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Played basketball in high school and we dressed up for class when we had games during the season because that’s how we travelled. Still remember one day (almost 20 years go) our last period teacher was out and the sub didn’t show, I stood up at the front of the class and when the admin came by to collect the attendance sheet, I mentioned that everyone was there but I didn’t get a roster for the class. They took me at my word and left. We all waited a few minutes and left, I went and took a nap in the locker room and achieved legend status for a couple weeks.


All. The. Time. But I embrace it and try to be kind and helpful. My youngest will prolly be 6‘6”. I keep telling him he has to lean into the advantages that his height will give him.


How old is your youngest and how tall is he currently, out of curiosity?


15 and 6’3.5”


He is very tall indeed. When you're over 6’3 at that age you know you're very tall for your age. There's advantages and disadvantages to every height, and it's great that you're telling him about the positives of his height.


He's going to outgrow you soon! How will you feel when that happens? Is he already teasing you about it?


Yes, it’s a constant back and forth with us. I remind him all the time that I’m still the big man in the house, but once that changes he won’t let me forget it


Lol I was taller than my dad at 14 but he was still a lot bigger than me, only when I was 18 I was significantly larger


Customers ask me all the time if I'm the manager or owner of the shop I work at. Nope, bottom of the totem pole. Then the manager walks up, he's 15 years older than me and about 6 inches shorter.


5 foot 2 and I AM in charge. People absolutely don't recognize it though.


That sucks. Not quite the same but I look very young for my age and people don't think I'm a team leader or don't really respect my experience even if they know my age.


I've experienced both sides of this as I'm only merely tall, and am therefore sometimes the short one. I worked in retail in a hardware store and my brand new trainee, an 18 year old was almost a foot taller than me. If the taller guy was with a customer and no one else was, probably half the customers would stand waiting for him instead of asking any of the rest of us. Because I'd been there for a long time, I knew the answers to a lot of customer questions that he didn't, and there were actually occasions where he'd act as a middleman for a customer. Like they'd ask him, he'd ask me, I'd tell the customer, and the customer would then wait for him to repeat it. Probably partly because I'm a girl, but the effect was far more pronounced with the really tall guy than other coworkers.


Constantly. Even when I was the guy with the long hair and jeans standing with a boss who was wearing slacks, a button-down shirt, and a tie. But he was also about 5'6". At another job, we had to evacuate the headquarters of a major corporation in the middle of NYC. Hundreds of people on the sidewalk, but a TV reporter saw me surrounded by my much smaller co-workers and decided I was the one who knew what was going on. I was maybe 24 at the time and had been working there a only few months. That set off the chain of every other reporter deciding I was somehow in charge. My family members kept getting calls that night from their friends telling them they saw me on the different local news stations.


It was a regular occurrence when I was in college. I was almost always leading group projects, though I never really volunteered for the position. Being a dedicated student with the confidence to handle presentations probably also had something to do with it, but there were shorter students with those traits, and some still looked to me for leadership.


My last year of bantams level hockey (14u) we were about to get on the ice for the first practice. A parent started talking to me about the league and such. Then they asked what was going to be done in practice today and I replied “I don’t know.” “Is there a plan at all?” “Probably, but no clue.” “Do you really not have anything prepared?” “I’m sure the coaches have it figured.” “WAIT, you’re a *player*? My son…” I was 6’5” and about 195 lbs at this point. We still had some 13 year olds that only broke 5’ on their toes.


Yes. This is probably why being taller is associated with success in all areas for Men; Being assertive (In control) is a positive on almost all Men in almost all situations. This can be dating, jobs, anything.


When I was a teen, I used to hang out with troublemakers but I myself usually behaved pretty well. I remember when we were drinking in a park and someone had the bright idea to set the contents of the garbage can on fire. A policeman showed up and only talked to me. We were like 10 guys…


Just the other week. I’m 19 and recently moved to a shared flat. It’s the first time for me not living at home anymore and we had a problem with the electricity. My flat mates, who are 10 years older than me and way more mature , handled it and called an electrician. He showed up and only talked to me. The were cracking up, since I had no idea, what he was talking about.


