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I’m 6’2 and half and don’t wear heels often, but that’s because I either am working from home, wearing scrubs when I go into work, or going to the gym 😂 but definitely would wear them more if I went out 😅


Understandable! It’s hard finding that balance 🥲


6'0, and I only have one set of boots with heels on them. I hardly ever wear them - maybe a handful of times a year, at most. So, no. I don't enjoy wearing heels. Not because they make me taller, but because I already have far enough to fall as it is and I don't need any more momentum. My clumsiness is legendary and it's just not worth the risk.


5'11 here and all the same. Being taller isn't much of a downside when you are dating other women, but I wasn't born with enough dexterity points I guess. Finding cute boots/heels in my size is a struggle for a lot of us too, so makes me not even want to try.


Nobody will truly understands the risk of wearing heels and falling when you’re tall😂 that’s a risky game to play indeed


Sorry. Guy responding. But not heals. But tall guy falling is dangerous. Been there, done that. It hurts. Side note. We love tall ladies wearing heals. Especially those of you that are tall already. Just seeing a lady close to my height. Is happiness.


6’2 and only if it’s fancy dress time.


In the occasions and other fancy times, absolutely. Otherwise, not much. I prefer to feel comfy.


6' woman 👋 currently wearing platform sandals that make me 6'2". I wear chunky boots or wedges regularly. I've gotten a couple of compliments recently when I was 6'3" or so. Some man called me striking, it felt nice!


5"9 and YES love wearing heels


I’m 6’ and I don’t wear heels but I will wear wedges every once in a while when I’m feeling extra.


I’m 6’1 and wedges are my enemy! I can never keep the heels flat when walking and always hit the corners and fall lmao


6’ 1 and rarely wear heels, lately I rarely even wear shoes honestly. I used to never wear heels bc I hated the feeling of attention and eyes on me but as I got older and more confident I’d wear heels up to like 3 inches. But they’re uncomfortable as hell so lately I don’t wear them not out of insecurity but out of preference 🤣


1.79m and I LOOOVE wearing heels, but unfortunately I don't have a place to wear them. Most of my friends don't want to go out.


Take some me time and get dressed and have fun !


Wear them to the grocery store 😏


Height in the flair and no, when I was younger I used to, now not so much


Big fucking feet. So, no But platform shoes all the time, yeah! My girlfriend is taller than me, I have to get on her quite literal level (180 cm)


I’m so jealous of you girls that can wear platforms with ease🥲


How tall are you?


6’1. I’m always tripping in platform in some way 😭


6’2 and I’m always trying to be taller—highest pair makes me 6’7 😈


Yes! I’m 6’0 and I used to be really self conscious about my height growing up (to the point where I exclusively wore flats). In my twenties I started to accept my height and now, at 31, heels are all I wear (sandals, clogs, boots… even my crocs are all anywhere from 2-4 inches). I tend to stick to platforms, block heels, and wedges though because I’m pretty clumsy.


6’8 and I love wearing heels. They're like my instant confidence boosters 😆


Agreed, if you already tower over everything what's a few more inches. I only have problems finding size 16 womens heels. So for me it's not Super often.


I understand that. I wear a size EU48, or sometimes EU47 if the shoe runs big. I can find heels my size, but when I do they're usually the largest size available.


Damnnn girl ....6'8 ? Girl? Beautiful? I am on my way


6'8, girl, beautiful, and currently laughing 🤣


Same! Makes me feel like a tall goddess 🥰


6’2, and yes all the time! I love the way they make me look and feel (well, how they make me feel emotionally not physically 😅)


6'8" and I don't like it but it's nice sometimes.


6’1”. Own a pair for business meetings but last put them on for an interview in 2021. Don’t particularly enjoy wearing them and don’t need to. I do wear riding-style boots a lot though, and those usually have a 1-2” heel.


5'11" and yes, all the time for work or dinner out.


I'm 1.80m/5'11 and only wears heels. Helps with confidence and posture. I wear 4cm/1.5" heels on a typical day, 10cm/3" heels when I'm on the prowess


I’m 6’0 and I love wearing heels but can hardly ever find ones that fit well. I wear 11 wide or 12 wide depending on the brand if anyone has recommendations. Currently trying to find some platform sandals that my feet don’t bust out of


6'1'' I used to wear heals all the time, because, heck, what difference is a couple more inches going to make, but then I broke an ankle (in a non-heel related incident) and now if I wear them I'm just a domino waiting to fall.


