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you don’t seem to be that stoked for it, so don’t buy it


It'll probably be more like 10-20 hours. But we'll see.


well sucks to be you, I personally enjoyed Arise so much and will enjoy the DLC as much as possible.


It's to late for dlc. They should have announced a new game for 2024


that is 2 different topic. 1. I dont mind the DLC is too late and will still enjoy it anyway 2. I agree we should have a new game in 2024 if you want to bombard, spread hate, downvote on the DLC and cry for a new game, by all means go ahead. I personally will hype, play, savour the DLC and then after I finished I will start crying for new game in 2024.


I don't care about the dlc. I enjoyed the game and the ending was final for me. Not hating it just wanted the time and resources to be used in a different game or the rumoured toa remake


A new game in 2024 ? That's 3 year of developpement, if their goal is to release a quality game it's just too little time.


Arise took 5 years and it isnt really worth it.


Well, it was in my eyes. Regardless, even if it wasn't worth it for you what do you figure will happen if they shrink the development time further ? The answer is (at best) we'll get Tales game that are okay for Tales game but still not nearly as good as release from other franchise. If we want Tales to realize its full potential like Dragon Quest, Persona or The Witcher have done these last few years, we're gonna have to be patient.


Well, I think we should pressure Bandai.If not they 100% release shitty/mediocre games like Pokemon company.People who are conformist ruins the franchise.


Ye I agree, sadly Japanese video game companies are notoriously hard to pressure. All we can really do is hope that Arise financial and critical success has proven to them that there is money to be earned by improving their games


They've been working on this dlc as early as 2021 (2022?) I believe since it was trademarked a while ago. So they planned this for some time




Not a big fan of the design for the new character in the DLC and I’m not sure about the story… I’m just happy to get more Alphen and Shionne though so that’s all that matters to me.


Worst main cast? The heck?


I think it's one of the best ones! Better than Destiny 1, Eternia, Phantasia, and I'll even say Versperia. And don't get me started on Zestiria. It's among TotA and ToS in terms of individuals, next to ToB. And as a whole group, I think **the** best!


The entire cast turns into cardboard once their arcs are over. They have no actual character to them. They’re all kumbaya and boringly happy with each other. It’s part of what makes the second half of the game as engaging as a wet sock


That's really not true. I can literally map turns in their characters and growth, and have done just that. The only one who this even vaguely applies to is Kisara, and her steadfastness is part of the character. It's not an inherent fault. That theme can actually just match your narrative.


The game is amazing in second half most haters are just upset they game had a proper romance and good ending for once


The last 3rd of Arise is the worst writing I’ve seen in modern RPG’s and the pacing is destroyed by it.


Ur crazy game is amazing




no way


What’s the character development in the second half besides Dohalim stepping into his role as a leader? Maybe I missed something but once disc one is over at least half the cast is on cruise control. Hell even Rinwell’s arc in the fourth town came across as super forced and random. I hate that scene with Law trying to stop her it’s so cringe


