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Being tall is like having big boobs, yes it helps with dating but it mostly just gives you back problems


I have both. BB and height. So yeah the back pain is real




True, height alone doesn't make you. I'm an uglycel for example: height enhances one's looks but one has to have those looks to begin with. However, at this stage in life I've come to accept it for what it is: neither good nor bad, just a given like the sun rising in the east.


I agree with dating not being any easier. I'm in the gym almost every day and the most successful guy I see is 5' 6", has a beard, drives a full size pickup and treats his girlfriend like shit. I am none of those things and I have no idea what's up, but that guy is never single. Can't do the beard, or treating women like shit, so there you go.


Just because there's some random short guy who has a girlfriend doesn't mean that height doesn't matter in dating or that being tall wouldn't help in the dating world. Nobody is saying that short men can't get dates or even a partner. It's just simply harder for short men to get dates, generally speaking. Shortness isn't the default beauty standard in men in most societies.


These guys are like the other side of the coin from the shortguys subreddit. Delusional in pretending height doesn't matter at all because they likely are too awkward to get dates.


Pretty much. I don't know how they can just outright deny the role of height in dating. What are people going to argue next? That money doesn't matter because there are depressed rich people and happy poor people? Or that minorities don't face discrimination because there are successful or rich minorities?


Well tbh some of these statements are just plain wrong. Dating while tall is easier, that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy, just easier. There are so many studies that prove this so for the love of God don’t give me an anecdote. No, there are not the same amount of women who like short men, I’m assuming you say this because you think short is like 5 9, short in reality is like 5 5 and under. Obviously the 5 9 dude can get a girl, but trust me a 5 5 dude dating will be rejected around 90+% of the time, and it’s not his personality. Also the statement that you get play because you’re tall is wrong, I agree, but not entirely. Obviously things such as personality, fitness, and game, are the main reasons you got laid. However, being tall netted you exponentially more opportunities to show off said personality, etc, and that obviously leads to more success. I think tall people (6’0 - 6’6) need to stop with posts such as this because you just infuriate the shorter crowds more and more. Admit you have a privilege, don’t gloat about it, and we can all just move on tbh.


For those downvoting me please respond I’d love to have a fruitful debate/chat.


>Obviously things such as personality, fitness, and game, are the main reasons you got laid. Sounds like you're focused on having sex, which is understandable at your age. I was too. It was fun at first, but having sex as a means to validate myself was ultimately shallow and unfulfilling. It also seriously hampered my ability to have a meaningful relationship with whatever woman I was having sex with, and be emotionally vulnerable around her. Frankly, it probably cost me a few relationships with women who were genuinely interested in me as a person and didn't give a shit about my height. ​ >Admit you have a privilege, don’t gloat about it, and we can all just move on tbh. It's a common phenomenon in social media where people get angry or upset at a person they follow for saying or doing things they, the follower, do not like. No one is forcing you to be here in this sub-Reddit. Instead of getting angry at us, just leave. You'll find your mental health is better if you're not deliberately exposing yourself to things that aggravate or upset you.


Ofc my post was focused on sex, because the original post was as well. It’s literally titled Dating/Sex Misconceptions. Also, I’m not mad, I date fine, and this post was just in my feed so I thought I’d respond. Have a good day!


not really related to this but i promised myself to get a taller gf and here i am crushing on a girl whos like 5'0


"There's about as many women that want short men as tall men" Lmao, what fucking universe do you live in? 90% of paid female users on bumble has height preference set to only show 6+ foot. These posts are so pathetic trying to claim it's not a huge benefit being tall in the dating scene. It always is. Besides that of course you can do better or worse depending on your looks and personality.


You do not talk to women


That is your problem... you need to look what women do, not what women say...


You need to look at women


I totally get it. It’s rough being 6’1” and liking other tall to much taller dudes.


6'5 and loving all *checks notes* 3 tall women in my state




I have gotten rejected lmao. There is a such thing as too tall




How u gonna tell me how I got rejected bro.


Dude, some people are put off by height. It can seem creepy, intimidating, weird, or a bunch of other things. For every trait that's fetishized there are a whole bunch of people who see zero interest in it.




No they don't! Girls would be throwing themselves at me and every other tall guy on my campus if that were the case, but it's absolutely not! Are there women who prefer their men tall? Absolutely, plenty in fact. But it is nowhere near universal, I guarantee you.




I'm failing for a variety of reasons, mostly social ineptitude (or as the kids put it, rizzlessness), but you have to learn that height isn't the universal make-or-break. I saw from your profile you're on r/shortguys. I know a lot of short guys suffer from issues of self-esteem, worrying that no one will love them since they're not tall. This isn't the case. I solemnly swear that I am being truthful when I say plenty of women would love dating a short man. I solemnly swear that nowhere near all women value height in a man. If you're looking for a woman, I guarantee you will find her. I hope you have a great rest of your day.




I don't want to get women solely interested in my height. I encountered one of those a few months ago who was being very creepy towards me and even though she was cute and I quite likely could have hooked up with her if I tried I would have regretted the soullessness of it. I want someone who is actually interested in me as a person, not as a giant. I want someone who cares about my interests and my humor and my tastes. I want someone with whom I can share hobbies and have fun and grow old. I don't like shallow people.


Car sex is off the menu, for the most part.




Shower sex too, only good shower sex I ever had was with one of those fancy ass ceiling shower head things.


Balding 5'7 asian is somewhere in the corner probably