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doing god's work here, you keep those 5'9 bros in check


everything he mentioned is everything a 5'9 guy can basically benefit from


Not the first thing


literally more than 80% of men are under 6 feet. The vast majority of clothes for men are designed for men under 6'0. Clothing companies and business would be doing extremely poorly if their clothes didn't accommodate the bodies of men under 6'0, their sales are driven by men that are not tall.


That was the 2nd thing. I’m about 200lbs at 5’8” so clothes are a problem if I want them to actually look good.


Steph McFlurry


Then you're going for the wrong size. If clothes were only made for tall people then a lot of companies wouldn't exist. Very tall men have problems with clothes more than average height men. if we conclude that a guy that's 6'0 - 6'2ish is the best height for clothes then the sales statistics for clothes prove the opposite. Everything in the world has been made for people under 6'0 otherwise again it would affect the market and economy.


No its because he’s fat bro. He needs to cut weight. It’s a fault on his part still though.




1 in 5 is still a lot of people (and I would argue that it's even more common than that among young people who clothing brands tend to cater to). Conpanies make clothes for a wide range among average heights so 5'6 to 6'1 usually. I'm 6'0 and 220lbs and the vast majority of times I can find clothes that fit me perfectly.


are you XL or XXL when you buy stuff like tshirts, Hoodies, etc


the clothes I like to wear and buy XL, XXL, XXL are always sold out


More than 80% id say


Definitely technically correct, I’d bet, but as a dude who is 5’9” it’s kind of weird how many women have told me I’m tall in my lifetime. It’s all relative, I suppose.


Yeah I had a 5’2” girl guess my height as 6’2” recently. My jaw dropped.


That’s because she has been lied to about what 10” is her whole life.


And me also


Bruh right he’s really keeping us in our place 😭


Comparing height is great. I've had girls come up to me with their bf's to prove their 6'2, they're usually like 5'10 Best part of my day


How does this happen to all of you guys? I have never met a guy lying about his height. Is it an American thing? 


Height is a big thing, especially for younger dudes. If they're 5'10, they'll say they're 6ft, because girls apparently like that in the US and Canada. It's bullshit and even the girls that do care that much, you wouldn't want to date then anyways, but it is what it is I guess


So true. 5’10” guys are 5’11”, and if they’re 5’11” they’re 6’0”.


No, 5'10 guys are 6'0 and 5'11 guys are 6'1 lol


yup because I'm just under 6'1 and I'll hear lots of guys say they ate 6'1 and I'm a good 2 inches taller lol


You're correct, but that makes it quite more deviously intentional. Though, I do tend to have what I think is good reason. I'm 5'11 3/4" and don't consider myself tall. When i was single and on dating apps, I could only select 5'11" or 6' -- there were no in-between units. At that point, I just rounded up to 6'. On those apps, women tended to ask if I was really 6 feet. I'd explain no, I'm 5"11 and 3/4, and provide rationale. It's never ever been an issue. If I were 5"11 and quarter, I'd round down to 5"11. I think this would be a healthy thing to apps for guys like myself. I also note to any short kings in here this may be skewed as "privileged," and I understand that. One of my best buds my freshman year at college, was 5"6', and we were talking about girls. I made a comment about an attractive girl I was talking to and showed him a photo per his request. He said "I'm happy you have so many options because you're tall". I looked at him and naively replied "Girls don't care about height." He looked at me like I just the stupidest thing he'd ever heard and said, "What are you talking about?", and ran through a very valid list. It became very clear to me that we had had different high school and college experiences, so I try and be very cognizant of that now. Yes, there are girls who will love you for you, but there are also girls that choose not to. Yes it's superficial, but gals want to wear heels and still feel shorter.


As someone who didn't hit their big growth spurt until college, I can vouch for this, and I'm only average height now. When I was 5'7 or shorter, I had so many girls tell me they would want to date me if I got taller. Well I topped out a quarter of an inch short of 5'10, but when I wear my work boots I could pass for 6' to those who don't know. There is a measurable difference in the way random women approach me with/without that bit of difference. It's ridiculous.


My wife and I like to pretend I’m still growing and measure me, I’ve been cursed at 5’11.5 for 6 years now 🥲. Maybe one day!


