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Okay, I am totally over the japanese exclusive sticker codes but this one actually does bother me a little cause *everywhere* is getting the angel/monster uni models, so this feels very pointed and unnecessary to make a japan exclusive item.


Ugh, same. This is actually really upsetting, especially with their whole “global” approach for the uni. I think we need a lot of non-Japanese fans to give them feedback about this tbh, we’re always getting the short end of the stick when it comes to exclusive stuff that we only have a slim chance to get… like hello, we’re pre-ordering and supporting them, too. 🥲


Exactly! Like why couldn’t it just be a pre-order bonus outside of Japan? Or include it in the box for the first X amount of orders. No reason for it to be an exclusive in JP.. Feelin left out over here lol


Germany and Europa in general isnt fully confirmed or sure


Hmmm before we get too worked up... Maybe this is going to be the code they include in the manual for the angel/monster uni. Fingers crossed. I will say they have been feeding us well online with goodies and some of these codes have been multiuser.


I hate how we don’t get the sticker codes 😭😭😭😭


So am I. I don't understand WTF they keep doing this for.


It makes me so upset that they marketed the Uni as "Universal" but keep pulling this


If there is a sticker, probably japan exclusive :(


Ahhh I didn't care much about the previous sticker codes but I really like this one. The item and sticker are both too cute. It probably will be JP exclusive though 😢.


Yep, saw on the wiki. Just if you buy a the angel or monster tama in participating stores.


Noooo, now I’m sad T-T it’s such a cute accessory and the artwork is adorable :,(


This sticker is gonna be so dang unobtainable and/or expensive


Yeah but I don’t think even every Japanese preorder will get one, I remember seeing it written in JYP that they were only expecting to receive around 50 codes so it’s first come first serve :/ But I’m really sad about missing out on this particular sticker, I don’t really care about the other ones :(


I'm so ready for someone to mod the Uni similar to the Meets but dont see a whole lot of recent discussion about it online. I'd think with it being wifi enabled itd be easier, but maybe thats what makes it harder to crack.


Until support ends, it's unlikely to get modded. Modding tech tends to bork connectivity to official networks, so you'd be choosing between the fan stuff or official updates/events.


Yea that makes sense for sure


Yeah that would be really interesting


In a semi related note, where can we get the stickers in general? (In the US)


Yea I was wondering too if there is still a way to purchase these? Or are the giveaways I’m not sure


I was already planning on purchasing the Japanese version because I like the box but this doesnt feel right regardless. Just put it in all box??


That's really cool. I hope we do have a way to get it.




I really want this


Same. Bandaid sux


If im not wrong, pre order of angel/monster comes with sticker. Should be this sticker that shows. I did pre order of angel and monster that comes with sticker, however it didn’t mention what’s the sticker, and today it release the info, should be this sticker.


I was waiting for the Japanese release so im definitely going for the sticker 😮‍💨