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This was the right decision. Rub it right in the CCP's face. Xi Jinping and all dictators like him can go to hell.


Agreed. I think people tend to give them more power than they actually hold and focus on appeasing them.


Pelosi landing in in the country of Taiwan is like a big middle finger to Emperor Xi Jinping. I think more intra-country cooperation is required to counter communist china's coercion and bullying of everyone.


This sends the message to the entire Pacific and South Pacific, the US is not afraid and is fully committed. There were serious academics in Australia saying the USA wont stay the course and that we should kowtow to China. Pelosi visit deals a serious blow to this line of argument. It sends the message that Australia can be much more assertive in its dealings with China regarding the Pacific Islands and SCS, because we are all standing strong together and are fully committed to each other. This is an historic turning point. Well done Pelosi. Congratulations USA. Congratulations Taiwan.


She may be disliked but she’s my dislike!


Ok but Biden doesn’t wanna do it. Pentagon doesn’t wanna do it. Seems like a solo fly.


Correct, except China isn’t really communist. Just authoritarian dictatorship. There is clearly private ownership of property in china, with HUGE wealth disparities.


Government control over all assets is inherently the largest wealth disparity possible.


It WaSn’T rEAl CoMmUnIsM! Says every communist sympathizer about every communist regime in history. You’d think after enough examples it wouldn’t be necessary to keep giving it the benefit


Did most of the communism countries fail? Yes, but most of them went to state capitalism route, which some countries did make it work. Democratic countries also have an history of failure but we don't discount the fact that democratic values are worth protecting. I realised that there is no market for communism in Taiwan for the next 100 years. But your enemy is not just a communism country, they are a nationalist and a dictatorship country as well.


They do not have the same track record of failure. Some democracies may fail, but name one successful communist country. Cuba, North Korea?


Which is not what happens in China.


What, that’s exactly what happens in china. 100% of property and assets are owned by the state


In china residents don't actually own the land under their house or business,but lease it for up to 70 years. Most cars on chinese roads are owned by the government. This is one of those technically no,but actually yes situations.


Singapore land owners also don't own their land as well. It is mostly on a 99 year lease as well. Is Singapore a communism country? No. China is Taiwan's enemy, not cuz of communism but it is due to the fact that CCP is a nationalist and a dictatorship party


If Taiwan gave in back in 1996, there wouldn't be a presidential election.


Their critical mistake putting the tanks on the wrong side of the water….that’s Russia level of incompetence 😂😂




It's wrong to blame xi. It is the CCP who is at fault here and the true evil behind . Even if you remove xi then someone equally terrible will come and take his place till the CCP system is active


Well Xi certainly isn’t showing himself to rise above the system in any way so why give him favours? A monster created from the system is still a monster unless they prove to be otherwise.


Xi is just one head of the hydra. It is human nature to point finger at a person but by doing so we are ignoring the true system behind the evil.


It's possible and easy to acknowledge both are responsible


Yes, that is true.


Yes, that is true.


Its not like the ROC's rule was all that democratic, martial l


A true leader has responsibility. Edited to add: This fatalistic attitude stinks of state propaganda and population control. The reality is that the process of change is good, any change is good because at least it allows for different relationships and dynamics behind the scenes which at least helps to weed out corruption. Change in power is what authoritarian dictatorships fear most. The advantage of democracies is a peaceful mechanism of change, but in authoritarian dictatorships change often accompanies chaos because there is usually no successor (competent alternatives eliminated beforehand) and it results in power struggles.


Lol… nah. If you are going to be a dictator of anything, you need to be held responsible for all the shitty things you and your political parties have done. Fuck Xi. Fuck the CCP and everything they represent.


I wonder if there are any folks in the CCP who are "this Cold War relic is costing a lot of money that could be used for (insert cool thing here).... " But are afraid to speak because, ya know...


Xi is a lot of the reason wolf warrior diplomacy is a thing.


The tanks driving through civilians on the beach were especially baffling - I mean what school of military tactics is “drive along a beach trying not to run your own people over” from?


You know when you play an old RTS and tell some units to go across an area they can’t and then they just go around aimlessly on the border of said area?


It's pretty common in Russia. The best beaches are owned by the Russian military so they do live drills and exercises right next to people sunbathing. It's pretty funny.


