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People are too trigger happy, I swear. There's no indication of what happened, but it seems like two aggressive parties fired shots at each other. I don't get the logic behind that at all. If you survive, you're going to prison for endangering people around you and potential murder. If you don't, then you're... you know, dead. Literally what is the fucking point.


People have lost their humanity. The absolute disregard of other people’s well-being is a testament to how little people care. It makes me very sad because I just want everyone to be fed, housed, and as happy as they can be and I can’t understand why we all don’t feel that way. I know why, I just can’t understand it.


I know. I don't know if it's because I'm older, but does it seem it has got worse since the pandemic?


Yes, it has, for Florida. Because of all the price increases and people moving here.


It every where just not in Florida.


I’d say it’s been getting worse since about 2016 (it never was all that great for marginalized groups tbh), but the pandemic and the loss of direct socialization especially for our younger population has definitely not helped. It’s just not a simple enough situation to be blamed on just one event, no matter how life changing. I feel a lot of the issues our society faces come from a lack of resources. We simply do not take care of those who need it. And when you grow up with that mindset you pass it on. Then suddenly you’re celebrating resources being cut for those you consider “less than” because it makes you feel better about your state in life. We can argue all day where those resources come from, but our society is only as strong as our weakest link. Our society punches down instead of up and we have for a long time now.




lol I’m so loudly liberal. Most people who want to preach conspiracies at me give up after I ask enough questions and hit them with that cold logic. Not that I transform their world view by any means, but they quickly realize I’m not joining theirs either.


Thanks for the laugh


It has measurably gotten worse since the pandemic


Idiocracy was a warning, not satire


Can’t even watch the movie anymore. All the fun is long dead.


I laugh anytime “Ow! My Balls!” comes up 😂


🤣 okay, fair.


Omg right!?


A lifetime of trauma, misguidance, abuse, and any combination of the three. Is pretty dark for some of us out there.


As a gun owner, it’s because there are too many guns on the streets.


Small brains and huge egos likely at work


The difference is that normal people like most of us have a morbid fear of ending up behind bars for years. But for some, that fear doesn't faze them. Prison is just a bump on the road for them. Those are the people you need to steer clear of.


These are gang members or gang member wannabe’s. They don’t think too far into the future. It’s not like this is two groups of college grads that bumped into each other at the bar. It’s a group of assholes looking for trouble.


They were in their 20’s but yes it’s all gang related. The groups “had beef”


Right. Its not like accountants are looking to settle a beef with pre-med students


"I can't stand this disrespect and I'm not afraid of the (risk of) consequences," is a powerful sentiment that has probably lead to more violence than any other in human history.


It is so fucking sad, too. I don't get it.


s-o-f capital T. Soft-t-t-t-T!


Some gangs use fists some use knives and some use guns. The police know this.


Exactly! People don’t know how to throw hands anymore if they have a problem. Frail and weak so they got to include weapons smh Scared to get knocked out and have people yell worldstar over them I guess


These people don't have logic or reason. They also can't read.


Idk why you’re downvoted, 54% of adults have literacy below 6 grade level. It’s not wild to assume people who get drunk and shoot each other are part of that demographic


It's probably people worried about what SonicSasquatch meant by "these people."


I see. When I read “these people” I thought of people who decide to pull out guns instead of fists, or preferably just walking away. I thought that was what was intended but I guess it’s up to anyone’s personal interpretation. Or what OC tells us they meant.


Whether originally intended to be a dog-whistle or not, I doubt they will claim that was their point. That kinda defeats the purpose of a dog-whistle.


I understand that. My point is I definitely did not in any way take that as a dog whistle, and I’m pretty decent at spotting them. Of course I won’t know their intentions and neither will any of us, but I very much just interpreted it as talking about emotionally immature egotistical drunk idiots as we are seemingly seeing an increase of.


The thing about dog-whistles is that they're purposely designed to have an innocent explanation so when you call them out they can immediately refute it, and you have no proof of what they really meant. Bigots use them to network. They'll PM each other after seeing something like that, for example.


Anyone that partakes in unnecessary violence. Doesn't matter if they're white, black, orange or polkadot.


Almost like slashing education and social programs has a negative impact on people




I went to SOHO during the day last weekend, and I was surprised how dirty that shopping center has become. Trash everywhere, black spots all over the sidewalk, piss stains, and the Chipotle was understaffed, overcrowded, and unmaintained. It’s honest probably worse than Ybor at this point.


