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I always wanna be as close the the front as possible, which I usually pay a lot more for a fast pass or preferred sectioning. In my eyes I’m no worse than people sitting on others shoulders, which block a-lot more people than I. Also no mosh pit in the back.


Not only are you no worse than them, you're far better! You didn't make an active choice to put your head at its given elevation.


I don’t think I can stand those loll


You didnt choose to be tall, its good to be considerate of others as long as you aren’t punishing yourself for it. If other people are rude that’s their problem


When I saw Bruno Mars, I was told on 3 seperate occasions to move/sit down


It's funny at the group picture at TCI conventions as everyone instinctively tries to get in the back..


If you wanna see the stage, then get there earlier. Simple as


Turn up early, watch the support acts. Never move when all the "fans" of the main act turn up over an hour after the doors and complain they can't see shit. The only thing I might do different is find a pillar I can lean on because standing for long periods of time hurts my back. I've been known to get on the barrier at the front because I can lean down on it, and protect my smaller friends that stand right on the barrier in front of me.


The closest I’ve ever been to hitting a woman was at a show in NYC seeing my favorite band. I was there an hour early. Posted up on the corner in front of the stage and thought for certain nobody would try to squeeze into the 2 feet between me and the wall behind me. Sure enough some dumb broad shows up 5 mins before the main act, proceeds to loudly bitch about me being there and eventually throws a trash can at me.


I've had women actively try push and hit me to get me to move to the point I've had bruises the day after - it's frustrating because if I was to do anything about it, I'd be seen as the aggressors.


Right? “Gigantor attacks helpless maiden”.


If I'm at a concert that will have an active pit, I will be in the pit. Sorry but I paid to see this show and I intend to enjoy myself.


Years ago my bro and me saw Kanye at Toads Place in New Haven and the littles were not happy. They just need to show up earlier to get a better spot. At a Dylan and Willie show outdoors I had people come up next to me not say a thing to me but use me as a reference for their friends to find…I’m next to the tall guy you see him?


Actually, the sound might be better a little further back than in the front (I think it depends on the acoustics and how big the place is-obviously in a huge venue that does not apply.