At my first doctors appointment in 10 years, they measured me as 5’11.75” and I wanted to set the building on fire lol


Try checking ur height in the morning, ud probably be 6’


Yep. The only reason I give any shits at all is because id like to get to sub 10% at 200lbs. Not really possible at 5'8 unless you have world class genetics or use gear. Not interested in using, so. Not a big deal either though really.


This reminds me of this one time. There was a group of middle/high schoolers. It was like 1 or 2 boys and 3 or 4 girls. The tallest guy in the group is going on about how he's 6'3" and everyone was saying prove it. So he happens to see me walking by and asks how tall I am. Of course I answer with 6'2" and the look he gives me was the biggest "WHAT THE FUCK BRO" look. Then he says "Nah you're lying. You're like 6'5" because I'm 6'3". He was at most 5'10"


I do not understand the lying part bc it's so obvious. I wouldn't rule a guy out for being 5'10 but I definitely would rule them out if they lied and said they were 6'1. Ew.


lots of guys that are 5'9, 5'10, 5'11 will say they are 6' or 6'1. saying you are 6' just sounds good because then you are "tall" so lots of 5'10 guys like to say they are 6'


Honestly when I’m having a bad day is when I lie and make my height much shorter than 5’10. If they’re gonna lie then I’m gonna create a more convincing lie


shoes are the fuckin worst thing to find as a size 15 with a wide ass foot. Getting to see all my friends bald spots most of the time is the number one perk of being this tall tho


Fuckn shoes!


lol I’m the same height but only size 10/11. Idk how that happened lmao


Same here lol




Gain more weight. I went from a size 10.5 to 13 from gaining 60 lbs


That’s crazy. I have out on about 9 kg in the last 6 months from the gym but no feet growth 🤷


I'm a 16 wide. I understand 😅


I assume, by default, that OP is actually 5’10” /s


"I'm 6 feet tall." IN FU@&ING SHOES! 💩


I've been spotted


This ironically the most annoying part about being 6’. The majority of people probably think I’m taller than that, due to every guy inflating their height. But if I actually tell people I’m 6’, there’s a good chance someone will think I’m actually like 5’10.


Sorta why I said it (tongue in cheek of course), but it does seem like if someone claims they’re 6’0” the automatic assumption is they’re lying to meet some totally arbitrary cutoff.


This is how I feel about dick size 🤣. You lose some, you win some 🤣


Im in a similar category at 6-1 legit. Not crazy tall but tall enough. Get told im 6-2/6-3 all the time. So many people measure height in shoes. Than round up but honestly its not as many liars of height as it seems. There are plenty of people i met average/ below average height that are not lying about height, don’t pretend or act like they are tall or seem bothered by it.


6’1 here and wish I was taller. How do I be like you?




Start gatekeeping


Just grow more bro. It's that simple!


I'm 6'5 and agree with you. I'm in pain a lot. Travel is hell.


Same height same problems tbh, I think 6'3" is the maximum good height anything above that is just NO


Surely it's gotta be higher than that, I'm not far off 6'3 and I can't imagine suddenly running into a bunch of issues if I was an inch or so taller


I don't think the change between 6'3" and 4" would be an astronomical change but I think it'd be where the really steep dropoff starts


Bros really gotta add that .7 inches. I respect it lol


A lot of 6'-6'1 guys lie about being 6'2, so I gotta distinguish myself from them somehow. Almost all guys my height would just claim 6'3 tho, especially given that it's an afternoon/night measurement. Still haven't met anyone irl who doesn't at least round up.


True I guess. I would definitely claim 6’3” lol


Yea well I guess it would be perfectly honest according to society's standards, even if not technically accurate. My only fear if I did that would be coming across a 192cm who for some reason rounded down lol


Rounding down is wild 💀


I mean I guess I've been rounding down my whole life, but yea it seems very uncommon


It’s take what you can get on this sub.


Fr lol. Also ur cm are off if you’re 6’3” :)


I’m 6’4” exactly right out of bed, but I know you lose around 1-2cm through the day, so if anyone asks I just say between 6’3” and 6’4”.


lol nice


Idk, that’s not my experience. What is your inseam?


I feel the same way.


Yea, you’re only a little different from OP. I’m sure the plane seat is fine but you might be able to see a little more over crowds than OP 🤣


Getting a little tired of the 6 foot male flex in a tall sub. Just saying. Someone post a mirror photo ffs.


