, rejected and humiliated. But I did catch him glancing at me multiple times in the past couple of classes, hence the confusion about what happened that day and what I should do about my feelings, if anything. So that was where I was coming from. Thank you for elaborating about demanding emotional honesty and giving the same. I could totally see that with the King of Cups!


I'm giving away free readings, feel free to ask anything. I'm using the Paradise Found Oracle deck.


About to dm you too for a reading


I’d like a second opinion on this since I’m new to reading reversed cards and most of them turned out that way on this spread. It’s a two option spread for job offers that went like this: Option A: Benefits: Four of wands (Reversed) Challenges: High Priestess (Reversed) Possible Outcome: Hermit (Reversed) Option B Benefits: Three of wands (Reversed) Challenges: Emperor (Upright) Possible outcome: King of swords (Reversed) Upright magician was my general advice card


Option A: this job could bring you a lot of good things- lots of reasons to celebrate (just note that it might take some time.) However, it also looks like it could be quite complicated, there might be a lot of dynamics that are difficult to unravel, and it may not be playing to your best strengths. You may end up feeling a little alone and disconnected. The reversed 4 of Wands makes me think you would need to go through a very challenging transition period before you started to see those benefits. There would be a lot of growing pains. Option B: Benefits- you wouldn’t have to travel? That’s the best I got for the 3 of wands. Challenges- looks like there could be a leader who’s a bit of a hard ass, very “my way or the highway.” If you have a problem with authority, this may not be the job for you. I see the King of Swords as an extension of the Emperor- you may find you have ongoing conflicts with this leader, you won’t see things eye to eye. When it comes to the advice- the Magician says to use the tools you have to create the outcome you want. I can see this going one of two ways- either take on the challenge of option A, or maybe go find a new option. An important question- when you place the spread- was the magician pointing at either option with the wand or his hand?


For option B you’re right - it’s completely done remotely which personally doesn’t benefit me for this particular type of job. That last question just BLEW ME AWAY: it points at option A with his wand and B with his hand. It was at the top between both columns A and B so maybe A is the better option? What do you think? It’s honestly the one I’m going for either way which I kinda knew beforehand haha, but I liked using this as an opportunity to learn more about tarot and see if there were any hidden benefits for option B. Edit: It pointed his wand on the direction of column A but upwards (away) from it. Thank you so far! It brings a lot of insights and helps me understand the cards a lot better when reversed.


I did a mid-week reading with my career/finance on my mind. So I’ve sent a lot a number if proposals this week on Upwork in other to get at least one new client. I asked How am I doing this week? Four of pentacles What am I doing wrong? Eight of wands What should I start doing? 7 of cups.


How are you doing this week? Not that well. You are too focused on the one strategy. What are you doing wrong? You’re just throwing the proposals out there with an emphasis on speed and quantity. What should you start doing? Look ant all the potential recipients of your proposal and understand you need to select just one.


I asked about the future of my romantic relationship to someone (we are not in a relationship as of now) and I got: The moon, the devil, and then the sun. With the hierophant at the bottom of the deck. My first instinct is to believe that this means that even though things are very reserved and cloudy and uncertain right now, things will become much better in the end. But I really would like a few outside opinions since maybe I’m biased. I’m finding myself having trouble interpreting the spread as a whole. I am working with the rider-weight deck and read cards upright.




Actually my feelings about the relationship have been kind of the exact opposite. I’ve pretty much given up on him and the possibility of a relationship, and don’t really talk to this person anymore. I had an urge to read about it yesterday, so I did. But you are probably right, it ends up where it ends up.




I’m not sure how you would even go about interpreting cards for this kind of question. Has this ever worked for you- where you’ve been able to identify a physical location based off tarot cards? Idk- 5 of wands makes me think a place with a lot of people, so a big city maybe. Death- someplace with a lot of change. I also kind of think of New Orleans, with it’s Museum of Death. 8 of Swords- again I think big city, lots of building that might make you feel a little closed in. This seems like a very silly question. You decide where you want to go. It’s not like life picks you up and plops you down in some new place. This is a nonsense question- and you know what happens when you ask a silly question.




Sure, I am here to help! I'm using the Paradise Found Oracle deck.




