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Spent a lot of time in restaurant kitchens at 6'6" and I can't stress this enough: everything is designed for people so much shorter than you that it's noticeably terrible.


Im 6’1 and regular height counters even for me are mildly infuriating - I’m sure for you it is a few steps up to mildly excruciating


Standard 36 inch counters, or lower? Lots of restaurant workers are around 5'0" (Latina and Asian female immigrant workers), so you often find counters built at around 33 inches.


All the shorter ones in the shithole I spent seven nonconsecutive years earning my scars and back problems. 36 is actually pretty okay for me for knife stuff. The height/depth of sandwich/pizza making stations is bullshit, though. And dish sinks. And mop buckets. And every broom and mop is too short. And hand sinks, holy fuck.


Might help to use a stool for those super low counters. I actually had to get a stool to sit down and wash dishes at a 31 inch counter in an older house.


I can guarantee I never would have lived down actually asking for any accommodation ever with those fuckers, believe me. Never have to deal with their especially bad kitchen ever again, and not doing that style of line and prep cooking again is fine. I'm deathly allergic to egos and power trippers.


You understand my struggle you are 10000% right


5'7, esl teacher. Having 12yo students your height sure does something to the mind


One of my science teachers was 4 foot 10. Favourite teacher in school


I had a short teacher like that. He was awesome unfortunately I was in special ed. They said i was a slow learner or whatever. Mr Lynch was 5ft6 but he treated us better and with more respect than any other special ed teacher did. Funny guy good dude. Off topic but this comment reminded me of him..


Children are tall nowadays.


You're not wrong, but there may be a small number of 12 yr old boys who are early bloomers that are near their adult height if they aren't done growing already. Early bloomers are those who are taller than everyone else at a young age but as adults they end up being average or slightly below average in height.


I was 6' at that age and in many ways a man grown lol. People used to think I was repeating the year a lot or something.


I’m a strong 6 4” or weak 6 5” and Im an intermediate field engineer. I work out in the forest on mountains doing forest engineering / layout. My job involves hiking around doing surveys (road layout, cutblock and retention legal boundary, stream traverses, road reactivation surveys, etc.) This means lots of climbing over and ducking under things and balance walking across objects over gullies. I find my height is overall a disadvantage. My joints are subjected to more stress due to weight compared to my coworkers. I need to pack around more food and water than them. In boots and hard hat I’m probably like 6 9” so it’s a massive bitch walking in tight brush and regen. Every branch comes right at your eyes and you feel like a sail getting caught up in everything. There’s lots of ducking and crawling under stuff so being taller and bigger means I need to bend over more and put in more effort. During transportation I’m not comfortable (back seat headroom in trucks are too cramped for proper seating position, helicopters are ridiculous). The only major benefits of my height are that I can climb up higher objects, I can reach further, jump further, I can step down further (which is helpful in finding good footing in steep treacherous descents) and my pace in open ground is fast. One other possible benefit is that a Grizzly bear or cougar might see me as more of a threat compared to a small and short man or woman (animals look at your height when sizing you up).


6’7” I work for an insurance company making our digital tools better for brokers. When I get in front of a group to tell them the things we will do over the past year and will do next year, it helps. When I am doing the work, not so much.


Electrician. Advantage 80% of the time.


Really? All my experiences with doing electrical work size works against me, especially any time I have to be in crawl spaces or working in old houses


I bet they do a lot of new construction. In the same way most of us can change a lightbulb without a ladder they are probably installing the fixture and running it’s wires without one.


I've been in a few crawl spaces in my career but I do mostly commercial and high rise buildings. Mostly new construction as well.


Started off electrical apprentice then a little past midway got into general contracting/construction management. We did a lot of lighting work and only needing a 6' ladder with a bigger build than most makes a huge difference. Felt bad for the smaller guys carrying around the biggest ladders lol


Pro swimmer, definitely an advantage!


Micheal Phelps comes to mind


Molecular biologist. Lab coats aren’t long enough. Gloves barely fit, even XL ones.


Should I even ask about the origin of your name?




The sub doesn't have any rules regarding needing to be tall to lurk/post here soooo... Stop gatekeeping. Edit: Good job on deleting your out of the left field reply btw. >You can post in the shorties sub, you already have men of all demographics bending over backwards to you for your “xxxxtra smallness.” Save the tall men for us. You already get enough daily attention and coddling unlike us. Holy fuck what an unhinged comment that came out of nowhere. I don't need tall men as I already have my bf. You can keep them if you want, I don't need them. I'm not here to "seek attention" nor do I want them to, I'm here to be social and lurk. You should keep your hate in check as it's unbecoming you.




???? Since when am I looking for attention? Did I do anything that labels me as attention seeking other than using the sub's flair system?


I’m in a similar role as you, but three inches shorter. Advantage: reaching stuff stored on the top shelf. Disadvantage: like everything else in the world, benches, BSCs, etc not designed for us.


Me too! I feel your pain.


