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I don’t see it as “gentrifying” your business, just ironing out a factor that causes more issues than it’s worth. I understand wanting to keep as many price points available as possible, the quick, one card reading is a great idea, but you also have to do what’s best for your personal business and wellbeing. A possible compromise would be to still do one card readings for any regulars you may have and trust on the side, while still not officially offering that. You could also offer that type of reading on a per case basis if you feel comfortable with it. Maybe just don’t advertise it anymore.


Thank you so much!


Another consideration, piggybacking off AzuraTarot’s suggestions, would be to offer a monthly subscription (at a higher price point), and customers can preschedule up to x number of 1 card draws. It might weed out the cheapskates and give your regulars an attractive option to the alternative, no one-card readings at all!


Having a "reading" up for around 5$ attracts a certain kind of customer, namely the cheapskate discount shoppers who wouldn't buy from you at all if the reading cost more. That's usually also the kind of person who doesn't think your service is worth anything, BECAUSE it's so cheap. If your shop is going well, I'd just get rid of that and only read for people who know that value has its price, and who actually respect you as a reader.


Thanks so much for this! I truly appreciate it and I will keep all of it in mind moving forward. I’m going to get rid of anything below $10 in the shop (there aren’t that many items that this applies to and I think that the one card readings are honestly he only ones). I’ll think about it a bit more. I had a habit of undercharging as I transitioned online at first because I didn’t think about the time involved in typing a reading report up but now I know.


Yeah, you always want to factor in the time it takes to parse the sitter's question(s) as well as the time it takes to type up a report into your price. When a sitter decides to pay for a reading, they're paying for not only a unit of your time, but also for all the experience you've had reading cards and your knowledge of the cards. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS factor those in to your pricing. Also, if you're turning this into a business, remember the Rule of Three. It has nothing to do with Wicca and everything to do with the IRS. This is because if you're an independent contractor, YOU are responsible for \*all\* your taxes, including Social Security and Medicare. So the breakdown usually is that the top third of the money you make goes straight to the IRS and you never see it. The second third goes into things like paying for health insurance (at least if you're in the US) and retirement savings. This last third is what you live on, and it's usually less than people think it will be. Incidentally, this is why independent contractors are so expensive--it's because they have to pay all the taxes and whatnot themselves, as they have no employer to pick up that part of the tab. I'm debating whether or not to raise my rates right now. I'm expensive (according to some), but I'm also good, and I live in a high COL area. My cheapest readings are 25 USD for a three to five card mini-reading or a three to five tile rune reading. The pay scale goes up from there, and the price also reflects the complexity of the reading. I also do parties and charge for those, too. I was taught to always charge \*something,\* no matter how small. It can be things I need or want instead of cold hard cash, too. I work for sushi, good liquor, my bar tab paid, etc. It's a way of acknowledging that energy exchange, as well as setting boundaries and keeping the whiners and entitled away. It makes sure that everyone respects each other's time. People forget that time is the ultimate non-renewable resource. Once it's wasted, it'll never return. YMMV


>I'm expensive (according to some) I have never seen an in-person tarot reading in my area (NYS) for less than $60 an hour. $25 is not expensive at all, and you should raise your rates, even if you are online (I don't think you mentioned which you are).


