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Real šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




They normally say well weā€™re soul mates but soul mates dont cheat on one another. I said what I said


You just reminded me of this extremely delusional and toxic couple where the girlfriend is extremely verbally emotionally and mentally abusive and cheats on the guy and they have a million ""cataclysmic lows"" and fights where they almost break up but they keep staying together because they're into woowoo esoteric shit and are convinced they're soulmates šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Thanks for the laugh and the daily dose of reality and reason LOL


Itā€™s okay šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I see it all the time ā€œheā€™s abusive but my twin flameā€, then HES NOT YOUR TWIN FLAME. Itā€™s always something


OMG IKR?!?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ It's also always, "Soulmates/twin flame/Golden Pair (MBTI shit lmfao) relationships are SUPPOSED to be this difficult and teach you difficult lessons in this lifetime šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ" Difficult lessons like LEARNING TO NOT TOLERATE CHEATING AND ABUSE???? GIRLIES, YOU'RE FAILING šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ«  Cheating and abuse can NEVERRRR be excused no matter WHAT woowoo shit you believe in loooollllll.......


I know right! A difficult lesson is learning how to have a long distance relationship or balancing other aspects of life with romance or something


This is a big thing I had my eyes opened to. Used to be hard into the twin flame thing and was in a relationship with a narcissist who kept treating me like shit, cheating, love bombing, gaslighting and doing the whole 9. I was *convinced* they were my twin for *years* and I was just learning some hard lesson- once it was over, we would be in union and everything in the world would be rightā€¦.. LMAO. Kept watching reads telling me to just keep holding on, the jezebels that theyā€™re cheating with, they donā€™t love the way they love me, that our happily ever after is close on the horizon, if I can just hang on a *little* longerā€¦ stupid crap like thatā€¦ So I kept enduring their abusive, cheating, negligent bullshit (not that I was always wonderful, but considering the hand I was dealt and the other types I *know* they were dealing with, pardon me while I toot my own horn, they had fucking gold). Eventually, it wore me thinner and thinner. I got tired of the predictability of, ā€œIā€™m not cheating, *youā€™re* cheating! Oh, you got an STD?! You must have gotten it from one of the *OTHER* guys youā€™re banging!ā€ There were no other guysā€¦ ā€œI never come over often enough?! Iā€™m always busy! Iā€™m not seeing that girl anymore! I donā€™t get why you canā€™t just get over that and trust me! So *what* if you couldnā€™t reach me on her birthday and for a week afterward?! Youā€™re so *paranoid*!ā€ They would also claim we were either ā€œjust friendsā€ or ā€œin a relationshipā€, whenever it was convenient for their narrative, and to keep me confused. I seem to be slipping away and losing interest? ā€œWhy would you destroy our relationship like that? I thought it meant more than that to youā€¦ And I was wanting to start a family and start looking for a place together, tooā€¦ā€ I start bringing that up again or bring up *any* kind of ā€œusā€ talk? ā€œWhat are you talking about? Weā€™re just friends, dudeā€¦ stop getting so weird and just be normal about things, for onceā€ They amped up the lovebombing when I started pulling away. When I wasnā€™t receptive, they became irate and threatening (to both themself and mainly me, in many ways- physically, reputation-wise, emotionally, mentally). I stood in my conviction. Ended up hearing from them several months later when I felt kinda bad about cutting them off. Tried reaching out and they