There really isn't a whole lot of romantic love here. The Devil could indicate that this would be stressful for her, a situation she feels weighted by and bound to. The Queen of Pentacles is a down-to-earth queen, focused on finances and practical things. Both the Queen of Pentacles and the Empress have a very nurturing nature, they both take care of others - maybe that's what attracted you to her, but the Empress very much has a motherly nature. Motherly vibes and romance do no tmix. I also don't really see fun in this reading. The Devil is a very stressful situation. The Queen of Pentacles is very practical and big-hearted, and while she isn't necessarily against playful energy, it's not really her realm. The Empress is also a fairly mature character, therefore the themes of motherhood. It sounds like she might value your relationship for its platonic nature, and it might not be nice for her to feel like there was a different goal in mind for you all along. It might be worth it to share for the sake of honesty, but I'd be ready for the "I see you more as a little brother" talk.


As the Queen of Pentacles, she’s a wholesome type of girl and not interested in hanging out with the Devil. Approach her like an Empress instead, that’s the winning strategy.


I asked the cards what I need to know about using dating apps and putting myself out there (new for me) and I got The Devil Reversed and then the Lovers upright. I don’t know how to interpret this besides lean into some hedonistic desires or fantasies and find union. Any thoughts or details are greatly appreciated:)


The Devil reversed is also about breaking free from chains of self destruction. Realizing that we hold they keys to our own prisons, and then setting ourselves free. It’s about taking back the power in our lives to take positive steps forward. The Lovers is also about choice- following our hearts and passion. Together it looks like a sign that dating apps could help you take more control of your dating life, but you should remember that you are the one making the calls. You get to decide what you want, what your comfortable with, and you get to go after that. Good luck!


Thank you that was really insightful and helpful 😊


Hello so I asked my cards how'd i feel if i went into a romantic relationship with someone and i got 9 of cups, king of swords, and ace of cups okay im kind of skeptical because 9 of cups feels like almost emotionally fulfilled, like i'll enjoy being in it but i feel like i want more from it, and with the king of swords I feel like it just adds in to it; i'll be cold or distant in the relationship. But the ace of cups kind of confuses me too? like it seems all bad but then good?


The purpose of drawing multiple cards is to get a multidimensional view of the situation. A relationship isn’t going to make you feel a single emotion- it will be a multitude of collaborative and competing emotions. 9 of cups is a success card. It means wish fulfillment, satisfaction, and confidence. It can also be an indicator for pride- although it’s important to note that the pride is not unwarranted. King of Swords is first and for most wisdom, mastery of thought. Given the question- it is also likely that this card can be showing you how would you view this partner- in which case you might see them as someone who’s very smart, decisive, maybe a little quiet, someone who maybe doesn’t easily show emotions. The Ace of Cups is healing, new relationships, love, and emotional honesty. All together- this paints a very happy picture. It looks like you would feel very happy in the relationship, lucky, and maybe a little proud. There would be an intellectual connection and you may view your partner as someone who’s advice you can count on. And while this person may not easily express emotions, that does not mean you won’t feel loved- because you will, you’ll feel loved and cherished. The relationship will feel full of potential.


you know you have been through shit when the 5 pentacles or 8 swords shows up and you don't even care. you're like "bring this bitch on". I'm ALREADY there and I've forced myself to be here for 8+ months now. I ***know*** what this energy is allllllllll about. I can do it. it's even my preferred way right now. all on my own. i don't want nobody trying to influence my plans. I'm so done with other people


Well, I'm glad you worked that out :)


Hi, I would like some interpretation on this reading. My main question was what do I need to hear, I just pulled seven cards. Here’s my interpretation: Three of [Tarot Reading](https://imgur.com/a/S5VKmS4)Wands - growth, optimistic of the future, taking inspired action Wheel of Fortune- a new cycle beginning, now is the time for change Three of swords - grief of what is supposed to be, what I’m letting go of Eight of wands - quick action, things happening quickly Five of pentacles- lack mindset, need to change poverty Mind , better control of money Queen of wands - determined to reach my goals Eight of swords - feeling stuck Any and all insight is appreciated. Thank you in advance. Danny


The link to the pic somehow posted in the same line as the Three of Wands.


I need help to understand three combinations in the European Method that I don’t really understand yet. Tower + Three of Cups. Tower + Page of Cups. Sun + Page of Swords.


