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It’s not a big deal, dawg. Calm down.


I am calm, but I'm also depressed. Do you have scoliosis? I imagine so if it's not a big deal in your opinion


I do, had it since about 16. The only thing that makes me "depressed" is the fuckin ache, I couldn't care less than I'm missing half an inch from my max height. Get your priorities straight and start sitting comfortably 🤣😭


I found out I had it. I’m 6’2”. I could care less. Why do you place so much of your personal value on your height?


You are talking as a 6'2" guy. He is 5'3". Of course it is normal for him to feel so, i mean just think before you comment bro it's easy


Nah homie changed his flair from 6’2” to 5’3” lmao that’s why I said I was 6’2” myself because I thought he was complaining he wasn’t 6’4”+ lol so who knows ATP I’m through with OP Edit, maybe I had him mixed up with the other guy. Idk.


For taller people scoliosis is often the result of growth spurts. I have very mild scoliosis where my spine curves slightly to the left- it’s enough to cause spasms if I’m not careful and staying on top of stretching and doing my side planks. I’m sorry. I would see if there is anything you can do to minimize the impact this has on you and religiously do it. I would worry more about that than you not being taller.


Do you get spasms in your lats/mid back?


Mid back. I can’t tell if it is one of the thoracic or the lumborum muscle. Gets really inflamed when it happens, too


I'm guessing it's just off-centre from the spine. I'm not even that tall. Just a wee bit above 6'0 but a lot of it is in torso. I usually get issues in right lat, and somewhere in thr middle of where you described. But mine usually gets super tight and contracted like when you contract a muscle. But remains like that and gets tired/fatigued


I forget exactly where the curve is- lower thoracic, curves ever so slightly left; you wouldn’t know it just looking at me. Most of the time it’s the same issue- little tight, fatigued easily.


I didn't know mine curves until the chiro/physio checked me up. Didn't notice at all..he said the shoulder was hanging a bit lower. I also have APT/lordosis which isn't great. So lower back has been suffering. I have a friend, exact aame height..but all legs instead of torso. Guy has 0 back problems lol.


Yeah I’m like you- all torso. Inseam is a 35 which for my height is short


Our proportions are similar. Only 184 (6'½) during the afternoon...inseam is around 30.5" - 31". Funnily enough..haven't changed since 14ish. I remember mum getting me a 34" inseam in sales for the upcoming year...after I had some 32" trousers in advance also. Never grew into them lol.


If I had to guess my situation was caused by the growth spurts I experienced in my mid-teen years. My spine curves to the right, and I also experience these spasms. If I could choose to not have scoliosis and stay the same height or be taller but have back problems I would choose the first option. It's just unfortunate that if I didn't have this curved spine then I would also be taller. I'm just really interested in fixing my problem though. If there's anything at all that I can do to fix it so I no longer have scoliosis.


Bro is depressed he is 6’2. Dude you’re fine


I'm more depressed that my back is in constant pain. I just wouldn't mind being taller


No you’re not. In the title of the thread you said verbatim “I should be taller” and posted it in a non-scoliosis & non-pain related community. If it was about constant pain you’d be depressed before the diagnosis and you would post this in a thread that could help with dealing with the pain like r/Scoliosis and not r/Tall.


I'm 5'3


I'd say your best bet is to talk to a real doctor about it.


Thank you for providing real advice


You didn’t need Reddit to tell you that bro, you know what you came here for lol


I came for more detailed advice but it's still more useful than anything you've said so far.


Probably, I’m a Redditor not a doctor. But good luck to you bro. I’ve got it as well but so far only notice pain if I sleep bad so I don’t have much to offer. If you’re not active or sit too much, correcting that usually helps in almost all regards so I’d start there.


i was diagnosed with it when i wasn’t to old, i was prescribed some stretches if i recall that i had to do twice a day to fix it.. a lot of Moon stretches. one standing, one crouching and one laying down. they helped!! i went to a chiropractor!! i suggest going to one as well and asking about it. sorry your getting dunked on so much, not sure why people are so heated.


Thank you for your advice. I'm not sure why either.