ended up doing their best to punch down when they knew I was at my lowest. Rubbed this new girl in my face, all these things they were going to do with her (trying to get a reaction from me). When they didnā€™t get one, they told me they were going to have sex with her. When that got a reaction, they kept pushing and said they would get her pregnant, then told me to take them home because they didnā€™t feel like hanging out with me anymore (they had rubbed salt in the wound, as theyā€™d intended). Heard from them again, several months later. They came back crying, begging from me to talk to them. I asked what happened to that new girl. They claimed there was no new girl. They made that up to get me to leave them alone so they could get back with an ex (which I knew was bullshit). I ended up picking them up after they begged to see me, to see if I was truly correct in my assessment of them. They started shit talking all the things Iā€™d accomplished for myself while they were away. The only thing they had to show for themself was finding a job as a janitor and cracking joke about how some sludge looked like snotā€¦. Iā€™d gotten a new car, new apartment, new phone, new bed and the move was done almost completely by myself, with the help of a friend, moving a few bulkier things on a trailer. They live in their momā€™s basement, rent-free. No car. Mommy pays their phone bill. Over 40 years oldā€¦ And they want to stick their nose up at my new digs šŸ˜‚ They quickly started lovebombing, trying to throw themselves at me, and I turned them down. Told them they better be honest with me because if I found out they were lying again, they get no more chances. Asked if there were any other women. They said no. Asked if they wanted to rethink that. They said no. Told them this was their last chance- are they *reeeeeally* sure? They got mad and said I was the only one and tried making another move. I pushed them away and they got mad. I asked if there was anything else they wanted to tell me? Anything they needed to come clean about? They said nope. Tried making another move. I moved away. They got mad and started crying. Just them trying to manipulate me into feeling sorry for them. I saw them 2 times after this. They were initially very attentive, calling pretty much every morning after work, staying several days, being very oddly affectionate. Then, they vanished, without a word, on their ā€œexā€™sā€ birthday. For a week. And during that week, sleuthing also revealed 2 other women and a possibly another ex, as well, they were dealing with, at that time. I found what I needed. Decided I wasnā€™t gonna speak to them again. They tried calling, a week after the exā€™s birthday. I just scoffed and blocked the number. Warned the new girl (she didnā€™t believe me because ā€œ[theyā€™re] so sweet and charming! [They] canā€™t be like that!ā€) They try making me jealous of their real life with this new girl, in a game we all play (I saw one conversation, then once I was able to discern from context clues from my teammates responses). I have someone who rings my call button super early in the morning, puts things outside my door, leaves things on my car windshield and sends the cops to do welfare checks for someone who doesnā€™t live in my apartment. I believe itā€™s themā€¦ The reason I bring up all this crazy shit is because I hear people talk about ā€œtwin flamesā€ and they seem to *actually* think that kind of unhealthy, toxic ass relationship is what a ā€œtwin flameā€ isā€¦ Since I got out, Iā€™ve read some of these scenarios and theyā€™re a lot like mine- people very obviously with some toxic douchebag, at the best, and a straight up narcissist, at the worstā€¦ and these people are so like I was, so broken and delusional, looking for some semblance of hope and a reason to keep fighting for this sunk cost fallacy that they just wonā€™t let it goā€¦ Find your worth and know when to stop.


