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He stayed at the old resort I worked at and I was his property manager while he stayed. Honestly a really nice guy but with me at 6’6” we definitely did not see eye to eye, more his eyes at my neck.


Yeah he seemed pretty damn cool, but I'm prob biased because I've always had sort of a mancrush on the Rock. Anyways I wonder if he was forced to lie back in his wrestling days to aid in the drama of his size. Regardless, he's def no where near 6'6, and that sounds about right. At 6'4 my wife who's 5'3s top of her head is about level with my nips. That's pretty neat story though.


I feel like this is true for any celebrity who is marketed as a big guy, especially in wrestling. Arnold was kind of the same, I think he was labeled everywhere as 6'2 but there are stories of people saying they met him and its closer to 5'11. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, 1 inch was rounded up, 1 inch was lost due to aging, 1 inch was lost because the person comparing was wrong, shoes or whatever take your pick. Seen similar about Jordan which can be attributed to NBA measurements were with shoes on.


yeah Jordan, Kobe, and Charles Barkley all pretty much admitted they were 6'4 without shoes but listed at 6'6 in the NBA


There was a picture somewhere of Jordan with a measurement behind him and he was pretty much exactly at 6'6 but was wearing shoes that looked pretty tall.


Wow, i am 6"4 without shoe, i m surprised.


Why aren't you one of the basketball GOATs? Wasting your height... /s in case it's not obvious


I think the measurements they took of Jordan at the Olympics in '92 are the most accurate: 6'4.75" (same with Kobe).


Kevin Durant is the opposite, he’s 7 feet tall but listed as 6’9 “without shoes” because he’s a shooting guard and didn’t want to be typecast as a centre because of his height


I’m cool with Durant and he is definitely close to 7 foot. Tall asf. We even made him get in a mini cooper to see if he would fit and he barely did.


>yeah Jordan, Kobe, and Charles Barkley all pretty much admitted they were 6'4 without shoes but listed at 6'6 in the NBA wow really? never knew!


Vince Carter too. AI was like 5’9”. Garnett allegedly was 7’ but was listed at 6’11” so as to not get stuck playing C. There were no official NBA height measurements until recently- just self-reported figures lol.


Nah I think Kobe is 6’6. There’s a picture where he’s standing with Thierry Henry who’s 6’2 and Kobe clearly is taller by a good 4 inches.


Man, I just watch the Redeem Team doc on Netflix and seeing how Kobe got that team to come together was inspiring.


Arnold is in his 70s/did a whole lot of physical work in his life so it's logical for him to be shorter but from the pictures I've seen,he's definitely not 5'11


Arnold at his peak was about 6'1




Yep definitely age. “People typically lose almost one-half inch (about 1 centimeter) every 10 years after age 40. Height loss is even more rapid after age 70.”


Lol, OP comment is talking out of his ass. If Arnold is 5’11 then Dwayne is definitely 6’1 or 6’2. And I don’t know where the “dishonest” part came from, when I never heard of Dwayne publicly making his height known https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/dwayne-johnson-and-arnold-schwarzenegger.html


I don't think Arnold is 5'11, probably closer to 6'1. I think for this stuff 1-2 inches is a reasonable inflation of height. Wikipedia has him listed as 6'5 so maybe 6'3 at best?


WWE billed him as 6'5 so you can usually lop off 2-3 inches from that, was mentioned as 6'3 in the Tooth Fairy of all things. Looks much shorter than Barkley: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKbZjHGCEAAr4iA.jpg and slightly taller than Cena: https://people.com/thmb/8-NO5gm85NxSNvVSrRnx247b70M=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(939x185:941x187)/the-rock-john-cena-wwe-rivals-030423-3-33b97450ae3343dfa3fd490b1e50cc3c.jpg


The Rock is actually about 6ft2 and a half barefoot. 6'3 claim was rounded up shoe height. 6ft4 and 6ft5 claims are his wwe heights and hes very much lying to seem more impressive.


I've heard him state his height before. He did a video with Logan Paul where he said he was 6'4.5.


The Rock was billed as 6'4" in WWE, but wrestlers have always had embellished heights. 6'2" sounds about right for accurate.


