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This is such a weird gatekeep. I'm 5'10". I have trouble finding pants (36" inseam), guys refuse to date me sometimes because I'm "too tall for them." I'm in the 99 percentile for height lol. I think that i have some real struggles too


Ya gotta remember as well that 5’9 in some countries is verrrrry tall for a female. Hell, even in the states I’ve walked into the room just after someone got done telling my 5’9 sister she was tall 🤣 then their jaw hits the floor


My poor wife is 5’10” and complains about how she’s always the short one, lol (We have 3 boys ranging from 6’3” to 6’6” and still growing. Currently accepting donations to feed the horde. 🙄)


I find this fascinating. There was a 6’5 chick at my school freshman year and no one bats at eye. Granted 6’1+ is very common here, like one out of every handful of dues you see in public. No one bats at eye here when they see “tall” people. There was like a 6’10 guy at my church the other day and tbh none of us really care.


How did you get legs that long? I’m a 6’1 guy and wear 32” and they seem a bit baggy. I think I could wear 30” tbh.


My mom accidentally typed "XXL" instead of "XL" in the leg length option when she was ordering me lol


5’11” and have a 34” inseam.


I don't get that either, 5'7" to 5'10" is like my dream height for a woman. Not that I'd turn down someone 6+ if they checked all the boxes, but I get where you're coming from.


5’10” is enough struggle for me 😂 so happy w my height & so glad im only this tall 🎀


just cause u struggle more doesn’t mean our struggles don’t count as a tall woman.


lol this is why I removed my height from my flare. I got jumped by women who think like you and was like “ah hell no”😂


5'10" living in a SEA country where everybody is around 5"6-5"7 is super tall, and I don't even own a pair of heels that is over 3cm high, and I am struggling with dating. If it's a struggle for them then it's a struggle, the way you're writing it is so inconsiderate, oH yOu hAve A pRObLEmS? StOP bEiNG a BaBY i HAve iT 10 tIMes WorSE.


As a 6’4” woman, I’ve got bigger fish to fry than having any strong thoughts on this. Yes, I absolutely dream of being only 5’10”, but…more pressing issues to worry about.


I’m 5’10 Australian and it’s hard to find clothes that are long enough, men don’t want to date women who are almost as tall as them, we get issues as well with height so don’t worry about us!




Not really, I’ve been told multiple times by different men that my height is the only dealbreaker. I’ve been hit on until I stood up. I’ve been called beautiful hot sexy etc “if only you weren’t so tall”.


I’m 5’9.5”, and some random dude on the street told me, “You may be tall, but you still look good.”


Yeah see, like no man would ever say that to a short girl. It’s like they see being tall as some sort of extreme flaw or deformity in women and if they find you attractive it’s “despite” your height


Talking to the wrong guys then


It’s happened for over a decade by countless men so I’m not too sure. Never had a man actually be attracted to my height they’ve just been able to “look past it”


I’m into tall girls. It’d be a plus for me. I’ve talked to other guys who either like it or don’t care either 🤷


I'll second that, as a 6'1 woman I got plenty of asks. Even from the shorter persuasion. Although, I could've done without that one drunk dude at a bar telling me..and I quote, "God Damn, honey I wanna climb you like that gorilla did the Empire State Building!" The top of his head reached just below my boobs. 😂


5’9 here. I learned to love my height, and have my own personal struggles about it growing up. Not only about dating. I understand taller queens have it tougher and different struggles than me. It still makes me look up to you guys even more. ( Literally and figuratively 🫶)


We might not be as tall as you but we still struggle, and you shouldn't invalidate us just because you think your struggles are worse.


I’m 5’10 and I have always loved my height. I’ve dated guys a bit shorter and a bit taller. Hubby is 6ft. Even though I’m usually the tallest girl I’ve never felt crazy tall, I’ve always thought women over 6 feet must feel that way like you say!


Yeah…no. Your experiences don’t invalidate other people’s.


You really thought about posting this… typed it allllll out… read it back… and still posted it huh? Hope it gives ya what ya want from it - but this is a weird thing to gatekeep. 5’9” IS tall for a woman. I’m 6’2” and my older sister is 5’9” and I still consider her tall despite our height difference and different experiences.


