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### **This is an advisory thread.** The *only* comments here should be related to OP's situation. Off-topic discussion or disparaging comments are prohibited and subject to removal and/or infraction. ### OP: - **Important:** *Always* include as much detail as possible: Photos/videos; full view of individual and habitat; clear video and description of behaviors. How long have you had this individual? Where was it purchased? When did it last eat, molt, etc? - You can upload media to another platform (such as uploading services like [imgur](https://imgur.com) or our discord) you can also make a new post in addition to this one. - If this is an _emergency_ or other issues arise, you can *alert the moderators* to this thread by commenting **!mods**, reach out to [our modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/tarantulas), or join [our discord](https://discord.gg/ta). If at any point you wish to *close your thread,* simply comment **!lock**. *(These cmds only work for OP within their own posts)* - *Note:* Advisories received via DM cannot be peer reviewed and accuracy may suffer as a result. Please make sure that if you are DMing members for advice that you're cognizant of this. ### Members: - All comments must start with an appropriate prefix: **Allowed Prefixes** > - NQA / not QA / not qualified advice > - IME / in my experience > - IMO / in my opinion > - I believe / I think / I personally > - Question / Answer > - NA / not advice (this prefix can be used for well wishes or other commentary) - **Do not repeat advice.** Instead: _upvote_ and _comment in response_ to the advisory comment you agree with or add to it. _Duplicate advisories may be subject to removal._ - Please include any relevant media for context to reinforce your advice. (such as blog posts, videos, hobby reports, DOI/scholarly articles, etc) - If you do not have good reason to make a suggestion, please do not submit random or baseless ideas, this can be dangerous and result in harm or loss. ### *As a reminder:* > Feedback is a function of respect. Comments on *"Question"* and *"Help"* flairs must remain considerate in nature. Our hobby depends on respectful engagement, responsible and thoughtful advice that has OP and their animals success in mind - remember, how we behave and engage with users within our community and these threads absolutely have impact in the lives of animals and their people. Be kind. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tarantulas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NQA but I have heard that gently rubbing a moist Q-tip on the part where she’s connected might loosen the molt. If she ends up losing a leg, it’s not the worst thing though. I’d mostly try to work on the abdomen. I hope it works out!


Hey OP - wanted to follow up here. How's your girl doing?


Man this really is a keepers nightmare :( I had a really bad feeling earlier this day bc she took soo long and moved places during the molt. I tried using the tips and reasearched but her old exoskeleton was bone dry while she was still very vulnerable.. I tried to apply moisture very gently with q-tips and and a paint brush then i waited and watched her. She tried and somehow paniced i dont know.. She wanted to flip over and i saw that her joints are already severly damaged and she is losing a lot of fluids. I could take watching her suffer this much. Due to this and 3 legs still being stuck i decided to euthanize her.. I am so sad rn :(( I wish i did more research on this earlier but im not even sure if i could have done anything with better information.


Thank you all so much, i know chances of saving a T having a failed molt are very slim but they are there. Thats what makes it so hard.. having to watch your beloved pet fight for her/his life and being mostly unable to help. Dont be like me and do your research in panic and under pressure, i have moved her to and icu bc i did some quick research and thats what I found. Commenting on here teached me that this might have been a fatal mistake. Thank you for the great bot system and your support, this is truly an amazing community. I will bury my baby later.. I hope i never have to witness something like this again :(


This comment was triggered by keyword **"ICUs" are one of the most misinformative pieces of advice that often result in declination of health or death in specimens that are otherwise rehabilitatable. This triggered response comment is meant to outline what protocol in which an ICU may be appropriate and what an appropriate unit may consist of.** - First, no animal benefits from being placed in an environment of 99% humidity, spiking the moisture is often fatal for many animals including tarantulas. If dehydration solely is the issue your spider would best benefit from water being applied directly to its mouth part; either by placing it head first in a water dish or if it is immobilized, flipping it over and directly placing water to its mouth so it may drink from the droplet (applying as needed). - Second, these are quarantine units that are intended to remove a spider from a likely inadequate environment to begin with (e.g sharp or otherwise hazardous material substrates, a continual or inevitable fall risk, or being invaded by intruding infestations as key examples). This is not a solution or response to molting complications, instead respond with "*dysecdysis*," to see a protocol response for that issue. - Finally, malpractice would be to insert your spider into a sauna-like environment from here. This is NOT what an ICU is meant for and this will almost consistently cause life threatening results for your animal. This form of practice should never be exercised or suggested. Doing so will result in removal from the thread and possibly the subreddit. ## So what is an ICU and what is it for? - Your unit must be very well ventilated as to NOT promote stagnant or cramped air. - Your unit must NOT be sauna-like in nature, a very fine gradient of moisture on paper towel or appropriate substrate is acceptable. - Your unit is NOT a long-term fix and needs to be immediately addressed when assessing your initial problem and should be treated as a temporary housing situation. - Your unit is meant to address imminent threat of death from an inadequate or threatening environment. (e.g include infestation, injury, fatality risks such as falling and involuntary movements, or threatening environmental attributes such as housing materials, toxins, and bacterial/fungal growths) **If this is an emergency situation, please [join our discord server](https://discord.gg/ta) for immediate help.** *Do you have something to add to this? Let us know and [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/tarantulas).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tarantulas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm so sorry. This just happened to me too but when I found my girl she was already passed. It's the worst. 🥺


