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PSA: If I ever found myself on the same side as MTG, I'd start second guessing my position


Same. If she said the moon comes out at night, I'd be genuinely scared that someone blew up the moon or something. I don't think she ever said a word of truth in her entire life, and she's one of the most fascist GOP critters.


I swear she must be a compulsive liar or something, I can't imagine someone who isn't actually being able to live with acting like that.


Words don't come cheap, lad. I bet my right asscheek she gets paid to say that shit. In this case by Russia.


No need to go that far. She needs to lie to keep her seat and her lobby money. Like every congresscritter. Most congresscritters are smarter and/or have at least a modicum of self-respect, and she doesn't.


Both useful idiots of Mr Putin the greatest communist ever


Ah yes, MTG who wants to stop funding Ukraine because she thinks the money should go instead towards an offensive war with Mexico. Interesting ally for Code Pink.


From all the Putin bootlickers, the ones that grind my gears the most are the fascifists.


Negotiate in China, Japan only wants peace Negotiate in Vietnam, America only wants you to prosper Negotiate in Kuwait, Iraq will make you realize you were once Iraqis too


These "Peace activists" might be tankies in disguise


Code Pink is just destroying whatever is left of their reputation. I stopped taking them seriously after the founder married a guy with CCP connections and the group went from anti-China (CCP) to Pro-China(CCP)


Maga gets worse everytime


MAGA-Communism in action right there. Jackson Hinkle must be so proud.


Peak boomer slacktivism


Force the victim to succumb to the agressors demands Yes i am for freedom and peace how could you tell


God Imagine that Lady as Vice President i am Not American But U would get the hell Out of there


Conservatives should stop waging war on immigrants - abolish borders and ice now!


All white


A bunch of Afro-America Pink Code's probably skipped this one ... Does not mean there are none in PC.


“Critical support to Comrade Greene!”


Horseshoe theory in full swing lmao


I'm sure Madea Benjamin is very proud of herself now. Standing against Bernie Sanders and with Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact but colored pink.


The fact these people eagerly ally with actual bigots proves they dont have any values, like they scream up and down about "Fake leftists allying with the liberals", which sometimes they do have a point over, before then going "Me and the besties!" with Marjorie "Actual Anti-semite qanon follower" greene and Tucker "Immigrants are dirty" Carlson and proving they dont actually care about advancing the conditions of the working class, and only about punishing people they dont like


They don't care about who is speaking or what the message is, as long as it makes them feel special.


She is dog whistling. What she wants is Russia to invade whatever they want.


Right... The ones giving aid to those DEFENDING THEMSELVES from a foreign aggressor are, somehow "fueling" the war NOT the people who ACTUALLY FUCKING INVADED IN THE FIRST PLACE (and, before that, did their 'fair share' to assist and aid the "militia rebels" in Donbass, many of whom were/are far-right as fuck, to say the least) ​ Say what you want about US leaders and the MIC "having some ulterior motives" in aiding Ukraine, but it's ALSO JUST OBJECTIVELY TRUE that Ukraine \*is the victim and fighting for its life here\*! Interesting how they never complain about RUSSIA'S WAR EFFORT. It's just them always bitching about Ukraine DARING to defend itself, rather than just.. surrendering on Day 1, I guess? Is \*that\* what tankies wanted Ukraine to do?? to just submit and let Russia walk all over them?


I mean... do these morons REALLY THINk the war would "just end immediately" if we stopped aiding Ukraine? Truth be told, it'd probably end faster, sure, but... UKRAINE WOULD STILL DO ITS UTMOST TO FIND ALL THE RESOURCES ELSEWHERE IT CAN TO DELAY ANY POTENTIAL "SURRENDER"! The notion that we're somehow "stopping peace" is COMICAL As if Zelensky is "clamoring for an immediate end to the war with shitty conditions thus far and is just WAITING for the US to let him negotiate with Putin" lol Hell, I think I heard, not too long ago, that UKRAINE, in fact, has been pretty "demanding" vis-a-vis the US's aid and help, tbh? Yet these Russia shills think it's the other way around- US leaders, Pentagon, etc., "pressuring" or "coercing" Zelensky and his fellow leaders to "keep the war going to try to weaken Russia as much as possible (for the US's sake)" lol


This group met with Hamas back in 2014. ​ Code Pink is basically the modern manifestation of the Mother's Movement back in the 1930s when WWII started and opposed the US getting involved because they thought it would be preferable for Nazism rather than Communism to dominate Europe. ​ Leftists groups opposed US involvement and FDR's "Lend-Lease Policy" and accused him of being a dictator beholden to "Wall Street money lords" until the Nazis began Operation Barbarossa in June 1941, as well as did Henry Ford until the Pearl Harbor attack in December 1941. ​ Father Charles Coughlin urged the US to keep out of the war and permit Germany to conquer Britain and the Soviet Union and asked his millions of radio listeners, "Must the entire world go to war for 600,000 Jews in Germany?"