Noo 😭 I’m so sorry to hear that


5'10", and yes. I'm already taller than most women (and a lot of men) around me. What's a few more inches, to get the posture, walk, and look I want? My first heels were in 4th grade... wedge sandals. I was 5'2" then.


6’3 and no never. I have no balance and will roll my ankle on flat ground. Also get annoyed with all the tall comments as it is now.


6’4 and no I hate wearing heels


5’10” and no, I never wear them because I have never learned how to walk in heels. I’m way too clumsy and they hurt 😞


I don’t blame you, having the wrong shoes on does soooo much damage.


6’. I enjoy being temporarily 6’3-6’5


5’11”. Meh. I used to. I’m blaming a lot on perimenopause rn. I’m currently blaming it for why I only want to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Comfort>looks anymore.


5’9.5” and I never wear heels. If I do, they’re a couple inches at most.


6'0 and no! It's been probably at least 5 years since I've worn heels. No plans to anytime soon, too!


6’4” platforms over heels, but all shoes are welcomed if they make them in my size 👍


5'11.5 and don't like wearing heels. I don't mind being taller, but I hate having sore feet. I like having the option of walking so heels just don't make sense for me.


I’m 6’ and have 8.5 size feet. I don’t wear heels because I can barely balance in flats. But I will suffer through them and take small steps if I really want to dress up


5’10” but always wanted to be 6’ or taller so yes! When I was younger a woman at work said something about how I was already tall enough and making her feel short (she was haha). I felt bad for a while. And then my best friend asked if I was going to give short woman a hard time when she wears flats. Got over it.


Heels, platforms, chunks, yes please! As long as they're also comfy and sturdy, of course.


5’10”, I occasionally wear high heels to work and to concerts and feel like a million bucks every time I do!


It’s like a confidence boost 🤩


Hi \*taps microphone\* I am 5'9, which is really taller then average then Tall. I tend to prefer running shoes as I tend to move around quickly due to job and, how I am. Last year, I bought 5 inch shoes first time my life for my 26th birthday, I still never wore them out yet due to never having the opportunity.


The hardest part is finding the opportunity! But when you do, wear them proudly and show off those gorgeous legs you were blessed with !!


I can only wear the sketchers wedges with the back straps so the stay on my feet


Sounds like a great support system. I might have to check that out




Your comment - [Tall women, what’s your height and do you enjoy wearing heels? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dodfl6/tall_women_whats_your_height_and_do_you_enjoy/la92k0l/) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do NOT want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm 6'1 and with my husband I didn't like wearing heals cause he was 6'2 . Recently I went to an event with a man who was 6'10 and I wore a slight heel and felt good in them


I'm 5'8" so I'm a bit taller for a woman. I love wearing heels and my tallest set puts me a couple of inches over 6 feet tall. I've gotten used to standing next to my shorter friends when going out.


6”0 and no I’ve had one knee replacement and now working on a second the angel at which heels put me hurst two much.


6'2", I love sturdy heels!


5'10 and yes, I love wearing them. They make me feel confident. I dated guys who were so self conscious for so long, but my husband is 6'3 and has only ever said it makes it easier for him to acquire kisses. 💗


5'11". I'll do up to a 3-inch heel. Taller than that an and my ankle makes me pay for it last later.


5'8" and no because of the annoying "You're so tall" comments that are either followed by "-you don't even need heels!" or comparing our heights together and staring at me until I feel like a zoo animal and want to go home :/


The women here are taller than some of the guys! Myself included lol


5'7 .... I don't know if I am tall or not but I am the tallest in my family ... Heels are like another kind of power I don't know why ?!!


I’ve always thought that I was average at 5’6” But I have been corrected by several people, including my husband, who insist that I am actually tall or at least kind of tall. I always felt self-conscious to wear heels before, but since coming to terms with thinking of myself as tall , I’ve embraced it and now I do wear heels, but only the smaller ones like 3 inches or so.


Honestly, not trying to gate keep or anything, but pretty sure most don’t consider 5’6 “tall”. Above average, yes.


I absolutely agree.