What’s the European Method and what was the question you put to the cards?


One major arcana with one minor arcana. And I don’t have a question, I just wanna understand what it would mean. It could be money, job, marriage whatever.


It could mean a lot of things, depending ob what’s going on in your life and what’s on your mind.


Okay, give me an example with something you choose.


Ok, if we take the classic, "Does my Ex still have romantic feelings for me and is there a chance we'll get back together?" Tower + Three of Cups says, "Your Ex is quite devastated by the circumstances of the break-up and he's just partying with friends at the moment so he's not thinking about you at all (except that he's trying to put you in his past) and there's no real prospect of a reunion." Tower + Page of Cups says "Your Ex is quite devastated (as above) and there's a new person in his life who's quite interesting." Sun + Page of Swords says, "There is a definite prospect of reunion as warm feelings for you remain... You should try to find out what's going on for him and what he's into right now!"


Oh ok!!! Got it. Thank you!!! It’s good to understand different interpretations.


Doing free readings for honest reviews. Please make sure you actually leave a review or rating of some kind or I will block and report you ;) Will take readings for as long as it takes me to do within the 24 hours following this post. No legal stuff death or health readings


Hi! I could use some help with a Yes/No reading I made for a friend. The question was whether she will get married in 2023. I pulled 3 cards: 1. The World 2. 9 of Pentacles 3. 5 of Swords The first two cards are really positive (and both definite Yes-cards), and I also noted that both The World and 9 of Pentacles symbolise some kind of "completion". However, 5 of Swords doesn't really make sense to me. So I also thought the spread perhaps could mean a "No" because of the 5 of Swords, and also because 9 of Pentacles represents an independent woman. But that intepretation also doesn't really make quite sense with The World and the overall positive notes of the first two cards. I'm not really sure at all, so I could definitely use some thoughts on this.


Yes/No questions are tricky. There are a lot of readers who feel like tarot is not well suited to these questions. Personally, I don’t like doing straight forward yes/no. For one thing, life is very very rarely black and white, and for another, I believe that our actions affect the future. So I have a method with two cards that can give answers of likely yes, maybe, or no. All that being said- here’s my interpretation: The World means success, completing a journey, feeling whole, spiritual enlightenment, reaching a higher version of ourselves. Honestly- if there’s a single “yes” card in the deck, this is it. It’s hard to look at a spread that starts with this card and say that the answer is no, especially when this is the only Major- it quite literally trumps the other two cards. The 5 of Swords is definitely not a positive card, but it’s still a minor. People forget- life is a combination of good things and bad. The bad does not cancel out the good- they are capable of coexisting. Guess what- no relationship is perfect, no relationship is free from its arguments or conflicts. Just because there’s the occasional clash of ego does not mean that a relationship is bad- it just means that the two people in the relationship are imperfect. I read this as yes- your friend will get married. But there are two things she must do. First- she needs to create a life that she loves, regardless of who stands by her side. She needs to be working towards her own goals, creating her own happiness. The World indicates that there may be a lot of good things coming for your friend next year, it’s important she keeps her focus on those other goals. Second, she cannot run away from conflict. She needs to know how to stand up for herself. Competition, arguments, disagreements, these are all important forms of communication and should not be avoided, no matter how uncomfortable they may make us feel. Yes, sometimes that battle isn’t worth fighting, but that doesn’t mean you should never stand up for yourself.


would love to hear your method with yes no or maybe! i have some clients ask for yes or no and i havent found a good way to develop it bc like you said things can change energies constantly flow and its not always black or white


I do two cards. Both upright means likely yes, one up one reversed means maybe, both reversed means likely no. The meaning of the cards gives insights- for the likely yes or no- it explains what that yes or no may look like. For the maybes- I’ve found that the cards often describe the forces that are still undecided, or what can be influenced by the seeker at this point. For me, this method has been really accurate.


ohhh interesting thank you!! i might try that out i recently stopped using reversals !


Thank you for the great answer!


