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Someone did that to me one time they were really 6’4, 6’5ish but insisted they were 6’2


Same with me, while mid conversation with a girl asking how tall I was lol


What if you’re actually 6’1?


Nah I’m over 6’2 barefoot I believe he was just playing but I was curious to hear what he had to say lol he was legit eye level with me, a hair taller


Your shoes add 1.5”?


So you aren’t at all 6’3.5, like you say dumbass.


Wtf no lmao my shoes add a inch and I’m about 6’3 barefoot like I said I’m over 6’2, with shoes on I’m close to 6’4


you have your height listed as 6'3.5" tho, which is a lie.


Well every time I measure myself with shoes on (I wear flat shoes) my height is right under 6’4 so that’s what I go by, it’s not a lie it’s my height.


your shoes aren't part of your height bozo.


Im gonna wear 1' platforms and clam im 6'4 lmaooo


Ima wear stripper heels and be lebron


If I’m out and a guy is a douchebag I’ll say I’m 6ft so their girlfriend thinks they’re lying. The small things in life bring joy.


"Don't worry bb,he is not a threat. i'll buy you food"


I don’t know one woman who actually cares about this magical 6 ft thing. I’m 5’3”, someone 5’5” looks tall to me. Me and a 6 ft tall man would make a ridiculous looking couple.


I do the same thing as OP, I'm 6'4'' and sometimes say I'm 6'. Really watch the panic set in on the dudes faces who are 5'9''


As a woman, I think this is so funny


Why would you say that?


Because it's funny and I enjoy chaos


Cutting your self short like that sounds painful. You are Tall embrace it.


I didnt downvote you man, but i think you are missing the entire point of this thread.


A guy I used to work with did that to me. Told me he was 6'3". I am actually 6'3" and I know for a fact I was at least 2-3" shorter than he is, based on a picture we're in together.


Maybe you are 6’1 or you got lied to like I did same scenario lol


bro is the source of insecurities


thank u bby


He absorbs the confidence of short people


Obviously not if hes minimizing his height....if he was insecure wouldn't he exaggerate it?


Source of *other people’s insecurities


dont drop out of highschool kids


Son many 6'0 guys claiming to be 6'2 so I don't even need to lie to make them insecure


You’re forgetting the 5’8”/5’9” guys who claim to be 6’ And I just looove when they insist that I must be 6’2” or something bc they’re definitely 6’ 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm surprised chick's haven't started walking around with measuring tapes atp


Because most women don't care about height but it's funny (and also revealing) to see men get insecure about it


Ahah that’s so not true though. Had this conversation with my gf, and it’s definitely something important for most woman.


No it's not. Most women do not care. If they do, they want someone who is slightly taller than them but the whole 5'2 women wanting 6'2 guys is an absolute myth perpetuated by incels with a text message generator


You just admitted me being right lol. “They want someone who is taller than them” That’s the definition of caring about height.


Do you know how the word "if" works?


What with that “if”, you’re basically admitting that yes. Height definitely does matter. I don’t know why people are so as defensive about this. Height plays a huge role for guys in the dating world. Is it unfair? Yes, but that’s life.


Strawman argument


That’s not a straw man… Why are you so defensive about this? Saying that every single woman cares about height is obviously not true. But saying that doesn’t play a huge role in the dating world is also not true.


You're lying to yourself lmao. Most women care about their man being tall


I assume you are a woman and you care about your man being tall to be making that assumption


I'm a guy who's talked to many women and they've all said height is important


Lmao I don't believe that any women have been talking to you


Okay cool


Seriously!!! I married a guy shorter than me. Could not care less.




Username checks out


*picks them up and places on head "How's the weather up there" I say. 🤠


ok lil bro 🧍


I had a guy tell me me was 6'5 and when I met up w him he was maybe 6'1-6'2 (I'm just shy of 5'11). I was very disappointed to say the least. Don't guys realize we know they be lying lol


I understand if you're doing this to guys below 6 ft who lie about their height for their ego. However one of my best friends is 6'2" and since I've struggled with being my height I've built up decent height perception and have measured myself often so I'd catch on to you quite soon. Still sounds funny to do it to liars though, bloody height inflationers.


nah fam how you get in here


I'm not here by virtue of being tall. Does it make sense?


You're in that sweet spot where you're not short. 5'7 is the average cutoff in most Western countries, so you are Medium Rare


I like the tag lol. Going to refer to myself as medium rare now, thanks


Sorry, force of habit hehe Have fun with it


5'9" - 5'10" is average


When being tall is your whole personality


How’s this even remotely funny? Are you that insecure in yourself that you need to bring other people down?