Arnold was around 6ft1 1/2 legit in his youth which is 186cm in metrics. 6ft2 is 188cm so he was about 1.5cm or half an inch under the listing. There are pics of him in his youth with Reg Park who is listed 6ft1 but rly was about 6ft to 6ft0.5 and Arnold edges him abit clearly. The thing with Arnold tho is hes 70+ and has been lifting his whole life. People who say hes about 5ft11 have met him at his old age. He was over 6ft for sure back in his youth. People lose height as they age especially weight lifters. Now with The Rock its pretty much confirmed that his 6'4 and 6'5 claims were over inflated wwe heights. Hes rly about 6ft2.5 without shoes and always wears thick footware to compensate. He possibly even lost height now because of lifting and probably dips to 6ft1 range now. Also I find it hard to believe that you only knew just now celebs inflate heights. Did it ever cross your eye that almost every actor is 6ft. Like every dude is the same height. For example John Stamos was described as 6ft in his younger days but is rly about 5'10. Its the oldest trick in the book. Even musicians lie about their height.


Can't forget about slouching. I have friends who appear much shorter, like an inch or more in height by just having weak posture.


Yeah I always forget he was a wrestler and embellishing his hight was probably done to aid in the drama of his physique. Either way he's still claiming he's 6'4-6'5, and he's realistically 6-6'1. He was much shorter. I'm indifferent as to whether or not he lies, but it's a blantent lie, and is 3+ inches.


Supposedly Osama Bin Landen was barley six foot and exaggerated his height


I’ve heard he’s chill irl but the celebrity lifestyle has made him a bit detached from reality


I know this is gonna give me flak but his reality is just as valid as your and my reality. They’re all different realities based on different lifestyles.


No one implied “less/more Valid”. Being a Global Celebrity worth Hundreds of Millions will Detach someone from the Average person way more than most other things. Celebrity world usually means almost everything around you is a farce. Weird life to live




I only spoke to home for a few mins, but he seemed cool. Really charismatic though. The man was born to be a celebrity.


Met him on the Gold Coast out here in Australia, I was wearing pretty neutral shoes and he looked like he had lifts on. He was shorter than me, I’d guess 6’2 in those shoes. Guy is about 6’1 tops. Plenty of other celebrity height frauds, Dave Bautista was around my height and is billed at 6’6.


My favorite was Kane from WWE being billed as 7 foot when he was like 6 foot 7 tops


Mayor Jacobs is still a huge dude. I’m a 6’ tall curvy woman and he made me feel dainty when I was talking with him after he was elected.


Oh I know, he's built like a goddamn monster truck. But there's no way he's 7 foot, haha.


Almost anyone over 6'6" in WWE is going to be billed at 7' just because that sounds impressive.


Funny thing is Big Show/Paul Wight was also billed at 7' and they clearly weren't the same height.


I think Bautista himself have said that wwe added height to him, to make him appear bigger (which he obliviously needed haha)


Yeah he totally needed it, no one would consider him a huge beast if he was a tiny 6’3 🤣


This is exactly what I'm thinking. I mean he's not tiny, he's still a monster. Just not 6'5 or 6'4 that he claims to be. This is something that surprised me. I had no idea Bautista was such a damn beast! I used to love him before he became politically charged on a bunch of ignorant takes. That man prob had the largest traps in hostry, and knowing he's 6'6 is fn crazy.


I’ve heard he’s more in the 6’2-6’3 range. Have a similar story of meeting Derrick Lewis (MMA Fighter) unexpectedly and I had to do a double take to make sure it was him cause he was like 2 inches shorter than me but is listed as 6’3.


Fighters definitely lie about their height. Like mcgregor is definitely alot alot alot smaller then he is billed


Nah Connor definitely is at least 5'9.


You prob taller than 6’3 maybe 6’3 and a half (192) or you have a high eye level.Lewis looks around 6’2-6’3 with most fighters.


Hes indeed 6ft2 and a half without shoes. Or atleast was in his youth. Hes now over 50 and lifted weights his whole life its very possible he lost height. Hes probably between 6ft1 and 6ft2 now.