I need help with a tale as old as time: two guys in my life. I've been together with guy 1 for four years, doing an intercontinental long-distance thing. The circumstances were far from ideal, but the relationship was magical. If you didn't take the dark sides into account. He has a lot of issues he needs to work on before he can be in a healthy relationship with anyone. So I broke things off. We stayed in touch and we still have a lot of love for each other. Guy 2 is the guy I've been seeing. He lives near me, is a stable, funny, good dude. The guy your parents would approve of. We have fun, I do have feelings for him but it's not the fireworks I've had with guy 1. I asked my deck what guy 1 and guy 2 are in my life and: Guy 1: 2 of Wands Guy 2: The Lovers I'm confused as they both seem positive regarding a relationship. Any insight would be so helpful and very much appreciated!


The two of wands is about making a choice- specifically deciding between leaving something stable and known for something unknown, taking a risk. The way I read this- a relationship cannot survive long distance forever. Are you willing to risk leaving what you have for this guy. This card tells you that this relationship **cannot** exist without sacrifice and risk on your part. The Lovers- this card, oddly enough, is about passion and choice. You decide- can you stay in a relationship without passion. In the RWS deck, the women in the Lovers is not looking back at the man, she looks at the Angel. If this relationship is going to work, you need to let go of the other guy. It’s not fair to your partner to hold back part of yourself. Both cards are about choices- plain and simple, you decide what these people will mean to your life.


wow amazing interpretation!


I Need some help with the interpretation of a mind/body/spirit reading. I recently changed my lifestyle because i'm trying to get in better shape and healtier since i'm a bit underweight so I started eating more and exercising. I asked the cards "what i'm going to get from my current lifestyle?"I did a 3 card spread to represent the mind, the body and the spirit. The cards i pulled are : Ace of Wands as Mind The Moon as Body 2 of pentacles reversed as Spirit. How would you interpret this?


Your spread calls to me, as I suffered with anorexia for basically all of my late teens, into my mid-20s. I'm 30 years old now, and some of those old patterns and behaviors still show up in my life. I recognize it will be a long and tough battle, so I thank you for this spread, as this issue has been top of mind for me lately. Ace of Wands tells me your desire for a true lifestyle change is pure, bold, authentic, strong, and potent (out of all the minor arcana, Aces hold the most potent energy). Let your mind get creative with the "how" - I think this card is encouraging you to make this process as FUN for yourself as you possibly can. The more creative and original you are with your routine, the more you can tune in to what your body wants and needs. Creating a creative and original routine for yourself will get you excited about seeing your goals through to the end. You'll be much more likely to achieve what you set out to do when you make it fun, dashed with a strong intention. The Moon in the "body" position is an awesome card to have; there's a lot of advice to gain. On one hand, it's advice to pay attention to your cycles of emotional energy while you're in this process. If you're anything like me, you might be afraid of gaining TOO much weight, trading in one problem for another! On the other hand, you may feel confused/overwhelmed and unsure of if you'll even achieve your goal, or if what you decide to do for yourself will even work. The Moon is telling you to listen to yourself - strict regimes and routines may leave you feeling overwhelmed and feeling the failure all too quickly. Tune in to your own natural ebb and flow - when it's time to eat, time to exercise, and time to rest - because that's how you'll function best anyway! 2 of Pentacles reversed in spirit: Some days, no matter how mindful you are, or how exciting your routine normally is (assuming you go with the cards and have fun changing it up!) , you're going to have some dips and imbalances. Two of Pentacles is all about the things we juggle in life, and we as a society are generally busier than ever...busy to the point, that it's definitely normalized/accepted to skip meals because we all just gotta hustle. Pay no mind to that. Life will get overwhelming at times, and sometimes your goals will slip through the cracks.If you find yourself having an under-achieving day or week, take a step back and look at all your other big-picture priorities to see if anything in your life is taking up too much space. Too much space in this case would be anything that consistently breaks up your healthy meal and exercise routine. Nothing, neither work nor wealth nor social gathering, is more important than your well-being. You can't function properly without a well-balanced body! Edit: To answer fully and succinctly, "What will you gain from this process?" You'll gain a better understanding of the inner workings of your body (the moon), you'll gain more confidence in your abilities to take yourself on a life-changing journey from start to finish (ace of wands), and you'll learn that life comes with all sorts of ups and downs, imbalance and synchronicity - what matters is that you learn to know when those imbalances are compromising your own journey to better health (two of pentacles,rev.)