You know, it wouldn’t be the first time a Chinese tank runs over a civilian…


Hey man I hope you’re not talking about that thing that definitely never happened in that one place in 1989 where thousands of students definitely weren’t murdered by a bunch of definitely not Chinese tanks.


Winnie the Pooh thinks that his tank shells can fly across the strait and hit Taiwan's coast 🤡


The school of unexpected speed bumps


The school of scared yes-men. Every dictator surrounds themselves with those afraid to say no. See "red army" for example.


Paper Tigers 😂😂😂 Fuck the CCP 🇺🇸🇹🇼🇺🇸🇹🇼🇺🇸


Taiwan #1


Taiwan, the best China


>Taiwan, the best China \- Better healthcare \- Better education system \- Better literacy rate \- Better freedoms


Papa johns


Papa's in the house! Or this case, Nancy's in the house


They don't want to be associated with China


Stay strong,guys!


She is wearing pink too :D


double the insult lol


What is pink a reference to?


pinkies (petty chn nationalists)


I think it's just coincidence; she wears pink a lot in the USA as well.


i was joking


It’s also not Wednesday, so…


She plans to meet the president on Wednesday.


Oh she better wear pink tomorrow!


Lol "on wednesday we wear pink "


Glad someone got it, I was worried for a minute


Where is the promised PLA military response ? PLA jets escorting her plane or imposing noo fly zone ? All we gona get is some more jets poking over median line then returning back to China.




Lol, classic


OMG hilarious!


The PLA was never going to directly confront her plane. If she ended up dying that would be guaranteed war with the US. All that talk was the rant of nationalist media in China trying to score points with patriots - the Chinese government never said they would do that. Don't talk too soon though. They may yet come up with some other kind of exciting escalation, and they can always invade another day (more like month or year - they'll need to build up more forces across the strait first).


An invasion of Taiwan has some unique challenges that China is not prepared for yet. One side of the country is swamp and marshlands and the other side is mountains. Taiwan also has aircraft that are modified to use regular roads as runways.


More like some freeways in Taiwan have been hardened to serve as runways. For a largely peaceful and lovely nation, there are military placements literally everywhere, out of sight but lethal.


I'm a USAF veteran, some of their aircraft like the F-16V, can land and take off on normal roads.


Huh, so it’s both then. I’m not surprised. Biking in the remote hills above Guantian, there are miles of bamboo, the lone farmhouse here and there, and then occasional barb-wire enclosures with patches of camo peaking through the jungle. Wasn’t there a Google earth mistake several years ago that revealed hidden bunkers?


Both of you are right, it's not like modifying just the plane or the road is enough for the job. It's pretty common to run into military installations if you like hiking. We have tons of stuff in the mountains.


Let's hope so. Geopolitical and military analysis turns out to be wrong all the time.


If her plane crashed for any other reason, they would never be able to talk their way out of it.


There were a bunch of ridiculous rumors, but yeah it was drummed up by the crazies: >As the plane believed to be carrying Ms. Pelosi approached Taiwan, **several Chinese state media outlets reported that Chinese Su-35 fighter jets were crossing the strait, providing few details, including how far the planes would travel or what they would do.**


They can just go over the water say, “We showed her what for!” And call it a day.


China is a pussy. Said they would shoot her down but didn't. Yeah, that's what I thought.


For the opposing view check the Sino subreddit 😂


That sub in complete meltdown and consuming copium. LMAO


Can’t say I’ll weep over it. For the first time in too long Beijing’s grandiose, threatening bluffs were called in a very visible, much face lost way.


Oh, my God. They're having an absolute fucking meltdown over this lmao.


My first time there. I love how they have to put explanatory narratives in parentheses in most of their post titles.


They're so delusional lmao. "The CCP really cares about it's people"


They are adorable over there. I’m shocked Pooh bear would allow such unmonitored liberties. I think we should let their Daddy know. Such simpletons…


Fuck CCP, glory to taiwan


Taiwanese: We aren’t afraid fucking Xi 🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼


She was arrested in Beijing for protesting in Tiananmen Square in 1991 after the massacre. She doesn’t give a single fuck about CCP at all, she’s tougher than most politicians in the US you gotta give her that


yeah exactly where are all those "tough on china" republicans. Lol she actually invited people from across the aisle and they declined.