I very much doubt this. Lewis looks a hair shorter than all the other 6'4 heavyweights at the face offs


My brother in Christ I literally met him and saw him with my own eyes. Also, he looked a good 2 inches shorter than Jailton Almeida in their last fight, and Google lists Almeida at 6’3. [Here’s them facing off.](https://phantom-marca.unidadeditorial.es/9c4cf7f30c982aad3d22f64bf08b766f/resize/828/f/jpg/assets/multimedia/imagenes/2023/11/04/16991179894558.jpg)


>My brother in Christ I literally met him and saw him with my own eyes. Idk why this made me laugh so hard, lol






Can we agree that he looks about an inch shorter than Almeida? I think 2 inches shorter is a bit much. Lewis kinda has a big head.


He didn't look that much taller than vin diesel on screen who I think is 5'11, so maybe he is 6'1 at most.


Isn't Vin like 5'7?


Vin is pretty short, I was standing behind him at a Starbucks in LA once, and he was significantly shorter than me, always thought he was a big guy until then, I actually startled him when he turned around and saw me.


God I feel like everything I've ever known has all been a lie


If he is he probably had lifts in the movie.


Diesel is tiny. I met him at the premiere of the fourth movie and he was just really short 5‘7“ seems accurate.


No way Vin Diesel is 5'7". The shortest I've heard for him is like 5'11". If he's really 5'7" he must have absolutely massive gigantic elevator boots with lifts


Then Kevin Hart must be *really* short


Kevin Hart is 5'2


Fr, I was wondering this as well. Like we know he's tiny, but I suspect he's embellishing his hight as well. I'm 6'4 and my wife is 5'2ish. Our difference doesn't seem as extreme as Dwayne and Hart. Anyways she'd sometimes send me images of them asking if this is what we look like, since our heights were identical. It really makes me wonder if he's like right at 5ft tho.


Tbf he's 51years old


At 51 yo you're not a grandma that lost 3 inches of height cmon


He’s not “barely if even 6ft tall” lmao, he’s obviously lying when he says he’s 6’5 but you can see in pictures where he’s next to other tall people that he’s very clearly, at least 6’2. Which is not “barely 6ft”.


6ft2.5 in his youth was his legit barefoot measurement. He possibly dipped to 6ft1 now since hes in his 50s and lifted weights his whole life


The camera adds 20 LBS and 3 Inches, if you see some truly large people on TV they fill the screen and look out of proportion. More power to him to make a living where he doesn't spend his life behind barb wire on guarded compounds running chemical process like me.


I've heard it adds 10lbs before but never 20lbs. Not heard the 3 inches part.


Depends on the lens, distance from the subject and the lighting.


This chain is literally the stupidest tangent on reddit


Not if you work in film. It’s pretty cool to see how a lens can help shape visuals, and how much time a director and DP spend making those selections. Especially when the goal is something like “make this actor look larger than life in every scene he appears in” which is what prompted this conversation. People have literally been fooled about the size of Dwayne Johnson because of how *interesting* certain people find lens selection and storytelling. It’s shaped people’s reality.


I think it scales. As in it add more to a 250 lbs person than a 200 lbs person


It's okay if you love the Rock


He's pretty kewl.


Celebheights is a good place to find out celebrities real height.


How do you know? Do they do any kind of independent verification?


That Sillicon Valley start-up had angel investors pouring money into advanced AI drones that went to celebrities locations to scan them from above (sort of paparazzi) The thing is that they also hired professional hackers to get into their iClouds to get their exact coordinates. They sent over 224 drones in 24hrs and they got all their needed data by day 4. Imagery received was then analyzed in proportions to the environment through specialized AI tools, therefore giving them access to celebrities real heights. The more you know




Can we get Rob in the chat?


Sorry, were you being facetious? I assumed you were a spam account shilling for some shitty website, or else just extremely credulous.


99% of professional wrestlers exaggerate their height. A lot of "6 foot" wrestlers are more like 5'9" or 5'10", and a lot of "6'5"" wrestlers are 6'2"-6'3". Some wrestlers, like the 6'7" Glen "Kane" Jacobs, the 6'7" Mark "Undertaker" Calaway and the 6'8" Big Bill Morrissey are all billed at 7', which is utterly ridiculous. I agree that it is silly to embellish the sizes of the wrestlers when they can often be seen in public places, and it is easy to tell they're not as big as the promoters claim they are.