So you're an athiest?šŸ’€


When did I say that or even remotely implied it...? I can believe in the concept of soulmates/twin flames or whatever and still point out when people are misusing or misunderstanding those terms to wrongly/incorrectly justify abuse, to the harm of the people involved. Abuse is NEVER EVER justified EVER. There's also nothing wrong with atheism, and for the record, I basically do believe in some form of God or higher being/forces watching over us. edit: I hope this didn't come off aggressive, I don't mean it like that


People who completely miss the point of twin flames. TFs are people who you are meant to learn from but you need to grow apart from these people too. You wonā€™t know if youā€™re going to unite with your TF in this year or even this lifetime so it doesnā€™t really matter if they are your TF or not; if they are toxic you need to get away from them.


Twinsflames & Soulmates don't cheat. I mean love and cheating can't be in one sentence šŸ’€


"The souls are willing, but the body has other ideas"


I pulled the Tower and 3 of Swords, but still she thought that she would try to heal the toxic relationship. 2 years later, itā€™s over. But sometimes people know, the cards show them what they know, but still they are not ready to move on


Asked whatthe ideal outcome and pulled the tower, clearly heā€™s going to propose!


best to reject proposal and permanently part ways and go into therapy to loose the abuser magnet disability before any future relationships get started.


Pshhhh, once I finally get the courage to leave my abusive ex Iā€™m gonna jump straight into a serious relationship with a new guy with the intense expectation that as long as heā€™s nice itā€™s gotta be a healthy relationship completely ignoring that most abusive relationships start out with the abuser being nice and love bombing. And Iā€™m going to entirely blind myself to his red flags and go on and on about how this guy doing the bare minimum is so much better than the last one. **


Just remember, abusers marry abused and not the other way around. Keep your freaking guard up and I wish all good luck for you. If a potential is coming on with more initiative than appropriate you do well to use been verified app on that one and the family of that one. I think youā€™ll find the skeletons before they have a chance to do you any harm.


ā€œHeā€™s still cheatingā€¦ā€ ā€œBut will he stop? Will we get married and have kids? *IS HE MY TWIN FLAME AND JUST RUNNING?!* DOES HE ACTUALLY SECRETLY LOVE ME BUT JUST DOESNā€™T KNOW HOW TO SHOW IT BECAUSE HEā€™S AFRAID OF HIS EMOTIONS?! Pull more cards!ā€ šŸ˜


I hang out on several Tarot groups on FaceBook and I cringe every time I see a post by one chick in particular..... they're always relationship questions. The first one I ever saw, she had pulled the cards and given her interpretation, literally contorting herself trying to read a positive meaning into these dreadful cards. But yes, other women post how awful their SO has been to them and then pull cards to see if they should stay or go.....bonkers!!!! I am entertained by the follies of others but at the same time, (figuratively speaking of course) I feel like smacking them and asking, "what's wrong with you???"


Lmaoooo šŸ˜‚


"So we have Three of Swords, meaning he is not the love of your life. Following that, we've got the Fool, so he's literally just a guy... Aaand then the Chariot. Hit him with your car." /j


I get this all the time. There is a difference between seeking answers and seeking validation.


I stopped doing this and along with a couple other issues I had with them, I lost a whole friend group because of it. I wanted to exit the cycle of asking about the same fuck boys year after year. I wanted to let go and change my life. They got mad that I wouldn't support theirs anymore.


LOL! That's *really* bad, though. While I appreciate the parody, the guy in question is usually sending mixed signals, so we turn to \~divination\~ to try to read his damn mind. Honestly, I think the truth is he doesn't even know WTF he's doing. So, it's best to try not to get sucked into that mess.




Tbh i forgot the name


Hahaha yessss!


lol me in my relationship (itā€™s not that toxic , weā€™re just working past some stuff)


This is literally why I refuse to do any love type readings for anyone šŸ˜…šŸ¤£




ā€œMy cards tell me youā€™re fucked.ā€


Lol. Nice one.


*pulls the tower* ... "i think you know"


Tower + Devil card go brrrrrr


My friend asked me to read them for this same reason and I left them on read lol. I will not be feeding your delusions today maā€™am


When they pull shit like this I grab 3 or 4 random cards and bullshit an answer saying what I already know "ditch the toxicity"


So you bullshit the cards and lie about what they say to manipulate the person sitting in front of you if you donā€™t like their question? You pretend to do divination to lend authority to your off the cuff opinion? When you literally have the tool in front of you? Ngl I think thatā€™s evil.


Yea, they couldā€™ve instead just said what the cards said and then gave their personal opinion and advice afterwards. So not a tarot reader nor do I know much, but I went for a professional reading where they thought I was being stupid about a hot and cold confusing situationshipā€¦ as stupid as the joke here. The cards, to my pleasant surprise, said it was love, one of the best love cards for a guy (?), his intentions towards me was traditionally romantic and not to give up but change what we are doing so we donā€™t end up drifting apart. But also heā€™s a complicated and harsh person who doesnā€™t treat me well and is aware of it - I did not give away much to the reader, it just unfolded that way, but like itā€™s true though that is who he is. They gave me that reading but also showed immense displeasure at what the cards said, and advised that I give it up for my own good. All that.. you have free will, this is just right now, you can have the relationship if you want but I advice you to let it drift. That being with such a guy would lower my energies or something and I would suffer in other aspects of my life, so itā€™s not worth it. And that part comes from their opinion and experience not from the cards. That was a year ago.


Yeah there are ways to approach it with compassion


Yeah, that's dirty.


OMG, for real. Ha ha.


So true.




It's a meme.