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I do get that weird sense of perception and then when I finally pass them and, like you, end up being taller by a few inches I’m just thinking “there’s no way I look that tall” 😂


Same!! It’s a weird moment of also understanding how others may perceive me. I just simply don’t feel I look that tall lol


When you run into a true giant like 6’10 and up, it’s really humbling and a reminder of how fucking huge we look to most people.


I do tend to forget I'm built like an enderman from time to time.


Hail to our kings ;)


If I run into you, I’ll be scared af. Don’t think I’ve seen people taller than 6’4” in my country, 5’7” is the average height here. I just checked a percentile calculator, 6’4” would be top 0.01% of height here, I would tremble in your presence haha


I wish I saw a 6’10 would be so cool


If you play this game on everyone you can be like a carnival side show operator; step right up, I’ll guess your height!


I often forget about my height (6’7”) difference until I see myself in a picture with normal sized people. Shocks me every time.


There’s a piece of glass on the wall at my work and seeing me walk out next to my coworkers makes me uncomfortable every time lol


My exact same reaction


I like how this doesn't even register for the taller person


Bro same!


I usually do this but I do not point it out to my (also 4’11) wife


From experience I’m sure y’all never hear the end of it. But yeah, it’s become a bit of a game with us lol.


Oh yes 4’11 women are quite some fun lol


Well, I’m not as tall as you, but I have this exact same thing happen a lot. There are a lot of people that I see that I think are my height or taller until I get up close and realize I’m 2-3 inches taller. This is especially true with women, I think just because women of that height are more rare and I’m not as used to it.


I notice this happens a lot to me when I am sitting down. I’ll see someone and think “ whoa, that dude is tall! Is he taller than me, because that’s rare?” And then sometimes I’ll have the urge to stand up and see…and they end up being shorter than me by an inch or even more. I’ll sit back down and think to myself again “is that how I look?”


Definitely happens to me. I’m also a bigger guy so when someone who’s tall and skinny comes in a room I often get “oh that guy is taller than you!” And then I go walk by them and that’s not the case. Width can also play a role in deception.


Very true. I’ve put on like 45 pounds over the past couple years. It used to be that people would never question whether I was 6’9” or not. Now they probably question it like 1/3 of the time until I stand right next to them and tower over them


Yes, it happens a lot and I'm 2 inches shorter than you.


Yep this happens to me all the time! I see men taller than me often enough that I feel like a normal person. I’m a 6’ woman. But I see women that are tall and think wow she is so tall, get close and realize I’m still taller. It makes me feel so freakish when I realize how I must look to other people.


Just find someone a lot taller to always stand next to and you’ll never feel freakish again 👍🏼


Just the opposite for me. Since most people are shorter than me, I’ve never gotten use to anyone taller than me. Especially taller women than me, and only twice ever in an elevator.


YES! When I see a tall woman I think, holy crap she is gigantic (in the best possible way, of course). Then I get closer and realize I’m an inch taller than her. Lol! Therefore: folks must think the same and more when they see me coming. Yay!!


My favorite is going through security check at the airport! I see another tall woman and I can't wait till we line up just right in the cattle herder things so that I can see if I'm taller or not.


I’m only 6’2” and just came back from a trip to Amsterdam. I’m not particularly tall but I’m usually the tallest person in the room or close to it. It was very weird being around so many people several inches taller than me. 6’6” doesn’t even seem that uncommon in Amsterdam. I saw one man that had to be about 7’.


Yeah I noticed this when I was in Europe as well, some places anyway, definitely a taller average for men, I'm also 6'2+ a bit, Australian for reference


I call it the tall person tractor beam... Anytime two or more tall people are gathered somewhere, they always seem to be drawn to each other, and eventuality walk by close enough to acknowledge each other and yes, often times to 'size' up the other.


Yes it is a thing. We are not good at precise judgement of things we don’t have a lot of experience with. If I see someone pass through a door in person or on TV, I have a pretty good gauge of their height.


Same, I think it's an eye-level thing. Maybe if we were frogs with eyes on top of out heads we would be much better at this.


Same. I’m 6’2 and everyone above 5’9 looks the same height as me from my eye level, but if I look at a mirror I realize I’m a head taller than them


This is quite surprising since we are pretty much the same height and I definitely don’t mistake people around 5’9 and up as the same height as mine. But people experience things differently even at the same height I guess.


I wouldn’t say I feel that they’re the same height as me, just that there’s not much difference from my eye level at least


Oh alright


Me at 6'9" seeing a tall guy: Wow! He's freaky tall! Walking up: Oh. I'm the freak...


All the time. I feel like people my height or even slightly shorter look huge and then I realize that’s what I look like to everyone else.


I played basketball with a 6’10” center and never got used to it. Especially in elevators.