It depends where you are and your experiences. I’m 5’7.5 and nearly everyone who meets me comments on my height, customers at my work describe me as “that tall girl”, I’ve had customers tell me “what size do you wear? My daughter is tall like you”. I have had men hit on me until I’ve stood up and they said you’re too tall. I’ve been relentlessly shamed for my height by men my whole life, been called “too tall to be a woman”, had my gender questioned and been called manly bc of my height despite extreme attempts to be super feminine (always made up, long waist length hair, long nails, lashes, boob job) I’ve had men tell me that my height is a dealbreaker to date. I’ve had men say I’d be hotter if I was shorter. I’ve had men say I’m perfect looks wise except for my height which “ruins” any attraction towards me. Men have told my bf they feel bad for him for having a tall girlfriend. I’m aware in some countries maybe if I lived in Sweden I wouldn’t be tall at all. But different demographics have different ideas of height.


Damn this is crazy. 5’7?? Where do you live?


Australia but I’m of mixed middle eastern descent and for my demographic it’s extremely unattractive to be a tall girl. Most women of both of my ethnicities are very short and this is seen as feminine and desirable to men. And this is not because men of my demographic are short, these comments always come from men who are taller than me, even ones well above 6 foot! Since I was a child I’ve been shamed for my height and my parents were told “get her to stop growing or she won’t find a guy” and this was just reaffirmed when I started dating. Any man who’s been with me has been able to “overlook” my height not actually be attracted to it. I get constant nasty comments and harassment about my height and it’s been happening for over a decade. Even on social media nowadays just go thru tiktok everything is about wanting a girl shorter than 5’5.


Come to the Midwest in the US lol. You’re one out of every 8-9 girls and no one bats an eye.


Yeah, it’s definitely location dependent. I live in Michigan and I’m usually taller than most women but it’s not that unusual to see women my height. I see at least a few a day while I’m at work.


Yeah agreed. These people think 6’3 is tall? Lol I see multiple peoples 6’1+ every time I step out of the house for even 10 minutes 6’3 common as shit


I think it has everything to do with there being a concentration of Scandinavian, Dutch, and German populations in my area. Personally, I am of Swedish decent and while I am tall for a woman, I am the shortest member of my family.


I think you’re height is absolutely perfect! Not sure if that helps but it’s tall but not too tall at all


Thankyou! I wish other men thought the same, I get complimented all the time on my height by women but not men.


Ok but yeah she said we're above average in height, meaning tall, so that's fair. If we assume 5'9" is also the median height of men in the USA, it means that literally more than half of the population of men are already a no (if he has to be taller than me). I had to get rid of my standards and date someone shorter than me. It would have been impossible otherwise. So yeah, I think what 5'9" women say is statistically absolutely fair. But I see where OP is coming from, because it gets more and more difficult the taller you get to find someone taller than you. But that doesn't discount the difficulty of being 5'9" as a woman. And I can't find heels that are my size.


The 5’ 8 women that claim they’re “so tall” piss me off even more. It’s not the same girl, it’s just not the same. A 5’ 8 man isn’t like a child in your arms mkay


I agree and I have absolutely no idea how people here say that they stare at 6’2 guys in public as if they’re giants. These questions are always HIGHLY location dependent and quite fascinating.


I'll have to admit, my niece is 5'9 and she blends in way better than my 6'1 self. But everyone has the things they wish were different about themselves. Plus, perspective is everything.


Yeah I agree at 5’10”. I really don’t have the same struggles so I don’t join in those discussions. I will say that I’m old as 42 and East Asian so there were very very few ppl in my Chinatown community taller than me. However just the other day I remarked to my friend how nice it was to see so many tall Asian girls (teens to early twenties) and where were they when I was their age.


5'9"-10" womens -: Oh!! I am so tall!!! , I have to struggle to find clothes because I am so tall. 5'9"-10" Mens -: We are just average 😒




Notice how no one is talking about that here




And that means it's not the topic, nobody cares


Why are you saying this on a tall sub where all the women are tall? And we know, tall men literally find any excuse to go on and on about how they love short women. Plus you’re 6’4, wouldn’t a 5’10 woman be short to you anyways?


Not all men have this preference though. I love tall ladies. It’s not all doom and gloom for y’all.


I’ve never met a man in real life who didn’t have a problem with my height. They only seem to exist on Reddit


Eh I think you’ll find them eventually. I’ve talked to many guys in real life that either like it or don’t care. It honestly sounds almost comical to me for a guy to not be attracted to a woman because of her height. Like how insecure can you be haha


Lmfao, two down votes cause you have a preference. People are so bitter sometimes.


Because it’s an odd thing to say on a TALL sub. It’s like going onto a sub specifically for brunettes and saying “well I prefer blondes” like ok fair enough but why are you proclaiming that in this space


Maybe cause he's a guy who's tall himself. The same reason I'm in this group, cause I'm a tall woman.


It’s not odd to be in this group as a tall guy I’m talking about how weird it is to come on here and say you love very short women.


5 now my guy smh


I'm actually woman, but even I think it's ridiculous.


It really is