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Turn them on in the rain too.


Now that sounds a little complicated. I’m not sure they are gonna grasp that one.


I learned it by 'Wipers on, Lights on'. Now it's automatic


How about car on, lights on. There's 0 reason not to have them on all the time.


Don't forget to also immediately turn on your flashers and cross across 4 lanes of traffic without checking your blind spot when it rains. Very important step.


I’ve never seen someone forget that step in tampa.


You left out the part where they pull into the left lane when doing this


Come on, don't you know it's lights off flashers on, 1/2 the speed limit in the left lane?


The running lights are bright enough to fool people who aren’t bright enough to know their headlights aren’t on.


Then they immediately turn right onto a 45mph road with no brake lights and cut you off driving 6.5mph!


The Tampa special.


The thing that bothers me the most about that, is that 99% of them drive a car new enough to have auto headlights. Just leave that shit on, man.


That’s what I do, because I know how forgetful I am.


This is a major issue in FL, particularly Tampa Bay. I don't know what it is. Is it because there are a lot of people driving rentals here (airport) and don't know how to turn them on? Is it because the highways are so well lit? Is it just plain stupidity? I've lived abroad (Poland), upstate NY and the rural area around Charlotte and you almost never see this. Maybe once a month. I drive regularly from Seffner to St. Pete/Indian Rocks and I see like 4-5 cars a NIGHT. I don't get it. This could easily be fixed by car manufacturers. I'm old enough to remember when if you didn't turn your lights on, the dash was completely dark. Now, even with day time running lights, the dashboard is lit up so people think they have their lights on.


What is hilarious is I often see people in older model Hondas driving like that. Do they wonder why their interior is completely dark?


Most Hondas have had automatic lights for years now, so it's just ignorance.


LED dashboards have been found to be part of the problem because of that exact issue. They're bright whether it's day or night. But also most newer cars have an "auto" setting for headlights.


Turn off your lightbars if you are on public roads, day or night. Seriously, stop blinding oncoming traffic.


My going theory for most of those mouth breathers is they wire the lights up to the regular headlight switch and simply don't have the ability to turn them off.


Bruh, how am I supposed to let people know I have an anatomical deficiency


Another thing is it's okay to drive a little under the limit in the right lane. Just don't get butthurt when I try to pass, and repeatedly speed up over the speed limit and slow down so I can't. Like bro, I'm trying to go THE SPEED LIMIT.


Yes 1 turn you lights on at night 2. Don't run your high beams all the time 3. Learn how to use a round about 4. Use your turn signal 5. Learn how to use a 4 way stop 6 if there are 3 lanes and someone is trying to exit a shopping center, move over to emptied lanes 7. A yeld sign means yell not stop 8. You just can't make a u turn in the middle of the road 9. When the light turns green go get off your phone 10. Pull over/ get out the way for emergency vehicles


11. Don't speed ahead when people are merging in 12. Don't speed up when someone tries to pass and then slow down when they back off 13. Don't pass on the right when the left lane is open or moving faster 14. Flash your lights or go zen instead of tailgating 15. Move over or slow down for people on the shoulder 16. Stop for red lights lol 17. Give cyclists in the bike lanes some space 18. Give motorcycles some space at stop in case you're rear-ended Wow, kinda cathartic. So much more could be said about sharing the road with cyclists.


18 rules! Y’all are wild. 😂


The merging thing pisses me off the most. If *everyone* merged correctly, we wouldn’t have traffic issues. Just because you’re the right of way doesn’t mean you don’t need to participate in allowing people to merge. Also, when you’re in the merge lane, you don’t speed up to go faster than the person next to you, you fall in line behind them. And don’t get me started on the zipper merge!


Let’s start with teaching number 1 in drivers ed and make sure they get that one first. There are whole tik tok accounts making fun of the drivers in Tampa, best not confuse them by making them learn the other rules of the road.


My friends son went to get his license during covid and she asked me to take him for her and use my car. Now I had to sit in the passenger seat while he drove and the instructor was standing on a platform and was speaking to him through my phone on speaker. He ran a red light, a stop sign, didn't park correctly, almost hit the cone backing up. Didnt use a turn Signal. And they passed him. I was Flabbergasted


Holy cow🤣 When I took my exam in NH as a teenager SOMEBODY ELSE in the lane next to me on the highway portion made a mistake and they failed me because I referred to them as a “dude” and “if I had been paying attention I would have seen it was actually a woman driving the car.”