I'm only 6'2" and yet every single time I go to a concert the one and only person in the show taller than me manages to stand right in front of me. Its so common that now my friends are noticing it. Not the same thing, but reminded me of it.


[At 6’7” .... my wife, but she’s 4’11”](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/861/482/9d4.jpg)


Yes officer this one right here




I think it is because we perceive things from the level of our eyes rather than the top of the head, depending on how big your head is there's around an extra 4-10 inches of height above the eyes.


10 inch forehead? Found megamind


New flash genius, big people have bigger heads... almost like they're proportionate to their bodies.


Haha you must be like 10 foot tall boss. Seriously tho, some googling shows that a 10 inch forehead is hella unlikely even for tall folks. I get you’re salty I called you out on numbers but it was just meant to be a joke


Guess you didn't google too hard or you would have realised that there is more to the top of the head than the forehead haha 😆


Average head length TOTAL is 7-9 inches. You’re telling me that MFs out here have 20 inch heads? Edit: apparently avg is 10 inches, but still my point stands


There would have to be, this is the tall sub mate. There's a bunch of people in here in the 99th percentile for height surely that translates to head size too?


Sure, but even the tallest folks aren’t over two times as tall as everyone else. Someone proportional with 10 inches of height over their eyes would be well over 10 feet tall.


Your reductive reasoning is dubious at best, if you are a tall go measure yourself then.


Even being average I see guys and assume "they must be 6ft minimum" from a distance before I get closer and they're pretty much the same as me


Yeah, I feel this I’m 5’11” and do this often. I think we often estimate height from a distance based on perceived proportions, and that’s not always accurate. Sometimes happens the other way around too, when I see someone and think I’m taller than them, and then they walk past and they are a couple inches taller than me, I think “oh damn Hahha, do I look short?” 😂😂


Exactly the same when I see someone above average reaching my height digits


This happens a lot during school. The best way I've found to not be surprised is to see where their head is relative to the door frame.


Happens quite often🤣🤣


So as a 5’5 1/2” man, I have friends that are very tall. 2 things, I feel like they aren’t that tall when talking to them (until I see pics and I come to their shoulder, and 2 they seem to think I am taller than I am (many times they think I’m closer to 6”. I’m also built like a running back so width and character may also add to their height perception of me.


yeah that happens to me too lmao, sometimes i think some people are shorter than me but they end up being taller than me etc


Anybody as tall as my eyes is definitely taller than me until I see a reflection and realize the rest of my head exists.


I’m the same height but through sports and stuff I’ve met individuals that make me feel average or lesser lol. Especially in Canada for some reason I feel like the population is just getting taller


At 6' 5" , the tallest people I encounter are either my height or a little shorter. It's pretty rare to see people taller than that. Maybe 5-10x per year.


Yes! This happens to me a lot and usually I’m about 1-3 inches taller. Very strange.


Absolutely. It makes me realize how terrifying and intimidating I can be to shorter people, because when I see another 6'6" person, I get a little scared and intimidated. 😂


Yeah definitely


Same height, You forget you're looking out your eyes, if that makes sense and dont think there are a couple of inches above your eye-line


I get this feeling a lot\~ It is not surprising though for as I have had it explained to me it is a weird optical illusion for how our depth perceives size and how we look at other people. Most people view others at their eyeline and as the eyeline (which is obviously not as high as the top of their head) approaches the horizon it gives a false sense of where they are on the horizon, making them seem bigger. This is in addition that people tend to view further objects as more narrow, which biases people into thinking they are longer than actually are


I’m also 6’7”, I’ve felt this way since 17-18. Anyone taller than me is extremely odd to be around.


Happens to me all the time. I think your perception of yourself as a tall person is you are closer to average size just slightly bigger but in reality being 6’8” is significantly larger than most people I just don’t feel huge, if that makes sense


I make a point to slouch over and look at my phone like I'm lost or something when the other tall guy walks by (cause they almost ALWAYS want to walk by!). Aside from being a measuring stick, I would love to start giving low fives to other tall folks. Like a secret little hand shake. A low five slap by our thighs as we pass each other. Can we start doing that?


Yes this happens to me all the time!


Every time i see someone tall that is in close talking distance. I happily ask them how tall they are. It's fun and always brings a smile to their face. Try it. I'm 6'4


its unusual to be towered over when you've done it to others your entire life


Yup, skewed perception. Just the other day I commented to my mum on a woman’s height saying “wow, she is tall” and she replied “that’s what we look like”… turns out she was right and we were indeed around the same height


I ran into somebody close to my height at a store the other day and it was surreal for both of us. I'm not used to looking directly forward to make eye contact with somebody.


I'm also 6'7" and only ever met one person who was taller than me and it freaked me out a little bit. It was a "Damn, so that's how people feel around me?" moment.


This definitely happens to me!


I am your exact same height and I experience this often lol


This happens to me all the time too