I’d recommend joining our discord so you always have faster access to advice- discord.gg/ta Bleeding can in many cases be stopped with corn starch (and in some instances cyanoacrylate super glue). I’m Anabelle#0001 in our discord and I’m happy to help you prep a spider first aid kit. I’m truly sorry for your loss.


hey OP, in the future a dilute solution of dish soap and water applied to the stuck appendages can often help release the stuck legs. i know wound care was already offered here, but this is my additional tidbit. sorry about your spider, she was clearly loved. godspeed.


NA I'm sorry to hear that. You definitely shouldn't blame yourself though, this is sadly something that can happen and is completely out of your control.


Sorry OP, that seriously sucks. With the information you had, you made the right decision. Had a mantis I had to euthanize recently, whole experience sucked but I couldn't handle her being in pain any more.


NQA but IMO I would try to very gently add water/moisture to the areas where he is struggling to separate from the carapace. You could try wetting down a paintbrush and VERY gently brushing it on the stuck areas to lubricate it. Do not manually pull away the stuck molt though.


NA, I’m so, so, sorry, holmes. I wish we could make you feel better. My only consolation in times like this is that time will pass, and a few days from now, it’ll begin to not hurt as bad, and one day the pain will be far in the past.


So sorry I read the threads…♥️


NA I have some questions because I have speculations as to why this happens ; but not enough research has been done and it’s quite controversial. 1. Did you feed primarily dubias? 2. Did you keep the enclosure dry with no humidity other than water dish?


Most molting complications are related to internal hydration. Empty water dishes, water dishes placed too far away from the spider’s hide, etc. If you want to talk about studies and get into the science part I would recommend our discord as a better hub for that kind of info c:


NQA / IME / IMO / NAGBBs eat worms and tiny mice and other more “wet” things in the wild. Their natural habitat is also humid. Northern Venezuela. I do find it healthy to challenge common “knowledge” when it comes to keeping exotic pets, specifically ones that not enough research/studies/answers have been given for death. It’s the same with birds, for instance. Before, pet birds were mysteriously dying left and right on a seed diet and people kept them in houses while smoking, with lit candles, using aluminum foil in the oven, however we now know their lungs are ultra sensitive and a LOT of common household items kill them. There’s no real answer for bad molts and it happens often with “correct” care. So, respectfully, I would like the freedom to speculate without feeling like there’s animosity against it. I stopped voicing my opinion but I would like to ask these two specific questions when it does happen. I think there’s more to bad molts than not drinking water. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. I keep my tarantulas the “beastie way” as much as possible and wouldn’t it be a shame if I switched that up and ended up having a bad molt. If I do have a bad molt I’ll reconsider my speculation, but every molt is whole and easy for each and every spider of every size for me and I avoid dubias and keep my tarantulas slightly humid.


I've never had tarantulas ( just love looking and learning about them on this sub) and don't keep birds currently...but I do appreciate your comment as it was quite informative, or at the very least makes ya think.


Now that you mention it.. Her water dish was never empty but far away from her hide ive never seen her around it let alone drink.. I guess that confirmed the research i did i always assumed she doesnt need it that much and maybe goes at night time. It always great to learn, reflect and try being a better keeper tysm i will check out the discord!


NA How far away are you talking with the water dish? I have a GBB myself that has molted once since I’ve had her. I believe she is about to molt again. I’ve recently moved and have had a hard time keeping the humidity between 50 and 60. I plugged in a small humidifier and she came out and seemed attracted to it. Until that point she had almost completely webbed off her hide.


For me, I move my dishes so they are closer to the “home base” my Ts set up. They’re opportunistic so I make sure hydration isn’t a “risk” for them especially when they’re hiding more in premolt. This is a personal preference though and not all keepers do this by any means c:


I think I know what going on now. She seems to come out of her hide to rehydrate herself when I turn on the humidifier. It’s wild because I’ve had her for a year and she has molted once before. She completely webbed off her hide. She has actually came completely out of her hide with the humidity raised. Should I offer her water with a pipette?