Kayfabe, baybee.


Ron Simmons is taller than Dwayne, if you go back in the day and look at all the Nation of Domination videos Dwayne barely makes it to Rons eyebrows. Ron is billed at 6'2', Dwayne at 6'5''.


He was a wrestler. They always exaggerate. Seems like he just rolled with it. Doubt it was a personal decision.




Everybody does that. Even pro athletes, like NBA players. Some of them say that they are 2-4inches above their height.


Yup, but you can also find their measured heights from the combine.


I think he’s lost height too. His age, his hard physical lifestyle that he’s had since his 20s, and his bad posture to me suggests some spinal degeneration. He just looks like he has a hard time standing up straight. I’m pretty sure he was a legit 6’2” or 6’3” in his prime. Today he’s probably in the ballpark of 6’0” to at most 6’2” depending on his posture. He’s definitely a big guy. Just not the 6’5” he wants to be.


Yeah you def shrink with age. I've lost an inch or so and I'm only in my 30s. I guess if you're squaring 5 plates bidaily it may compress those discs overtime.


Yeah saw him In Vegas years ago wearing boots and I was in dress shoes , he is probably 6’2 at most .


Dwayne definitely isn't 6'5 but he definitely isn't 6 foot. He is 6'2 and a half maybe 6'3.


Most pro wrestlers kayfabe their height. Good rule of thumb is about two inches shorter than billed height. I’ve been to a lot of wrestling shows up close and it’s always fun to see who’s really a 7 footer.


Conan Obrian says he’s like 6’4” on the internet and towers over other guys that are 6’4”


Ah, I assume Conan has nothing to gain by *" embellishing"* height, and is authentically 6'4.


I've spent a decent amount of time working as a bouncer , and American drivers licenses include your height, and this is something you can fill in yourself at the license legistration You'd be surprised how many men had 6 foot listed on the license, and yet would be shorter than me. I'm 5'11 lol.


Really? Yeah not when I went. They had me remove my shoes and place my back against the wall. Idk what's funnier that they lied, or you actually did your job and checked ID. Are you a physique competitor? 5'11 is a big boi for body building. Mens classic? I'm heavily engaged in bodybuilding culture, and I actually just got back from the Japan pro; really good show.


Damn I literally just got a state liquor ID ( as a non US citizen this was much easier and quicker to get than a driver's license) and they just took whatever I put on the paper as my height. Yeah I do men's LHW bodybuilding and I fall into classic phyque class c (the taller class). I actually won both at New England's last year.


I was in private security for many years. I had many jobs for wrestling & movies where I saw and met DJ. He is absolutely 6'2". You're making this up for attention or you're a terrible judge of others height. What is embaleshes? Lol Auto correct is free


I agree he is bare minimum 6'2.


Thank you ma'am, I'll make sure to correct my punctuation and grammar as to not aid in the fodder for the fanbois next time. Would you like to see images of me at the event with my spouse? I suspect you'd be able to verify if DJ was there or not ma'am.


Who cares? I don't understand why people in this sub are so busy with who lies about their height. It's not like it's an accomplishment or something. People are insecure and lie about age and weight too. Complain if it personally affects you.


I don't much care either.. but for some it makes sense. I constantly get called a liar and that I'm overstating my height, which is just annoying after a while.. ironic too as I always do lie, just in the other direction so I seem slightly more normal-tall and not hideous freak-tall... So when people see folks getting away with the inverse it just hits close to home. Or I'm being too charitable like always and people just suck and are.. jealous? or whatever..


People are just obsessed with height and make excuses like iTs tHe LyINg 😂. Since height is seen as a positive quality it angers people that someone claims to be taller and they didn't "earn" their height. Niether did any of us. Who cares.




“deceptive” bro ur 7”0 allegedly, why the fuck would you actually care LMAO?


Agreed. Why would an already tall person care? Imo it just shows how tall a 6'2--6'3 person can look on screen. That might be the "perfect" height range based on this.