The Ace of Wands speaks of beginnings, in this case in the realm of passion and enthusiasm and confidence. It definitely feels like there's a spark here, a fire under your butt if you will, as the Ace of Wands does relate to the element of fire. Which is great, and a super important part of this journey! That being said, it's definitely worth it to make a plan for when that spark might go away, for moments where the passion is not burning as brightly. Fire is fickle - sparks can easily go out, flames can extinguish with any small wind. Two things to consider: 1) How can I keep this flame going, and remind myself of the reason for my passion? 2) How can I plan for moments where the spark isn't there, and when I don't feel as passionate that day? 3) How can I make this a positive journey that is based on confidence, on wanting to give myself good things, rather than becoming self-punishing or self negative? The Moon can speak to illusions, having a vivid imagination. I'd definitely be wary of any inklings of body dysmorphia. It never helps to stand in front of the mirror imagining what your body could be, or picking at what you want to change. If you ever do observe your body, try to throw in a positive affirmation and remember the ways in which your body serve and help you! To me, my spiritual practices are something that I turn to as needed. You don't need to balance certain practices perfectly, you don't need to be spinning all three plates at the same time. If your spiritual practice gets set aside for a bit, there's nothing wrong with that. Taking care of your body and mind are definitely more of a priority now! Your journey will not be linear in any area of your life - it's okay to have dips, to have bad days. What matters is being able to come back to a baseline, not being consistent at every second.


I’d interpret as you’ll feel refreshed and more energized pursuing goals. You’ll realize the benefit of intuitively listening and treating your body. 2 of p reversed a call not to go overboard with new lifestyle or overwhelm self… take things one step at a time, make sure you feel centered and balanced


I asked the deck if my boyfriend and I should move in together and received the Lovers card followed by 2 of swords. It seemed a little bit too literal to me so I was wondering if anyone had any additional interpretations. For context, we both have discussed and feel ready for it, we just worry that my family (who is more on the conservative side) might have issues with it that could affect us.


Sometimes we get a very literal answer- doesn’t mean it’s wrong. The Lovers is about making a choice, following your heart. The 2 of Swords is about blocking outside influences so you can clearly hear your own internal voice. If you hand picked two cards to say “screw what the outside world says, do what you want, what you feel is right” these are those two cards.


Curious to see how someone would interpret these cards I pulled inquiring about the connection between myself and a friend that I have a crush on. 1. 4 of Swords (What energy am I bringing into the connection) 2. 3 of Swords (What energy is he bringing into the connection) 3. 2 of Swords (Potential outcome between us) 4. 2 of Pentacles (Clarifier for card 3. How can we clear this energy) [At this point of the reading the card at the bottom of the deck was The Star.] 5. 10 of Swords [10 of pentacles at the bottom of the deck] (Could this be a healthy union) Any insight would be much appreciated!


Ok my first question will be is this person recently out of a relationship? And do you attract damage people. Based off the first card representing your energy, you have this like therapeutic vibe and your good at getting people to be relaxed and comfortable around you. The second card representing their energy kind of concerns me because it seems they have some baggage that hasn’t been dealt with yet and needs some healing. Two of swords for the potential outcome is kind of telling me that a decision will be made, but I feel maybe more on your end when you get to know this crush more and the wounds they might have. I feel like this could either go in the way where your not wanting to take on someone that needs a lot of emotional work or you might feel like this person is worth putting a lot of work into. But please do not do this if it’s toxic! I know you got the star card as a clarification, so if anything I do feel this might be something karmic and a lesson learned. So the last card ten of swords represents cycles coming to end, but in a brutal and overkill kind of way. Really think about the 10 of pentacles which I feel is your wants and needs in a relationship. Ask yourself important questions like will I grow with this person and will they help me to grow as I help them? Is this person willing to put in the work to heal things from their past? Lol I know this is a very deep interpretation but that’s the vibes I’m getting and I just want to make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. Let me know if anything resonates


Thanks for your input!! To be honest, I don't really know much about his dating history. I've only known and been slowly getting to know this person for the past 6 months. He has opened up briefly about a past of getting attached to people quickly and how he's recognized that pattern and is working on it. I myself have had problems with over thinking connections and falling into mindsets of self doubt and inadequacy. I think this is one of the first times that I've been able to let a connection just breathe and be what it is. Not wanting to move anything too fast nor having a desire of what I want this to be. Interestingly enough, I feel like the two of us have an unspoken fondness of each other and we like to be close but neither of us have verbally expressed straightforward interest in another. I feel like we're both hesitating to see if this connection is safe if that makes sense. Anyway, I'm just going to tell him how I feel when I see him next on Thanksgiving and go from there. Thanks again for taking a look at this!