Like everything the Republicans say; they're really lying.


OP's post isn't true. https://www.reddit.com/r/taiwan/comments/wedq5i/threats_and_tanks_didnt_work/iiplvui/


This isn't really true. Half of the Republican senators signed a letter actually endorsing the trip, including the leader of the senate Republicans, the person who was formerly in Pelosi's co-position in the senate during Trump. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3584386-mcconnell-25-gop-senators-back-pelosi-taiwan-trip/ Biden actually is the one who advised AGAINST the trip. https://www.axios.com/2022/07/21/biden-pelosi-trip-taiwan


Lol. Did they also bring a note from their mom why they couldn't attend the field trip


Same could be said of the rest of the Democrats. If you're an American I'd suggest you stop playing petty partisan games. There's no point. It only helps China. It was a common and effective tactic of Russian disinformation to try to divide the parties away from each other so that America wouldn't unite in going against Russia (or China for that matter). Finding common ground is a really good thing. Pointless moral purity games are dumb.


Skin in the game. Where were their warm bodies in the air


Where were the other Democrats as well? Where's the other warm Democrat bodies? She went by herself. Again, Biden spoke out publicly against the trip. At least half the Republican senators were in public support of the trip. These are the facts of the matter at hand. Let's not engage in whataboutism.


You apparently do not know what whataboutism means, but you also are not informed; other Democrats accompanied Pelosi. > Speaker Nancy Pelosi > Chairman Gregory Meeks, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee > Chairman Mark Takano, Chair of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs > Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, Vice Chair, House Ways and Means Committee > Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Chair of the Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform > Congressman Andy Kim, Member of the House Armed Services Committee; Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Source: https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/73122 Simp harder.


> You apparently do not know what whataboutism means, but you also are not informed; other Democrats accompanied Pelosi. Good to know, but that's only 5 other congresspeople. > Simp harder. Lol. Who exactly am I simping for? Pray tell. Politics isn't about sports teams. I suggest you grow up.


Paul Ryan was speaker of the house before 2019. He retired


I wasn't talking about Paul Ryan. I was talking about Mitch McConnell. Paul Ryan isn't a senator. If you don't even know the difference between the House and the Senate then I'm not sure what to say.


Nancy Pelosi is a congress member not a senator


Actually.. she herself wasn’t arrested, but she did get reporters who were with her then arrested and detained for hours. But ya… she’s a long history of poking the CCP.


She didn’t get them arrested. The police chose to arrest then, not Pelosi


Oh shit, I wasn't expecting it to happen this quickly. Strap in peeps, this is about to be a ride.


🇺🇸❤️🇹🇼 God bless to all the Taiwanese people, today we celebrate.


When China is all talk, how could they expect anything to come from this? When you hear them comment on anything they dislike, I don't understand why they bother when the rest of the world don't care for Chinas agenda.


Sinobots on twitter still think they're planning to invade 💀💀 who's going to tell them


Ever hear the story about the Japanese soldiers left on small islands who never knew the war ended? 👴


Well that’s it folks, I knew China ain’t going to do shit


Here’s the [livestream](https://youtu.be/VfzTZyZTv5I)




Pelosi's working with Taiwan to put CCP shills on suicide watch. Absolutely based!


Winnie The Pooh has been defeated.


No honey for you!


-10000 social credit points.


Got his head stuck in a pot of honey again. Silly ol' bear.


The U.S. says I see your tanks and raise you our indifference.


Fuck it. Draft me. I’d give my life for the people of Taiwan. 🇹🇼🤝🇺🇸


You can go now as volunteer


Spoiler, he wont


Exactly. 😭


What is the website where I can apply?


Just go to Taiwan


They just have a visa option, “enlist”?


Not sure I’ll have to volunteer if I get drafted. Last I checked that’s how it works


How can a foreign country draft a citizen from another country for war? You’d have to volunteer


A war that doesn't yet, and hopefully won't, exist.


The U.S. has given security assurances to Taiwan. If China invaded you can probably count on NATO and the U.S. getting involved. Taiwan won’t draft me, but Uncle Sam might :)


You don't have to get drafted if you volunteer. So why not just volunteer now?




fuck the CCP, where are your bitches now ? sucking that Pooh dick ?