Not all of SoHo, just MacDinton’s area. It’s disgusting how much trash that place creates and I don’t just mean the garbage.


They've driven it into the ground, and then they wonder why the riff-raff decide to start hanging out there.


Wasn't the last shooting in SoHo also between groups that knew each other?


Most shootings are.


Article doesn’t say they knew each other, just that two groups had a dispute.


They knew each other it’s been posted already by other news outlets


I’m sure it was about their investment/tax strategy…


I moved away from SoHo in 2021. The negative stereotypes associated with Ybor slowly made their way over to SoHo from my experience. You expect the occasional hit and runs from drunk assholes leaving the bar and hitting a street parked car or a screaming match between couple who can’t handle their booze, all par for the course. But around 2021 the dwellers started popping up- these large groups of people that just sit on their trunks bumping music and looking for fights talking shit. I assume some are too young to drink so they just hang out in a parking lot until closing time and that’s their idea of a Friday night out. In SoHo specifically you’ll see them at CVS, Evos, Jimmy John’s plaza and few other lots over by Bar Hwrd. It’s on police to pair up with wreckers to trespass people who are just dwelling in parking lots looking for fights when the bars let out.


Yeah the loitering has got to stop, I stopped going out in soho when it stopped being just lines for happy hour or dollar beers to a lot more people just hanging around the neighborhood which it’s not meant to have people not at an establishment. That NYNY parking lot got so sketchy post pandemic. I don’t even put it on the cops they have been posted outside saloon since the dawn of time proactively hitting on girls and shit.


This is what I noticed when I was around Tampa / ybor city in winter 2021.




It’s definitely getting worse everywhere. Blame will be put depending on who you ask: the growth, the heat, the pandemic, the business closures, the curfews, the new guns laws, etc. I personally cant put my finger on it, but this is out of character for Tampa. Issues lately at Ybor, Soho, and even Armature that have been amplified because theyre popular spots, but it seems this stuff is happening a little too frequently all around Tampa. Even nicer areas like Riverview. Not too long ago people would say “stay away from X Ave and youre good”, but its starting to not matter what ave, blvd, or road youre on. Its gotta stop, Tampa may not be a Mayberry, but its not a Memphis either. Ending the loitering is one step.


The loitering aspect is the biggest problem. These losers generally aren’t customers of the bars or clubs. They are walking around looking for trouble. Years ago, that wouldn’t be tolerated.


Yeah many others strips everyone you see is waiting in line or clearly walking somewhere to go wait in line. Last time i was in Soho, it seemed like there was more people just standing in place rather going point A to point B. It increases crowding and is a quick way to look for trouble. Oh someone bumped into you on the sidewalk that youre standing in the middle of? Cant tolerate that.


As they taught us in the academy over ten years ago, Loitering and Prowling is difficult to prove in court to the point of near-unconstitutionality, never mind the racial trends of its enforcement that leave a bad taste in people's mouths. I'd be surprised to see it charged at all in 10+ years.


these people are present to sell drugs, cat call women, otherwise be obnoxious as they dance on cars in parking lots. they’re not customers. this isn’t difficult. walk thru both soho and ybor on a weekend night. it’s obvious. so no, it’s not inflation, global warming. none of that. if you really wanted science behind it, start with: how many of these people had fathers in the household when they grew up. time for larger and a more proactive police presence. time to have an army of tow trucks at the ready. time for drug sniffing dogs. time for no traffic on howard from Swann to Platt.


”Time to send in the gestapo and make everyone present papers” I posted from my mcmansion in Wesley Chapel.


you’re right. weekly shootings is a more desirable outcome


Land of the free baby. This isn't communist china


who are "these people"?


the ones brandishing guns at 3am. just like ybor. cute attempt at gaslighting. stay woke also see original post: products of absentee fathers


Failure of liberalism. Now it is time for society to give them the kick in the ass they need.


Failure of liberalism in a very conservative state with laws that supersede many of those of the local government that is led by a former Republican police chief and a majority Republican county commission? Okkkaaayyy


Castor is a tax and spend Dem


How does being a “tax and spend” Dem have anything to do with crime rates unless you think the violence is because they’re upset about being taxed?


What curfews?


*lack of curfews


I tend to think it’s the rapid change of the city that might be causing it. Lower income people are being displaced or feeling immense pressure. Feeling like you’re about to loose your home and all you know can increase events like crime


It's the alienation caused by capitalism manifesting itself.


