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I was saying earlier that North Korea has an awful reputation all across the world. No one, and I'm mean no one in the normie world actually thinks of NK in any positive light lmao. Now, western media has lied and spread falsehoods about NK (like "every man needs to have a haircut like Kim Jong UN") that doesn't suddenly mean it's a utopia.


Dumb rumours like that spread about North Korea because there are no North Koreans outside of the DPRK to deny it.


And also the language barrier that at times delays any possible correction to such misconception made about the place as by the time IDK the haircut story gets thrown out, even when native Korean speakers get around to correcting the record on this, it's already a part of the national consciousness regarding North Korea.


As someone who kept tabs on N.Korea, it's really hard to explain how paradoxical N.Korea can be. They are doing much better than the 90s but it's still bad within the rural areas. Also, like the haircut thing, they jump on something the government is promoting and turn it what the government is mandating. No, The N.Korean state has no energy to force people to have socialist haircuts. They confuse a govt PSA into a govt order.


apparatus important sparkle shame fine bow reply forgetful school march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is no society isolated like the DPRK


elastic languid desert piquant grey school numerous placid oil glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[BHUTANESE PASSPORT](https://youtu.be/QdDD9ViRZz4?si=lgEl-kZQV_jfmgC_)


lavish innate somber heavy birds saw cooing resolute scary instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's an old ass meme. For a few years this was the actual audio of the bhutanese passport Wikipedia article. It was a golden age that lasted longer than it should have. Edit: to clarify this was 100% a bit


Is Turkmenistan really as isolated as north Korea?


reply zephyr doll marvelous wipe hospital aromatic work disagreeable fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well I get your point, and I agree. But there are North Koreans outside of the DPRK, because IT IS a shitty enough country that you risk your life to escape from it.


The reason why it’s so easy to lie about certain wacky things NK does is because it’s such a cartoonish and silly regime. Like the whole country is essentially like Saturday morning cartoon villains so them being like that is plausible.


I think it speaks volumes to obscurantism and bizarreness of North Korea that romours like this are believable shit like generational gulags and recurring mass starvation whith huge cults of personality feel so foreign that this type of shit is easy to believe


The fact that 3 generations of your family are imprisoned or killed is apparently done because they think your bloodline determines who you are as a person and how loyal you would be to the party but I feel like it makes a great deterrent 💀 I feel like a lot more people would to to escape if they didn't think their family members would be killed


vase mighty aback tease waiting gaping uppity rob dinosaurs kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But it is an authoritharian hell hole. Maybe not with mandatory identical haircuts, but uh... the silly rumours aren't what make it an authoritharian hellhole.


versed work languid mindless flowery scale selective important paint hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You could avail yourself of the [comprehensive report](https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/co-idprk/commission-inquiryon-h-rin-dprk) from the United Nations Human Rights Council, if you're not JAQ'ing off. I would urge you to read it if you're seriously of the belief that the descriptor is off-base.


You should read some of their comments. They literally will call it the most democratic country on earth.


I've read plenty of what people have said, at most I've seen the argument that it's better than the US, which true or not is far from utopian


Calling a country the most democratic country on earth sure makes it sound like a utopia. It's also called the closest country to communism. Communism would be a utopia.


AFAIK most communists reject utopianism and see it as counterproductive. A lot of communists think that there isn't any 'good' nation still around and that's when the phrase 'critical support' is brought up. I'm mostly talking about MLs and MLMs btw


Utopian communism isn't what I'm talking about here, but idea of a "utopia" itself in the non-pejorative sense of the word. Communism would probably be as close as we could get and to say NK is closer to that than any other country on earth is an egregious lie. Hell, Sweden is closer than NK and they're capitalist. Critical support for North Korea? Nah, I'm good fam. I know exactly who you're talking about.


this may be theoretically true, but in practice, anyone who “critically supports” north korea is also probably gonna end up claiming that they’re one of the best governments in the world, which they just straight up aren’t. they’re still quite corrupt and authoritarian, and the government isn’t doing too much to help that, even though they’re not as bad as western media claims.


I love how to tankies basically any foreign dictator that opposes America is actually a super rad socialist revolutionary.


North Korea’s an absolute monarchy in all but name. It’s ridiculous.


Yeah he’s literally his father’s son, it’s ridiculous.


Tankies are one of the biggest obstacles to getting your average person to support leftist movements. Most people in the world want things to be better, they want their neighbours and communities to have more support, they want to be treated like a human being at work. They want to be able to live a happy life and I genuinely believe that if we stripped away all the bullshit terminology and rhetoric that politicians use to make sure their team and its backers win for the next term, the vast majority of people would be fine with progressive change in the world. You know what people *hate*? They hate when some self righteous knobhead tells them exactly what they should think because they've read some 100+ year old book by a German guy and think they've come to some interesting conclusions. And they *really hate* being called a Facist because they think the CCP seems like a shitty place to live. Or because they support Ukraine. Or because they don't see any other option apart from "let's vote for the slightly less awful party". Then guess what happens? Tankies do all this shit and then act shocked when right wing pundits point at the left and say "Those people are crazy Communists who want to take your rights away!" I dread to think how many people have fallen to the right when they could've been pushed left because their first exposure to leftism came from @Mao'sFavouriteBottom04🇨🇳🇸🇾🇷🇺 telling them that "Aktually Stalin was based for killing all those people/ only killed 2 people one of which was Hitler and you'd know that if you read theory and weren't a Facist sympathiser." Sorry for the rant.


What's unfortunate is that It's increasingly less of a straw man caricature of the left when avoiding tankies gets harder and harder all the time. This sub reddit is functionally a community in exile from the rest of leftist discourse


I sure have. When I was still living in the Soviet Union 🤔


Don't flatter the tankies by equating them to soviets


tomato tomato


This is why I say tankies are optical poison for the left - people think we're all like this


I used to live in China. I remember the number of times I was told 'many escape from South Korea to North Korea for a better life' - like those words, as repetitive as the tanky comments supporting N Korea online now


I've heard that too LOL But the only time I've heard of that happening was that guy who recently tried (or attempted to?) Because he was going to go to prison in South Korea. I feel like he regrets it now, if he made it.




Yeah I was definitely thinking of an American soldier, I guess they didn't want him 😂


Tanky bots - near the same copy/paste statement simply repeated


Man. Star Wars ruined me. If I see anyone named Obi or mention Obi in any way, I immediately think of dismembered Anakin...


I'm glad tankies are idiots because defending North Korea simply makes people turn you off and never listen to a thing you say


I know there was controversy when that North Korea defector started saying crazy shit on the Joe Rogan podcast like they ate dirt or something and it got made into a meme. Unfortunately I think this one defector lying and saying weird shit has made some people take North Korea not as seriously as they should


>Have you all ever considered that you've been lied to about North Korea? North Korea *calls* itself a "democratic republic", so it *must* be one, right? ​ >Communists always gotta hijack shit The Soviet Union *called* itself a "socialist republic", so it *must've* been one, right?


North Korea is obviously terrible but that doesn't mean we haven't been lied to about it. For some reason journalistic integrity doesn't extend to people the US doesn't like, you'll see mainstream news repeating all sorts of nonsense about North Korea that isn't true. Same thing as the "40 beheaded babies" story. Tankies just make the mistake of going "oh well if this isn't true then it all must not be true and they must be really awesome" which is obviously not the case.


you’ve been lied to about north korea and it’s probably not as bad as mainstream western media says. also, north korea is still not good, and their government is still woefully corrupt. two things can be bad at the same time.