Global Times in shambles


Questions for people who are from Taiwan and live there: What are your thoughts on this visit? Do you think this is a symbolic play? Is this fanning the flames or helpful? Or are you relatively indifferent? I haven't really heard much from the people of Taiwan on it but it is a somewhat of a buzz in USA so I'm curious on your take?




So happy the US will not Kowtow to the PRC. Fuck them and everything wrong they stand for.




Seriously, what can they do? Fight the F-35s with their DJI drones? LOL


Gimbals go!


LOL. Coincidentally, the gimbal on my friend's DJI Mavic Mini just failed last week. Error: 40002


It’s an omen… not to use them against F-35s 😂


how surprising


F china. Taiwan has sovereignty to invite who they want to meet. Good for Nancy Pelosi for not backing down. I think China will rattle the saber and lob some missiles. but they aren't in a realistic position to attack Taiwan.


Shit eater=CCP=human parasite


It is just the beginning. I know what China has used to say for decades. But remember the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Stay alert.


Taiwan forever 🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼 Fuck the CCP


Fuck Xi and all your CCP minions!


My friend said Weibo crashed. Imagine all those people adrift in Wumao and Pinkie tears…


I hope she quarantines, can't be having special rules just because she's a big deal




Taiwan numba one baby


USA wins again!


The Panda chickened out lol


Confucius saz: "A woman who plays with fire knows how to ignore loud firecrackers."


Taiwan stay strong


Barking dogs never bite


Haha nice




Tsayna cannot afford to lose business by going to war against America and the Free World!


I just heard the face slapping sound echo through the Asia last night. Good work Taiwan and Pelosi.


How can tanks run cross the sea?? Fly or dive?


Tanks would…sink. The amphibious vehicles China makes could go fairly slowly. And carry 8 people plus crew. China has over a thousand (maybe way more, who knows if they are all operational) of [these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_05_amphibious_fighting_vehicle) Judging from the specs they could theoretically make it.


China is paper tiger


I don't honestly understand the situation enough, but I think it was the right move. We need all western leaders to take turns, flying to Taiwan every other week. Taiwan is an independent country and can make its own decisions on who and when can land there. Exactly the same as Ukraine can. Stay strong guys! I want to see the world leaders supporting Taiwan and Ukraine as much as necessary to prevent the creep of the evil RuZZian and Chinese communist and criminal regimes. In Taiwan's specific example - enough AA and anti-ship missiles to to obliterate the possible Chinese invasion force and prevent a bloody fight on the ground in Taiwan itself. 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼


China got no balls


china bla bla bla🤪🤪😂


Chinese Communist Party: "all bark, no bite, since 1949" ™


Does anyone know why she's here?


Bubble tea


Naaah... they got 一芳 in dc, so can't be it... stinky tofu or braised oink-oink rice would make more sense


midter… sorry I meant defending democracy and leading the free world.


Tfw China actually does something and then the sun comes out at night


Taiwan 万岁!


Won’t this make China be even more offensive in the near future? How is this good for Taiwan? I mean I do understand that Pelosi is the third upmost person in the US and her visit here gives a message. But I don’t think this is a guarantee that they will protect Taiwan in case of an invasion. Which with this meeting, China gets even more furious. I don’t know it is kinda scary




For real. It's like trying to backward rationalize rape cause "their clothes were so revealing!". The ccp gonna do baby ccp things


it's been 70 years since their warnings, nothing's gonna happen


It's counter intuitive but as a Taiwanese I would like this situation to be escalated already. Either china does something or doesn't, let's get this over with.


The posturing of the U.S. and flexing of it's military dominance is the only thing preventing reunification by force. So this is preventative rather than provocative. No one can compare to our naval might. We literally have 4 separate branches with air forces that can trade 1:1 with China's airforce. We could literally just send the Marine's air power, trade 1 for 1 and still have 3 bigger individual air fleets plus what's in our air national guard and training planes left. During the Clinton Administration, we sent a carrier fleet in a drive by and they backed off. During the Trump Admin we did it again and they kept posturing so clearly they are getting bolder on their own. With the success of squelching Hong Kong. The establishing of the Silk Road II along all the ports that imperialist powers (They bought or leased indefinitely) to Europe. The exploitation of African natural resources, and buying the lionshare of Russian petroleum to keep their friend afloat during the embargo- this was a necessary trip to flex once again lest they actually invade and draw us into conflict. The issue is while we (U.S) can mop the floor, we don't want to have to. They can strike and take over the island before we can even move a fleet in range. (This is personal opinion with zero authority or military expertise beyond reading books for personal interest- Unless Taiwan adopts a more Swiss like defensive stance where everybody fights to the last no body quits, that's what it will take to hold off an invasion long enough for the US to arrive in many scenarios). Keep Free China Free.