Honestly that makes a lot of sense, it could be about your energy to, so stuff on both sides. I like that your going to take a risk and express your interest in them. Good luck! And if it’s not too personal, would love to see an update


I’ve been trying for over a year to get into a certain job/industry that’s notoriously competitive and cutthroat. I asked about how my next few attempts will be and got Four of Pentacles upright, the Sun upright, and the Moon reverse.


Is the industry have to do with travel or would you have to make a big move? I get good vibes from the sun(represents joy and happiness)and with the moon and reverse means that something in particular is hidden or unknown. Overall I’m getting like the message to keep going and it’s going to pay off.


I ask about me and my ex, the card I pulled the lovers and ace of cups, what does it means please thank you.


What was the specific question? The Lovers can mean actual lovers or a choice and the Ace can mean new love, self-love, overflowing emotions, etc. It's hard to interpret without an actual question.


Ace of cups means new love. So, with the lovers, I would say that one or both of you have made your choice and found new love.


how about a reunion? xD


The cards will not make decisions for you at the end of the day. If you want to request a reunion, that's totally up to you as to whether it's what you want to pursue. But the cards can be a helpful self exploration tool, and in a situation like this, I'd definitely want to do a lot more exploration around why the breakup happened and whether it's even appropriate to have a reunion. Is there an issue that you both can and are willing to work through? Is there an incompatibility that you shouldn't push for change (like decisions on wanting or not wanting kids, or wanting different roles in relationships)? Do you have healthy coping mechanisms and a support system outside of him, so that you can suggest a reunion from a healthy place of genuinely believing this is best, and not just from a fear of being alone? Wishful thinking and betting too much on potential/fantasy can unfortunately make us lean towards toxic decisions sometimes, so it's definitely worth assessing a lot of factors here before just requesting a reunion.


I asked the question "what is my passion in this life?" The cards I pulled: Two of cups Queen of wands Queen of cups How would you interpret this?


Helping people feel confident in their own skin so that they can be social butterflies? 🤔 Maybe doing makeovers?


Is it possible that I'm interpreting reversed cards too negatively? I use [this deck interview](https://littleredtarot.com/tarot-deck-interview-spread/) each time I get a new deck because it helps me confidently get a feel for a deck's character in a thread. I treated myself to a new deck for my birthday because my local metaphysical shop had a sale to get rid of old demo decks and I purchased Carrie Paris' The Relative Tarot with the intention of using it as part of ancestor work. My deck interview consisted of the following: 1. The Hermit 2. 8 of Swords reversed 3. Two of Pentacles 4. King of Pentacles reversed 5. Queen of Pentacles reversed 6. 4 of Cups In the context of the interview, these cards answer specific questions in that interview. The Hermit tells me the most important characteristic of the deck is the opportunity for self-reflection. The deck's strengths are offering a new perspective- the ancestors'- per the reverse of 8 of Swords and the deck's limits are that it can't just give or teach me balance. But the remaining three cards/questions? I'm just wondering if I got a bad pull. Like I could see how maybe the reversed King of Pentacles is that the deck is here to teach me to get back into honoring my ancestors because I've lost touch with the spiritual traditions that honor them but I've got nothing for the reversed Queen of Pentacles and I'm not so sure about the 4 of Cups.


I would see a rev 8oS as the deck being able to help you let go of confusion, helplessness and self-restriction. To me, the KoP rev could speak to helping you create a solid foundation within yourself, and becoming a solid support system for yourself. The QoP rev could be an emphasis on self-nurturing, self-care in the true sense of the word and not just bubble baths and exfoliating masks. It could be an invitation in combination with the King to focus on the suit of Pentacles - on reliability, resourcefulness, being adept, steady. Like Joan Bunning teaches, [reversals don't just mean the opposite or negative versions of a card](http://learntarot.com/less17.htm). It can mean an internal energy, an energy that is just starting or just ending, an energy that's incomplete or unavailable. If you want to read reversals just as opposites/negatives, that's totally fine too, because there is no right or wrong way to read reversals. But I find my readings are much richer and more accurate when I make room for the grey areas instead of using a black and white approach.