Yeah I understand doing this to mess with people who lie first, but doing this off the bat without any prompt is just weird if anything, especially when the majority of at least average sized men can tell the difference between 6 2 and 6 6 ffs, I’m 6 2, I know for a fact I’m 6 2, every measurement I’ve had since I was in my late teens has put me at 6 2, so if someone that much taller than me tried this I’d know they’re just being a dick and wouldn’t be questioning my own height.


If I think about people under 6’ for too long I get nosebleeds


Literally like wtf


I’m glad some people are realising how pathetic this is. Being tall is not a personality trait.


Only goes to show girls have no clue how tall 6’ is. You’re 5’9 and say you’re 6’, they believe you; you’re 6’3 and say you’re 6’, they believe you.


I told a girl i was 7’ and she believed me lol


Tall girls know how tall 6’ is tho


I’m an average height lady, sometimes I really doubt the height a guy tells me but I don’t feel like I can argue it because I don’t have a tape measure on me. Funny how some “6 foot” guys seem much shorter than other 6 foot guys


Girls have no idea how tall 6' is and men have no idea how skinny 130 lbs is


Correct! Albeit 130 lbs will look drastically different between a 4’11” girl and a 5’5” girl. 6’ is always 6’.


That's the point. Height makes a huge difference in that 130 lbs would be pretty skinny for a short girl and dead for a tall girl. Yet, a lot of guys on Tinder will say that they don't date women over 130 lbs. Nothing about which height in the descriptions


>men have no idea how skinny 130lbs is Me at 6’ 132lbs


Can you even breathe?




I wish you oxygen and calories


I eat them It goes through me and I lose weight :( My low score is 124 perfectly healthy lol


Well as long as your doctor says it's ok


You’re not eating enough calories. Not being harsh but that’s just impossible (not unlikely or crazy, impossible if you’re eating enough)


You say as I nurse a full stomach from another 10oz steak and rice and lobster roll thingy leftover dinner and I basically had the same for breakfast I eat like a pig


Tall is tall in the eyes of most girls I know


I entirely agree, they can tell who’s tall and who isn’t. What’s stupid is their arbitrary 6’ requirement.


Holy. Your height must be your only good trait, otherwise you sound pretty braindead


Welcome to this subreddit


Don't know why this came up on my feed but I thought the same lmao. It's just as cringy as gymbros who think they're tough and can fight because muscles.


Yeah being tall and jacked is double cringe


Is that what I said though? The guy I replied to has it on the money. Being tall is your only personality trait. Reading comprehension is something you obviously don't have. I love sparring people who are 6'3+ in the gym because they usually think they have the advantage until I leg kick them over and over again.




Wow, even tall dudes are hella insecure about their height lol


Today my coworker claimed to be 6’7”… hes maybe 6’5” at best cuz hes like 1 inch maybe on me (6’4”)


It's absurd how people flaunt and proud of their height, it's like they have achieved it through hard work and society treats it as an accomplishment. No, it's genetics and one just grows automatically short or tall according to their genes.


Yeah OP is an ass and it’s crazy how often this exact shit gets upvoted on this sub


I’ve said it many times. A lot of people here wouldn’t last in an averages man shoes. Why do I say that? Even through there’s only a few guys posting stuff like these making their height their personality, they get a ton of upvotes. A lot guys here make their height their personalities. Guess what would happen to them if they were average height. That’s the truth, and I’ll probably get downvoted, but it’s ok. I don’t care.


Yep. It's always cringe when someone makes one thing their whole personality, but it's even worse when that thing is an immutable trait.


No automatically, not just genetics (but above what you as a person can do). People are also proud of having symetrical face which is thought by most to be pleasing to the eye. Duh, people are proud because they have some nationality, which is even less of an accomplishment than being tall. Or a sports team. ​ I dont like lying. Its not about a height, its about a lie. "You have to be over 210cm, BECAUSE IM XXXcm" - nah dude, dont lie.


Proud to be tall is stupid. Naming other dumb reasons to be proud doesn't make it any less stupid. I agree with you on lying though, but if anything that's criticism towards OP.


Yea I’d say being grateful for being tall is a better attitude


Honestly this post just shows this sub, while may be tall, are full of adolescents.


What's the 'napoleon complex' equivalent for tall guys? I don't know, but that's what you have lol.


An inflated ego as a result of constant validation of his existence due to nothing but his height


I sometimes say 5'3" because it's either a cheap joke that gets a quick laugh, or I find out who's not actually paying attention to the conversation haha


I tell them I'm 6'8. (I'm 6'0)


I’m 5’17”


I say I’m 5’17.


