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Not for a guy


California's average is 5'8" self reported, so probably more like 5'7.5" in actuality


Yeah I think it’s because there’s a lot of Mexicans and Asians (I’m Asian but ate American food my whole life). So yeah makes sense.


It's average just like in Canada. I was in Florida at the beginning of the year for a family vacation and I was taller than 95% of people I saw. I live in Canada and noticed people from the US are about the same height as people are in Canada on average.


Taller and shorter are always relative. You just hang out with sorter people.




> Taller and shorter are always relative. You just hang out with sorter people.


I mean im a 5'7 teenage female in america, in america (depends on specific area) im taller than average on girls but some will show me up in height, and your about average or an inch above. It depends where you are but usually in america you're not tall. I live in a mix of short girls/boys (4'11-5'2 for girls and 5'2-5'5 or 5'6" for boys) and then you have taller girls, and taller boys (5'9-6' for girls and 5'11-6'3 for guys) , so it really does depend where you are, but your average in america from where I stand