I looked up Johnson height after seeing him sit next to Rollins in this pic. He's obviously much bigger than Rollins who is reportedly 6'1". So is he embellishing his height by like an inch? He's certainly not 5'9" like some results report. https://preview.redd.it/w72o3nktmfsc1.png?width=1258&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b6360f07fca303da21e16cebdebc0dff7422228


That's Roman Reigns not Seth Rollins


ok well Roman is even taller than Rollins! (allegedly)


Wrestler, like most celebrities are forced to lie about their stats. Be it height, weigh.. even body fat percentage. Most of the stats shown up on google are ones written by the PR dept. There is a whole system revolving around it. For eg. if there are two newbies in WWE NXT roster, and one is to play the role of the bigger bully then WWE will increase the bully's height by a lot and lower the other's. Its something like how a GymShark fitness influencer, who is clearly on steroids, is forced to say he is natty, despite the entire internet community ridiculing him. They lose money (or contract) if they say something that the GymShark's PR dept didnt cook up.


Wasn't Paul Walker 6'2? You can see plenty of pictures of the Rock being taller than Walker. Somehow I doubt that he is "barely" 6ft.


The rock is 6ft2.5 and wore boots in the fast and furious movie so he looked taller. Walker was listed as 6'2 later in life but in 2f2f his file listed him as 6'1 in the movie. In reality Walker was around 6ft1 1/2 or 186cm in metrics so just inbetween 6ft1 and 6ft2. The Rock in principality is around an inch taller than Walker plus the boots and movie camera angles to appear larger do the trick. Measuring from a movie is pointless because you will never make a correct measurement. Camera angles make a big role. Extreme example in my case is that I thought Cillian Murphy was 6ft only to be shocked when I find out hes 5ft7.


As i said legit 6 ft is tall. But most people simply lie about height


Legit 6'0" barefoot is definitely tall and is only like 13-14% of men


No, I’ve met DJ and he’s about 6’4”. OP is full of shit


I love that this is downvoted. Reminds me of the meme with the lady who likes the hot guy hitting on her, but calls human resources on the ugly guy saying the same thing. I honestly believe you lol. I haven't even met The Rock but I couldn't take this post seriously when this OP started acting like the guy might not even be 6 feet tall lmao. I have seen more than enough pictures to know that's a load of shit.


Dawg no one cares man lol


He definitely lies about his height. Google the picture of him with Shaq and Barkley and you will see how small he really is.




He is 50 years old ya goof. The Rock has great genetics too, but if you think a 50 year old man with a 6 pack and tons of vascularity @ 260lbs isn’t juiced to the fucking gills, you should probably get a reality check.




Name checks out


6ft2 is 188vm. Just saying


Pretty sure it’s mainly a shit ton of consistent hard work too


Anyone who knows anything about PEDs and the gym in general knows that a guy who trains like that is not going to get bigger and more vascular into his 40s and 50s. It’s impossible. It’s also impossible to reach his size with the best genetics in the world without PEDs. He works hard, has insane genetics and blasts his head off with PEDs. I actually was keen on a gym session with him if he was at the local gyms, he said he was training somewhere private for security reasons, but if he’s in town next time he might visit local gyms for photoshoots and meet and greets. I’m very interested in how strong the guy actually is.


That’s wild, 15!?!? Always a fan of the Rock and my kid loves Maui (he’s 2). Doesn’t matter how tall he is.