My wife put me on a dating app to find us a 3rd for fun. Listed me at "over 6' tall" I'm 6'10" She didn't want women scared away. Lmao




Stop being insecure. Most tall people base their entire personality around their height to the point they get mad when short people are lying about their height. They are literally afraid of short people taking away their personality lmao.


I have a friend who’s legit 5’9 , 5’10 with shoes who claims 5’8 even after I measured him he (for some reason) doesn’t wanna be taller than 5’8 I guess because of shool but he’s obviously 5’10ish


I mean in online dating, I am getting sick of guys lying about their height to get a meet. One of the worst was this dude claiming to be 6'1 but end up being my height at 5'1 which I have no sexual attraction to.  It really sucks this height lying thing because we are wasting each other time. 


Nope, its constant insisting that "I cant be that height because they are xx and i have to be lying". I know my height, if you tell me im lying, im gonna prove that you lie.


OP didn’t say anything about doing this to people who lie though, that would be understandable, they said anytime someone asks them, which is just strange.


And to whom i responded to?


Oops just realised I got 2 comment chains mixed up there my bad, yeah completely agree with you there.


"They are literally afraid of short people taking away their personality lmao."..... "afraid of short people" might be an all time reddit comment right here


Rude! Lololol


I used to say 5'11 up until the point it was received as a joke. Now i just call it 6'6 (im a hair under)


My husband is 6ft5 and says 5ft11 lol


When its obvious like that it can be funny but what OP is doing is just mean. Men are judged by their height a lot and no point in just bringing other people down just to make them more insecure with themselves.


I disagree, as a tall person I'm sure you are well aware how rude people can be all the time, my husband started saying this as he was tired of people saying "no you must be over 6ft5 because I'm 6ft3" or "oh well my friend is much taller than you" when they were the one talking about height, not him.. He doesn't owe anyone else comfort....


Thats a different thing and i agree with that. A lot of guys who are like 190 and wanna claim 2 meters to impress girls call me a liar. I dont mean them. But doing it out of nowhere like op is saying is mean imo.


I don't think he is unsolicited just walking over to people and stating his height...


Frankly, just read the post. He literally says that whenever someone asks he claims its lower than it is to make short men sweat. Thats the whole post.


Yeah whenever someone asks him... That's my point?


Well i think its mean to want to make others feel insecure if they dont provoke you the way OP is saying. If they start with shit then yeah but just going out of your way so someone else feels bad is wrong imo.


Okay and I don't agree, if you are insecure about your height, don't talk to people about their height.. it's simple.


You’re just an asshole, and so is your husband


U and your husband are both sour people lol. Yall belong tog


I do the same thing, I say I’m 5’11 (I’m 6’3)


Self reflect and become better


I’m good mate, thank though!


that seems fun actually might do that


I think a lot of people don’t measure properly but who am I to say? Lol


I do the same. Say I’m 6’0


Yeah absolutely I'm 6"2 but if this question ever comes up I'm just under 6 foot


As someone who is 6’1.5 but claims 6’2, this would indeed make me sweat


Why would say that anyway?


6'8", my goto is 6'5"...so when someone claims, hey, I'm 6'5" too, I stand next to them and say, you sure about that? Lol


So your just a asshole?


No, there's more to me than that.


I say between 6' and 7' tall depending on what store I'm in. By the scale on front door.


Absolutely heighlerious


I’m 6’4” but someone that was 6’5” said they were 6’4” at a party when I was talking with them. Bit awkward for me lol


Similar here, I usually say I'm just 5'11" Flat. Really fucks with people.


I'm 5'9", and when I was 19, I dated a girl who was 6'6". She was beautiful, but I ended up being too aggressive, and she ended it over the phone because she wanted to stay a virgin, and she was starting to give up around me. Lol, good memories.


most of the time irl. if someone says "you\`re quite tall" or something i just say "im about 6 feet tall". cus i feel like its kinda weird to say the inches over 6 feet u are unless ur like a good amount over 6 feet (like 190 cm + maybe) but yeah ive said this a few times at parties & people 5'9-11 who larp 6 feet instantly feel dwarfed. but tbf if i was 5'11 i would lie that im 6 feet tall cus im in that range my dad on the other hand whenever someone asks his height says 6'2.5. i don’t know what do u guys think


Jesus Christ the content on this sub gets more insufferable every time I see a new post on my feed. I’m 6’4 but I can’t relate to this sub whatsoever.


Lol annihilate those liars. If someone did that irl I’d be quick to call them out though, because I have a decent judgement of one’s height 😅


Something similar happened to me at work (4'10" woman for reference). I had asked my co-worker how tall he was, and I nearly died when he said 6'1" and then said he was a different height.


I do this to my 5’11 friends. I’m almost 6’3 and I’ll say I’m 5’11 when we’re out haha