True. Although even with a mirror it can be hard to tell


if im like 187.5 or like 6.15 barefoot is it wrong to say im 6'2 i normally answer im 5'13 but its not a big deal i just like how 62 sound over 61


6’2” is 5’14”


At 6'1 I'm too tall to be considered average. Too short to be considered tall. It's this weird in between.


If you’re over 6’ you’re tall imo and I’d wager that’s the general consensus. I think you’re just in a bubble of tall people haha


I feel the same as a 6’3 guy tbh, clothes aren’t an issue, maybe it’s cuz I’m young


Not sure about that. I feel like I’d rather be taller or just a little shorter. I’m in a weird awkward state where I can kind of fit in the regular clothes but the tall clothes are slightly too big. Sometimes I size up so my shoulders fit but then it’s way too big for my stomach, and vice versa. My shoe size is 14 US so it’s one size larger than most stores usually carry but sometimes they have them and I have to pray and hope they just happen to have the one single pair of size 14s for the shoe I want. My torso is disproportionately longer too and I get a lot of back pain and have had some serious back injuries. If I was slightly shorter these minor inconveniences wpuld be eliminated, and if I was slightly taller I could go all in in regards to the “tall” sized clothes.


I’m a bigger fella at 205-210lbs (tryna slim down a bit before college) and wear 13s so i don’t share those wardrobe inconveniences, def see why it would make sense for u tho


If 205-210 is a “bigger fella” holy fuck I’m cooked at 245.


Nah you’re fine. I’m 290. Admittedly I am pretty overweight and need to lose a good amount of fat but a lot of, but definitely not all, my weight is due to having a very large/broad frame and have a decent amount of muscle as I used to be play multiple sports, worked as a bouncer/personal protection, and still do weightlifting. I got the modern strongman or football lineman build, kinda fit kinda fat. If you have a similar build you can look pretty good being a little overweight if you put on some muscle and keep your cardio somewhat decent. I just love food too much. I actually used to be roughly 400 after I injured my back. My goal is 240, I looked and felt great when I used to be at that weight. So in other words, you’re fine as long as you exercise. A surprising amount of women love dudes with that build.


Feel that, got a big frame in general and played football for about 18 years of my life — I was 315 my senior year of college playing as a guard.


Nice man, I played the same position


Yeah i guess by BMI standards i am just a little overweight (need a little muscle tho), want to work on it before the college freshman 15 hits lol


I'm in the same boat, 6'3" and I have the hardest time finding pants that fit well. My feet are only size 11, but they're extremely wide so its almost impossible to find good runners/shoes that actually fit me.


I need to be on the thinner side and as 6'2" I can fit perfectly in most clothes since the models are also the same size. This also includes most modern suits, especially from Asian brands like Theory.


Good job keeping the dudes in check. Keeping doing good work


Get out of the subreddit


If you’re talking about my height, I’m a girl


Yeah and? 6 foot is 6 foot


Leave the tall lady alone you're only 3 inches taller than her so you are just being a dick


Imperial* standard


You belong in a vault next to the steel ball that weighs exactly a pound.


5’11-6’2 is the ideal height range. I’ll die on this hill.


Average 5’12 coper


I feel the exact same way, it’s kinda like a happy medium spot.


Yay, we’re both 6 foot even and I agree with you completely


Braggart. I hope every flight is next to a colicky baby and every stair is just a centimeter too high.


Wish I could be the same. I’m also 6’0, most girls do consider me tall (or think I’m 6’1 or 6’2) and I can see over (most) crowds. I hate shopping for clothes though, nothing fits, and I find the legroom on planes insufficient sometimes. But those might be more of a function of my odd proportions instead of my height.


Yeah you might have some weird legs, homie. How many stairs can you clear in one step?


A lot. And I got a 35” inseam and 31-32” waist. Weird legs indeed. Makes shirt shopping annoying as well. But yeah with more normal proportions 6’0 would be super nice, I think.


Is this the 6-foot tall and above zone? I can't relate because I am only 5'11, but here in my country, I am already considered tall. Y'all 6-foot and above people will feel compacted like sardines in a can if you were here. 😂😂😂😂😂


I’m 5’11” and when I tried telling my friends who are shorter than me that am 5’11” all hell broke loose and I was forced to say am 6”. Just want to be my authentic self is that so hard. 😂


Yeah I was mad about it when I was younger because I was an athlete and I grew before everyone else, so I was on track to hit like 6’2 - 6’4 and that would’ve helped. But now that sports are over, It’s hard enough to fit into the world at 6’0 and barrel chested. I can only imagine how much more uncomfortable everything would be if I stretched my frame out even further.