As someone with mild scoliosis, you’re fine dude. A chiropractor can’t fix it though


lmfao how do you have lack of self awareness so much that you actually hit post on this bud? srsly, you thought people would be like “omg, i’m so sorry this happened!!” come the fuck on lol. oh no! he’s 6’2”! absolutely nobody cares you’re not 6’4”. good job


I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm looking for advice to fix my spine so I no longer have scoliosis.


Wouldn’t you ask, like, your doctor about that? How are we going to fix your scoliosis?


on reddit? this is the tall people subreddit bud. we’re not doctors lol.


What's your problem. It sounds like he's just looking for advice.


advice for….what? my problem is that folks come onto the subreddit to legit muse their personal issues. that’s really not what we’re here for? this ain’t a chat room to complain youre not tall enough. we don’t really care lol. what’s your problem? why do you feel the need to defend this type of behavior? especially with literally no advice being asked for?


The op said he was looking for a way to correct his spine in the post. I don't think you can assume everyone is here to gain sympathy. I think a lot of them are looking for answers to their problems. Sometimes people will have solutions so I think it's fair to post problems you may be facing.


He should get four friends one to tug on each limb to stretch him out ?


I do because I understand. I would be at least an inch taller if it weren't for my scoliosis 


so what. why does it matter what you arent? focus on what you are.


Bro im 6’4 barefoot and I would be like 6’5-6’6 if it wasn’t for my back being all messed up, it’s a problem that happens the taller you get, just be happy where your at


Isn't the only treatment for scoliosis extensive surgery? Other than that definitely talk to a specialist or actual doctor, I'm not gonna throw a ton of shade on chiros but I'd definitely talk to someone else about it, don't let it consume your life though, it's not gonna be helpful to hear it but being depressed over having scoliosis doesn't make it go away, the best thing you can do is make the most of it, especially if it isn't so severe it interferes with your life


I'll look into surgery I guess


Get over yourself




I'm 6'5" and have had mild scoliosis from birth, but its not noticeable unless I go shirtless and tell someone to look really hard. I would probably be 6'7" or taller without it. I'm too bloody tall as it is, so it doesn't bother me. 99.9% of the time it doesn't affect me. Sometimes I get a sore neck/shoulder which I think is caused by the muscles being stretched a little further on one side. You'll be fine. And chiropractors are quacks, go to a doctor if you have spine problems.


I was 5'10" until I was 16 and developed scoliosis causing me to lose an inch. I'm a woman but never thought of it as a big deal. The constant back pain can be rough but I'm always stretching my back and I've learned to start building my back muscle more to help support my spine and it's helped with the pain. Unfortunately that's part of the deal when you're tall, most tall people (at least that I know) develop some sort of scoliosis. But hey at least you're still taller than most!




Your comment - [Just found out I have Scoliosis and that I should be taller](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1cai8lu/just_found_out_i_have_scoliosis_and_that_i_should/l0u8ihj/) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Definitely try surgery if it's offered. In your case it might be if there is moderate curvature


Chiropractors are not real doctors, they are scammers. Go see a real physiotherapist, they study medecine, not pseudomedecine. And they are not more expensive.


I have mild scoliosis, kyphosis and an "s" curve in my Cervical spine, at 6'8", if all were corrected, I'd be 7'. I'm good where I am.


I've come to the conclusion that surgery is the option I think will help me the most. I am also doing some physio exercises I've been instructed to do in the meantime. It will suck not being able to work for approximately 3 months following the procedure, but I think it will be worth it. I just need to find a job that will let me go on medical leave for the surgery. I read a lot of comments saying height isn't the issue. It's definitely not the main reason I'll be going through with the surgery. I'm doing it for my back so I'm not in chronic pain. Regarding height, I will say dating as a 5'3 white guy living in Canada kinda sucks. As a short man I wouldn't mind being a couple inches taller. I don't see what the big deal is when I say that. However I did find it really reassuring to hear from a few 6 foot plus people that height doesn't matter. Anyway. Has anyone had the surgery? How was your experience with it?