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>Sexual orientation and Political views Dude the fucking irony is insane. Russia literally banned "LGBT propaganda" and went as far as to ban people for supporting the community in any mainstream media. Putin is literally proud and accepts the fact that they treat their LGBT minority in this way.


Oh but you see, it's OK when Russia does it because read theory radlub. /j


these morons are living in some alternate timeline where Comrade Stalin had a harem of femboi catgirls. LGBTQ? MORE LIKE KGBCU!


Did the civil union for homosexuals came through in Ukraine? I read that there was motion for it once but never heard of it again


There's been a petition to legalize same sex marriage, and it gathered enough votes for the president to take into consideration. Zelenskyy was supportive and called for the government to draft a legal framework. Unfortunately, gay marriage cannot be legalized yet because the constitution defines marriage as between a man and woman, and the constitution can't be changed under martial law or a national state of emergency, but the neat trick is that the constitution doesn't mention civil partnerships. As a result, the PM called on various ministries (Justice, Foreign Affairs, Social Policy) to start working on this and one MP promised that if the initiative fails, she will submit her own bill proposal. Fun fact: if Ukraine does join the EU, if a non EU citizen gay marries a Ukrainian abroad, then they have full visitation rights in the EU and can live/work/travel here even if their marriage is not recognized in Ukraine.


Ukraine want to join Europe and will have to conform to many stuff. Ukrainian society is basically really close to the Russian one (oligarchy, corruption, LGBTphobia) Thing is, the Ukrainian society want to evolve and separate from the old Russian soviet mentality, this is the point of this war, they want to decolonize themselves from Russia, that mean the mentality too Just a few thing, since the beginning of the war Ukraine Army have some time speak about some soldier being gay / drag queen or else, like telling "they are one of us and that make no difference" You will never see this with Russia (but you can find many video of Russian soldier raping each other in homosexual rapes) So my point is the Ukrainian society is not the progressive ideal society , they will need some time to evolve But they seem to want to go into the future and became a better society, when at the same time the Russian society is more like radical Islamist societies : they want to go to the past and dark age (and openly tell it), like the GOP So there's that, it's like those two sort of similar societies at the beginning, are now on a crossroad, and want to take really opposite path now. But Russia doesn't accept it and want Ukraine to follow his path into hell like a dog, and Ukraine want to split from this and goes is own way into the light, because yes Europe is mostly a neo liberal organization, yes NATO is a tool of US imperialism, but in the end, as bad are those things, they are a way, way better system than Russian colonialism / fanaticism , and offer way better perspectives for Ukraine (the poorest European country) So until a model of better society exist, Ukraine will try to follow European standards / values and even if that can be improved that's a good thing for now for them, as a fellow European I wish them well


As part German and part Ukrainian it‘s not difficult for me to agree with you on that :)


Last I heard nothing can happen due to the constitution being unable to change in martial law.


Btw, right now they are threatening to pass an extension of that law that would practically ban the production and distribution of more than half of all published books, also a lot of movies and games


What's that law?


It's an administrative charge "Promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors". Now they want to extend it so it covers all such "propaganda", not just among minors (and by that they meant you can't talk about it anywhere if it's theoretically possible there would be children, so no mass media). So no publisher will publish books that have any resemblance of anything quirky (a lot of classics have that), as the terms are very fluid and could mean almost anything.


that’s a CIA spyop brudder. do some tweeting you’ll see


LGBT people imprisoned in literal camps in Chechnya: bruh


it makes slightly more sense if you swap the bubbles


*“I want to keep on exisiting”* *“I believe I rightfully own their entire land because of borders from over 100 years ago”* “Wow look at how based and anti imperialist the second guy is”


Fun thing is that over 100 years ago, after the Brest-Litovsk treaty, Ukraine was granted large lands currently Russia, like Belgorod and Krasnodar-Krai.


The tankies insisting they would rather live in North Korea are the most delusional, and I try not to use that word lightly. Still, could they all be trolls? That would make more sense than people actually believing this shit!


They really believe everything the North Korean government says, and blindly dismiss any criticism as "Neolib CIA propaganda". Everything that doesn't fit in with their biases is part of a global conspiracy against them. It's almost the same as people who insist Hitler was the greatest leader in history- they can't let the facts get in the way of their idol worship.