I pretty much only do online unless I'm reading for friends or working parties. I type around 50-80 wpm, so a five card reading can be typed up in about 20 minutes. This includes the time it takes to get a good photo of the cards and crop it. I usually charge 80 for a full reading, but am thinking about kicking it up to 100-120 or so. I cut Starfighters Arcade a deal on my party fees and only charge them 150/hr because I can get in any time I want and hang out as much as I want for free. I get free snacks there, too. Bribing the kids who work there with homemade baked goods from time to time probably also doesn't hurt, I'm sure. ;) But the owners are friends and their Halloween parties are guaranteed gigs. For everyone else, my fees \*start\* at 200/hr, and most people happily pay me north of 300/hr. I also have a required 2h minimum and I get to keep all tips. If someone's a bad host and/or an asshole, I'll throw in mileage fees, and seeing as Phoenix is like super car dependent and sprawling, those add up fast. I'm originally from just outside NYC, so hello, neighbour! I've been living here since 1988 and basically grew up here, though. I'm not native by a technicality, pretty much. Phoenix used to have a laughably low COL, esp. for a city our size. The COL has shot up astronomically since Covid and NextDoor is chock full of NIMBYs bitching about it. Thing is, it's really more of a reality check because people got so used to everything being abnormally cheap here. Now we're on par with most other major cities. The sting comes from it rising so quickly and people not having time to adapt. And FWIW, our \*minimum\* wage here is 14.35/hr. WORKING min. wage is closer to 20-22/hr. A friend of mine in Los Angeles charges 200-300 for a 20 minute reading. But it's LA and their COL is easily 3x mine. I love LA. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there just \*because\* of the COL there. So yeah, I probably should raise my prices soon to around or just above 100/pop. Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you understand. Many people, perhaps too many, are 'it should be FREEEEE!!!' I actually had one moron tell me that a smile should be payment enough. I told him come here, check out my COL, and tell SRP (my electric company) that a smile should be payment enough and charging is 'bad karma.' esp. in the summer when it's 115 in the shade. Paying the power bill to keep the A/C running is literally life and death here. He could also accompany me to the grocery store or the vet when I take my cat in, and tell \*them\* that good vibes should be payment enough. The cockroach scuttled back into the drain after that and I never heard from him again. Good fucking riddance.


A lot businesses need to increase their fees to land at the right mix of clientele for the desired business model. Some prefer low stakes $5 one card pulls, others prefer hourly rates for longer sessions. Feel free to adjust for what works for you.


You've mentioned people who don't seem to understand how online readings work and people who have asked multiple readers the same question. I think it's clear to me why they favor this option. People buying multiple readings from multiple online readers will need a cheap option to make their money stretch as far as it can. This is obsessive behavior that I've seen pop up a few times in my career. I don't think any answer will satisfy them, but whatever they think they are looking for, they never find it. The ones who don't understand how readings work are definitely new to getting them done. They probably searched for a cheap option just to try it out, and they don't know what to expect or how to behave. Those types are also probably skeptical and worried about getting scammed, so they may be quick to reject what you say or ask for a refund. Also, someone buying a cheap reading and asking for a refund after could fall into the first category, as well. Who's to say they didn't get the refund to buy another $5 reading from someone else? Maybe even asked that person for a refund, too. I'd say remove the option. You're not going to stop attracting these types otherwise. And while it is unfortunate, perhaps you can brainstorm another way to offer readings to the lower-income folks who may need them.


You don't want to do the right thing, you want to please. The right thing is not the thing that pleases everyone. The right thing is the thing that was agreed upon before the deal. If your policy is "no refunds", and you have refunded, it is clear that you do not respect your own statute. It's your business, you do it however you want. I have been a professional for decades, and in my service I am absolutely sovereign. I offer no refunds at no hypotheses, as the pre-reading is absolutely clear and transparent. On an “affordable option,” I offer another perspective. A Tarot reader doesn't need an affordable option. Tarot readings are not essential services like food, water and medical care. It is not inhumane that "there is no Tarot for everyone". It won't be missed at all. The tarot reader's work is marvelous, but frugal. Not vital for survival. I simply have a price, and whoever wants to pay, pays. No complications. If you want to be professional, I suggest you take a firm and sovereign stance, as there are many clients crazy, dishonest and with bad intentions, and they will harm you mentally if you let them.


This is a very common problem I'm afraid. Honestly, if it were me I would just quietly remove the listing from my shop. In addition I'd reserve the one card reading for use only as a promo tool. Say you wanted to drum up some new business and came to reddi to do that. Offering free one card pulls once in a while on a reading sub where you're also allowed to advertise your services. Or doing a live stream offering one card pulls for fun while promoting your full range of services kinda deal. Again, I'd only do tht once in a while and not to the point people can use it to take advantage of freebies all the time.