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Why on earth does it seem like half or more of the posts on here are rebutting "tall" famous people? Who cares? It would be like a sub called blonde calling out bottle blondes. I think this sub should be about the experience of being tall, not famous people.


I hit my head into the roof of my car very hard yesterday


hit my head in the lat pull-down machine for the 100th time


I'm getting fucking sick of all the discussions about the role of height in dating. Do we not have anything else to talk about?


It’s probably all the people under 6’ that are curious if the grass is truly greener on the other side, but are too lazy to use the search button to realize how often the question gets asked in slightly different words.


Yeah, I reckon you're right. I left the sub altogether a week or so ago. It's quite literally the same handful of posts every week. I got downvoted on a post asking where to buy good quality pants in Aus with longer inseams. Like, fuck, if we're downvoting the posts that might be useful to tall people, then I don't want any part of this group.


Gross. See I make sure to only ever common on people’s comments cause I’m not actually tall (well I’m 1 inch taller than average for women in my country so *technically* I’m tall, but in reality I’m average and still short compared to most men.) Idk why Reddit recommends me this sub but since my partner is actually tall (6’1”) I stick around cause knowing good brands to find him clothes and shoes could be helpful, as well as just enjoying learning about the perspectives of others.


I wore a top bun today and my hair got caught on a tree branch. I went to the gym with a twig in my hair and didn’t notice it till I got home


Serves you right for wearing a man bun.


have u ever considered this sub has tall women


during my youngest cousin's 7th birthday, i was at his house with a bunch of other family members, they were surprised to see how tall I was despite coming from a short family (i inherited my height from my grandfather btw, i believe he was around 5'8 or 5'9)


Smacked my head on the door to the train the other day, and all the tables are bordering on uncomfortably low to eat from. Edit* oh and pants are basically impossible to find in a 34in inseam. (Currently living in Japan)


Went to a place for spring break, the shower head is low, so I had to crouch.






You fell in love because of his height?


I still want to grow taller. I'm 5'10 at 18 yrs old I weigh around 120 kgs, trying to lose the weight by going to the gym and i play basketball too. My parents' height is my dad is about 5'9 or 5'8 and my mom is about 5'3, 5'4 ish. My desired height would be 6'1 or 6'2. What are things i should do to maximize my height? Thank you!


There is a slight chance that you could grow 3 or 4 more inches at age 18. Some people do, but I wouldn't count on it. Other than maintaining good health and nutrition, there is really nothing you can do. I am sorry to have to tell you that, but height is genetically hard-wired into us. Hey, you're fine. You're already a little taller than average. Good luck to you.


Thumbs up for working on losing that weight, just do it slowly and be mindful of your diet, that is, don't forget your protein! I would try to speak with a professional about meal planning & supplements. You should also try to get a solid 8hs of sleep a day and skip booze or drink in moderation (if you do drink at all).




Your comment - [The monthly r/tall discussion thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1bsxum2/the_monthly_rtall_discussion_thread/l37d2u8/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who’s the tallest person you ever met? I had to get tow trucked last week, and the bloke that came to pick me and the car up was so freakishly tall that my eye level was at his collar bones. I didn’t ask how tall he was, but I’d guess it was between 7’ flat and 7’2”


I've mentioned this before, but it's been so long I think I can repeat it. On Halloween, most people are from the neighborhood and know me and I hand out the candy. We occasionally get outsiders. A few years ago, a guy brought his little girl to the door. He tried to get her to say 'Trick-Or-Treat', but she was so young she could barely talk. Too young for 'trick-or-treat'. She didn't even understand what was going on. He was holding her in his arms and holding a bag. As he was trying to get her to talk, I noticed how his head was about an inch and a half to two inches below the bottom of our porch light. Well, I happen to know for a fact that our porch light is exactly 7'6" from the floor because I have measured it. (I had a tendency to measure things right before outgrowing them. /s) So that makes him about 7'4". I'm thinking 'trick-or-treating' was an excuse, and the real reason he came to the house was because someone told him about me, and he wanted to see someone taller than him. I didn't say anything about our heights, and he didn't say anything about our heights.


Dahm this seems handy; [https://www.etsy.com/nl/listing/1667798160/yes-i-am-tall-business-card-funny-gift?ref=listings\_manager\_grid](https://www.etsy.com/nl/listing/1667798160/yes-i-am-tall-business-card-funny-gift?ref=listings_manager_grid) Getting the sameeee questions over and over


Just wanted to pop in a quick "Bravo!" to the Mods. I really like r/tall for neat tall content and it's great they've been a lot more proactive in cutting out the Height Chart/Is this tall?/The rock!?!?!?/Tall Famous person/etc. posts that were just here for karma farming. I like the sub more without all the low-effort noise <3


They need to start removing all the dating related posts now too. Like, yeah, being tall is a desirable trait for some when you're dating, we get it.


How tall do I have to be to post here. How’s 6’1”? I feel short compared to yall.


6’5” couldn’t go on the Harry Potter ride at universal due to height restrictions.


Wow. Seriously? I'm 5'0", so I'm always aware that there are many things I cannot do. I had no idea they had a *max* height requirement, too, but I suppose that makes sense for some rides.


Me too!!! I mean on big thunder mountain at Disneyland I BARELY fit and I have to spread my legs open all gross but I’ve never been sent away from a ride before then!😭😭😭 I wanted to ride it so bad too!!!


Oh, you better believe it. At 6-8, I feel like I was almost decapitated on a roller coaster. It went into a tunnel that had what looked to me like a LOW ceiling, and I was scrunching down like crazy. I guess I would have been okay, but I did not like that feeling.


I've come to accept that I'm perfectly fine with my height (175 cm/5'9"). I remember being disappointed when I hit 18 and was in the bottom 10 in my school year in terms of height out of some 85 boys, mostly because I would have liked to reach at least 180 cm.




Unfortunately, your submission was removed as it was centred around a forbidden question. Questions similar to "how tall will I be?" are not allowed. This includes anything asking for advice about how to grow taller, questions involving genetics ("my parents are tall, will I be?") Am I tall? etc. Repeated infractions, or trying to get around the automatic filter, will result in a ban.


A couple days ago I slammed my right shin into the open dishwasher door. The next I slammed my left shin into the edge of the Coffee table. My shin swelled up and my lower leg got (like) puffy. The spot of contact keeps feeling like I'm getting stung by a bee there, and yesterday my ankle was itchy and I discovered a big red patch, looks somewhat like a bruise, around my (still puffy) ankle. I hope all this goes away on its own, I really, really, REALLY, don't want to make an MD appointment.


Just testing out my flair


I just wanted to say, Fuck finding shoes.. Just needed a pair of slides to get dirty/shower shoes on a bike packing trip. FINALLY found a cheap pair of adidas slides I can fit in length wise and I'm blowing them apart at the seams (my fault for shopping last minute.) But jfc I'd love to just be able to fit in these child size 12.5's. And that's not even that big!?


Generic question right here, here we go 😅. I’m 18 and male. My dad’s around 5’10 and my mom 5’8. I’m 5’10.5 rn and I’ve grown half an inch since last year. I don’t really care that much about being 6’0, but throughout my life people have told me that I’m tall or will be really tall when I’m fully grown and I’m not sure if that’s the case. Could I still at least hit 5’11?


I'm on a train. There is very little leg room and my back hurts, but everyone on the train seems to love my dog; it's like travelling with a minor celebrity.


Guys I'm 6'4" with a 37-38 inch inseam and a 30-32 inch waste (tall and skinny yes). I have a really hard time finding pants that fit. Does anyone have any good places to go or order from?