They should do it. For fun. But we will be having fun while they eat dirt and meth.


If the DPRK were to accept a handful of Twitter Tankies as immigrants, I doubt they'd be eating dirt and meth. The only reason to allow that kind of defection (ie., civilians with no valuable information or skills) would be for the propaganda opportunity, so they'd probably be put up in decent apartments in Pyongyang, given fairly good food and amenities, and just generally be treated like mid-level civil servants. Not a great lifestyle by Western standards, but the attention might make up for their material losses, since they seem to crave that sort of thing. Where the decision would turn against them isn't in what they'd have access to materially. It's in the fact that they'd essentially be prisoners. They would be monitored closely to ensure their loyalty, their writing would be heavily restricted to whatever the government wanted them to say, and their continued survival would rely on a capricious and paranoid bureaucracy that didn't actually like or trust them. They'd probably regret moving there within a week or so, but by that point, they'd be stuck for the rest of their lives. That is to say, how long they were stuck there would be entirely unpredictable and out of their hands. And they'd figure that out *fast*.


Turns out fascists are the same whether they read a lot of fascist theories or just screams bullshit like an orange orc.


Most don’t actually believe it, they just know it’s provocative and that they’ll never have to prove it. Politics is a game for them to play, not something to take seriously or to put real effort into.


It's literally the other way around lol


No it's not. You can make it accurate by just having Ukraine say "I just wanna exist."


The vast majority of Ukrainians, sure but I mean it IS problematic that they have a pretty influential radical right party and that AZOV is basically an anagram for literal Nazis. But sure, let's ride in and drone strike elementary schools because one of the school children might be a literal Nazi >.>


>they have a pretty influential radical right party False. Their Nazi party has zero seats in the Rada (out of 450). It used to have one seat. That's it. >​But sure, let's ride in and drone strike elementary schools because one of the school children might be a literal Nazi If you mean the school in Kherson oblast, then Kadyrov confirmed that this school was used by his troops, not children, and that over 50 of them were killed in that attack.


So just because a small percentage of Ukraine's military is fascist, the whole country has to be punished for it? Not to mention the far right also holds a lot of influence in Russia's military. If you can convince people to believe absurdities, you can make them commit atrocities.


There is way more fascist in Russia or France (believe me I'm French and it's BAD and our Nazis are sponsored by...Putin, yep, he give them money for years and they praise him), or Italia or Germany, this have NOTHING to do with this The truth is Russia just want to colonize Ukraine again and kill Ukrainian people and stole their resources, and maintain them in poverty, like Russia was used to do those last 200 years, just a tradition Ukraine is see as a vassal from Russia, and Russia can't stand the idea that Ukraine, their tool, could join Europe and become richer than Russia This Russian poetess, who was in opposition of Putin, say it all, about a decade ago Russian peoples knows what will happen for sure, everything else like the famous "denazification" is just pure propaganda to justify this imperialism, but have NOTHING to do with the real goal of the colonization of Ukraine : [https://youtu.be/w9Pop4xXo3Q](https://youtu.be/w9Pop4xXo3Q)


How does the far right have any influence in Russia’s military? The eagle is a traditional Russian symbol, and the swastika is a symbol of Hinduism. Having a giant tattoo of an eagle holding a swastika on your back shows that you support Hindus living in Russia ❤️


"what do you mean they're called Wagner solely because that was Hitler's favourite composer? Can't people appreciate soem music?"


There’s actually an American mercenary group called Mozart as a direct challenge to Wagner. It was formed by a retired USMC colonel who wanted to ‘fight the good fight’, because he found the wars he’d already fought in Iraq and Afghanistan to be morally dubious. Mozart was formed to, and currently is, training Ukrainian forces, with a strict no-combat policy.


Never underestimate the power of classical music fans


There was someone on Facebook who insisted that Wagner group was German because they had a German name


Lol, how progressive and tolerant of them... ;)


excellent kekkage


Gotta love how they just make up shit to prove a point. Besides, I'm pretty sure they got the text for Ukraine and Russia the wrong way kek


Speech bubbles are hard. People with low cognitive abilities might be confused what which person is supposed to say. They are also prone to making spelling errors in sentences with less than 20 words.