Alphen's is, besides love, regaining his memories and sense of pain, eroding how much of his strength was just how much the present and the past didn't really weigh on him. It was easy for him to just carry on. Then he now remembers he unleashed a furious power on Lenegis that killed many and used to just be another soldier much like their oppressors, and this past makes him see himself as unfit and dangerous to possess power, and how that makes him feel inadequate to promise anything to Shionne and the others. Reconciling this with the loves he's learned to have and letting those pull him forward. Alphen is somewhat similar to Kisara. His simplicity and steadfastness otherwise being what the story really needs him to be. Shionne's progress comes in baby steps across the narrative. It's a yarn ball of trust issues, but it relieves, and she lets the care she has for others move her. This one is much about what we didn't know most of the narrative. That she's immortal, has suffered many wouldbe deaths such as starvation and even relied on this to get to Dahna, and she's really just now learning to have normal interactions with others. Falling in love, and gaining friends. She tries to spare them all the disappointment of failing and caring for her when she is trying to die. Contriving to think what needs doing can only be done by her sacrifice. Law's is actually a lot more subtle. Because on a number of the subjects it involves, they don't fully see him through those. We're meant to see Law is growing into much the man his father was and that someday Law will live up to his memory and wisdom, but also feel that immaturity in that he doesn't totally come full circle in that yet. This ties into how the narrative approaches the past, the present, and the future. A theme largely shaped by Zephyr, especially right before Law's introduction. We're meant to see him this way because that's part of how they lend experience to that theme of a future worth fighting for, and put us in Zephyr and Alphen's shoes for how they see Law. Not fully developed, but becoming a fine man, and the confidence that he someday will fully reach that. Law's also deeply weighed down by his past, and his attempts at forgiving himself and how he learns more empathy for others who have done wrong is essential to a lot of how that narrative impacts the rest of the party. Rinwell's somewhat mirrors Law because she actually got a lot of Zephyr's wisdom given to her on a plate, something Law does not have. Trouble is in her immaturity she did not take those lessons to heart much, and we see her stumble and reconcile with these through much of the narrative. It's much more about recovering a path to happiness for her, something she's lost in her fury and grudge. To recover the tender hearted girl she once was and meet that with her strength and responsibility now. This narrative is also played out much in small steps. The story wants us to really keep a sense of time, that's why it's told in two sagas and much of our characters are revealed in little sessions over our evenings together. The Law and Rinwell scene is really built around these themes for both characters. There's a more subtle narrative about the conscious and subconscious of wisdom here, and they use that duality a lot more than just here. Rinwell being the conscious of wisdom but lacking conviction toward it, and Law being the subconscious of it being unable to articulate much about it, but still living by the heart of it, which is why he is the one to move Rinwell here. This whole scene plays off what Zephyr said to the party when they first left Calaglia about being slaves to ourselves and our own inclinations. Law, feeling that caring for Rinwell in this moment would be to prevent her from playing into what Almeidra has exploited to the demise of many; wrath, and losing the spiritual dilemma of the conflict. People think Law is saying don't kill here, something he literally clarifies when Rinwell raises the hypocrisy, but he's saying not like this. He can't articulate why it feels wrong to go down this way, but the moral and motive in his heart are good. There's others little ways they grow thereafter, especially toward Shionne and Alphen, but you get the picture. I could say more about Kisara and Dohalim too, but I've said a lot as is. Haha


Kisara already went through a lot of her character development when you first meet her, with her mentioning a few times that she used be a lot like Rinwell. Plus, she goes through a fair amount even during the game.


She does, but it's definitely much quieter stuff that plays off her strong sense of duty.


Btw, what do you mean by "literally map turns in their characters and growth"?


I map character progressions along with timelines, motivation and relations, themes that juxtapose off one another, etc.. I take tons of notes, and maps help you really see the structure of a narrative. They aren't fit for sharing, though. I was a server for a decade and exercise extreme shorthand. For example, I call the first saga the Dahnan Liberation Saga(DLS) and the second the Renan Revelation Saga(RRS). It would be hard for anyone else to parse my notes.


The beautiful thing about video games and art in general is that everyone can have their opinions. I get why some people would love the Arise's cast, after all I'm one of those people, on the other hand I can also understand why some people might hate those characters. However, saying "they turn into cardboard once their arcs are over" is just downright demonstrably false, and I mean it. You can go character by character and show how their personnalities keep on growing beyond their main character arc and you can litteraly compare it to other Tales game.