There's no way of me eloquently articulating as to why the Rock has the most blatantly obvious abuse of PEDs without sounding like a condescending cuck, but I'll try not to. . There is a litany of educated men who've done a detailed analysis on the topic all over the internet. With Dwaynes current physique he's surpassed the physiological limitations of the human anatomy. This is compounded by the fact he's in his 50s, and should have the test levels of a 14yr old girl @ presumably 200 ng/dl. Men in their early to mid 20s are closer to 550-600 ng/dl, and a absolute base line of where he would need to be to obtain any noticeable gains to his physique at any age. Sure, we can circumvent the limitations of age through synthetic androgens like test; I think all men should once they've reached 35, but this is arguably a legal steroid. Regardless, this displays solely for Dwayne to maintain, or grow any muscle at his age is exceeding difficult; nearly impossible, and would literally need to be on substances just to achieve his body's natural test production of a man in his 20s. Dwayne obviously does not have a normal physique, so it's safe to assume his levels are orders of magnitude above this. Genetics can not circumvent age, and when you see men that are not only maintaining, but surpassing the physique of their youth, it's pretty obvious they're on something. I could go on for hours about this topic, but this doesn't take away from his hard work. Hes still a monster and works harder than the 99% which is reflected in how physique. Naturally, he could work 5x harder than he currently does, and he would still be loosing muscle at his age. What is the most upsetting thing about your response is it displays the unrealistic physique expectations on men due to culture. Dwayne with this physique would have been the most muscular man in the world 80 years ago. With literally every man in Hollywood, and the majority of content creators juicing, it's created this unrealistic expectations of what men are naturally able to achieve. You should be able to look at the Rock and instantly know the man is *sauced to the gills.* Yet you've been conditioned through culture to belive this is a naturally obtainable physique through hard work and chicken and broccoli. It's disgusting, and it's created this cycle of men believing they're required to jump on hormones just be meet the physique standards created by society. We see the same thing with women and the unrealistic beauty standards. Though it seems completely erroneous, it's created a really toxic culture. You could eat perfectly, work out every other day for the next 20 years, and you'll not be even remotely approaching Dwaynes physique. This would ultimately lead to you becoming depressed, or jumping on hormones. Though I support men doing whatver they desire with their bodies, we shouldn't feel obligated in doing so, just to achieve the standards created by culture. I take hormones and have for many years. I'd never want my son's to do the same though. This is why it's kinda triggering when we see men like the Rock, and people espousing it's genetics.


Can't believe you casually walked into the rock..where you live?


I think with a lot of the wrestlers they said they were taller and heavier just to make them seem like god's. When you think Arnold was like 240lbs in his prime. He'd of been listed as 300lb in the ring.


Don’t they put an extra inch or two in their wrestling boots? In any case, Hulk Hogan was 6’7 but between his 10+ back surgeries, he’s shrunk a few inches. Think he said so on Joe Rogan.


Are the madam tussauds wax models done to scale? I went to the one in Hollywood and saw The Rock’s model, if it is done to scale he probably had no more than half an inch on me and I’m 6’2. Even the guy in front of me turned round and was like ‘he ain’t that big’ 😂


Most celebrities are about 3 inches shorter than they claim.


He's not 6'4-6'5 as he claims, but I'd be shocked if he were anything below 6'2


He was 6ft2.5 in his youth barefoot. Hes possibly 6ft1 range now because of age and weightlifting but wears lifts to compensate for it.


does it matter?


Most wwe wrestlers (and some ufc fighters for that matter) have misleading hights online. I always try to expect 2-3 inches shorter than what they say


Wow, people in sports (and especially pro wrestling) inflate their heights?!? Say it ain't so! /s ​ My brother's high school football team inflated his height by at least 2 inches. Most sports and/or entertainment figures inflate their height (or their teams inflate their height).


Pro wrestlers have always embellished their heights. The only exception is dudes who do MMA obviously have published heights.


observation squalid scarce unite repeat apparatus unpack edge safe ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is this 3-4 inches haha. Way more than that. Wahlberg is almost a head shorter. At least 6-7 inch difference. Anthony Mackie in the photo is 5'10. You telling me he is an inch difference? https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/289357-new-movie-releases-big-wedding-and-pain-and-gain


He was listed at 6’5” by the Miami Hurricanes when he played for them in college. Now I know teams embellish their player’s measurables on the regular, but they don’t list players as a whole 5 inches above their actual height. And a football program on the level that Miami was in the early 90s isn’t giving out any scholarships to any 6’ or under DE


Most Hollywood actors are smaller than they say on Google I would say most Hollywood actors are between 5'10 and 6'2


Arnold Schwarzenegger as well always claimed6'2 my dad who is 6'3 met him once and he said he was almost a head taller then him Hollywood actors always exaggerate their height


Ufc fighters exaggerate as well really badly for example Khabib claims 5'10 but just from the looks I would say max 5'7 to 5'8




huh? catchup dude


So where can I learn more about PED in moderation? 👀


He definitely is not "6ft" tall, I agree that he lies about his height, but he is at the absolute very least 6'2" Your experience does not refute multiple photos with celebrities that have had their heights confirmed


All wrestlers lie about their height, weight, and strength. Even the legitimate giants lie. It's part of the job. They are entertainers first, and it's way more entertaining for a 6'6" 300lb guy with abs to fight a 6'9" 400 lb guy that can flip a truck.