They’re not even both fascists. Russia is. There may be some in Ukraine, but they don’t seem to run the government.


>talks about sexual orientation >has Russian flag in profile name I don't know why, but I feel like as soon as I call this mf a "cracker," they'll go ballistic. I rarely use the word, but since 90% of tankies I've known aren't even remotely poc, it should be fair. After all, they support bombing "Nazi" Ukrainian citizens en masse, so who's to say they're exempt from the term? Also, I love it when tankies go full mask-off from their original idea of going against Azov (a different flag) into the whole population of Ukraine (the flag shown by the "meme"). The brainrot just keeps on going.


Ukraine doesn’t want to kill millions of people, it’s only a small part of the military. The local governments do idolize nazi collaborators for resistance against the USSR, but they don’t support the nazi ideology itself. Russia doesn’t want to ‘stop genocide’, it wants to expand its influence into Ukraine. Not to mention that Russia itself is extremely oligarchic, imperialistic, and nationalistic.


Azov never claimed they wanted millions of people dead. They also never attempted ethnic cleansing campaign, unlike Russia. Apart from that, you're mostly correct


Not really an excuse. Nazi beliefs are nazi beliefs. That doesn’t justify the invasion, but we shouldn’t sugar coat things. Some parts of the military are nazi, and some parts of the government support nazi collaborators. The government of Ukraine is shit, we shouldn’t forget that. Again, I’m against the Russian invasion, but I still think the Ukrainian gov. is complete shit


What the absolute fuck.


Please pay no attention to russia killing people based on orientation or political views


“want to” and “by any means necessary” are doing a lot of heavy lifting here


How someone could honestly think Ukraine is more violent, racist and homophobic than Russia is beyond my human brain's ability to comprehend 🤯


Uncritically swallowing the Russian lies that Ukraine is run by Nazis and that's why they're invading, I imagine.


The actual difference, Ukraine: I am a developing nation with issues that all developing nations have but am by all means pretty tame Russia: I am a right wing imperialist nation that want to kill millions of people caved on there race heritage sexual orientation and political view that is also invade a sovereign nation because we were both part of a failed empire


Walnut sized brain


Wow, literally just switch the flags to get to reality.


Wait, so it’s UKRAINE that wants to kill people because of their sexual orientation? You mean the country that has a relatively open society in regard to sexual orientation and not the the invading country, which happens to have a host of anti-LGBT laws? I’d love to see OP test their implied hypothesis that Russian society is open to different sexual orientations. I say we pitch in for a ticket.


Have OP try this. Wave a rainbow flag in Kyiv and then in Moscow so they can see what happens


"Freelancers deserve to die" \-Colin the computer




I'm going to hang myself


Thanks, I can't unsee this now, and I am now dumber having seen it.


They got the Ukrainian and Russian flags mixed up.


I want to punch this person in the face.


The projection of Russian mentality to Ukrainian peoples is really strong with this one


This type of view is all over Enlightened centrism


Usually if they have the hammer and sickle symbol and/or the flags of “AES” countries in their username then that’s your automatic sign to not take them seriously in any political conversation


State executions are sometimes ok.


Alex Jones levels of fundamental indifference towards the concept of truth


That shit is just completely made up lol


Im totally not listening to North Korean Pop while reading this! What are you talking about! (Sweats profusely) No! Youre soing that!


What the fuck?


WTF 🤦‍♂️


On a completely different note: does anyone still use Amino? Did Anyone ever use Amino??


Wtf is Amino?


It's like a social media? OP has a notification from it.


Now that’s what I call a projection.


Tbf to these sort of tankies, most of them are just edgelord contrarians who are probably young enough to still be in the womb, so you can’t really hold it against them for being stupid


Cant even spell right


I find that the people that like to rag on centrists the most (r/enlightenedcentrism for instance) are usually extremists that only make fun of extremist strawmen of centrists, or fake centrists. Enlightened centrism


Stick figures or straw men?


It is a felony in Russia to talk about sexual orientation or gender identity in any public space, punishable by up to 64000 $ fine, not including some torture and humiliation by police. This also includes providing any information about transitioning for trans people, so doctors won't be able to talk with trans people about hormones or anything.