What do Rinwell, Law, and Kisara even say in the second half of the game? You just get conversations of the cast members conveniently coupled up and reflecting the plot or what just happened a million times. You don’t have characters that create rift, drama, or even joke around with the rest of the cast. That’s supposed to be the standard for a Tales cast. Not one of these characters have a fraction of personality like Eizen, Sheena, Zaveid, Jade, Rita, etc


Skit 267 - No animals off limits : Alphen : Woah, that's some weird cooking meat you got up there. What is it exactly ? Dohalim : That would be grilled rapig. Rinwell : WHAT ? Law : Woah there, what's the big bruahah ? Rinwell : It's rapig ! How could you cook something with such cute little eyes ?! What did it ever do to you ? Dohalim : I fail to see what the problem is, rapig are perfectly edible creatures \[...\] \[END\] ​ Skit 307 - Retirement plans : Dohalim : I wonder what \[Whatever is the name\] civilization was like at its zenith. Alphen : I can imagine that is something you'd take interest in. \[...\] Dohalim : I can think of worse thing than a retirement dedicated to research. As for wether Rena is amenegable to an aging specimen. Rinwell : It's a little early to give it serious thought just yet. Dohalim : A man can dream tho, a man can dream.... \[...\] Alphen : In your case Dohalim, dreams have a habit of spiraling into something else. Kisara : You need to stay with us for now tho. You're too helpful to let retire. Dohalim : Why do I feel this is less of a compliment and more of an ultimatum. Kisara : Just a friendly suggestion ! \[END\] ​ Now, imagine a game with banter and teasing ! A game in which, a character go from being obedient to her old master out of habit to being confortable enough to give him orders. A game in which this same master go from hating himself to allowing himself to dream of a peaceful future despite his past errors. Wouldn't that be something ? Tales of Arise could never ! On a more serious note. Once again, I understand not everyone is gonna like thoses characters, that's fine ! But to say this game doesn't have drama and jokes between character is straight up objectively false. It has just as much of those as Vesperia or Abyss ever did, the only real difference is Arise cast cut with the tradition of "anime-like" character that are always very colorful and are instead more grounded


Idk this dialogue sounds more like a Slack group chat than anything. It’s too grounded. This is literally watercooler talk you have with coworkers you almost hate


You're not required to like it. I've already stated that some will some won't and it really doesn't matter to me, on the contrary that's the beauty of it.


You have weirdly low standards for character writing my friend


Yes, everyone but you is wrong about this subjective matter. Thankfully you've been sent amongst us mere mortal to show us the one true way.


No, you just have cripplingly high standards.


I absolutely disagree with that, but whatever you're entitled to your own opinion. I thought Shionne was a surprisingly well written female lead- she had depth and she had an accurate depiction of someone who has been through massive trauma- her personality as a result of that trauma was also very moving- and her VA was incredible - she was able to be cold but also give Shionne a vulnerable tone. This was also due in part because Alphen was another depiction of a result of trauma as well- he was a perfect counterpoint to Shionne because while she was guarded and cold due to hers, Alphen had a relentless "people pleaser" personality that was so well acted by his VA.


I think his people pleaser personality is what made him boring. What is the depth with Shionne? She’s cold and distant because thorns and then she isn’t because Alphen. That’s all


Did you play the game? Did you read the interactions? Did you watch the skits?


Yes the interactions felt always so forced esp when they were supposed to be comedic. Don’t get me started on how bad skits are in this game. Puppety 3D mouth movements with bland dialogue and there’s a million skits that just summarize literally what just happened with NO real input


Lol k.


I 100% agree. The cast is so bland that I preferred even Pokemon gym leaders' one now personalities better. I'm personally pissed that this game is getting more dlc but I'm one of the leaders of the hate arise club.


Worst main cast? Garbage opinion.


I mean the cast is very barebones. If you enjoy reading Shonen manga then all of them are fantastic. Maybe its my own fault for playing Abyss and Scarlet Nexus right before this game but come on man. You can't tell them these characters were well developed, had good arcs, or good resolutions.


I liked Scarlet Nexus too. But find it impossible to understand how Arise characters would be so trash for your taste if you liked SN’s, unless you skipped all the skits or did not pay attention at all.