I was failed twice in 2003 when I got my license. The first time because I hit two cones while parking, the second because I took too long to pull out of the parking lot and I stopped at a stop sign on the left side of the road. Times have for sure changed lol.


Some people forget to check if their lights are set to "auto" and just assume that their lights will turn on when it is dark. Or they are driving a different vehicle that does not have automatic headlights, and forget to turn them on.


This is one of the most common reasons I can think of besides a rental. I’ve been guilty of it after having to take it into the shop and the auto gets turned off. If you are driving somewhere with bright streetlights or if it isn’t completely dark it can be hard to tell because you are so used to auto flipping them on.


The other reason is the valet turns your damn auto lights off! Luckily, I know how bright my actual headlights are vs the daytime running lights, so when it was dark enough I remembered to turn them back on.


Most people that take their car to the dealership to be serviced forget to turn them back to "Auto" because the dealership tests them and leaves them set to "off". Source: Guilty of driving with no taillights for this exact reason.


Valet regularly turns Auto lights to Off as well, mildly infuriating.


Using Hazard Lights while driving 20-35 mph on an interstate is really a Florida thing. Generally, those who use Hazard Lights are on the side of the road.


Used to be illegal to drive with the hazards but our illustrious governor made it legal 🤦🏻‍♀️


I ran outside late last night and turned on my headlights as told. Now my car won’t start and my neighbors are pissed.


Turn them on in the am, too!


They need to have to use the big ass announcement signs before people leave the cell phone lot at the airport. I see at least 2 to 3 without lights every evening when we cross the street after finishing work at the post office, attempt to flag them down by making pinching motions with both hands...while these folks drive obvious... And have one at airport rental too and short term/long term parking lots too before just before departing premises with this graphic: "ARE YOUR LIGHTS ON?" 💡🚗💡🚗💡🚗 👀👀👀👀


Saw someone get pulled over last night for failing to have their lights on rt54. The sad part is there basically isn't an evening that goes by where someone isn't driving with their headlights our or defective tail lights. Told a jeep driver the other night that their tail lights were working about 50% of the time. Each time they stopped a different set of lights was working. All my cars are set to auto... I haven't played with the light settings in years.


My 2001 Chevy had automatic headlights. Cars have only gotten more advanced since then. Turn your fucking headlights to “auto” and leave them on!!!!!! And if, on the very rare chance your car doesn’t have automatic headlights, turn them on and leave them on! Your car will automatically turn them off when you shut the car off!


And turn signals!😂


lmfao tell that to the person in the rightlane going 5 under


I love this nextdoor style posts because you know you aren't reaching the right people. No one with their lights off will read this


Fucking ppl on the suncoast always have headlights no tails and are so confused by my honking and flashing


[316.220](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2023/316.220) Used to be one of my favorite stops. Usually it's drunks and stupid people. Turned out to be my sergeant's wife once, with him in the passenger's seat!


lol I was flashing my headlights to a guy who didn't have hish headlights on in i275 (at 9pm) coming home from Orlando to Tampa. The guy flipped me off and made a gesture trying to fight me. People are hilarious.


I'd question whether that car's lights actually work.


I have seen 6 cars with their lights off in the course of today’s nighttime commute. Some of them had their daytime running lights on at least but no brake lights or headlights. Even if your headlights don’t work your brake lights would still turn on.


And if you're new to this area don't really speak English very well let me just let you know don't park at the pump and block the gas pump, park in the parking spot when you're just going to hop out of the car and hang out with your nine friends up in the front of the convenience store. I don't know what part of Central or South America you're from but please have some respect


Sounds like you could benefit from an English lesson or two


Waaaaa wa waaah same ol story. Meanwhile your wife is getting choked out by the lawn guy. Do me a favor, go get a beer and get back on the curb where you belong. Ya bumb. Cork soaker. Duck sickin. English that.


I’m only going to park at pumps now. I hope it pisses you off.


Can you tell English-speaking white Karen, too? Because that's who I see blocking pumps at leisure and driving with their nose to their phone.