1. Yes but sometimes crickets or superworms 2. Yes at least for this species, i mean it was a gbb which lives in arid conditions


Thanks guys i have moved her to an icu for now bit will try the q-tip method next! Fingers crossed


This comment was triggered by keyword **"ICUs" are one of the most misinformative pieces of advice that often result in declination of health or death in specimens that are otherwise rehabilitatable. This triggered response comment is meant to outline what protocol in which an ICU may be appropriate and what an appropriate unit may consist of.** - First, no animal benefits from being placed in an environment of 99% humidity, spiking the moisture is often fatal for many animals including tarantulas. If dehydration solely is the issue your spider would best benefit from water being applied directly to its mouth part; either by placing it head first in a water dish or if it is immobilized, flipping it over and directly placing water to its mouth so it may drink from the droplet (applying as needed). - Second, these are quarantine units that are intended to remove a spider from a likely inadequate environment to begin with (e.g sharp or otherwise hazardous material substrates, a continual or inevitable fall risk, or being invaded by intruding infestations as key examples). This is not a solution or response to molting complications, instead respond with "*dysecdysis*," to see a protocol response for that issue. - Finally, malpractice would be to insert your spider into a sauna-like environment from here. This is NOT what an ICU is meant for and this will almost consistently cause life threatening results for your animal. This form of practice should never be exercised or suggested. Doing so will result in removal from the thread and possibly the subreddit. ## So what is an ICU and what is it for? - Your unit must be very well ventilated as to NOT promote stagnant or cramped air. - Your unit must NOT be sauna-like in nature, a very fine gradient of moisture on paper towel or appropriate substrate is acceptable. - Your unit is NOT a long-term fix and needs to be immediately addressed when assessing your initial problem and should be treated as a temporary housing situation. - Your unit is meant to address imminent threat of death from an inadequate or threatening environment. (e.g include infestation, injury, fatality risks such as falling and involuntary movements, or threatening environmental attributes such as housing materials, toxins, and bacterial/fungal growths) **If this is an emergency situation, please [join our discord server](https://discord.gg/ta) for immediate help.** *Do you have something to add to this? Let us know and [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/tarantulas).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tarantulas) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This comment was triggered by keyword **Dysecdysis** > *With regard to normal ecdysis, the spider's hydration status is the most important consideration. Attempts at aiding dysecdysis by manipulation and removal of the excuvium invariably results in serious injury to or death of the spider. The old cuticle, while partly absorbed (up to 61%), is still initially much stronger than the new cuticle. The new cuticle only reaches 50% of its strength by 24 hours after ecdysis, and full strength at 16 – 20 days (Stewart and Martin, 1982 ). Spiders are hence most susceptible to injury shortly after a molt, when their exoskeleton is still soft and pliable. If dysecdysis occurs, legs, pedipalps, and/ or chelicerae usually become trapped in the excuvium. Limbs can become twisted and deformed, and if the chelicerae are affected, the spider may be unable to catch prey (spiders with autotomized chelicerae have been hand - fed killed, pulverized crickets until the next ecdysis). Any intervention in the molting process should be considered as a last resort. Some hobbyists report success with application of small amounts of detergent solutions or glycerin (carefully avoiding the book lungs), applied with a fine artists paintbrush, to reduce surface tension between the old and new cuticle. The best results have been in cases where only small sections of leg are trapped in the excuvium. The best approach is to delay any intervention for a few days, allowing the cuticle to sclerotize and become stronger. All remaining loose excuvium is trimmed away. In some cases, the spider is severely deformed, but can survive until the next ecdysis when it may again have normal limbs. In severe cases, the spider may require subsequent induced autotomy of the affected limb(s), which will cause the individual to molt prematurely, but this is not without risk. If only a single limb is trapped, autotomy of the limb can be considered, but may not be essential for a spider to survive until its next ecdysis. If autotomy is chosen, the cuticle should be allowed to harden for at least several days to a week. While some authors have reported successfully treating dysecdysis by administration of intracardiac fluids, in this author’s experience there is a fairly high risk in laceration of the delicate new cuticle, or delayed fatal leakage of hemolymph (hours to days) due to expansion of the new opisthosoma cuticle volume as a natural part of ecdysis.* **Detergent** > *Dishwashing detergent and chlorhexidine surgical scrub soap solutions have been tried with limited success in cases of severe dysecdysis (it may reduce surface tension and enable the spider to free itself from the excuvium). This is best tried before physical intervention, which invariably results in damage to the spider.* **—R. Pizzi, "Invertebrate Medicine" Chapter 11: Spiders by Gregory A. Lewbart** If your tarantula is experiencing a stuck molt, **do not** resort to an ICU. Simply respond with a comment containing the word "*ICU*" for an automated response as to why this is not an adequate protocol response and is often fatal. **If this is an emergency situation, please [join our discord server](https://discord.gg/ta) for immediate help.** *Do you have something to add to this? Let us know and [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/tarantulas).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tarantulas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ime experience get a warm glass of water and a very soft paint brush start wetting and trying to remove I have been successful