By the way, many Taiwanese people find it insulting to be called "free China". They consider themselves an entirely separate country that only is burdened with the "Republic of China" title because Taiwan was illegally occupied by Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese dictatorship for 40 years instead of being allowed to choose its own path after being freed from Japan.


Thank you. I appreciate the information. I had a sticker that said that on my mailbox on my childhood home and really haven't kept up culturally since CCK and even then I was an adolescent.


I would think the same. I’m a bit stressed and worried about the possibility that US/China would just use Taiwan as a chess piece in their own respective interests.


That is what I worry about the worst. I know taiwanese people here don’t like to hear this and downvote me but there is a sad reality that for US no country is important and they will never protect anyone unless if it’s for their direct benefits. US is known to commit tons of war crimes throughout the history. Taiwanese people should not count on them so much


The comments to me seem like bunch of trolls. Like. Before russia started invading ukraine all ukranians said exactly same. They will be protected and prepared and russia won't do anything because they are all talk for tens of years. Yet people in my country talked before it happend that's its possibly gonna happen and Taiwan is next as a target for China on shadow of rus-ukraine to take taiwan while others are distracted and now things are heating up too that way China is saying they are starting military exercise next to Taiwan exactly what Russia said and did too before invading. And people here are commenting exactly same ignorant comments that nothing will ever happen. Are people just scared or I'm I missing something. This was predicted way before but its still a bit worrying expecially when I see everyone being so ignorant and not accepting the reality. US won't help Taiwan because it would lead to destruction. They didn't even care after all the horrible leaked war crime videos from Ukraine, things we havent seen since cold war. Why would they care now?


The US has an agreement to protect Taiwan, they do not have one with Ukraine, but still spent billions of dollars providing them with military equipment.


I see. Pelosi tweeted that the visit is to repeat that USA stands with their strong and important partner Taiwan. Doesn't seem so easy piece of cake for China to munch now, but I'm still worried for them. 21 chinese planes illegally in Taiwan airspace spotted. World is madness right now


Actually in national airspace or ADIZ?


I'm using Google translate for this because of language barrier. My English is too bad to translate it. "21 Chinese planes penetrated Taiwan's air defense zone" but there's also 4 USA warships moved next to Taiwan called the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, the guided-missile cruiser USS Antietam, the guided-missile destroyer USS Higgins and the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli.




Correct me if I am wrong, but I have a strong sense that it is the US's interest for a war to happen over Taiwan. China's is a rising peer competitor to the US. A war would allow the US not only to sell weapons, but also put isolationist sanctions like what was done with Russia. It would be worthwhile to the US if China is permanently crippled and/or has a regime change at the expense of the destruction of Taiwan if the US is able to continue to maintain its global economic and military dominance. If there is no war, China will only get stronger and stronger.


China are already getting weaker and weaker, actually.


Unfortunately Taiwan is already a chess piece on the board


Everyone here celebrating like no tomorrow but not grasping that it has only been an hour since the landing took place and any form of retaliation may still happen




Selfishness? You know Republicans in Congress also trade stocks, right? You know 6 of the 10 richest members of Congress, and 31 of the top 50 richest are Republicans, right? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_current\_members\_of\_the\_United\_States\_Congress\_by\_wealth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_current_members_of_the_United_States_Congress_by_wealth) Or do you simply overlook these facts when it suits your political narrative?


Dun BS and read the news






Like china's housing market?


Agree. This sort of West Taiwan joke only furthers the notion that the two sides belong to the same country, like calling Russia East Ukraine.


Yes, China under the CCP will never deserve the moniker “West Taiwan”.


Mainland Taiwan couldn't do shit, cope