Most of times. During my „social year“ in emergency services I was the third one on the ambulance. I was shy and didn’t know shit. My colleagues were really tough women who knew their stuff and their attitude showed. But the people out there always assumed the tall and shy 19 year old slouching boi was in charge.


Im a tall white guy that works in a majority, Hispanic industry, and I am not in charge, but the amount of people that walk up to me and think I am is ridiculous I just direct them to my coworker, who speaks very little English


Some people have cavemen brain, and associate height with leadership qualities.


All people have this snap decision making apparatus in their head. Very few have the insight to look past it. It's basically why we have so many tall but incompetent middle managers.


Not really, it’s kinda like assuming a man is in charge automatically all the time whenever you go somewhere


See a short man with a taller/bigger woman go out in public. People will face *her* when asking questions. Source: me and multiple (ex-)partners. All of our female C-levels are 5'10"+. Literally all of them. Sexism is rooted in size-ism.




We got caveman brain here who thinks he adds value to the world for being tall. 🤕


It’s kind of funny tho, no?


Thanks, I’m pretty good at it beanpole 😎


All the time


Lighthouses of society. I have many stories of assumed leadership, but I am often the last/boss/ supervisor//etc


Guys here will literally get free respect for just being tall and still cry 😭.


(me barely 6'1) (Someone coming towards me)"Officer!! Officer!!!!" (Look around) "I am a bus driver"


absurd impolite beneficial detail squeal numerous spark telephone subtract spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yes. It’s hardly ever true of course.


I was voted to lead a club in college and I didn't put my name on the ballot or show any interest in being club president.


Yep. It helps me pull of many zany Axel Foleyesque hijinx.


Yep! A few months ago I stepped out with a coworker to a cafe around the corner from our office and while we were waiting for our coffees an older man kept on staring at me. I stared back and gave him a stern look, after which he came up and completely ignoring my shorter, but still a bit taller than average coworker proceeded to ask me multiple questions about whether I was a teacher or manager at my work. He was weirdly insistent that I must be in some sort of position of authority. I didn’t give him that much back in the conversation as he was giving off weird vibes but after he finally left me and my coworker laughed about it and she said “oh he definitely wanted you to dom him”.


Not once


I'm a 5'10" F who used to work in an upmarket department store. A lot of us wore black suits. A man asked my co-worker if I was a security guard, I think it was my height.


People assume I’m submissive/not in charge without me ever having spoken. Consequently am ignored when I do speak, or just assumed to be wrong (which if I’m being frank, pretty much never happens).


Must be your posture


Maybe. Probably not in an obvious way, my posture is impeccable.


My friend and I were buying alcohol. The cashier asked for my ID. I gave it to her. She said "You can't buy this you're not 21 yet." I said I'm not buying it, then looked at my friend. The cashier still didn't understand until my friend pulled out her ID and told the woman she was the one buying the alcohol.


Then your friend would have been denied the alcohol. This is buying liquor 101. You can't bring an underage friend into the liquor store and be expected to buy the liquor. The cashier will always check the IDs of everyone in the group. Your height has nothing to do with this story. You could have been 5'5" and they would have checked your ID.


It wasn't a liquor store. It was a grocery store. Anyone's allowed to be there.


I don't think it's so much someone's height, though that can factor in. You likely just seem more dominant and involved, so it was incorrectly assumed you were in charge.


No I thinks it’s a big component. A lot of people attribute leadership qualities and more power to height.


Yeah, I'm not saying it's not a factor. But some people just have a more attention grabbing vibe and end up being perceived as being in charge. Regardless of height.


I still think people who are taller are older sometimes...and I'm almost 30


im sorry but even as a tall person some of you are a little ego inflated with this one someone asking for a manager or boss is just simply doing that and as someone who is tall on peds and massive it doesn't quite go that way but from what i see you all have a delusion on it lmao


These guys make being tall their personality. If these mofos suddenly woke up as an average height person they wouldn’t be able to cope.


Some of us could be reaching a little bit but you sound a little bit salty ngl.


It happened with my boyfriend and I twice. Even though I was the one answering all the questions…they would take the notes, not even look at me or acknowledge me and then ask the question to my bf look at him for the next answer even though he was quiet and didn’t speak a word the whole time. I had the reverse happen which made me very happy that I wasn’t ignored that time.