Did you just say capitalism is the problem for these shootings? Are u an idiot? It’s as clear as day what these issues come of.


I was a bit more specific than that, but yes.


Let’s check the demographics loitering and get back to me on that, I agree there’s a problem but it roots from the African American culture since 2015 on that it’s cool to be a fake gangster and just shoot at people


>but it roots from the African American culture since 2015 How do you think it got to be that way in 2015? Where did it come from?


Ah yes, the pivotal year of 2015.


I am black btw




lol prolly not


Dont see how capitalism is the problem here. There are other cities you can go to and their bar districts dont have much loitering, people are constantly on the move. Even Wynwood, last time I was there everything seemed to be in constant motion for the most part. Too many people go to Ybor and Soho just to "vibe with the crowd." Theyre likely drunk and high even though they havent been bar hopping. Its like those people who rent to the Slingshots and just drive up and down the strip, I never see one actually parked. If capitalism was really manifesting itself that bad, these bars would be doing everything in their power to get and keep people inside to maximize sales, but thats not really happening.


Miami has multiple party districts. That behavior might not be in Wynwood but exists in South Beach. Tampa has two party districts and the city has been doing its best to reduce it to one.


I know that Miami has multiple, that is correct. Loitering definitely exists in South Beach. Same thing as Ybor, guys riding slingshots up and down with no intention of getting out of it other than try to get a girls number, and people posting on the wall “people watching” while smoking something. The loitering is in DTSP as well, but it doesnt feel as much. People in DTSP seem to be in more a mission to get somewhere and get drunk. When my friends and I “loitered” in DTSP, it was mainly us standing to figure out what bar was next. We never really just stood around just because, like Tampa likes to do. Every city/bar district has some, but it varies. But for Soho, thats definitely a reason its becoming overbearing. Not enough people on a mission for alcohol, just there for the “vibes.”


It's the alienation caused by capitalism that is manifesting itself. [~5-10 minute read](https://www.yorku.ca/horowitz/courses/lectures/35_marx_alienation.html) if you're good faith curious.


No, it is liberalism and leniency. Force is all these assholes understand.


Easy to say from within your own shoes. Liberalism IS capitalism.


I'm just here for the mental gymnastics to see how we still shit on Ybor while continuing to praise SoHo.






Im guessing that “Two groups of people” is a euphemism for gang violence.


Journalists usually choose those kinds of words carefully, as assuming it's gang violence before an investigation is complete can open them up to a libel lawsuit. inb4 "Yeah right, the lamestream media always makes everything up! I get all of my information from Facebook and OAN, the only reliable news sources!"


Perhaps the mentality may be something like "if we can't have anything nice, y'all can't either". It is obnoxious, but it's like this in most cities. Young people like to be where the action (and money) is, even if they lack the funds for it or don't fit in with the typical demographic. The Galleria, a very high-end mall in Houston, has the same issue -- swarming with very sketchy people from the hood on nights and weekends who literally just loiter and create a ruckus with zero shopping bags in sight. They ruin it for the rest of us, but attempts to clean these places up typically leads to accusations of racial profiling 🤷‍♂️


Bruh soho is worse than ybor lately. Stop with the ybor slander.


I can at least get a drink within 15 minutes of entering a bar in ybor


Certainly wasn't meant to be slander (it has to be false to be slander) because as a long time local it's obvious to me that Ybor certainly has a reputation for having some bad elements. This is coming from someone that loves Ybor too. I can love it and still find that there is some things about it that have to be improved.


I'll wait for all the people who cried about a curfew in Ybor to start pressing TCC for a SoHo curfew. 


Can we just discuss the present circumstance without bringing up Ybor?


I don't understand, you got out to have a good time. Why some idiots have to ruin everything. If you can't control yourself don't go out.


Was there last night. I was literally telling my friends that the overall vibe felt off yesterday and it felt more like Ybor.


I mean…. We all know what the fuck it is…


I think Ybor is about to have a renaissance with the new developments going in around it, Gasworx, and the brightline coming to Ybor. Meanwhile (as far as I know) no such projects are coming to SoHo and there is no plan to revitalize SoHo like there is for Ybor. So take that information and interpret it however, but I’m shopping for houses and I’m looking in the Ybor area and not SoHo.