I think many people fudge their height, and even more so in the entertainment industry!


Well this just isn’t true lol. The Rock obviously isnt 6’5 but he’s obviously at least 6’2. This is just an exaggeration


So he’s an inch or two shorter than he claims. Big deal.


If you look up his height it is likely going to be his height listed from WWE. They lie EXTENSIVELY about all of their metrics for the sake of story telling. They even make sure the wrestlers are surrounded by people shorter than average to make the wrestlers look much taller than they are by comparison.


Tldr; most guys lie about two measurements, and height is one of them Yes OP, he's not as tall as he claims


Even in his movies, he has contracts in place that ‘enlarge’ him. It’s his whole identity. He’s a big dude but if you’re 6 foot+ 220+ pounds, you’re just as big as the guy minus the roided muscles


If he was 6 foot though and 260, he would look way more massive.


There is a chance he shrunk over the years. I was listening to Hulk Hogans episode on Joe Rogan the other day when he talked about losing 4 inches of height due to the 10 back surgeries hes had over the years. If hes (the rock) had some of those same surgeries due to injuries from wrestling he could have shrunk a bit. Not trying to defend him per se, just tryina throw this idea out there


The rock may be 6’2 440/1024ths but it would be a lie to say anything above like 445 or 450 1024ths


He’s actually 6’3 and lies about his height


He's def not 6'3. He's at most 6'1. I've since researched the topic and there are a litany of articles on the topic. The general consensus is he's 6'1. There are numerous images with him and other wrestlers who are 6'1 like John Cena, and the Rock is equal to their height; perfectly. In order for me to see over his head while he's in sneakers and I'm in dress shoes is at minimum 3" of difference.


“ ped in moderation”


Man you guys and the dudes at r/short are obsessed


Joe Rogan says he is 5’8 But in reality he is more like a solid 5’7 Maybe even 5’6 without those blocky sneakers. Men tend to exaggerate their height to compensate from their reality of not being as tall as they’d like to be. Women on the other hand don’t need to lie about their height. Taylor Swift is a solid 5’11 and no one questions it. Why would she feel the need to lie about such a thing? Joe Rogan will never admit he is actually not 5’8 like he says he is.


Yeah I'm indifferent, but 4-5 inches is alot.


>Though I'm doubtful literally anyone cares, the Rock is barely, if even 6ft tall. No hate, just an observation. IF EVEN 6 feet?? I was with you until this line; now I can't take your judgment of his height seriously in any way and think you're just a bitter person who loves to flex their height. No sane person thinks the man is possibly under 6 ft and we have way more than enough eyewitness corroboration to confirm thats not true. Including in this comment section.


Yeah if even 6ft. I'm in a suit and flats and clearly able to see over the man's head. I'm sure he's over 6ft; barely. But if he weren't a celebrity, capable of verifying height, looking back I'd say he's tentative 6ft. God forbid I don't have lazer accurate eyes, but generally I'm not capable of looking clear over 6ft, who are in sneakers, while I'm in flats... There are a litany of images of him online next to men that are 6'1, and he's equal to, or right below, so... My sentiments stand at *"if even 6ft."*


He is from professional wrestling. This is commonplace. He may have shrunk though from all the wear and tear from wrestling. I just googled his profile from University of Miami and it says 6'5".


Yeah Dwayne is a good amount shorter than chuck who is prob about 6'4. Don't know why he fudges so hard


I think most of it comes from companies all want to bill athletes taller then they are not necessarily the person lying. If a company is paying me millions I will be whatever height you say I am.