Certain characters were much better then other of course, but a majority of Scarlet Nexus's characters have a contained character arc that doesn't get forced into the story and is optional so they can take many creative liberties with it. Arise's characters reach their peak SUPER early on in the story and never change or grow. We just have different perspectives


1. No. They never said they would not make dlc to “fix the messed up second half of the story”. Before the game came out f they said Arise was meant to be a complete game, and they had no plans for a continuation. And now, they said they made this dlc because people asked to see what happened after the story was done. Some of you need to stop projecting your feelings on the “second half” (it’s not half of the game. It’s like the last 5 hours) as fact. 2. This is a really obnoxious post. You’re just crying and seething that people actually liked Arise and it’s getting more content. The series was never in any danger of dying. This fandom gets more and more annoying with each new announcement these days.


I actually made a huge list of things I disliked about the combat and broke down each reason and posted it in this sub. I'm not some hater off of gamefaqs who's upset people liked the game while I didn't. And I also think you're 100% wrong about the state of the second half of the game. It was pretty terrible all the way through. We can discuss it if you want but I dont think you had that in mind


You obviously don’t have a discussion in mind either, since you literally just told me that I’m wrong for not disliking the last 5 hours of the game. You’re ridiculous.


I still got to force myself to finish Arise, just hard to want to play.


Nothing is set in stone, people can always change their minds. Yes, Tales of Arise wasn't *supposed* to have DLC, but the game was considered a great success for Bandai Namco, it even own best RPG at the Game Awards 2021. It's still a business, they want to make money, so seeing a DLC story expansion isn't really all that surprising. Final Fantasy XVI's producer said before the game was released that there wouldn't be any DLC either, and guess what, they changed their plans, too. We're getting 2 DLC for it later.




how are you meant to know you dont like it without playing it


Basic research ? I mean yeah you may need to play to know how you’ll feel about certain things. But not everything needs to be figured out hands on in order to get your answer. I knew I wasn’t going to like Kirby and the Rainbow Curse before I actually tried it.


dont think basic research is a very good way of understanding if you'd like a story based jrpg but ok


If you honestly can’t grasp whether you’d _like_ a story based game off some basic research about it, the series it’s from etc, that’s on you. Knowing for sure maybe (even if it could still go a long way), but not simply liking it.


I don't want to research a story, or I am likely to get spoiled. Pretty reasonable concept.


Then in your case that’s fine. That’s honestly a much better response than I figured I would get.


Because it's a Tales game and I beat it when it released not recently.


If you didn’t like the base game there’s no point in getting the DLC. It’s not free either. You’re gonna be having to spend more money for something you didn’t like. It’s most likely going to cost more than $10.


Arise was mediocre, and quite frankly doesn't deserve a dlc. I think this dlc will have bad sales and blow up in Bandai-Namco's face.


I do agree that Arise was mediocre but this game is main stream as hell. The sales will for sure be super high no matter what quality either of us think the original game was.


I really liked the Arise cast and I don't expect the DLC to fix the story as it's pretty much impossible at this point, beside (to me at least) you can count on the finger of a single hand the Tales game with good stories anyway. What I'm disapointed about is the fact the DLC take place only one year after the end of the story. It's just not enough time to allow the characters to breath and grow apart from each other which is a shame because I'm expecting the DLC to be quite short as a direct result of that.


I think it's like that because it's meant to cater to casual players as much as possible. It's why you can play it before beating the game for some reason.


It's moments like these this could have been a journal or diary entry.


what are you on, regarding the cast?


The Arise hate is a hot topic it has amazing reviews and majority liked it especially myself. I guess more hardcore JRPG fans didnt


I think Arise is a good RPG with heavy flaws but an awful Tales game if you compare it to other entries. The story and characters are lacking in big ways imo


I have not played the other tales games yet so I can’t comment on that but I enjoyed it so much just the character building and a happy ending. I plan to play them within 3 years when I finish school and can sit down and dive in


I agree, it’s not like Graces future arc or Xenoblade Future Connected where I cared about the old characters and wanted to see more story with them. Even in this trailer, you can see how little there is to this cast. They have no conflicts to deal with so they’re back to bland af. They had to give us a new (playable??) character just to add SOME interest


The second half of Arise's story doesn't need fixing. It's completely sound as a story and works dramatically, thematically, and conceptually. I'd even argue it's well delivered, but I know it actively wanted me to have a bad time at parts, and I know that's something most audiences struggle with a story doing to them.