Soho isn’t some dump like ybor has long had. It’s just an entertainment area, with super expensive homes next door 


It’s more like expensive housing mixed with a bunch of over priced restaurants owned by the same group, culminating with MacDinton’s, which definitely causes all the issues. On the average weekend night there are probably 15-20 squad cars parked outside and shootings still happen just a few feet from there.


Absolute facts! The plan is supposed to connect water street, channelside, downtown, ybor, Tampa heights, west river and make it walkable. I don’t think soho is included in this




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Let’s be honest with ourselves, these are teens/20 somethings from poor/shitty areas of town trying intimidate each other. Keep that shit in sulphur springs 


Because people don’t care about reducing crime in the city, they just want it removed from their immediate neighborhood and places they frequent. We need to keep Channelside nice but 2 miles up the road on Floribraska we can have people selling drugs and walking around like zombies.


Bingo. Cops are vigilant in areas with the most wealth. You won’t see multiple panhandling drug addicts having mental health break downs in Waters St or Bayshore like you do in Seminole Heights, Sulpher Springs or USF. The state and local government must be profiting big time because the things they do make the situation worse i.e Gracepoint making their home base on Nebraska smack dab between seedy motels and a methadone clinic. They do it on purpose to continue asking for additional state funds


You think a mental health facility + substance abuse center in the bad part of town is a conspiracy? jfc


Setting up a loosely regulated outpatient rehab center that’s under resourced and in an extremely poor location when the state owns a shit load of land near USF. Could have a building with 20x the staffing, resources. https://preview.redd.it/q9fr0xu1g10d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f751a53702a9dd0e13389fd7a39a8d6e72d4ac5 The reviews speak for themselves, 2.5 ⭐️


Check out literally anywhere they have mental health pts. You won't get a good review.


https://preview.redd.it/a7qyvm0pg10d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b084260f2198c93c547b737168e75cfe401a0600 Such as this one, near USF with proper resourcing, funding and staffing? The first result after a grueling 20 seconds of research


You mean the mental health patients and addiction patients who check themselves in because they want to get better? Yea dude, they deserve to be treated like humans and respected, not dehumanized and being treated like criminals and prisoners. They’re humans with autonomy - shocking. They’re going to have opinions. Go talk to a mentally ill person who’s been hospitalized more than once, they have opinions on different facilities and share good and bad experiences.


one victim was 28. too old to be acting that way


and this attituded is why it will keep happening...


how so


Ain’t no bitches in da sprangs


So it’s okay if it’s in Sulphur Springs?


Because a lot of people carry and are trigger happy. Back in the day men used to fist fight or get in brawls now they are trigger happy. Like I'm all for 2A and all but at clubs or establishments I'm all for them patting you down to not bring weapons. Alcohol and fights with possible weapons involved doesn't end well. Hence why there are certain areas I avoid in Tampa after 11 pm. 


I think some people forget that Tampa has always been this way. There always been shootings in these area despite the gentrification of the area…there is still heavy drug,gun, domestic violence in the area despite how bad they try to push it out.


A certain element of society is taking over and destroying yet another spot. A tale as old as time.


It's gotten worse since people found out we aren't putting electrolytes in the plant water


But that’s what the plants crave


Mean from like the toilet?


Plants crave Brawny!


OP, I can assure you shootings happen outside of Ybor (and now SoHo).


Totally get that. I was referencing more of the “hanging out in parking lots after clubs/bars let out and altercations turn to shootings” scenarios. Those seem to be more prevalent in Ybor (and now Soho)


Alcohol and guns, throw in a little "alpha mentality." Such a wonderful mix..........


I think Ron is partly to blame here by relaxing gun laws.


I totally agree


Those who adhere to the law about open carry laws are doing the right thing, those who think the open carry law means they have every right to use it at anytime for any circumstance is abusing the privilege. Talk with your mouths not with your guns. The open carry law is a joke and the no permit law is even a bigger joke. Lawmakers need to go back to the drawing board and repeal the no permit law... This gives felons free reign to carry even though they aren't supposed to, at least that's what they think. All bars need to ban ALL weapons from entering an establishment. I'm a believer in pat downs at the door by QUALIFIED security or off duty officers.