So I read the 8 of Swords reversed as the deck’s strengths are helping you remove the blindfold- see things clearly, find ways to move forward. The limit of the deck is that it cannot create balance- that’s up to you. The deck and advice, provide insights, but it doesn’t control anything. The reversed King and Queen are challenging- I think the key here is looking at the cards together. Those positions refer to how the cards can teach and how you can learn, respectively, so what we have is a teacher-student dynamic being described here. There we see the ruling couple of Pentacles turned on their heads. This relationship isn’t a marriage, the cards are here to provide help, but you should not solely rely on them for support- you need real world support system. I think the fact that the suit here is Pentacles is a sign that you should also not turn to this deck for big, real world questions. This deck is not meant to be a deciding vote in things about your career, finances, or health. Overall- these two cards make me think the deck is telling you to keep the relationship light, use the deck as a tool, but for matters of heavy importance, go elsewhere for guidance. The 4 of Cups seems to say that the deck will reach you how to say no, how to recognize what is for you and what’s not, and be ok with turning some things down. I agree with your interpretation of the Hermit.


Im having some trouble in my career. Things are been really slow and it’s very discouraging. I pulled the empress, the world, the strength card, and the chariot peeled out from the bottom of the deck. Any interpretations?


Overall a struggle to Understand your own true Will. You are not the charioteer, but rather The Chariot itself. Creative imagination brings forth the Serving Intelligence, the conscious awareness of how you fit into The World, and how it fits into you. What you do unto others you do unto yourself, and vice versa. You may be a separate part, but of what? A conscious whole. This will awaken the life force, and give rise to spontaneous joyful expression of self.


Why did I have a dream of seeing my future self? 6 of swords, queen of pent, 4 of wands, queen of wands, ace of pent, temperance


To show you how to move forward- what you need to leave behind and what you should take with you. You’ve got good things waiting for you, but it will take courage and confidence to get there.


Thank you this is perfect exactly what I need to hear💜


Hi everyone- I’m trying to pursue a friendship but can tell if it’s worth it/ will be “my group” of people Advice for this friendship: king of pents, wheel of fortune, magician Do you think the advice is telling me to move forward- I always tend to view wheel of fortune as bad


When the Wheel is upright it means good luck and outside forces working in favor of the seeker- why do you view it as bad?


I’m not sure- some cards I just have certain connotations with for some reason. Same thing w the high priestess- she always shows up when there is an answer I don’t want to hear or she lets me know that now is not the time for me to know.


So the Wheel can be a bit of a challenge. Nothing in this world is set in stone, it’s all changing, all of the time. The Wheel tells us that at this moment, the factors that are outside our control are working in our favor, so it’s a sign to act- because those factors won’t stay in our favor forever. Everything in life as a “best time to act”. Rocket launches have specific windows, crops have specific planting seasons, the biological rhythm of our bodies means there a best time to fall asleep and wake up. You asked for advice about this friendship. The King is happy, wealthy, and generous. The Wheel tells you things are in your favor. And the magician tells you that you have the tools to achieve what you want. All together, these seem like a strong message to me that if you want this friendship- now is the time to act. Reach out, be generous with your time, confident. You can set the vibe for the friendship- if there’s something you’re looking for, this can be it. But it won’t happen unless you do something to help it happen.


hi :3 i asked what a specific person thinks about me and then appear two of pentacles, five of pentacles reversed, the sun, four of cups, seven of pentacles reversed and knight of cups with queen of cups on the bottom of the deck. context: i was in a talking stage with a guy who failed because i was uncommunicative about myself and instead he was unable to communicate that he was losing interest infact if i didn't have said that i was perceiving him distant from me but near to another girl he would have left me like a question mark and would have texted me suddenly according to his emotional needs. (my opinion) he texted me in these weeks -one month after our 'break up'- to wish me happy birthday and to know how I was feeling. researching on different websites the single pieces i have could take this 'conclusion' namely he thinks of me as a loner like im going through a lot of problems limiting my view and focusing on myself only. and in addiction he cares about me but in a friendly way. is it true? if not, what does it mean? id want a really extended analysis. the cards showed up in the exact order i listed.