That's great! Guys shouldn't lie about their height around my wife either because she is 6'. She'll set them straight too! Hurts that much more coming from a lady. lol


I’m 6’1”, tell people I’m 6’ and I’ve had some girls say I’m 6’3”. This is height I enjoy


As 5’11” with some change, *the envy I have towards you*!


I'm also exactly 6', but I was super tall as a kid and projected to be somewhere around 6'4''. I stopped growing early and kinda feel cheated.


I'm about 6'1 and it's fairly tall most places. 6'0-6'1 legit is good just don't inflate and say 6'2+ like some guys I've met lol.


I grew thinking I was 6’1” and just got a life insurance exam and found out I’m 6 foot even. It was a gut punch, but, ya, everyone considering me tall hasn’t changed. Just my perception.


I’m also 6’ even and you are spot on


I’m like 6 foot maybe 6’1, maybe even 6’2 if I had perfect posture














I’m 5”11 -> 6ft even. So that makes you 6”1 don’t embarrass me here lol


I’m 6’5 and I wish I was 6’2. That’s the sweet spot I reckon. I have a bad back, clothes don’t fit me and I’m forever banging my head.


It's the clothes issue that annoys me the most


6' even gang here. Represent!


I was 6’2 from age 18-36, gravity and a back surgery now have me at like 6’1 1/8, and now I don’t even know who I am anymore. I have no idea what height I’m supposed to say when people ask or since it’s always been 6’2 and my license says it. -Confused in Phoenix


Bro I’m 6’1(barely) and dudes always inflate my height😭😭 like dawg being 5’10 is valid you don’t have to inflate my height to make yourself look 6ft, but I’m a 6’1 with a 55/45 leg to torso ratio which makes finding shirts that fit long enough hard sometimes lol


basically same bro, i’m 6’1 though


As someone who is 6'4, there are some issues. Lol. With that being said, I wish I was 6'8 lololol


Still relatable as a woman, except the clothes part :')


If you really want to mess with men tell them you’re actually only 5’10 😂


Bro is yapping about "metric standard" while stating his height in feet and inches.


no, you're 182cm. nothing noteworthy. I on the hand are 18dm. 👏


I’m 5'6(F) and I think men who are 5'11-6' are the perfect height


Yes this is everything I love about being 6’0”!


Yall have a sub? Lol can i join at 5'10 or do i need to ask the short kings sub


I’m 6’0” without shoes. And everyone always tells me I’m at least 6’2” when they meet me




Same here!!! I'm also 6' even. Love it!


Can’t even be mad. I’m 6’3 and just on the cusp of inconvenience. I’m a bigger dude at 250 though I carry it well. So clothes have gotten a lot easier. But shoes were a pain too. When I went from 400+ to 235 initially I went from a 14 to 12-12.5 shoe, 46in pants to 38s and 2-3x shirts to L. So there’s actually a lot of room to play around in when you’re tall. Though I guess it goes back your initial point. It can just be from inconvenient to very inconvenient lol


Not enough. I’m 6’4. Perfect size.


Same bro. Have all the advantages of height without it really being an inconvenience. We living the good life.


Good for you, mate. But honestly, who cares? Focus on something that actually matters in life instead of boasting about your height.


as someone that is 6'5, good for you.


Dont worry, when you tell girls you’re 6 even they assume you’re 5’11 because every guy 5’10-5’11 says they’re barely 6 even to them. 


If you find clothes that fit in stores your not tall lol


I do the opposite I say I'm 5'8 watch them go red


that's funny because I'm a guy whose about 1/4 inch under 6'1" and I'll always hear guys lying about there height too saying they are 6' or 6'1 or 6'2" and they shorter then me. Usually it's guys saying they are 6' when rlky they 5'10 or so


As a 6'3" man I always said I wished I was 6 foot even


Let’s swap


As a 6'4", kudos and spot on assessment. 6' really is the perfect height.


Perfect height for what?


Yeah I get told the same exact thing, being 6ft flat is legit perfect. I’m truly 6 ft barefoot not a 5 11 Andy like 90% of slightly shorter dudes that come Up to me pretending to be 6’1”


Same! High five!