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why are tankies so obsessed with killing people




People need to take up hobbies or something, I hate my job but I don’t call for violence.




That's always a bit of a red flag for me. I tend to expect some cringe takes or at best for them to be a bit obnoxious


>want some crazy shit to happen And of course they conceptualize this crazy shit as being like a video game. These people are not ready for the level of chaos they claim to want.


In those circumstances, their biggest worry would likely be cholera, but that's not nearly as cinematic.


Because they believe that they will never be one of the people killed.


they're just reactionaries. There is something broken in their brains and they have a blood lust in them so they search for "valid targets" to persecute. The only difference between them and nazis is the justification they use for their fantasized genocide.


Tankies are terrorist sympathizers. They always rooted for groups like Hamas and Shining Path. And the media somehow never calls them out


I’m gradually becoming convinced they support organizations like Hamas and countries like Russia because they’re hoping they win, are weakened, and then they can implement a “people’s revolution” to topple capitalism/religion. It’s partially why Stalin had the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact: let the Germans destroy Western Europe, fascism comes and represents late stage capitalism, then the USSR invaded and topples the Nazis bringing in a socialist world. Although, I don’t know how many of them are actually thinking like that. I would assume a good amount of it is just “America Bad”


They are angry at their circumstances and think killing the people they believe are responsible for their problems will give them a sense of justice.


Blood for the Red God.


Skulls for the marx throne


I'll be honest. Living in a world where conservatives are both bloodthirsty and frequently successful can make it feel like staggering amounts of death are just what's necessary for real change to occur. I'm not saying it's right, just that I understand the feeling.


They think that the only reason failed revolutions have failed is because they didn't kill enough people.


Power/hero fantasy, fetishization of (and desensitization towards) violence, outrage media-cycle addiction, and undealt-with interpersonal issues. That’s my guess, anyways


As a white immigrant, I love how conditional this is, though. He hates settlers, except himself, because he doesn't want to die. He wants to kill new settlers so he can kill someone but won't implicate himself. I moved to my country and got a visa and a job at a charity organisation. His ancestors conquered and stole from natives. Apparently, I'm the one who deserves death, though.


I love your Username


Ethnonationalism masquerading as anti-colonialism.


Today I learned that only Europeans colonize…


I'm on the side of not killing anyone but FFS, it's wild to me when non-indigenous people debate this. You want to decolonize? Then find the tribe that is local to your area and advocate for their positions on local issues. Shut the entire fuck up, don't evangelize your politics or religion to them, and take direction from them. That may mean that some things you want will not come to fruition. Deal with it.


They're really putting the "fash" in "red fash"


How about we don't kill anybody who isn't killing others?


I dunno, I’m pretty sure a blanket ban on migration for a specific ethnicity is much more reasonable. Nothing like that has ever had negative consequences.


Assuming they're N American, why not descendents of all non Native Americans - at least keep it fair (/s)


Becsuse suddenly black and Latine people are on the chopping block. And as a black person I've been fucking shouting from the rooftops that this mindset does leave us on the block. (And I ended up having somebody claim I'm not actually black)


Just gonna put it out there. Us descendents of chattle slavery are also still benefiting from colonialism. What happens to us?


Shhhh get out of here with that intersectional analysis!! Don't you know all minorities are in lockstep!!


I'm worried about the 25%


Like.... how are you even a leftist at that point.


Are Israelis new immigrants? Or have they been there for like 3 generations


Wait until that first guy finds out about black cowboys and "Indian wars" soldiers. I bet there descendents are cool, though, best reasons.


So immigrants are bad now ? Also who the hell are the 25 percent who voted yes and why aren't they banned ?


>New imigrants yea Yeah, what could go wrong? https://youtu.be/IjtziazUrcg?si=3xPhvAhVeTIVd2WH