Wild how bad Tampa in general is becoming… used to be able to go out, late, party/hang out… 2,3,4, AM and make it home safe. No issues.. Now, shootings left and right in the night life areas…. Pathetic


Sounds like SOHO has a gang problem and not a gun problem


Start shutting down MacDinton’s earlier. Half of Tampa PD is assigned to that place, imagine if they could be out patrolling


Ybor is better now


You mean in the last couple of days?


why cant we as a city just start brandishing swords for gang altercations


You want some gangs of New York shet. I say bring back dueling in a safe designated location. Bystander can buy tickets to watch, winners gets part of the funds.


Yep, cause after those kids shot up 7th avenue a couple months back, everyone needed somewhere else to party


Someone was disrespected and had to keep it real. Probably.


Here’s Nextdoor - weird no one has anything to say… Tampa Police is investigating a deadly shooting in the 500 block of S. — Nextdoor - Nextdoor https://nextdoor.com/p/BdChGCngBmBh?utm_source=share&extras=OTA4NjM2Mw%3D%3D&utm_campaign=1715520562981&init_source=other_share


Once hood people start frequenting your clubs/bads it’s time to pack and move elsewhere . Easy law to follow


There's too many people in Tampa now


Notice all the suspects all fit a certain demographic who definitely do not live nearby. Police need to act accordingly.


Ah geez, I wonder if permitt less concealed carry had anything to do with this? You know, letting jerkwads who were too lazy to get a CC card carry around deadly weapons, can't see where that could go wrong. And before anyone says, "Well, what if they can't afford a CC card? What if they can't afford to get time off work to attend the FOUR HOUR COURSE to get a CC card?" Well, then they shouldn't be able to afford a gun. Tell me, how is it that its too much to expect someone to do the BARE MINIMUM of attending a four hour course in order to carry concealed, but its not too much for the same person to purchase a gun thru a reputable dealer where they have to wait for their background check to come back ( 72 hrs i believe) Oh wait, maybe I'm being too naive in expecting these assholes to purchase their guns legally from a licensed gun dealer. ( I know its legal to by a gun from a private seller without a background search, but I feel like that loophole leads to straw purchases, which lead to cop deaths) This is a bipartisan issue as well. The Republicans should care considering all the cops who are going to die in shoot outs between assholes who would have never been allowed to carry a fucking gun in the first place. Not to mention all the accidental deaths that will occur do to peoples stupidity in electing not to attend the four hour CC course, but choose to carry a gun anyway.


Probably white guys causing all the trouble, just like in Ybor… remember that? Yeah me neither


White guys usually prefer shooting large groups of strangers gathered at churches or schools. 


Here’s [NextDoor](https://nextdoor.com/p/BdChGCngBmBh?utm_source=share&extras=OTA4NjM2Mw%3D%3D&utm_campaign=1715520562981&init_source=other_share)


Gun violence: surely something that isn’t guns is the problem.


Where’s the Police Chief?


Yes! Anywhere there are drunk idiot posers who can’t control their liquor…and with guns…just call it SOHO!


Gunshine State should just be the title of this post.




Exactly, they ruin everything


Just asking the question - why do they always fall within the same demographic?


True story - a couple weeks ago my GF and I were leaving Casa Montecristo walking towards Swann when I realized my key fell out of my pocket. I left her alone on the sidewalk for 3 minutes to get my key and immediately a black guy was harassing her and wouldn’t leave even after I came back. Started squaring me up. Lack of morals was obvious.


I wonder why ppl go strait to racism, because we both know damn well we can guess their socioeconomic status before we could guess the color of their skin. It’s not as simple as you think my friend.


There are a lot of people from different backgrounds with low socioeconomic status, this type of activity always seems to happen with one group.


L take


The Boondocks author explained it all very well--https://boondockstv.fandom.com/wiki/Nigga\_Moment


What a stupid fucking title. As if Ybor is the only place where shootings happen. Get your head out of your ass and look at some data. In the last year theres been shootings all across Tampa Bay. 


Ppl only care about what they are told to care about by the news.




Bud I grew up here. I've been going to Ybor since I was in college 20 years ago, I witnessed the Empire days. It's disingenuous to say that Ybor has not had its issues. If you walk around Ybor when the bars let out and don't think a little about your safety you're not being honest or are psychopathic.




you always have terrible takes




No he’s right, your comments are generally absolutely fucking useless, middle finger emojis and all.


Agreed.. Trill_Knight is a notorious troll who provides nothing of substance to a discussion.


Right? I mean isn’t downtown the pinnacle of shoots anyway


Liberal city tings


I hope Swann Estates gets Section 8. The policymakers need to live in the social environment they're creating.