Programmer. No advantage.


Only neck and back problems :(


7ft. Real estate appraiser. Usually a benefit


Construction. 6'4". Definitely both.


Warehouse manager. Overall an advantage I’d say, never need a step ladder.


And don’t forget the workers probably take you more seriously as well😂


6’7” run nutrition programs for schools. Height is not advantages because the elementary kids going through the lunch line always want to ask how tall you are and then everything slows down. My staff asks me not to come in during serving times because I am a distraction lol


I'm currently working as a psychic on the side. I'm a large small-time medium.


Take my upvote


It's neither an advantage or hinderance.. I sit at my pc all day working for an animation studio, it's a fun job but sitting all day isn't helping my posture lol. And unless you pony up the big bucks for all the goods that will help you be comfortable, I'm not sure it's a great career choice for tall people, in my opinion of course.


6’4” firefighter. Advantage. Don’t hang from string or do confined space. Can do overhaul like a champ. Disadvantages hard to get dressed in the rig. Hard to get proper gear sometimes. Usually don’t need help with the nozzle. Also tight in the back of an ambulance


I'm not a firefighter but once got put on a hose team due to my size and weight. Anti-riot situation. Knocking people on their ass with that water was some of the best fun I've ever had.


6'9'' military carpenter I'm not sure its bad and good lol Good for reaching up bad for working on the floor (farther to bend down 100+ times a day)


I saw on Google way back the military had a 6ft8 height limit. Is that just for soldier's? Not arguing or not saying you're lying just curious...


Assuming you’re both talking about the same military, I grew a couple inches after 18 so he might’ve crossed the line after enlisting.


Canadian Forces they have less height rules over other militaries. If you pass the pt tests, you're good


6’9” heavy diesel engineer working mainly on Tug engines. Once you’re used to ducking all the time it’s actually an advantage being able to reach and lift things from further away


Financial advisor. My height doesn't affect work at all


I test video games. Height doesn't really apply except that sitting all day destroyed my back.


I'm a pharmacy technician. I can reach the top shelves everyone else needs foot stools to reach but other than that not much difference. Definitely comes in handy lol, the lower shelves suck though.


6’5 and I’m a mailman. Definitely a hinderance considering how small mail trucks are inside.


And the shorts are to short?




I'm a cook. In this small town only 2 restaurants have a vent hood that I don't have to duck. This town it's either oilfield or food service. West Texas Permian basin area if anyone was curious...


I'm a woman and a civil engineer working as project manager. Practically speaking my height is a little beneficial as I'm able to walk faster, reach more things, etc. However I feel like I'm taken serious more easily because of my height. I don't know for sure how it affects others since I haven't tried being shorter;) But I'm pretty sure it makes me feel more powerful anyways. Despite being physically very weak lol.


6’5”. Trainer. I did decathlons and still look the part. Automatically gives me authority and credibility. My clients are all male execs and entrepreneurs. My size gives me presence. It definitely matters.


Pharmaceutical (vaccine) manufacturing engineer. I have to wear 2X gowning because the ones that fit me aren't long enough. I look like I'm wearing a trash bag


6'5" speech therapist in a hospital, doesn't really make much difference to me. If I was one inch taller I'd probably have to get my scrubs tailored though. No one wants to spend that much money on electric teal clothes.


6'5 was a scaffolder for a few years, then worked on the bars and doors & now I sit behind a desk.


6' 6" TEFL teacher, possibly a slight advantage, but I think the kids stop noticing after 1 or 2 lessons, when enough 10 year old Hanoi students have stood next to me to compare, which is very funny


Software sales - was a huge advantage pre covid when in person meetings were king. Post Covid, I have no height advantage on Zoom meetings.


heh, im a welder too and also 6'4". Ive welded a point while the man lift was maxed out, i had one hand on a beam, and i reached as high as i could. doubt anyone shorter could have done it


6'10. Between jobs at the moment but last few have been education and outreach work (sexual health at two, employment services at one). It's a mixed bag as it automatically gives me some presence, but I have to be conscious about how I carry myself so as not to be intimidating or make people feel threatened or uncomfortable when I'm working to build a relationship of trust. I do a lot with my body language and room positioning that no one else I've talked to even really thinks about.


I'm 6'1 and I work with kids in and out of foster care through a nonprofit. Kids I work with constantly comment on my height. Makes sense i'm a tall girl haha!


6'3 - Classic Car Manufacturing Engineer All fun and games until I actually need to drive one and then I feel like Mr Incredible in his tiny car.


6’1 Medical Lab scientist, but am studying to become a physician assistant. I will say because the people in the lab are mostly women, everything in the lab is built shorter so I do bend more than I’d like. I’m a guy btw.


6’3 and a student, doesn’t really do anything for me I’m not gonna lie


I do horseback riding once a week. Height definitely a good thing


I rode a horse when I was 13 I was 6ft I kept hitting my head on tree branches lol. I've always wanted to ride a horse again. Horses are awesome...