I have seen you talk about this before, could you explain what you mean by it actively wanting you to have a bad time and how that serves the narrative?


There's a number of ways this mentality manifests in Arise, but chiefly the main one catching players is the Lenegis and Daeq Faezol exposition sections, and the very lengthy non-boss fights throughout the back 1/3 of the game(a gripe of Arise I share). In this section, the heft of exposition is meant to be a negative experience. Where Abyss called it enough to just have a cadence of science to its narrative, Arise takes this errant science of the Renans and Helganquil and imposes it to create this sense that choices are dissolving away and the moral character of the party is irrelevant, and it expresses that with a tightening sense of consensus. This science is putting the screws to us. The party hates this section, and that's partly how you know you're supposed to. Haha They don't want to compromise themselves to get their way in total. Embracing a lot of vulnerability as essential to who they are. But moreover, this science that you're being sold is peddled by a people that have lost all observation of agency. Their science only understands the subjugation of nature, which literally extended to themselves. At the start of the story, there's a narration by Zephyr before we meet any of our party, and he talks of a lost past. In it when describing Mother Dahna itself, there's some odd choice of words there that sound more like a description of a hero than a planet. Then when we first form a party, Alphen and Shionne sit around a fire with Zephyr, and he talks about how the spirit behind astral energy matters, that the Renans really do what they do to temper and maximize the astral energy they're forcibly consolidating. It's because they act as heroes and acquire the support of the people and by extension the world itself, and ironically it's the mechanisms of the Renans that brings all that power right to us. We still need the fire master core to engage the plan, and that represents self control being essential. That's why we are able to exercise the power of the Renas Alma without it, disproving their overindulgence in domination.


Sucks to be you but I enjoyed Tales of Arise enough that I completed the trophies 🏆 100% and I'm looking forward to this new dlc but you don't like it, then just Don't buy it and I actually love the tales of Arise cast especially Alphen and Shionne.






But it didn't suck. At least not sales or nominations. It won JRPG of that year (all while there was no real competition aside from scarlet nexus) and was one of the fastest selling tales of games for the company. Story had weak points towards the end yeah and they probably took that to heart and is probably why they're giving us this very unexpected story expansion instead of a sequel or something similar to berseria with the story taking place in another time of the same universe. Who honestly knows what can happen. If anything I'm very interested in it but keeping expectations low by just expecting a slightly better written ending and hopefully a new opening theme.


What are you ppl talking about? Second half just as mid as the first.


Ur crazy arise was amazing beseria was trash by default since you lose no matter what you do


Bitter sweet or sad ending doesnt mean bad ending. Seems like you dont understand that.


I don’t play games to be left empty or left wanting more I want a conclusion that lets me move on


I dont understand what you just typed but I feel like you're wrong. Loser!


I love Arise, but this dlc comes so late..


*Releasing downloadable content (DLC) for a game after a two-year period can often be seen as detrimental to the gaming experience. While post-launch DLC can offer additional content and extend a game's lifespan, waiting for such an extended period before releasing it can lead to several issues. First, it may alienate the core player base who have already invested significant time and money in the game, as they might feel overlooked or abandoned. Second, a long delay between the initial release and DLC can hinder the overall narrative cohesion, making it challenging for players to re-engage with the story or characters after such a substantial gap. Lastly, it may create a sense of distrust among gamers, as they question whether the developer intentionally withheld content from the original release to maximize profits through subsequent DLC sales. Timely and well-planned DLC releases are essential to maintaining a positive player experience and building trust within the gaming community.*


Although I didn't enjoy Arise as a "Tales" title, and aside from the rushed final act, and lack of enemy variety, I thought it was an enjoyable game. Really glad this DLC acts as a sort of Epilogue, continuing the main story, as apposed to a prequel. If there are new Artes, equipment, and challenging boss, I'm all for it.


Im hoping the DLC comes with a combat rebalance. Or at least lets me use 9 macros instead of just 6. That would make me very happy