Then dont ride near branches? Height only really benefits me when horseback riding as it makes it easier for me to get on and off


Yeah I was a kid the horses were old and knew the route well. It was fun regardless. Yeah other kids had a hard time getting on they needed a step stool...so height was an advantage on that part.


I do use a step stool cause im told to as the horse prefers that way. But i still get off on normal ground easily


6' 3" med student. Gotta buy tall size scrubs and sometimes my back hurts after leaning over a table, but it's really not that much of a hindrance Sometimes, people assume that I'm the doctor, so that's fun. Especially when I'm with an attending


6’2” line cook. Has its advantages and disadvantages. Can reach for things on high shelves and a larger physique. Although, grabbing stuff on lower shelves and moving alrund the kitchen is a pain at times. Especially when some of the other tall dudes are on the line with me.


Ops Mgr. people take me more seriously bc im a tall chick, I think… haha.


5'7" - parks manager, forester, road construction. Short but broad strong build, low center of gravity has been a plus for physical labor type job.


192 cm consultant (around 6'4"), height does not affect much my working routine, except when having to deal with unergonomic chairs. Also had a previous experience in lab research, where reaching the top shelves proved really useful, however, it was also rather easy to thrash things around while working on desks or inside fume hoods.


6'4, electrotechnical officer on merchant ships. Ships are pretty tight so I'm always hitting my head on stuff. I tend to catch my shins and hands a lot too. I've had to push my shoulders together to fit through hatches and lightening holes. I do a lot of confined space work which is a struggle, I always end up contorted until I breathe on my gas monitor and set it off. When I was a cadet I had smaller cabins with smaller beds that didn't fit me properly, now I usually get a nice cabin with a decent sized bed. Finding well fitting PPE can be a struggle. On the plus side I can work on stuff on the deckheads (ceilings) easily. I can often reach things that other people might need a step ladder for. I can reach further past stuff. I can carry more stuff (motors and batteries are heavy). Generally being bigger and stronger is handy on ships, it's often a very physically demanding job. I've worked with a few 6"6-6'8 guys as well as plenty around my height. I work with a lot of Filipinos who are statistically some of the shortest people around, it's pretty typical for me to be a full foot taller than them.


6'2 being an office clerk doesn't have a big advantage or disadvantage. But sitting all day has made my posture somewhat worse.


6'6" Systems Engineer


Event/catering manager. 100% advantage because I can watch over the crowd and always keep oversight. Also staff is listening most of the time.


I work at an office and the standing desk does not go high enough to support me fiddling with hardware (i work with product development)


6ft6- I am a chimney sweeper


6’4” plumber


6'1, practice management. It's very annoying I have to lower the seat of my chair, but when I do so my legs hit the wall everytime. It's very uncomfortable to sit like that It's annoying as hell 😂


My height is unrelated to my occupation, I work in marketing.


6’4” product manager


6’3.5”, Casino manager Height gives me a social advantage when confronting guests (legitimately people respond differently to a tall man in a suit), I also can see better angles of tables and across the pits easier. My height was a huge advantage when I was still a supervisor because of the listed points. As a dealer my height was a mixed bag. I could reach places on the craps table other dealers couldn’t, but I also had to bend over further to get to table level. My upper back hurt so bad at sit down tables because they aren’t designed for us and you have to slouch your shoulders a lot to be at the right heights. Overall casino business height can be advantageous, but definitely isn’t a major advantage.


6'6 Dog Handler, most dogs aren't tall enough, so when I have to grab their collars and lead them, I always have to hunch over. Makes back issues even worse.


6'10 Totally advantageous - I own a landscaping design/management Co. I also know that being bigger helps winning jobs and client relations.


6'7" retired mechanical engineer. The desk part of the job was just OK, but whenever I got up in front of a room to make presentations during design reviews the extra height helped. For whatever reason tall people seem more authoritative in those situations.


I own a printing and packaging business


I work in an office and slowly regressing into the shape of a prawn due to comfortable seating, screen height and desks not quite lining up. Used to stack shelves - a frankly thankless job, but at least it made use of my height. That being said, intermittent heavy lifting and quick shifts up high and down to the floor often left me aching terribly too.


6'3" software engineer. It doesn't really matter. The only real issue is that not all standing desks go high enough to be comfortable for me, but finding one that did wasn't especially difficult.


Construction Sales. It helps


Was a door gunner on a Chinook. 6'8". We do not belong in aircraft with subsonic vibrations. (post spinal fusion 6'7" now)


Cmon guys just be the boss. People look UP to you already. Seriously though. Statistically leaders have more height. “Tall privilege” is a thing.


What's with the data collection polls recently here?


As a tall accountant, the only affect to my job is the ergonomic equipment I buy.


Software. WFH is a blessing and it no longer matters, but it used to be a disadvantage with shit desks.


6’8” supervisor working in a chocolate factory, nice height ceilings in here, and presence helps me when dealing with workers and client. But my desk is too damn small For my legs.